qqharder · 7 years
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BPで錬金術を伸ばし、ついにふかふかパンの作成に成功! せっせと作り貯めたパン類と行商妹から買った妹のお弁当を一緒に祝福♪ お弁当もパンも腐らないから安心です(*´▽`*)
四次元で復活させてペットに与えても良し、 既に『何でも食べられる』が発現してしまっているので自分で食べてしまっても良しです!
しかし、この祈りで買いためた麺を一気に使ってしまったので、またコツコツ買い集める生活が始まります……。面倒くさいヨー( ̄д ̄)
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qqharder · 7 years
Elona has an unofficial discord now! Join!
there’s dozens of us!
the game Elona and Elona+, not the other thing in elona tag
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qqharder · 7 years
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So I’ve been playing Elona+ Im not gonna say much more than that it’s very old school, very Japanese, COMPLETELY free, and probably the rpg I’ve ever played.
This is just a quicky of one of my many experiences in the game.
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qqharder · 8 years
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tough crowd
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qqharder · 10 years
doto is love
doto is game
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qqharder · 10 years
sigil works best vs melee right clickers, since ranged heros can destroy sigil easily. only troll/ta are much affected, and even TA then doesn't need much attack speed for a long while due to her bursty nature.
good on you for letting though, though.
I actually yelled at someone
in DotA … I usually never yell… But my buddy deserved it.
We were Venge, PA, Tusk, Centaur, QOP against a Venomancer, Troll, WR, Sniper, and a TA…
He was Tusk… I told him when the game started to get an early point in Sigil.
We were losing pretty hard for a good 15 minutes and I didn’t understand why… Then I checked his skill build…
He didn’t get a single point in Sigil.
I don’t think I’ve ever yelled at someone that angrily before over DotA. I think I scared him. But he deserved that. 
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qqharder · 11 years
that's so season 2.
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qqharder · 11 years
been in drafted dominion queue for 20 mins and counting.
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qqharder · 11 years
Lux needs a bigger rod! A needlessly large one!
*League of oversized weapons*
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League of Legends: The Might of Demacia by xxpuffy
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qqharder · 11 years
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qqharder · 11 years
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qqharder · 11 years
In my experience with league, the jungler will continue to call shots all game, because the meta trends junglers to also be initiators so they will decide best for themselves when to start a fight (and who to start it on). Othertimes it's the support. *In 5v5 fights at least, yolo/duo queue.
-not particularly insightful, but an anecdote with my experience.
-as such, durable champs who can deal a significant amount of damage whilst maintaining decent mobility fare quite well (*riven*, *jax*)
The 3 Shot Callers
So as we all know, League of Legends is hard, and the game provides you with tactical options the entire way through.  Some of them are bad, but most of them are pretty debatable.  What’s fun is that most of that debatability disappears when you know exactly what your team is doing.  In solo queue, this is called map awareness.  In team play, this is called communication.  And if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, this shouldn’t be news, this should just be summary, characterizing the question I’m about to ask: What does a shot-caller do?
Fairly obviously, a shot-caller defines the direction that the team will take, accordingly deeming certain tactical options optimal, and others awful, but piling this responsibility on one person in your team is liable to make you lose.  As it turns out, making every call in a game is a huge fucking job, and there are very few people with the map awareness or multitasking skills needed to pull it off.  Hence the predictable twist: There should be more than one shot-caller.  Precisely, there should be three.
The Laning Phase Shot Caller
It’s you.  Well, not really, but in the laning phase, where everyone is operating in their own discrete units, you are deciding worth for most of your own options.  There are only four places where team play is relevant and the first one (bot lane dynamics) doesn’t count.  The remaining three are ganks, invasions, and objectives, which not coincidentally all involve the jungler.  Guess who should be calling the shots for those?
The General
Once the laning phase is done and there is no longer a “default” for players to go back to, you get left with a pile of tasks that need to get done and no one with the explicit responsibility to do them (minion management is a great example here).  The general’s first job is to assign these tasks to the team, to tell the mage to clear top while the rest of the team groups for dragon, to identify the areas of the map that need to be warded in a minute, etc.  When the map can be managed in a timely and efficient manner, the general’s team can then be ready to contest objectives as they come up, not to mention that they are engineering opportunities for pushing towers later.
The general’s second job is to define the team’s strength.  From personal experience, bad communication as a teamfight is being initiated (by either side) is a good way to lose games, even when you’re ahead, but when a Thresh hook lands, it’s pretty difficult to decide whether to cut losses and run, or dive right in.  Which is why the general should decide before this ever happens.  What I recommend is a rating according to the following scale:
2: Your team is way ahead, and if you play your cards right, you could dive the enemy team 5v5 under their turret.
1: You are ahead, and you would win a teamfight on open ground, but they can still use objectives like turrets or Baron to beat you.
0: As far as you can tell, you’re even.  You don’t necessarily want to fight; you’re not afraid of them, but you’re better served by focusing on the map.  It may not be the laning phase, but you mise well act like it.  Have clumps of 3-4 people at objectives where they are not until you get ahead.
-1: You’re a little behind, and you don’t want to risk a fight.  Focus on objectives and get what ward control you can on the map.  You are now afraid of the enemy team, and you should fight them only if you outnumber them by at least 2 or you have a major tactical advantage.
-2: Don’t fight.  You can’t win.  This is now a game of picks and backdooring, so keep the ward coverage up.
Pick a rating, make sure your team knows it and knows when it changes.  Your team will start dying much less for stupid reasons.  
Lastly, note that unlike the other two shot callers, the general can be any member of the team, as long as they have decent map awareness.
The Target Caller
The last place where the team needs cohesive communication is in the heat of battle.  God that was dramatic.  You need someone to call targets and tasks in teamfights.  Alliterative, but better.  The job is fairly simple: Call the target, usually the person most out of position, and call peels.  The target caller should probably not be a carry role, since their highest priority is to stay alive, which tends to separate them from the center of the action.  I recommend the tank or the support, but it should always be defined before the game starts.
Now of course, shot calling isn’t the only thing that can go wrong in a game; everyone needs their mechanics in order, they need to know how to lane and how to teamfight, but having a dedicated shot caller will tighten the team game in a huge way, and it will mean getting the most out of your teammates mechanical skill.
See you next week.
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qqharder · 11 years
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i got nothing to say right now
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qqharder · 11 years
but alas, if that's what the masses want, the masses shall receive.
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qqharder · 11 years
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qqharder · 11 years
another no cc! (no disrupts nor combat modifying cc)
don't build boots, just damage!
tons of poke and trading power!
NEWS: Jinx, The Loose Canon - Revealed!
Read More
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qqharder · 11 years
Omfg XD I knew it! He’s the slut of Fnatic
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