pyxelle · 10 years
;-; yes.
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pyxelle · 10 years
Yeah I've got a few ideas but not tons of time for personal artwork XD
Just to make sure; you mean our left or the base's left? I just realized I'm not actually certain because I am dumbface XD
Thanks for the pointers though!
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pyxelle · 10 years
Can't hurt to try, not even close to wanting to submit it right now 'cause I'm not even sure how much interest there'd be XD never actually done a custom ha item.
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Little more definition to the top of the back leg, to add a little more definition between the leg and the butt? Or does that just make the butt look too small?
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pyxelle · 10 years
Oh oops! Oh well, probably just fine anyway :) my theory was the fat at the sides of the hips/thighs might contain or un-fold (what a weird way of saying this) the folds caused by the bum, but I don't know for certain XD
I do think I should tone down the tummy bump, trying to go for a heavier but still with some tone (like you might see in a professional plus-size model) but it's tricksy XDYay bodies!
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Little more definition to the top of the back leg, to add a little more definition between the leg and the butt? Or does that just make the butt look too small?
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pyxelle · 10 years
Just imho,  but at that angle I wouldn't expect to see any definition of the posterior at all;  I don't think it would cut into the thigh like that. I think the thigh would probably overlap the bottom? Is this a good angle for ref? "plus size bikini" on google images has some images that might work to help iron out the kinks.
Wee bit bashful here 'cause before I saw this blowing up on the aytag I was making a slightly plump base myself  (not as full as yours but nonetheless) XDD
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Little more definition to the top of the back leg, to add a little more definition between the leg and the butt? Or does that just make the butt look too small?
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pyxelle · 10 years
Accuweather describes today's conditions as
"sunshine and bitterly cold"
and that speaks to me.
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pyxelle · 10 years
Reblogging so I won't forget, when I have some free time. I love the cover of Fallacy
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I’ve gotten a bunch of new followers recently, so I thought I’d remind folks that I support myself by writing. If you want to read these books for free, though, all you have to do is ask. I’m a pushover like that. 
Fallacy's description:
Born to the vivid heat and unyielding sunlight of Phoenix, Ray dives into her pool and surfaces in a cold lake. 
There is no sun in Qol. She has no family. Ray has never existed—only Laenyn. 
Or so the mad scientist claims. But her younger sister, older and yet smaller than she ought to be, seems to remember their life rather differently… 
In the world of Rewritten, information is hoarded. Any false move or lapse of judgment could have dreadful ramifications. Each character has their own lies to tell and secrets to keep, and the struggle to cooperate despite drastic differences in their own perceptions of their world and situation sends every one of them into danger.
Drop me a line if you want to try before you buy! (or just read it for free—as I said, I’m a pushover, haha)
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pyxelle · 10 years
Reblog if you have a gaming device of any kind
I just want to test the gamer side of Tumblr
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pyxelle · 10 years
Welp, another cavity.
It looks like a one-surface affair, so I hope that helps the cost, but I still won't be able to get it taken care of right away because now that I'm married I'm not under my family's discount plan, which is pretty much the only way I could afford it. Even if I bought a plan today it won't activate 'til sometime next month at the soonest.
Dear teeth, I brush you, I even floss... you know, occasionally. Why you gotta, teeth? Why you gotta?
My mom was once told that the grooves in her molars were particularly deep, maybe I got some of that from her :/
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pyxelle · 10 years
*futile attempt to stifle envy*
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Save me…3 hours have passes since I began inking this.
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pyxelle · 10 years
So basically I have no choice.
How to make a whovian reblog a post:
If you don’t reblog this. Vashda Nerada will come into your room tonight. If you do reblog this. A sonic sound that will repel the Vashda Nerada will play on your computer. Will not scare dogs either. 
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Now tell me Fellow Whovians.. Do you want to take the chance?
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pyxelle · 10 years
This is both gorgeous and adorable ;;
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Forest Spirit
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pyxelle · 10 years
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99K notes · View notes
pyxelle · 10 years
Halp I did a thing
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pyxelle · 10 years
My husband
Talking about game guild:
"I've moved up to vice-president and I've never talked to the president... #bestbidenquotes"
0 notes
pyxelle · 10 years
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My cousin recently traded me a 3ds for an old apple laptop and i didn’t need the laptop OR the 3DS. sooo…. giveaway! Plus an unboxed ps4. my dad bought 2 by accident LOL.
SO. WHAT DO YOU GET?  1. A new Ps4 2. A gently used pink 3DS 3. A gently used pokemon X !!
Rules? 1. Follow my good and best pal, lilkit or her art blog, she’s really sweet and you should go say hi. tbh, I won’t check if you’re following her or not, but go check out her art too! you don’t have to follow me, but it would be nice. 2. Must be in the US (Sorry) 3. MAXIMUM 3 REBLOGS, likes don’t count sorry :(
Deadline!: whenever this gets 20k notes!
Hey good luck owo
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pyxelle · 10 years
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I wanted to do a little giveaway to thank you all for sticking with my art blog, or for following it recently! It’s really nice to see people enjoying it and to show my thanks I’m giving out 2 prizes!:
For the first winner: The Hat films canvas (if they are a fan), and a canvas and 3 pages of sketches of your choosing
For the second winner: A canvas and 2 pages of sketches of your choosing
Rules and points of interest:
Reblogs and likes both count. Multiple reblogs do not.
You have to be following me to enter. Sorry but it’s fair enough really!
Ask box must be open to contact, must also be willing to give your address for it to be sent to
Will be sending anywhere in the world
This will end on Feburary 1st 12AM GMT!
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