qaranai-dotharl · 6 years
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So, most days.
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
Fighting for your life.
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(Featuring @qaranai-dotharl / @kitkat-ooc. This is basically a cut and paste of the RP we had to reveal a bit of Kyrio’s backstory! Minimally edited, to remove glaring mistakes (to me and @shamerathefalloutweeaboo as a proofreader. I’m sure its still rife with them that I didn’t have the effort to pick out. 8D ))
As Qaranai was be out and about, the sound of battle reaches her ears. The clashing of metal on metal - frustrated, pained sounded harsh through the air. Qaranai had a variety of skins and furs strapped to her back already, semi-keeping her promise to avoid danger and battle by hunting mostly boring and easy game to gather the pelts she needed for her surprise. The sounds of battle caught her attention suddenly, too tempting to ignore as she crept closer to get a look at the situation. She scowled at the heavy rain, sweeping bangs out of her eyes as she squinted at the commotion not far from her.
Kyrio was engaged in a battle. Three large Highlanders, two armed with swords and another with dual short spears, all pressing the red-headed Miqo'te; blades glinting with moisture as the rain fell over this battlefield. By the looks of it, Kyrio was ambushed. One of the Highlanders - almost a full hand taller than the others - had what might have been once neatly combed and a kept beard if it wasn’t for the conditions. It would be a fair guess he would be the leader.
Qaranai had been rather docile as of late compared to her former self, in the Steppes. Kyrio made her soft in ways she never imagined she would tolerate. But now, seeing three strangers attacking her love, fury seared through every inch of her. Her cry was loud and fierce, drawing more than one set of eyes her way as she startled the lot of them. Furs and skins were abandoned on the soggy ground as she charged forward, spear in hand, to come to Kyrio’s aid.
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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Despite some sketchy results from the Fortune Tellers, Kyrio and Qara managed to make a decent night out of the Valentione’s activities.
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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Dear god, sleepy intimacy makes me so very happy.
One person sleeping with their head on the other person’s lap. Getting all drowsy-snuggly when they’re too tired to see straight. Being tucked in and kissed on the forehead before they pass out. Gentle touches while they drift off. Trusting the other person to watch over them and make sure nothing happens to them while they’re out.
Just… sleepy intimacy, man.
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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- What is the dumbest thing you have ever done to impress someone? Were they impressed or was it all for naught?
Kyrio laughs out loud, a hand coming up to brush back his longish red bangs. “Mmm! I’ve tried to impress @qaranai-dotharl a few times, actually. We’ve had a bit of a rivalry and I’ve suggested some challenges to try to impress her - walking across hot coals, drinking strong drink without making a sour face. Both times, I just ended up both losing and making a fool of myself.”
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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So stay up with me
Don’t fall asleep
For we only have this moment
Once in our lives.
Next time we’ll meet 
under city lights.
We’re here tonight
Lets make it all
It was meant to be
(featuring @qaranai-dotharl) 
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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qaranai-dotharl · 7 years
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