purujee · 1 year
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purujee · 2 years
After a long time I connected again today. I will continue to share my experiences. Please join me and support me. thank you
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purujee · 4 years
Morning # Nepal🇳🇵
The time comes for everyone. At the same time, man should be able to recognize time. If this person does not recognize time in time, he can melt. People need to be aware of these things. Man has been learning love and affection from his mother's womb. It is important for people to have the feeling that they are good and the world is good. This is what I am thinking today.
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purujee · 4 years
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Biochemistry study-posters I made for last quarter (that i’ve procrastinated posting)
I’ll post printout versions of these eventually lol 
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purujee · 4 years
10 Tips for Studying STEM
Hello! These are my personal tips for anyone wishing to pursue studies in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) course, whether it be high school or higher level. After two years of college, these are helpful things that I’ve picked up. 
1. Supplement your learning. The textbook/reading is great for getting direct information on your subject, but for some people (like me) simply reading information doesn’t cut it. Find videos online (I find YouTube channels like CrashCourse or Minute Physics to be extremely helpful), find animations of complicated processes (especially for physics), and other websites that explain things in a more elementary way. That being said…
2. Summarize readings. Textbook readings can be extremely dense in STEM, a lot of times with important information compacted into mere paragraphs. I suggest jotting down a sentence or two after each paragraph summarizing what you read. It’s a great way to see if you truly understand what you just read. If your reading has equations, jot down each equation (or better yet keep an ongoing list) and what it is used for. This can be helpful later in homework. 
3. Keep your notebook looking spiffy. People often underestimate the power of an organized notebook (and you don’t have to have immaculate handwriting to make this possible). Keep a table of contents at the front so you can easily find each topic. Color coding is encouraged! Also, it’s very helpful not just to write down only what the teacher/professor has written on the board. Make your own notes summarizing what they are saying. 
4. Do homework/study with friends. This is extremely helpful in identifying what areas you need to review. Try to explain topics or homework problems to each other. It’s much more beneficial to try to teach a topic than to simply review it on your own. (Google Dr. Saundra McGuire’s videos to learn more about metacognition and how techniques like this can help you immensely.)
5. Don’t underestimate how writing heavy STEM can be. Often, people assume that because STEM is not part of the humanities that there will be little to no writing. This is not correct. Your writing abilities in STEM will go a long way. One of the most important aspects of STEM is communication, and the more refined your writing skills, the further you will go. 
6. Refine your presentation skills. For some people, presenting is something they enjoy. For others (me) it is a scary and daunting thing that causes anxiety more than anything else. Unfortunately, in STEM, public speaking is a necessary and useful skill. If you have to do a presentation, start as early as possible. Write down, by hand, everything you are going to say in the presentation. Then, summarize it with bullet points. If you are allowed to have notecards, bring the bullet pointed list. Practice your presentation as many times as possible in front of friends, or even your professor if that is possible. Just remember, your presentation will pass eventually and you will come out alive and well, regardless of how you did. 
7. Go to you teacher’s/professor’s office hours. I cannot stress this point enough. Professors are there to help you and if you are struggling, 9 times out of 10 they have helped a student through the exact same issues. They want you to succeed in their class, and I promise that you will not regret talking to them. Worst case scenario is they really don’t know how to answer your question and they will direct you to other resources. It really will not hurt to ask. 
8. Practice problems are your friend. Do them until you drop. I have talked to multiple professors about studying for exams, and they all agree that this is by far the most important thing to do. When doing the problems, make sure to explain each step and why you are doing it. This helps a lot more than just brute calculation. Also, if you get the problem wrong, this can help you score some more points by showing the professor you knew what process to do. 
9. Make sure to have some time to breath. Amidst all the hard work of studying STEM, make sure you take some time to take care of yourself. Rest, eat, talk to friends, listen to music, watch mindless YouTube videos, go for a walk, take a much-needed nap. Whatever you do, make sure you are able to recharge so that you don’t burn yourself out. 
10. If you are doing poorly, see it as an opportunity to grow. Coming from someone who knows all too well what it’s like to fail, see your failure as a chance to change things up. Try different techniques, seek help, and reach out to others in your class. Just because you get a few bad grades in no way means that you are not cut out for the subject. STEM is about discovering the universe, and if that is what you want to do, then nothing can stop you. 
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purujee · 4 years
✍️ Day 1 🇳🇵 नेपाली समय २०७७/०१/१०
अङ्ग्रेजी 2020/04/23wednesday
आज म जन्मेको दिन जन्मदिने बाबू आमा प्रती नमन ।
जन्म र मृत्यु विचको समयको निर्धारक जीवन हो र यही मापकलाई मानवले समय नाम दिएको छ । यही मापकमा प्रकृतिमा अनेकौं प्राकृतिक र मानवद्वारा परिवर्तन हुन्छन् अनि मानवले प्रत्यक्ष अनुभुति गर्छन ।
अबका हरेक दिन म यसैगरी लेख्ने छु ।
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