accepting that you’re objectively weird & owning it is infinitely better than being constantly desperate to appear normal to people who don’t even matter to you
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when i was in 5th grade we were reading books to preschoolers and we were reading the book about gay penguins and we asked if anyone knew anyone that was gay and one girl raised her hand saying that she had two moms and then from the back of the classroom a boy started crying and when we asked why he said it wasn’t fair because he only had one mom and she got two and he wanted two moms also
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i think people in the middle ages acutally did know how to make photorealistic drawings they just chose not to because it’s funnier to draw some fucked up creature
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i want so badly to be more offline but alas the siren call of images
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i know i am in my twenties but respectfully nobody i went to high school with should be getting married. it stresses me out. we r only twelve yrs old
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is it though. seriously tell me
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what game devs think are tough choices in games: you have to kill this person or spare them
what tough choices in games actually are: this armor will make you more powerful but it’s ugly
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get off your phone. jack off to that weird fantasy you’ve been hesitant about entertaining. buy an awesome jacket. <- the real steps to self actualization
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*cha cha chas sadly*
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don’t listen to them babe just keep opening more tabs in your browser
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Sorry but this is hilarious
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gays ruined the word hole for eternity
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Pity party for one. Yeah, yeah. no one's joining me. It's just me. A corner table is fine.
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Anxieties! Attack!
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