putrialyumnah · 7 years
PSA: my mental illness is not the same as your mental illness. Your mental illness is not the same as your Aunt Cathy’s or Richard’s from Starbucks or anyone else’s. Just like everyone is healthy in their own way, mentally ill individuals are sick in their own way. There is no one way to be sick. You should not try to measure your suffering according to diagnostic criteria or the way other people experience symptoms. Also, having a mental illness does not make you an “expert” of the field, it means you have a unique and individual perspective on a very vast and complicated topic. 
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Apakah bahagia benar-benar pilihan? Lalu, apakah berarti merasakan kesedihan juga sebuah pilihan? Entahlah. Aku, ingin selalu bisa membahagiakanmu. Namun, kesedihan itu selalu menghantam lebih kuat untuk menyingkirkan keberadaanku.
Apakah perasaan adalah sejenis roller coaster dalam pikiran? Sesaat melambung, hanya untuk terjun bebas dari ketinggian yang tak terbayangkan. Hatiku berdesir antara buncahan adrenalin sekaligus jantung yang begitu lemah dalam seluruh ketakutan. Persis ketika pertemuan singkat denganmu harus selalu diakhiri dengan perpisahan yang panjang.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Understanding Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety attacks are episodes of intense panic or fear. Anxiety attacks usually occur suddenly and without warning. Sometimes there’s an obvious trigger— getting stuck in an elevator, for example, or thinking about the big speech you have to give—but in other cases, the attacks come out of the blue.
Anxiety attacks usually peak within ten minutes, and they rarely last more than thirty minutes. But during that short time, the terror can be so severe that you feel as if you’re about to die or totally lose control. The physical symptoms of anxiety attacks are themselves so frightening that many people believe they’re having a heart attack.
Symptoms of anxiety attacks include:
· Surge of overwhelming panic
· Feeling of losing control or going crazy
· Heart palpitations or chest pain
· Feeling like you’re going to pass out
· Trouble breathing or choking sensation
· Hyperventilation
· Hot flashes or chills
· Trembling or shaking
· Nausea or stomach cramps
· Feeling detached or unreal
Self-help for anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders #1: Challenge negative thoughts
· Write down your worries. Keep a pad and pencil on you, or type on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. When you experience anxiety, write down your worries. Writing down is harder work than simply thinking them, so your negative thoughts are likely to disappear sooner.
· Create an anxiety worry period. Choose one or two 10 minute “worry periods” each day, time you can devote to anxiety. During your worry period, focus only on negative, anxious thoughts without trying to correct them. The rest of the day, however, is to be designated free of anxiety. When anxious thoughts come into your head during the day, write them down and “postpone” them to your worry period.
· Accept uncertainty. Unfortunately, worrying about all the things that could go wrong doesn’t make life any more predictable—it only keeps you from enjoying the good things happening in the present. Learn to accept uncertainty and not require immediate solutions to life’s problems.
Self-help for anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders #2: Take care of yourself
· Practice relaxation techniques. When practiced regularly, relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing can reduce anxiety symptoms and increase feelings of relaxation and emotional well-being.
· Adopt healthy eating habits. Start the day right with breakfast, and continue with frequent small meals throughout the day. Going too long without eating leads to low blood sugar, which can make you feel more anxious.
· Reduce alcohol and nicotine. They lead to more anxiety, not less.
· Exercise regularly. Exercise is a natural stress buster and anxiety reliever. To achieve the maximum benefit, aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on most days.
· Get enough sleep. A lack of sleep can exacerbate anxious thoughts and feelings, so try to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep a night.
Source: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/anxiety_types_symptoms_treatment.htm
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
PSA: my mental illness is not the same as your mental illness. Your mental illness is not the same as your Aunt Cathy’s or Richard’s from Starbucks or anyone else’s. Just like everyone is healthy in their own way, mentally ill individuals are sick in their own way. There is no one way to be sick. You should not try to measure your suffering according to diagnostic criteria or the way other people experience symptoms. Also, having a mental illness does not make you an “expert” of the field, it means you have a unique and individual perspective on a very vast and complicated topic. 
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
I used to be scared of uncertainty; now I get a high out of it.
Jensen Ackles (via wordsnquotes)
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
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Here’s a lil comic we made for Mental Health Awareness Week
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Travel and tell no one. Live a true love story and tell no one. Live happily and tell no one. People ruin beautiful things.
Khalil Gibran (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Bagi seseorang yang depresi, hidup dan mati hanyalah batas tipis.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Banyak yang tidak pasti bahkan hampir semua tidak pasti, yang pasti adalah janji-janji Tuhan.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Untuk kata yakin, yakin hanya bisa di rasakan dan bisa di jelaskan saat ragu tiada.
Bandung 30 agustus 2017. -putri alyumnah
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Kita seperti gerhana, saat bulan dan matahari bertemu, setelah itu mereka berpisah namun akan bertemu lagi.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
takdir kita ya di tangan kita tapi jalannya tuhan yg atur, kita punya a-z tapi tuhan lebih dari itu.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
I’ve reached the point in my life where I don’t really care about impressing other people. It’s great if they like me just the way I am - but if they don’t that’s their loss, and it doesn’t really matter.
onlinecounsellingcollege.com (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Sudah biasa menjadi seseorang yang selalu disakiti, sudah puas aku tersenyum dalam tangis. Sudah puas aku dengan seluruh pengorbanan tanpa penghargaan.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
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Laki-laki tak bisa di percaya terhadap kata cinta sampai bisa di percaya ketika hari dimana ia mengucapkan ijab kabul saat pernikahan.
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Happy birthday to my self :')
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putrialyumnah · 7 years
Aku ingin sekali membenturkan kepala sampai lupa ingatan hingga namamu tak lagi menggangguku. Melihat orang lain dengan namamu tidak harus membuatku memutar seluruh kenangan brengsek itu lagi.
(via mbeeer)
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