pxtitxrosx · 14 days
"I've lived here all my life and I never really did either." The overwhelming cacophony of the city had made her feel anxious and suffocated for as long as she could remember, a world of anxiety wrapped around the oasis that was The Wexley. For so long she'd assume she'd spent her entire life in the building and then die there... and really it was strange how it was so much the same now, but with entirely different context.
Despite what she let on to anyone else, even Roman, Charlie wasn't even entirely sure she would ever leave the building again. Maybe if they all left as a group together, maybe, but the idea of stepping foot onto the pavement outside the building filled her with absolute dread. Images of her brothers and the others as chompers out there haunted her nightmares, and her waking hours were spent avoiding it.
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"I know. If they ended up further away, with all the tall snow drifts... I mean, maybe the thawing snow will make it easier for them to make it back." Ashton, she was sure, would hold onto hope until the last thread, and her appreciation for that was endless when her own well of optimism was at critically low levels. "You make sure to check in on the walkie's every thirty minutes, you hear me? I'll be listening, and if you're late with a check in, I'll sick Rosie on you."
Sometimes Ash could tell when Charlie needed to company, or just his presence near her and he'd stick close without hesitation. "I never got used to the traffic," he grimaced trying not to recall his embarrassing lapses over the overwhelming noise of New York, honestly pretty thankful for a certain peace and quiet, because this, just groans below, he could drown out.
He knew what Charlie's reaction would be, but he still needed to tell her, not wanting to see her face when she finds him sneaking out in the middle of the winter night again. Besides, he knew she's exhausted most of her reasons for him not to go out there. "Aw thanks," he lightly bumped shoulder with her, he hoped that the dry clothes and food won't just be for him and instead for any others he can bring back home. "...I know. That's why I have to go, every chance we get," they've had this conversation multiple times over the winter already, but every time Ashton comes back empty handed other than some addition supplies, the hope dims ever so slightly more, "I'm trying to figure out where they might’ve gone to."
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pxtitxrosx · 19 days
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LADY JESSICA & LETO ATREIDES Dune (2021) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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pxtitxrosx · 21 days
"It's funny..." Eyes looking straight out, avoiding street level, they slid over to Ashton with a hint soft smile, standing close enough to his side that their elbows could brush together. Since that horrible night what felt like years ago, she'd done whatever she could to stand as near to Ashton as possible when she could, drawing consolation from his presence. Without Ashton, she'd have no family left, and it made her fiercely overprotective of him. "I don't even really hear it anymore. It's just sort of background noise. Like the traffic used to be." It was kind of amazing how Human Being could adapt to almost anything.
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Her smile, though, faded at his announcement to her, brows rising in sudden concern that threatened to verge onto the beginnings of panic. It was the same every time he wanted to leave the building, though she refused to try to stop him anymore. It wouldn't work anyway, and she knew by now it would be a waste of breath and energy. "I'll make sure to have some dry clothes ready for when you get back and that there's a quarantine package ready." Mostly snacks from dry storage and instant coffee packets, but it was enough to add some comfort between delivered meals. "They are out there you know... Jer, J.P., The others..." Maybe it was just the sun, but who could be sure? Turning back toward the view, there was a surprising bit hint of confidence to her brow. "I can feel it."
Winter had been.. trying. Not physically since they had enough resources to last, but mentally at the cost of that luxury. Ashton saw the opportunity of Winter to still scout around throughout the season with the lessened hazard and danger with most of them frozen, stagnant or slowed, the earlier they could find their people the better. But with spring arriving it either brings new hope to venture further out, or loses all hope of the other surviving the harsh cold. Not gonna lie he has been itching for a drink, subconsciously wandering into the bar to find no alcohol and only Charlie by the balcony. "Doesn't sound beautiful," his words came out as a soft chuckle. He folded his arms onto the railing and leaned forward as they listened to the silence being broken up by moans and groans from the streets. "I'll head out again, tomorrow maybe, once the streets clear out from them."
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pxtitxrosx · 21 days
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"It's almost enough to forget just how long the winter felt." Despite the relative comfort they'd spent it in, the winter had felt like it'd lasted an eternity, every long dark night stretching into seeming years. With the sun came new hope, and it lifted a bit of the gloom that had been plaguing her, an effect only bolstered by Ria's easy good naturedness. A god given gift that had been. Were anyone to ask Charlie, it had been Ria who had been the key to all of them maintaining their sanity. A spot of sunshine they all needed. "I just hope they don't start to really smell when it starts to get actually warm."
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"Right? I forgot how nice standing in the sun feels," she replied, closing her eyes and turning her face towards the warm rays as she stood by Charlie's side. It was a pleasant change and for a moment made her forget the pain that winter had brought. It wasn't long but it was something. "Alright! Time to get tanned for this summer. Can't let the zombies look more summer-ready than us and they're outside all the time."
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pxtitxrosx · 21 days
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You thinking what I'm thinking? More often than I care to admit. HOPE & LIZZIE in LEGACIES (2018-2022)
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pxtitxrosx · 21 days
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Ratatouille (2007), dir. Brad Bird
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pxtitxrosx · 23 days
✮ - Ash 🥺
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"You know... I feel like we're all family now, those of use who are left, but Ashton... is just about as close to blood as it gets for me. He's... the only brother I have left now. It kills me that he's so desperate to get back out there and find everyone, and don't get me wrong, if anyone could it'd be him... but... it's just so risky and I don't know if I could handle losing him... after... the others."
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pxtitxrosx · 23 days
✂-  For  one of the worst mischief they did.
Charlie once printed out a scary ghost face from the internet on the diner computer, cut it out, and taped it in the corner of the bathroom door to the scare her brothers. When that was wildly successful, there became a period of about a month where that face popped up all around the building, much to the chagrin of nearly all the other residents.
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pxtitxrosx · 24 days
My muse cannot lie ! Send :
( feel free specify a context for each symbol )
💓  - And a name to ask if they would start a relationship with them. ⇕ - And a name to ask if they would sleep with them. ✮- And a name to hear their real feelings for them.< ☠ - And a name/ topic to hear what they hate the most about it/them. ✂-  For  one of the wrost mischief they did. ₪ -  For a kink. 回 - For a phobia they have. ✦ - For a guilty pleasure. ◎  - Next to any question to have it answered sincerely, no matter how personal or embarassing.
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pxtitxrosx · 28 days
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Where: The W's Balcony When: March 2nd, Mid afternoon
Despite the chill still in the early spring air, Charlie couldn't help but stand in the sunshine as it fell warm on her face. Just being outside in the fresh air, and the soft breeze was rejuvenating after such a long, dark, winter. Glancing over her shoulder as someone joined her, the smile on her face was easy and genuine, far lighter than it had been the past several months. "Finally, a beautiful day."
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
Since the moment she'd woken that morning, Charlie had been going over the contents of her pack, in her head, on a loop. Water, flashlight, chalk, food, first aide kit, gun. Water, flashlight, chalk, food, first aide kit, gun. Water, flashlight, chalk, food, first aide kit, gun. There was no question she was prepared and by the time she stood beside Ashton at the door the list had become almost a calming mantra. Even the word and heavy weight of the gun from her brother's stash was a reassuring weight right now. Most people would be surprised to find out that Charlie was a crack shot, lessons from her brothers as a teenager had revealed that, but after over a decade without touching a gun she was probably pretty rusty.
Eyes dropping to the knife, something she was actually incredibly comfortable with, it was like holding hands with a friend as her fingers closed around the hilt. "Emergencies, right." Nodding her head as she slid the weapon into her pocket, her breaths were purposefully slow and deep as she worked to combat her nerves, which surprisingly weren't all that bad. Without the hustle and bustle of the city outside the door battering her with noise and overstimulation, the quiet was calming.
"I think I'm ready." Even her smile was less shaky, and for now she was filled with a little optimism for how this would go. "Funny how this feels so much like that first time we went to the grocery store, and yet also... entirely different. Probably the fact that I can actually breathe.
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// int. back alley doorway - day @pxtitxrosx
After the whole incident with the gas leak, Ashton and Charlie had postponed their planned outing for a couple of days, just till everything stops spinning for Ash to ensure their time outside was absolutely safe. She was being brave to step outside, best he be of clear mind to ensure her safety. "Check that we have everything," he said softly as he laid everything out in front of them, letting this list of things sink in for her; backpack, water, flashlight, chalk, protective gear, handgun, emergency food, emergency kits. Even those this was going to be a short run, they can immediately turn back, but it's good to prepare for the worst, should you get stuck outside for a night, you need everything to survive longer than you think your run will take.
He passed a sheaved combat knife to her, "for emergencies," he explained as he packed up the rest of their gear. "How are you feeling?" Ash asked as he slung his tactical sling bag over his better shoulder. "Anything else you wanna go over?"
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
"Silly and Reckless are his most obvious personality traits, that's for sure." Letting the giggle that boiled up in her chest free without restraint, her head bobbed in easy agreement. "Hey, I totally get it. I mean with all the stuff going on on top of... well... all the other stuff going on, it's not a big surprise." Really she was pretty sure they all needed some form of reassurance or another. For once, neither of them seemed to be among the minority. At least not in that regard.
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"Once winter really hits and we're all stuck in here together, hopefully things will calm down. I'm sure we'll all end up in some sort of routine, and that's generally pretty calming to people." Charlie herself had always been a creature of routine, and thus was very familiar with how comforting that it could, in fact, be. "Besides, Christmas tends to cheer people up. I got some plans with Ria and Rosie and Mr. W about how to bring the cheer for the Christmas and Christmas Eve. I think we could all use a little lightening of the mood."
Zach smiled at her words, feeling it slightly reminded him of how he felt about Courtney without realizing it before it was, well, too late. The premonition of love, just like he thought. Maybe this apocalyptic love story would be better and he wished Charlie and Roman the happiness he and Courtney weren't lucky enough to get. "Yeah. No point indeed."
They both seemed happy to switch to a different subject, not a lighter one, at least not in Zach's eyes, but still better than their love life. Besides, Charlie clearly enjoyed talking about Skyler, her reply as sweet and full of love as possible, but definitely not like she was trying to hide something important. He really was like a brother to her and she presented a picture he thought sounded... believable. "I've only noticed silly and reckless," he said jokingly, "But if you're saying we can trust him... Yeah, I believe you." Zach paused, unsure if he could and should share all his thoughts with Charlie, but after a moment he decided it would be better to keep them to himself. "I just needed some reassurance, especially in the light of current events. I... don't think you're surprised, are ya?"
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
"Well usually it isn't an issue." Charlie generally picked at food through the work day, and gave her free meals to her brother's. There wasn't much use for fresh anything in their household, the fridge housing little more than beer and frozen microwavable snacks. In fact, most of their cupboards were studied with quick grab and go things as well. With Charlie usually at the diner, their little apartment kitchen saw surprisingly few meals cooked in it despite Charlie's predilection towards cooking.
The influx of cacophony with his opening of the for almost had her pulse cooking her completely, cheeks filling with embarrassed color even as the rest of her face paled. Two blocks. It sounded so close, so ridiculous to be scared to go such a short distance. Ridiculous, and yet here she was, choked with abject terror.
"I-.... I don't know if I can." Code strained she loved at him with shameful apology written all over her face. It'd been at least five years since she stepped foot outside of The Wexleys doors without Jeremiah. "I want to... I just..."
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Having just moved here a month ago, Ashton himself was still getting used to the hustle and bustle of the city, oftentimes being way too loud for him. Neither did he know many people yet, with the college term starting in another month to go. He had mostly spent the breathing time between leaving the marines and starting his PhD just by well... living. His mom told him it'll be good to settle in, take a break, make friends, rest and relax. Well, he does not feel relaxed, nor is he going to go around randomly making friends. Charlie and Jeremiah so far were the only people he's properly gotten acquainted with so far. Nice people, floor neighbors. Don't pry too much. Seemed like a good start to his residency at the Wexley.
He had been working out his schedule in preparation to study full time, something he hasn't done before so he's been meticulous about it, fixing his grocery trip bi-weekly. But this time, he found himself heading out on his trip with Charlie after a chat with her older brother. "So much, you don't even know," he simply replied as they walked through the lobby, "how would you guys even have enough for dinner from just the convenient store?" He initially walked ahead with fast, rigid strides, unaware for just how hesitant Charlie was being until he paused by the front door, looking back to her behind him. "You alright?"
Glancing back out at the busy streets, Ashton had forced himself to desensitize to the noise of New York over the month, not wanting to have the same episode happen again, not like he'd had a Jeremiah saving his ass every time he's out there. But Charlie seemed more terrified than ever, despite having been in New York all her life. Strange. "The grocery store is just two blocks away, it won't be too far, c'mon," Ashton pulled open the door, and the cool air rushed in and noise polluted the quiet lobby, he waited for her patiently, deciding to extend a hand to her.
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pxtitxrosx · 2 months
@ashton-ryder @skylerb @romanxdrake @postapocalypsemalone
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Sometimes I Think About Dying (2023) Dir. Rachel Lambert
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