pyralspiite Ā· 1 month
The reason fat cadavers are not accepted for medical programmes is that you need to cut through every layer of fat carefully. Which takes time, and lab sessions are inherentely limited in that. It's better for med students to spend that time looking at what organs actually look like in bodies. This isn't fatphobia, it's just .. the way dissecting bodies works? In the same way surgeries on fat people take longer because there's just physically more tissue. The alternative would be to force the med students who get fatter cadavers to do more lab sessions at weird times outside of the usual schedules. Or force them to stay over the holidays. Or not let them get enough time to do the lab work they need to. Which imo would be a bit fucked up especially when med school is already so difficult and time-consuming.
Itā€™s fatphobia. Fat bodies absolutely need to be studied. To ignore an entire demographic of oppressed individuals in the medical field for the sake of convenience(?!) is violence. Did you even read the article? They called working on fat cadavers ā€œunpleasant.ā€ Itā€™s fatphobia and itā€™s unacceptable.
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pyralspiite Ā· 1 month
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
crossfaded on a pastry + a little drinky drink
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
Tweakin rn, more random brawl stars art :]
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Simple fang drawing cause
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
His remodel was not necessary šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
okay I saw a post of yours where you mentioned Dave was sexually abused, and Iā€™ve only read homestuck recently and only once so maybe I wasnā€™t paying enough attention, so Iā€™m curious where you saw that? genuine question, not trying to be like, bad faith or anything
Bluntly - This is, in fact, a ā€œnot paying enough attentionā€ issue. Itā€™s tackled incredibly directly, constantly, all the time, in Daveā€™s intro.
I fail to see how constantly exposing your child to fetish porn, keeping them surrounded by sex toys, and literally including them in fetish porn, which is by definition CP by the way, is anything but sexual abuse. Dave is 13 years old, and this has clearly been going on for a very, very long time, judging by the fact that Daveā€™s already reached the Realization Phase and is trying to pretend everythingā€™s fine in a way that indicates that this was once normal to him.
Iā€™m not saying Bro has ever sexually assaulted Dave, we donā€™t have evidence for that. But the sexual boundary between them is practically nonexistent, and that level of carelessness is an act of abuse in itself. I mean, Dave clearly feels abused and traumatized by it, if you actually read the intro and realize this isnā€™t a comedy. Shit, recovering from Broā€™s Abuse is what his whole character arc is about. Itā€™s a little hard to miss - he has several very direct speeches about it. If weā€™re going to accept the Strifing between Bro and Dave as abuse - which it is, textually - we need to accept the other shit, too. The sexual abuse, the emotional and psychological torment, the brazen neglectā€¦ That house is presented like a Saw Trap for a fucking reason, you know? Navigating an abusive environment really feels like being in a never ending Saw Trap.
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pyralspiite Ā· 3 months
neurodivergent fans seeing max /lh
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
handy guide
"The curtains were blue."
Personal Interpretation: I think the curtains were blue because blue reminds the protagonist of his deceased spouse, who loved the color blue
Headcanon: I like to think the curtains were blue because blue is the protagonist's favorite color
Analysis: The color blue is often associated with sadness, so the protagonist owning many things that are blue was foreshadowing his depression
Thinking Critically: The color blue must hold some significance to the author to be using it as a metaphor for depression. What about the author's worldview makes them associate blue with sadness?
Flanderization: Wow, protagonist LOVES blue, his only personality trait is how much he loooooves the color blue for sure. There's no meaning to it, he just loves blue!
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
I have a very genuine question and I come with no intent of provoking anyone, but what do "masculine" and "feminine" mean if we don't go by stereotypes like wearing skirts and bows or having a certain attitude? Or are you saying that wearing pants is masculine is an outdated concept? I can understand that man and woman go well beyond presentation and stereotypes, but I thought masculine and feminine meant just that.
Gender is an ever evolving social construct and complete genuine horseshit, but there are some declarations of what is and is not belonging to a certain gender presentation that are wildly outdated. So yes, Iā€™m saying that ā€œwearing pants makes a woman manlyā€ is outdated, because it literally fucking is. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying this whole time. Maybe that would mean something in a piece of media from the god damn 1800ā€™s, but it doesnā€™t mean shit now, and itā€™s patently ridiculous to act like most women donā€™t have a pair of fuckinā€™ pants in their wardrobe in the year of 2024 in the continent of America.
To look at a woman who is hyper-feminine and declare her masculine on the principle that she is wearing fucking pants is weird and sexist because no normal person thinks that way without themselves also being sexist, often to a very substantial and oppressive degree. Thereā€™s womenā€™s pants. There is a womenā€™s pants aisle. Do you earnestly think a pair of bedazzled bellbottoms with BABYGIRL printed on the ass and no pockets and zero crotch room is intended for men to wear? Because theyā€™re not. Like, Iā€™d love for men to wear that shit, obviously, but itā€™s demonstrably not intended for them to wear - again, zero crotch room, no pockets. Womenā€™s pants are a real thing that exist and theyā€™re notoriously built differently from menā€™s pants. And by differently I mean often built like shit, and this is why some women, regardless of gender presentation, will shop in the menā€™s pants aisle, and this does literally nothing to damage their own femininity.
In the context of Meenah, it is even worse to declare that she is masculine purely on the basis that she is wearing fucking pants, Jesus shitting fuck Christ, because sheā€™s very, very clearly Black coded. This dips straight into Misogynoir, quite clearly. A big part of Meenahā€™s character is her femininity, but sheā€™s often labeled as masculine purely for stupid shit like ā€œbeing meanā€ and ā€œwearing pantsā€. It smacks of how every Black woman has to fight just to be seen as herself, because society so often strips people of the choice to be perceived how they wish to be seen on bigoted grounds. Black women are frequently labeled as manly no matter how feminine they are on the basis of them not performing femininity to white standards - not quiet, prim, dainty, minimalist, subservient.
Any little thing gets a Black womanā€™s Woman Card yanked from her hands. ā€œToo loudā€? Scary, manly. ā€œToo meanā€? Aggressive, manly. ā€œDressed wrongā€? Sloppy, oversexual, manly. Itā€™s practically the default form of Misogynoir. And here people are, proudly declaring it and defending it using some logic that only works in the 1950ā€™s and back, or proudly declaring that saying that wearing pants makes a woman more masculine by default is a totally normal thing to say by pulling out some absolute Spiders Georg examples. Tone deaf.
Itā€™sā€¦ Really not that difficult to parse, but Tumblr has an issue with recognizing any form of misogyny or racism, especially in itself, Jesus Christ, soā€¦ What can one expect.
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
things in this world that kick ass
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
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woke up, mxster freethem... woke up and... smell the pronouns
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
gays ruined the word hole for eternity
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
patient: bleeding from every orifice and in respiratory arrest
houseā€™s shoes:Ā 
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
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this is so funny. ducklings from wish.
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pyralspiite Ā· 4 months
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This meme's ruining my fucking life
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