qeye-blog · 13 years
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Hi everyone, We are please to call upon those members with a golden heart that can even give some help for the upcoming Community Service yearly performed by Queerer Eye. We are welcome to accept anything from your help. Please contact the admins of the group for further information. Thank you very much for your help. God Bless! Sincerely, QE Royalty Admins 
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qeye-blog · 13 years
`•._.•[( Quotes about Relationship )]•._.•´
The reason why its so hard to let go of someone or something that matters the most to you is because of the memories that you had made with that person or the bond that you had created with the thing that is significant to you or maybe because it already became a part of your life making it harder for you to let it go.
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qeye-blog · 13 years
Developing Healthy Relationships
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We all secretly want to learn the process of developing healthy relationships in our lives. Despite the fact that there are more complications in relationships that include various types of people throughout the world, it is important to know and completely understand that we each have the capability and skills that it takes to initiate a relationship, build various types of relationships, and sustain relationships so that they are healthy. Everyone wants to become involved with successful relationships on a personal, social, and professional level. Unfortunately, very few people understand the steps that are involved when it comes to developing healthy relationships. If you want to truly be liked, enjoyed, and needed by those around you, it is important to learn the steps within this guide. By doing so, you too, will be able to become a part of successful relationships in all aspects of your life.
The first aspect to developing successful relationships is to understand that who you are as a person actually defines how you perceive those that you may develop a personal, social or professional relationship with. Ultimately, the identity that you have is your overall perspective. It is important to understand that we are each constantly surrounded by a large number of objects, people, places, and events. However, what we see around us is much different than what someone next to us is seeing. If you want to experience successful relationships, it is important to know, understand, and accept that each person has their own perspective about things. It is also important to appreciate that perspective. It is never appropriate to actually push the way that we see things on others. A simple explanation will do, and allowing them to share their perspective is important as well.
When developing healthy relationships, it is important to ensure that you are completely aware of whom you are. Most people in the world have the capability to easily pass a judgment or opinion on people around them. However, very few people have the ability to do the same when it comes to looking at themselves. As a result of not being able to see how they are as individuals, they are often unable to change their own faults or take responsibility for their own actions. When this occurs, it has the potential to cause many problems in a relationship. If you want to become involved in successful relationships, it is important to ensure that you are able to see yourself for who you truly are and accept the fact that there are certain events and situations where you may be at fault. Once you come to this type of self-realization, it will be easy to develop relationships that are healthy and productive.
The next component to developing healthy relationships is having a high level of communication that is both positive and productive. When dealing with people, you will find that not all conversations are easy or even make you feel “good”, but if things are said in a positive way and are meant to enhance the person in the relationship or all the people involved in a relationship, it will help that relationship to grow. It is important to ensure that you say what you feel when you feel it, but in a way that does not put the other individual on the defensive. It is also important to ensure that you state how you feel when you feel it, but do it in a positive and pleasant tone. If you keep these steps in mind, you will find that developing a healthy relationship is both easy and rewarding.
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qeye-blog · 13 years
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.
Harvey Fierstein (via definitelydope)
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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Actress Lily Tomlin rides in a car during the 2011 Sydney Gay &Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade in Sydney,Australia.
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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Two women
Two hearts
One soul
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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This is the current profile banner for this month of Sept.
Hope you like it!!!
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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Be true to yourself!
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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Trust yourself!
You can deserved more credit!
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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More than being LGBT which is one strand of our being, we are people; a false sense of elitism achieves nothing.
Pride is about having self-pride. Respect, love and honesty for yourself and others. Be with positive people. Help those in need. Maximise time with those who appreciate you and minimise time with those who don’t. Remembering your real friends and family.
AND…Pride also means not feeling you HAVE to go out on the day, fearing you’re missing out; it is OK not to go sometimes, have a quiet one in solitude or with loved ones.
As long as homophobia exists in this country or indeed any other, and as long as people aren’t inclusive of all gay people, religious to atheist, black to white, young to old, fat to skinny, as long as people aren’t accepting of the rainbow of diversity that the LGBT community is and instead want to create divisions in soulless cliques…
…then yes, parading is important to show we are united…and a damn site more fun and sexier than the haters too.
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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Is Pride about help one another as of organisations that need help on the day and truly feeling part of a community!
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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           Let's make it happen!
Reblog if you believe gay marriage should be legalized worldwide.
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qeye-blog · 13 years
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1st Anniversary of Queerer Eye were held at Cubao Farmers Philippines.
Gathering was simply amazing,and like no other event we’ve been to before.There were a lot of conversations about our selves some old friends there and met a whole pile of new ones too,we laugh and of course sharing individual thoughts.
What Queerer Eye has put in place all the members and admin to gathered and will continue to evolve and the event be replicated again next year.
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