quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Hoekema has a book called “the Four Major Cults” in which he describes the four major cults of Christianity. The first quadrant major cult is Christian Science. Christian Scientists say that all reality is mental/mind. The first quadrant is always connected to the mind. The second quadrant cult is the seventh day adventists. They are very concerned with following the sabbath. Preoccupation with following laws is connected to the second quadrant, behavior and homeostasis quadrant. The Tetragrammaton Witnesses are the third quadrant world religion. Tetragrammaton Witnesses believe that God is a physical being. They see the tetragrammaton as an angel with a body. The third quadrant is always connected to physicality. Finally the Mormons are the transcendent fourth quadrant cult. Mormonism is pretty abstract and strange, which is characteristic of the fourth quadrant.
A famous cinema Professor at UCSD named Pierre described that there are four primary forms of art. They are first quadrant painting, second quadrant music, third quadrant dance, and fourth quadrant literature. Painting is the most visual. Sight is the first wuadrant sense. Music is most related to hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. Dance is the most related to movement. Touch is the third quadrant sense. Literature is transcendent to the previous three but kind of contains them. For instance in novels you paint pictures with words, there is music in literature, and dance.
There are a lot of quadrant model examples in painting. One example is Manet’s luncheon on the grass. In the painting there are three figures in the foreground and a transcendent fourth figure in the background. Another example is Van Gogh’s Cafe Terrace at Night. Van Gogh was a devout Christian and scholars say that the cross shaped window in the background represents the cross, and the people in the foreground represent the disciples of the last supper. The cross is a quadrant. Matisse’s painting “Dancers” shows five women dancing. People might immediately look at that and say “that is not a quadrant”. But it is important to look at the whole panorama of a system before making judgement. While there are five dancers, Matisse utilizes four colors in the painting. Salvador Dali made a painting called Persistence of Memory that portrays three clocks. Later however, he made another painting called Persistence of Memory with four clocks. This is the three four dynamic.
Pablo Picasso was inspired by the concept of the fourth dimension to create cubist paintings. There are three space dimensions and one dimension of time. Picassos cubist paintings emerged simultaneously with physicists exploring the notion of time being a fourth dimension. Science is the first quadrant domain if inquiry and Art is the third quadrant, so they are opposites, but all of the quadrants are linked and influence each other. Scientologists say there are four components of existence, space which would be first quadrant, time which would be second wuadrant, matter which would be third quadrant, and energy which would be fourth quadrant. L Ron Hubbard gave an acronym to these four aspects, mest. Space is first quadrant linked to painting. Painting is color in space. Time is second quadrant linked to music. Music is sound in time. Matter is third quadrant linked to dance. Dance is matter in motion. And energy is fourth wuadrant linked to literature. Energy is connected to consciousness and literature is the most cerebral of the four primary art forms. Like I said when people have ideas in cartoons, they are represented as having light bulbs go off in their heads. Light is energy.
The quadrant model pattern also pervades music and is dominant in music. For instance, classical symphonies originally used three movements, but later the four movement symphony developed and became the most popular. This is the three four interplay consistent with the quadrant model.
Another example of the quadrant model pattern in music is the famous four note motif of Beethoven’s fifth. The four notes are a three plus one pattern. Beethoven said he received that four note motif from God.
Franz Liszt had a “cross motif” that he put in his works. A cross is a quadrant. Dostoevsky also had a famous four note motif that he would put in his works. Mozart’s Jupiter symphony has five movements. People might look at that and say “see the quadrant model is not present in that symphony, the quadrant model is not the theory of everything”. But a famous aspect of that symphony is a four note motif that Mozart repeats in it. Often you will see that in in famous compositions. Note how Mozart evokes Jupiter in his work. Jupiter is a Greek God. Religion, the second quadrant, and art, the third quadrant are inextricably linked. Other numbers will show up, such as “six movements”, but within one of those movements there will be “four horns”, or something that reveals a quadrant. The quadrant will establish its dominance. Supernaturally this is the case throughout music and throughout all of existence. Before jumping to conclusions that the quadrant is not present somewhere, it is important to closely examine the whole system. Based on my research it will pretty much always establish itself and support its supremacy.
The four main sections of an orchestra are the strings, the woodwinds, the brass, and the percussion.
Dance is the third quadrant mode of art. A quadrant example in dance is the four swan ballerinas that dance in Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.
The quadrant model pattern is also dominant in literature. An example of the quadrant pattern in literature is the four chapters in the Sound and the Fury. Each chapter is spoken by a different narrator. The first section is narrarated by Benny, the second section is narrated by Benjy’s older brother Quentin Compson, the third section is narrated by Jason, Quentin’s cynical younger brother, and the fourth section is transcendent and narrated by a third person omniscient point of view.
A further example of the quadrant model pattern in literature is the four twilight movies.
The quadrant pattern is also seen throughout tv shows and cinema. According to Pierre, there are four primary modes of art, painting, music, dance, and literature. Pierre describes that Cinema is a total art, that kind of utilizes these four primary modes of art. Pierre argues that there was an era of cinema that mainly utilized painting as its dominant mode of expression, and another era that mainly used music, and so on. Pierre described this as a “relative dominant model” where all of the four primary modes of art are used in cinema, but each stage uses one mode dominantly.
An example of the quadrant model in cinema is the four characters of South Park. Kenny would be the transcendent fourth character. Kenny always dies. The fourth quadrant is death. Carmen would be the bad third quadrant character. The third quadrant is always bad. Stan would be the more normal second quadrant character. The second quadrant is always normal and homeostasis. Kyle would be the first quadrant character. Kyle is kind of weird. He is Jewish so he is made fun of by the third quadrant Cartman. The first quadrant and third quadrant are always opposites. Another example of the quadrant model pattern in cinema is the Family Guy Movie. There is a quaternary of men in Family guy. Carl Jung pointed out that quaternaries are seen throughout mythology, such as the four main Gods of the Hawaiians. Carl Jung even argued that the gnostics saw the number four as God. The gnostics worshipped Barbelo. The root word of barbelo, Jung believed, was arba, which in Hebrew means four. In Family guy, the four main characters are the third quadrant Quagmire, the first quadrant Joe Swanson, the second quadrant Peter, and the third quadrant Clevland Brown. Also in the show King of the Hill there is a quaternary of men.
A further example of the quadrant model in cinema is in the Quentin Tarantino movie, “Hateful Eight” there is a chapter called “The Four Passengers”. Also one of the scenes of the Hateful Eight begins with a closeup of a cross. A cross is a quadrant. The number four and quadrant patterns are dominant in Cinema.
Literature is the fourth transcendent mode of art. Cinema would be the ultra transcendent fifth. The fourth always points to the fifth. Literature indicates the nature of cinema. Cinema is kind of literature in motion and brought to life.
A final example of the quadrant pattern in Cinema is the movie Timecode, which is made up of four stories, splitting the screen in four quadrants
The quadrant model pattern is dominant in philosophy. Socrates tried to prove the immortality of the soul. He did this by having Meno draw within the sand a four by four 16 quadrant matrix. By demonstrations of geometry utilizing this quadrant matrix, Socrates claimed to prove the immortality of the soul.
Empedocles was a famous Pre Socratic philosopher. He believed that there were four roots of existence which were the four elements. He linked these four roots with four primordial gods, Zeus, Hera, Nestis and Aideoneus.
On a side note Jewish sages argue that the seven days of creation were a sort of four plus three, where the first four days represent the four elements, and the fifth day would represent, a possible fifth element. Also the reason there are seven days in a week is it divides a month into four equal parts. Helen Blavatsky pointed out that there are a lot of sevens in mythology, but they are usually four plus threes, she said. For instance in Revelations there are seven trumpets, but four are grouped together, and the other three are grouped together.
Heidegger was a famous philosopher, and he argued that existence itself is a “chasm’. A chasm is a cross. He articulated a fourfold in existence of Tools, specific somethings- Gods, tools, something at alls, Earth, Broken tools, specific something- sky, and finally broken tools something at all Mortals.
Kant had four categories in his table of judgements, quantity, quality, relation and modality. Aristotle said that there were four causes behind everything, material, formal, efficient, and final.
Philosophy is the transcendent fourth field of inquiry, of the four primary fields of inquiry. A questionable fifth field of inquiry is History. History technically is not a fifth, because it is a science. It is also argued that history is philosophy. Science is the light. History would be the true light. The first quadrant kind of is similar to the fifth. The fifth quadrant is the first quadrant of a new quadrant. Also History is similar to philosophy, according to Herodotus. Philosophy is the fourth quadrant. The fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in history is the First Quebec Conference of World War II was codenamed Quadrant
Also the thirteen original colonies of the United States were divided into four regions, New England, Middle Colonies, Chesapeake, and the Deep South. The Deep South was the different fourth.
Historians say that there were four original civilizations. These four civilizations emerged around rivers. There is the Chinese civilization. Asian is the first quadrant race. Then there was the Mesopotamian civilization. The Mesopotamian civilization would correspond the most to the White race. There was the Egyptian civilization. This would correspond to the Black race. Finally there was the Indus Valley civilization, corresponding to the Brown race. The fourth civilization, the Indus Valley civilization, is transcendent. For a long time historians believed there were three original civilizations, but later they discovered the fourth. Historians say that the Mesoamerican communities were not really civilizations because they did not have writing. They would be the questionable fifth, but technically historians say there were only four civilizations in the cradle of civilization.
Finally, Schumacher describes that there are four levels of being in existence. Schumacher got the idea of the four levels of being from Aristotle. The four levels are first quadrant minerals. Minerals are the least action oriented. The first quadrant is always passive. But also it has been argued that crystals are intelligent. The first quadrant is mental. The second quadrant level of being is vegetable. The second quadrant is sort of an intermediate between non action and action. Vegetables kind of move, but very slowly. The third quadrant is animals. The animal kingdom is full of violence and carnage. The third quadrant is always bad and action oriented. Finally the fourth quadrant is humans. Humans are rational according to Aristotle, and that is what separates them from animals. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent and more mental.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of development have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be gullible and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, women make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concrete. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transpersonal psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”. There are five levels. But the quadrant theory posits that even when other numbers other than four present themselves, still there will be a quadrant four in the system, and thus the quadrant supremacy is maintained. For instance, originally Maslow presented four “deficiency needs” and a fifth auxiliary need of self realization. Later three more auxiliary needs were added, making two groups of four. So before jumping to conclusions when other numbers present themselves and assuming the quadrant is not relevant, examine more deeply the situation and system and somewhere the quadrant will establish dominance because existence is supernaturally based around the quadrant.
Comte reduced science to four primary disciplines, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. Physics is the most intellectual and weird first quadrant. Physicists are stereotypically very smart and weird. Chemists are stereotypically more normal and less smart. The second quadrant is always more normal. Also chemistry is about “relationships” of elements. The second quadrant is connected to relationships. The third quadrant science is biology. The third quadrant is always the most physical and action oriented. Biologists are “in the field” and more active. They are also seen as the leadt smart of the sciences. The third quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. The first quadrant is very mental and smart. The third quadrant is the most physical. The final primary field of science according to Comte is psychology. Whether psychology is a hard science like the previous three, or a soft science is debatable. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Also the fourth quadrant is always mental. Psychology studies the brain and the mind. Also, if you think about it, psychology contains the previous three sciences. To be a psychologist it can be helpful to know about quantum mechanics since it is argued in the orc or model of consciousness that consciousness emerges from quantum mechanical properties in microtubules. Also it can be helpful to know about chemistry. Helen Fisher argues that there are four types of people, and the four types center around predominances of the four main brain chemicals. The first quadrant brain chemical is estrogen. Estrogen is related to femininity and passivity. The first quadrant is always feminine and passive. The second quadrant brain chemical is serotonin. Serotonin influences people to be orderly and organized. The second quadrant is order and homeostasis. The third quadrant brain chemical is dopamine. Dopamine influenced people to take risks and action. The third quadrant is always action oriented. The fourth quadrant brain chemical is testosterone. Testosterone is connected to rational thinking. The fourth quadrant is always mental. Also to do psychology it is important to understand biology.
Comte argues that sociology is a soft science and not one of the four primary sciences. Even the quadrant pattern dominates sociology however. For instance Max Weber says there are four classes in American society. They are the first quadrant upper class, second quadrant white collar workers, third quadrant petite bourgeoise, and the fourth quadrant manual working class.
Durkheim was one of the founders of sociology. Every sociology 101 course begins with his “four types of suicide”. Fatalistic suicide involves too much integration. Anomic suicide involves not enough regulation. Altruistic suicide involves too much integration. Finally egoistic suicide involves not enough integration.
Storms model of sexuality describes that there are four types of sexuality. They are homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. There are also four genders, cis male, trans male, cis female, and trans female.
An example of the quadrant model in Chinese religion can be seen in Chinese astrology. In Chinese astrology the five elements are presented in sort of a quincunx. A quincunx is a cross of five elements. On the Chinese Calendar there are two water element animals then pig and the rat, and then there is the Earth ox. Then there are two wood element animals the tiger and the rabbit and then the Earth dragon. Then there are two fire element animals, the snake and the horse, and a Earth element goat. Finally there are two metal element animals the monkey and the rooster, and an earth element dog. So there are two animals per element except the earth element, which has four animals. The Chinese see the five elements as a quincunx, with the Earth in the center, and the other four elements in the four directions. These five elements then make a quadrant form. The quadrant form presents itself as dominant in existence in all arenas. In Chinese medicine the five elements are viewed the same way, as a quincunx, and the Chinese relate this quincunx to everything, to the five senses, to the five planets, and so on.
Some may say “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terrestrial planets, mercury, Venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia.
Some may argue “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terrestrial planets, mercury, Venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia. Then there are four gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Note how the planets are named after Greek/Roman Gods. The Greeks and Romans viewed the visible planets as Gods. Uranus and Neptune and Pluto are not visible and were named in modern times, but still after Gods. The Hindus viewed the five visible planets as Gods as well. The Hindus linked the five planets with the five elements. Saturn they saw as the first quadrant element air, Venus they saw as the second quadrant water, Mercury they saw as the third quadrant Earth, Mars they saw as the transcendent fourth quadrant fire and Jupiter they saw as the ultra transcendent fifth element ether. But the Hindus had different names and stories for these deity planets. For instance, Hindus called Jupiter Brihaspati, the guru of the Gods, and Venus Shukracharya, the guru of the demons. Interestingly, in the Bible, Satan, the leader of the demons, is called the morning star. The morning star is the planet Venus. The Bible builds upon pagan religions, which viewed the planets as deities. The first quadrant field of inquiry, Science and the second quadrant field of inquiry, religion, are very tied together. Even today, scientists use the same term for the planets that Ancient Greeks and Romans used for the gods they worshipped in their religions.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in Buddhism is the four noble truths. The fourth noble truth is called the truth of the eightfold path, and it is different from the previous three.
An example of the quadrant model in Christianity is the gospels. The first quadrant gospel is the gospel of Mark.
An example of the quadrant model in Christianity is the gospels. The first quadrant gospel is the gospel of Mark. The gospel of Mark is short. The first quadrant is always the smallest. The second quadrant gospel is the gospel of Matthew. The gospel of Matthew goes out of its way to depict Jesus as Jewish and following Jewish laws. The second quadrant is homeostasis and order. Following laws is connected to homeostasis. The third quadrant gospel is the gospel of Luke. Luke tries to portray Jesus not just as a Jew and “descendant of Abraham” but as a prophet for the whole world and a “descendant of Adam”. The quadrant model is holistic and each quadrant expands on the previous quadrant. The gospel of Luke represents Jesus as going beyond just the Jewish people to the whole world. Finally the gospel of John is called the “maverick gospel”. The fourth quadrant is always different. The gospel of John is very philosophical and attempts to portray Jesus more as divine. The fourth quadrant is always philosophical.
The New Testament is divided into four parts. The gospels are the first quadrant. Acts is the second quadrant. Epistles is the third quadrant. Finally Revelations is the transcendent fourth quadrant that does not belong. Bible scholars describe that Revelations is so different and bizarre that it does not fit with the other three sections of the New Testament.
Jews often call the Old Testament the pentateuch, meaning five books. But scholar Martin Noth and many scholars describe that the Old Testament would more accurately be called the tetrateuch. He says the fifth book of the Torah should not be included in the Torah, but more so should be with the other books of the Bible after the Torah. The first book of the Torah is Genesis. Genesis means beginning. The first quadrant is always creation. Genesis is also weird. The first quadrant is always weird. Genesis contains four fantastic myths. The first myth is the Garden of Eden. The second myth is Cain and Abel. The third myth is the flood. The fourth myth is the Tower of Babel.
The second book of the torah is Exodus. Exodus is the story of the Israelite family. The second quadrant is homeostasis and community and relatioships. Thus it makes sense that Exodus focuses on the Israelite family.
The third book of the Torah is laws. Laws tells the Israelites what to do. The third quadrant is the action quadrant.
The fourth book of the Torah is Numbers. Numbers is more philosophical and mental. The fourth quadrant is separate and transcendent and the most mental and abstract.
Christians divide the New Testament into four sections Laws, History, Poetry, and Prophets. Jews divide the Old Testament into three sections. This is the three four dynamic fundamental to the quadrant model. Jews divide the Old Testament into the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
Zakovich wrote a book in which elucidates the “three four pattern” in the Bible and articulated it is the dominant pattern in the Bible. He mentions that the three four pattern is not just seen in the Bible but through all documents in the Middle East such as the Epic of Gilgamesh. One example he gives is the story of Samson where Delilah tries three times to find the secret of Samon’s strength and she is unsuccessful, but finally the fourth time she is successful. Interestingly when Samson dies he has his arms outstretched, and Church Fathers said that was symbolic of the crucifixion. The cross is a quadrant.
The Jews saw God as YHW and H. The Shema of Israel is “YHW and H our God, YHW and H is one”. There are rabbis who point out that this is not saying there is one God. It is saying the four letters of the tetragrammaton are one. YHW and H is called by scholars the tetragrammaton. Tetragrammaton means four letters. According to Kabbalists the Y stands for creation. The Y is a hebrew yod. Yods are very small and the least physical of the letters. The first quadrant is always non physical. The first quadrant also represents creation. The H according to Kabbalists represents maintenance and the sustaining lf the creation. The second quadrant of the wuadrant model is always maintenance and homeostasis. The third quadrant is a W, in Hebrew vav. Kabbalists say the vav represents creativity and action. The third quadrant of the quadrant model is always activity. Finally the final H Kabbalist's note is silent. They say it is extraordinary and transcendent. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Often the fourth quadrant has a quality like it does ot exist or is absent. The fourth quadrant is death.
Ezekiel has a vision of God where he sees four faces and each face has four creatures on it. The four creatures are the man, the lion, the ox, and the Eagle. Kabbalists argue that the four creatures are the four cardinal zodiac signs, Aquarius as the man, taurus as the bull, scorpio as the eagle, and Leo as the lion. According to scholars the ancient Greeks only saw four constellations.
The quadrant model also pervades Islam. Islam is the third quadrant of the four world religions. One example of the quadrant model in Islam is the name of Allah in Arabic is four letters Allh. Muslim mystics note similarities between the tetragrammaton and Allh and how the final H is silent.
Another example of the quadrant model in Islam is Theodor Noldeke divided the Quran into four parts. There were three phases of Meccan suras and one phase of Medina suras. This is the three plus one pattern. In a sura in the Quran it describes how Allah had Adam sacrifice four birds and put their four parts on “four mountains”.
The quadrant model pattern is also seen a lot in Hinduism. For instance there are four main denominations of Hinduism. The Vaishnavites worship Vishnu. The Shaivites worship Shiva. The Shaktis worship the Goddess. Finally the Smartists worship five Gods in a quincunx cross formation. The Smartists are the transcendent fourth denomination of Hindus. Smartists set up five Gods in a quincunx cross formation, with four in the four directions and one in the center. The five Gods are usually Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti, Ganesha, and Surya. So the smartists kind of transcend the previous three denominations but also contains them.
In Hinduism there are 16 samskaras. 16 is four times four. Hindus often worship Ganesha in the form of 16 Ganeshas in a four by four quadrant model matrix. Ganesha is the God of wisdom. Hindus believe in four purusharthas/values. They are first quadrant Artha (economic values), kama (pleasure), dharma (righteousness), and the transcendent moksha (liberation). Hindus also believe in four stages of life. The first quadrant stage is the Brahmacharya. Brahmacharyas are students. The first quadrant is mental. The first quadrant corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists love to learn and they are abstract thinkers. The second quadrant stage is Grihastha. Grihastha is the householder. Householder corresponds to the guardian temperament. Householders want to create order and homeostasis. Order and homeostasis are properties of the second quadrant. The third quadrant third stage of life is the Vanaprastha stage. During this stage people are expected to seek artha and kama/wealth, desires, and pleasure. The third quadrant is always action oriented and individualistic. The fourth stage of life Hindus believe in is Sannyasa. The Sannyasa renounces the world and and seeks moksha. The fourth quadrant is transcendent and represents death. Often the fourth quadrant has a quality of being like “nothing”. The Sannyasa kind of does nothing.
There are four main denominations of Judaism. They are reform, orthodox, conservative, and the transcendent fourth which is the most mental, reconstructionist. A lot of Jews know about the six orders of Mishna. But scholars say originally there were four orders of Mishna and Jews in Israel were only expected to learn four. A lot of times when other numbers appear, look closer and the quadrant reveals itself.
According to Becker, there are four levels in religion. There are cults, sects, denominations, and ecclesia.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
According to the racial positioning model, there are four races. The first quadrant race is Asian people, the second quadrant race is White people, the third quadrant race is Black people, and the fourth quadrant race is brown people. Omi and Winant were the originators of this model. At first they said there were three races, but later the fourth was added. That is an important aspect of the quadrant model. There is an tension and interplay between the numbers three and four.
Asians are stereotypically Buddhist, White people are stereotypically Christian, Black people are stereotypically Muslim, and Brown people are stereotypically Hindu.
According to the Nolan chart there are four political ideologies. Liberals are the first quadrant. They want high personal freedom and low economic freedom. Asian countries are stereotypically communist/liberal. The second quadrant political ideology is authoritarian. Authoritarians want no personal freedom and no economic freedom. Authoritarians are stereotypically White, like Germany during World War II. The third political ideology is conservative. Conservatives are capitalists. Conservatives want no personal freedom but the want economic freedom. Black culture is stereotypically conservative. For instance they are stereotypically against homosexuality, but for having fancy cars with spinning rims. The fourth political ideology is libertarian. Libertarians are for personal freedom and economic freedom. In India, there are people who have married animals representing high personal freedom. Native Americans often were naked and it has been argued had more “free sexuality”. There is a lot of economic stratification in India, representing economic freedom. In places where there is no economic freedom, the attempt is to make everybody “equal”.So brown people would stereotypically be linked to libertarianism.
Idealist personality types tend toward communism and Buddhism. Guardian personality types tend towards Christianity and fascism. Artisan personality types tend toward Islam and capitalism. And Rational personality types tend towards Hinduism and libertarianism
According to Joseph Campbell there are four stages in the evolution of religion. The first stage is “the way of the animal spirits”. This stage involves shamanism. Idealist personality types tend to have an affinity for shamanism and totemism. Shamanism and totemism is appeals to people who are mental oriented and abstract thinkers like idealists. Also there are romantic notions behind shamanism and totemism and idealists are romantic. The second stage of religion is “the Way of the Seeded Earth”. This stage focuses on worship of the Mother Goddess and fertility rites. The second quadrant is connected to the guardian temperament. Guardians are all about order and homeostasis and maintenance. The purpose behind fertility rites is maintenance of the tribe/group. The third stage of development of religion according to Campbell is “The Way of the Celestial Lights”. During this stage Campbell says people worship patriarchal Sky Gods as their main deities. The third quadrant is connected with violence and is associated with being “bad”. The third stage involves a lot of war and violence. Artisans would be linked to the third stage. They are the most active and aggressive of the personality temperaments. Finally the fourth stage of religion is “The Way of Man” which is the Axial age. Campbell says at this stage religions become more philosophical. The fourth quadrant is always more mental and abstract.
There are four particles that make up existence. They are the up quark, the down quark, the electron, and the electro neutrino. The up quark and the down quark are the duality. The electron is the third quadrant doer. The electron neutrino is the transcendent fourth. Electron neutrinos can transform into up quarks, down quarks, and electrons. The fourth quadrant often has a nature where it transcends yet incorporates the other quadrants. Up quarks and down quarks make up protons and neutrons.
Also in physics, it is described that there are four fundamental phases of matter. They are first quadrant gas, second quadrant liquid, third quadrant solid, and fourth quadrant plasma. Plasma is seen in stars. The fourth is always transcendent. These are qualitatively different phases. Particles are either in one phase or another.
An example of the quadrant model in chemistry is the four orbitals. Orbitals are probability density areas where electrons are found. There is the s, p, d, and f orbitals. The s is a sphere and is the least physical. The p is double spheres. So it is slightly more physical. The d orbital is a two spheres and a donut. It is more physical. The f orbital is a very abstract form. In the periodic table of elements the f orbital is separate from the previous three. There is a hypothetical g orbital that chemists say can be made in the laboratory. The fifth is always ultra transcendent and questionable
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archaea and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extremely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that they break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologists originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every domain of life is a virus, if the Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet includes the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archaea may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologists today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrant kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thought there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinating is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. The occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostasis and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is responsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philosophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The Brocas area is in the frontal lobe. The Brocas area is connected with the ability to speak. Speaking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra transcendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant are intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physical. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The first and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of development have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be gullible and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, women make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concrete. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Fifth quadrant- God, divine, excess, too much, ultra transcendent
An example of the quadrant model in nature is the four forces. There is the strong force, and the weak force. The first two quadrants are usually a sort of duality. For instance, strong v weak. For mechanoreceptors the Meissner’s corpuscles v the Pacinian corpuscles. Or in terms of the domains of inquiry, science v religion. The strong force is least the physical. The first quadrant is always the least physical. The strong force brings things together on a small scale. The weak force is kind of an intermediate between the non physical first quadrant and the physical third quadrant. The weak force separates things on a small scale. The strong force and the weak force work within the nucleus of atoms.
The third force is electromagnetism. The third quadrant is the most physical and most connected to activity. Electromagnetism separates on a large scale. When you think of electromagnetism think of movement and action, which is characteristic of the third quadrant.
The fourth force is gravity. Gravity brings things together on a large scale. Gravity does not fit with the other three forces. Physicists have made what are called Grand Unified Theories, where they combine the strong force, weak force, and electromagnetism. But physicists have difficulty creating what they call a “Theory of Everything”, which would unify gravity with the other three forces. The fourth quadrant is always different and recalcitrant.
Finally there is a questionable fifth force, called the quintessential force. Some physicists argue that the fifth force is dark energy. But the fifth quadrant is always debatable. Many physicists believe that the acceleration of the Universe is due to this fifth force, dark energy. But also numerous physicists say that the so called fifth force that seems to be accelerating the Universe is just gravity, and that we do not completely understand gravity. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth quadrant. The nature of the fourth points to the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is gravity, and many physicists think that dark energy is not really a separate force, but is just a form of gravity that is not completely understood, arguing that we just do not completely comprehend gravity.
There are four main domains of inquiry. The four domains are science, religion, art, and philosophy.
Science is the first quadrant domain. Science is the most mental. The first quadrant is always the most mental. Science is intellectual. Scientists use big words. Science is also sort of weird. For instance, scientists use abstruse language, such as describing “quantum fluctuations that triggered a big bang, 3.4 billion aeons ago”. Scientists are stereotypically smart. The first quadrant is always the most mental and is also characteristically “weird”. The first quadrant is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Science is based around observation, which is related to sensations and perception.
The second quadrant domain of inquiry is religion. Religion is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Belief consolidates communities. Belief and faith create order, structure, and conformity. The second quadrant is always connected to organization and homeostasis. Belief and faith glue together societies.
The third quadrant domain of inquiry is art. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Art is an activity. The third quadrant is most connected with action and activity. Art causes people to question things, and can shake people up out of their complacency. The third quadrant is a sort of breaking out of the second quadrant order and complacency. For instance, there is a statue called “piss Christ”. It is a modern artwork. The statue is in a jar of urine. The art piece shakes people up and prompts people to question things. Many people at first believe the work is an attempt to undermine religion and Christianity, and believe that it endeavors to disparage Jesus. But the creator of the piece says that in reality he meant to uphold religion, and instead show how people in our world treat Jesus, as if they are urinating on him. Regardless, my point is, art moves people to ask questions and think.
At the same time, however, the quadrants in the quadrant model are very linked and interconnected. For instance, art might be separate from religion, but it also borrows from religion. For example, “piss Christ” utilizes the motif of the crucifixion of Jesus, a central component of Christianity. There has throughout history been a continuity of religious symbols and artwork. And not just in the west. In India artwork is connected to Hindu gods such as Krishna. Bharat Mata is a modern painting that depicts a contemporary woman with four arms, similar to depictions of the multitude Hindu deities. In Ancient Greece, most of the artwork was concerned with their religious figures, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hercules. During the Renaissance, paintings of these deities and of themes centered around these deities reemerged.
The fourth domain of inquiry is philosophy. The fourth quadrant has the quality of being abstract and transcendent. The third quadrant is the most physical and activity oriented. The fourth quadrant goes beyond the physical. It has qualities of being physical, but also in a big way exceeds the material/physical. The fourth quadrant also often possesses qualities of the previous three quadrants, while going beyond them. For instance there is philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion, and philosophy of art. But philosophy, while it includes the previous domains of inquiry, is qualitatively discrete. The first quadrant is always mental and weird. The fourth quadrant also tends to have a quality of being mental. A big difference between the first quadrant and the fourth quadrant is the first quadrant is weird and does not belong, and is not yet physical. The fourth quadrant is strange, but the fourth quadrant represents the transcendence of belonging, and going beyond the physical. The first quadrant wants to gain physicality. The fourth quadrant is movement beyond physicality. The fourth quadrant signifies a passing through the third quadrant of the material plane, to a transcendent domain beyond the material/physical.
The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The fourth quadrant is abstract and transcendent. The first quadrant is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation and perception are very mental. Perceptions are interpretations by the mind of electromagnetic impulses from the environment. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Belief and faith are all about creating order and consolidating communities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming. The third quadrant is action and activity.
In Keirsey’s personality type model there are four temperaments. Idealists correspond to the first quadrant. Idealists are abstract and cooperative. Abstract people are mental and intellectual. The first quadrant is the mental quadrant. Idealists are also cooperative. Cooperative people try to fit in and belong. Air is the first quadrant element. Air tries to fill its container. Air is hot and wet. Hot corresponds to being abstract. Wet corresponds to being cooperative. Wet things by nature fill their containers. Hot things rise. Rising would relate to being abstract, because when you rise you are not so grounded. Thus rising metaphorically connects to having abstract/high thoughts.
Guardians is the second quadrant temperament. Guardians are concrete and cooperative. Guardians are related to the element water, the second quadrant element. Water is cold and wet. Cold things sink, and wet things fill the container. Concrete people are more “normal”. Like water that sinks, concrete people are more grounded. Guardians are cooperative in that they try to fit in and belong. Water is wet, and thus tries to fill its container, like how Guardians are cooperative and try to fit in.
Artisans is the third quadrant temperament. Artisans are concrete and utilitarian. Artisans are most associated with the third quadrant element earth. Earth is cold and dry. Cold things sink and are grounded. Concrete people are normal. Their thoughts are not so high and lofty like abstract people’s thoughts. Artisans are also utilitarian. Utilitarian people are not primarily concerned with fitting in, but they are more focused on doing “what works, and gets the job done”. Earth does not fill its container/try to fit in. Earth maintains its unique, solid form.
The fourth quadrant temperament is the Rationals. Rationals are abstract and utilitarian. The element that relates the rationals is fire. Fire is hot and dry. Hot things rise, like how fire rises. Abstract people have high/elevated thoughts, and thus are seen as strange and different. Rationals and Idealists make up a much smaller percentage of people than Artisans and Guardians. Thus, rationals and idealists are by definition weird. Utilitarian people are not foremost concentrated on getting along and fitting in, but are more set on doing “what works”. Fire maintains a unique form, and thus is more “individualistic”. Fire and Earth are more individualistic. Water and Air are more group oriented. Fire and Earth are more “bad”, since they do not care about others as much. Water and air are more “good.” The first and second quadrants have the quality of being seen as good, whereas the third and fourth quadrants are mores seen as bad.
Think of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Spring is creation and is good. Summer is sunny and is good. Fall is destruction and is bad. Trees are dyeing in fall. Winter is death itself. The fourth quadrant is connected to death.
Idealists are weird, and they want to belong. But they do not belong because they are too weird. Idealists want to be guardians. Guardians are normal and they want to belong. Since they are normal, Guardians do belong, and belonging is their primary motivation. But Guardians kind of want to be Artisans. Artisans have gone beyond belonging, and have become unique individuals. Artisans are doers. Artisans are normal, and they do their own thing. They have broken away from the pack. Artisans kind of want to be rationals. Rationals are strange, and they do their own thing. Rationals are “geniuses”. Rationals do not care so much about belonging and fitting in, and like artisans are more individualistic.
The first quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. Artisans are individuals and action oriented. They are cool. They are also “bad”. Cooperative people follow rules. Utilitarian people do not follow rules, and thus are seen as bad. Artisans “do their own thing”, as opposed to “follow the laws”. Artisans are third quadrant, and the third quadrant is characteristically bad. Idealists are group oriented and more intellectual and weird. They are not cool like artisans. The first quadrant is always weird and does not belong, although they want to belong. Idealists are cooperative and they follow the rules, and they serve the status quo. The first quadrant is always associated with being weird, and more mental. The third quadrant is fall, which is destruction. The first quadrant is spring, which is connected with creation. Those are opposites.
The fourth quadrant and the second quadrant are opposites. Rationals are strange/abstract and individualistic. They do not care so much about belonging. Guardians are normal and pragmatic and are most focused on belonging. Think of Winter, which is the fourth quadrant season, and Summer, which is the second quadrant season. Winter is death, and Summer is life. The fourth and second quadrants are opposite.
According to sociologist, there are technically four world religions. Judaism is not considered a world religion because it does not proselytize. A world religion must proselytize and have a large area of land. The four world religions are first quadrant Buddhism, second quadrant Christianity, third quadrant Islam, and fourth quadrant Hinduism. Buddhism is associated with sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Buddhism is the most mental of the religions. The first quadrant is linked with the mind. Buddhism is all about meditation, and clearing the mind, and phenomenology.
Christianity is the second quadrant world religion. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Christians are stereotypically mainly concerned with “believing in Jesus” and having a “relationship with Jesus”/belonging.
The third quadrant world religion is Islam. Islam is linked wit thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming. Muslims think about and question the Bible. For instance, they question if Jesus is God. Also Muslims are more action oriented. The third quadrant is associated with action. Muslims are concerned with performing activities such as prayer and charity to gain favor with Allah.
The fourth quadrant world religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is abstract and philosophical. Hinduism is related to contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Hindus will say there are simultaneously thousands of gods, and three gods, and one god. The religion is characterized by deep philosophical abstract concepts.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Existence is centered around the quadrant model pattern. If you look at reality, one pattern pervades everything. The quadrant pattern is the foundation of reality. Every domain and sphere you analyze, you will find this pattern is supreme. The quadrant model sort of describes that reality is a kind of holo-fractal complex. No matter how far you zoom out, or how much you shrink in, or how wide you extend your perspective, or how much you narrow it, one pattern is dominant and expresses itself absolutely everywhere. The theory demonstrates that our existence is supernaturally derived, and is oriented around one simple quadrant template. We are in the quadrant matrix. The quadrant model validates what the mystics have said for centuries, that everything is one. But the quadrant model also demonstrates simultaneous oneness and differentiation, unity and gradation. The quadrant model embraces difference, but shows that behind division is underlying unity. The quadrant is the form of existence. The quadrant reveals itself in all provinces as preeminent.
The four quadrants in the quadrant model have different, unique qualities.
Quadrant 1 is like air. Aristotle said that our reality is made up of four elements. Air, water, earth and fire. The first quadrant is always the most non physical. It is ethereal. Also the first quadrant tends to be the most mental.
Quadrant 2 is water. Water is a sort of intermediate between the non physical and the physical. The second quadrant is related to homeostasis and structure and order. The second quadrant is associated with organization. The second quadrant also has a quality of being seen as “good”. The first and second quadrants are “good”.
Quadrant 3 is earth. The third quadrant is always the most physical. The third quadrant has the quality of being seen as bad. For instance, many of the world religions denigrate physicality, and they consecrate the “mental/spiritual”. The third quadrant is action oriented. It is activity. The Hindus worship the AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad says that the AUM is the supreme God. According to the Mandukya Upanishad the AUM is a fourfold sound. The A is the god Brahma and is creation. The first quadrant is characteristically the most non physical. Creation implies the least physicality. A is the first quadrant. The U is the God Vishnu. Vishnu is the “sustainer”. The second quadrant is linked with homeostasis and maintenance. Vishnu is the preserver God. The M is Shiva. Shiva is the destroyer God. The third quadrant has the quality of being “bad”. It is action/doing. A lot of times religions denigrate “activity”, and they uphold “stillness”, and the mental. The third quadrant is always seen as bad. The Mandukya Upanishad also says there is a fourth component of the AUM, a silence that engulfs the first three quadrants. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent, and different than the other three, but also tends to absorb the other three. It often has qualities of the first three quadrants, but goes beyond them in such a way that it is much different from them and does not seem to belong with them.
Quadrant 4 is fire. Aristotle said that fire is much different than the other three elements. He said the first three elements are almost like one, but fire is like an element unto itself. It doesn’t fit in with the other three. When you get into the fourth quadrant, you are sort of entering into a new dimension. But the fourth quadrant often transcends, yet includes qualities of the previous three elements. For instance, fire is ethereal like air, it flows like water, and it also maintains a form like earth. The fourth quadrant, like the third quadrant, also tends to be seen as sort of negative and “bad”. Fire is pretty destructive.
Quadrant 5 is actually a new quadrant. Once you enter quadrant five you are in a completely new domain. Quadrant five is excess. The Aztecs said that the number five represented excess. They represented negative activities such as the drinking of alcohol with five deities, because five connotes excess. Five is too much. But the fifth quadrant also has the quality of being divine. The fifth quadrant is God. Aristotle said that aether is the fifth element. Aristotle described that air is hot and wet, water is cold and wet, earth is cold and dry, and fire is hot and dry. But Aristotle stated that the aether is hot, cold, wet, and dry. He said that the stars are made up of aether. Every culture in the world saw the stars as divine. Every culture saw the stars as deities. The fifth quadrant is God. But the fifth quadrant is also questionable. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. The fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
The four elements
The four fields of inqiry
Science- sensation, perception, response, awareness
Art- thinking, emotion, doing, dreaming
Religion- belief, faith, behavior, belonging
Philosophy- contemplation, passion, flowing, knowing
The four levels of consciousness
Rational interpersonal, individualistic
Magial, religious, group oriented
Transpersonal, transrational
Qualities of the four quadrants
Mental, mind, good, non physical, spiritual, ethereal, sensitive, perceptive, responsible, aware, feminine, self
Physical, bad, destruction, action, movement, ego, cool
Homeostasis, order, maintenance, community, groupishness, intermediate between physical and non physical, good
Transcending the physical, abstract, transcendent, mental and physical simultaneously, death, bad, masculine, divine
0 notes
quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Existence is centered around the quadrant model pattern. If you look at reality, one pattern pervades everything. The quadrant pattern is the foundation of reality. Every domain and sphere you analyze, you will find this pattern is supreme. The quadrant model sort of describes that reality is a kind of holo-fractal complex. No matter how far you zoom out, or how much you shrink in, or how wide you extend your perspective, or how much you narrow it, one pattern is dominant and expresses itself absolutely everywhere. The theory demonstrates that our existence is supernaturally derived, and is oriented around one simple quadrant template. We are in the quadrant matrix. The quadrant model validates what the mystics have said for centuries, that everything is one. But the quadrant model also demonstrates simultaneous oneness and differentiation, unity and gradation. The quadrant model embraces difference, but shows that behind division is underlying unity. The quadrant is the form of existence. The quadrant reveals itself in all provinces as preeminent.
The four quadrants in the quadrant model have different, unique qualities.
Quadrant 1 is like air. Aristotle said that our reality is made up of four elements. Air, water, earth and fire. The first quadrant is always the most non physical. It is ethereal. Also the first quadrant tends to be the most mental.
Quadrant 2 is water. Water is a sort of intermediate between the non physical and the physical. The second quadrant is related to homeostasis and structure and order. The second quadrant is associated with organization. The second quadrant also has a quality of being seen as “good”. The first and second quadrants are “good”.
Quadrant 3 is earth. The third quadrant is always the most physical. The third quadrant has the quality of being seen as bad. For instance, many of the world religions denigrate physicality, and they consecrate the “mental/spiritual”. The third quadrant is action oriented. It is activity. The Hindus worship the AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad says that the AUM is the supreme God. According to the Mandukya Upanishad the AUM is a fourfold sound. The A is the god Brahma and is creation. The first quadrant is characteristically the most non physical. Creation implies the least physicality. A is the first quadrant. The U is the God Vishnu. Vishnu is the “sustainer”. The second quadrant is linked with homeostasis and maintenance. Vishnu is the preserver God. The M is Shiva. Shiva is the destroyer God. The third quadrant has the quality of being “bad”. It is action/doing. A lot of times religions denigrate “activity”, and they uphold “stillness”, and the mental. The third quadrant is always seen as bad. The Mandukya Upanishad also says there is a fourth component of the AUM, a silence that engulfs the first three quadrants. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent, and different than the other three, but also tends to absorb the other three. It often has qualities of the first three quadrants, but goes beyond them in such a way that it is much different from them and does not seem to belong with them.
Quadrant 4 is fire. Aristotle said that fire is much different than the other three elements. He said the first three elements are almost like one, but fire is like an element unto itself. It doesn’t fit in with the other three. When you get into the fourth quadrant, you are sort of entering into a new dimension. But the fourth quadrant often transcends, yet includes qualities of the previous three elements. For instance, fire is ethereal like air, it flows like water, and it also maintains a form like earth. The fourth quadrant, like the third quadrant, also tends to be seen as sort of negative and “bad”. Fire is pretty destructive.
Quadrant 5 is actually a new quadrant. Once you enter quadrant five you are in a completely new domain. Quadrant five is excess. The Aztecs said that the number five represented excess. They represented negative activities such as the drinking of alcohol with five deities, because five connotes excess. Five is too much. But the fifth quadrant also has the quality of being divine. The fifth quadrant is God. Aristotle said that aether is the fifth element. Aristotle described that air is hot and wet, water is cold and wet, earth is cold and dry, and fire is hot and dry. But Aristotle stated that the aether is hot, cold, wet, and dry. He said that the stars are made up of aether. Every culture in the world saw the stars as divine. Every culture saw the stars as deities. The fifth quadrant is God. But the fifth quadrant is also questionable. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. The fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
The four elements
The four fields of inqiry
Science- sensation, perception, response, awareness
Art- thinking, emotion, doing, dreaming
Religion- belief, faith, behavior, belonging
Philosophy- contemplation, passion, flowing, knowing
0 notes
quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
The Four Big Asteroids
The Four Outer Planets
Buddhism has the four noble Truths. The fourth truth is different from the other three, and articulates the eightfold path. Note the number eight pops up, but within the context of the quadrant four. With the quadrant model, it is important to view the whole system. Other numbers will present themselves, but the quadrant will mostly always show itself within every system.
The New Testament is divided into four parts. The gospels are the first quadrant. Acts is the second quadrant. Epistles is the third quadrant. Finally Revelations is the transcendent fourth quadrant that does not belong. Bible scholars describe that Revelations is so different and bizarre that it does not fit with the other three sections of the New Testament.
The Four Sections of the New Testament
The Jews saw God as YHW and H. The Shema of Israel is “YHW and H our God, YHW and H is one”. There are rabbis who point out that this is not saying there is one God. It is saying the four letters of the tetragrammaton are one. YHW and H is called by scholars the tetragrammaton. Tetragrammaton means four letters. According to Kabbalists the Y stands for creation. The Y is a hebrew yod. Yods are very small and the least physical of the letters. The first quadrant is always non physical. The first quadrant also represents creation. The H according to Kabbalists represents maintenance and the sustaining of the creation. The second quadrant of the quadrant model is always maintenance and homeostasis. The third quadrant is a W, in Hebrew vav. Kabbalists say the vav represents creativity and action. The third quadrant of the quadrant model is always activity. Finally the final H Kabbalist's note is silent. They say it is extraordinary and transcendent. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Often the fourth quadrant has a quality like it does ot exist or is absent. The fourth quadrant is death.
The Four Letters of the Tetragrammaton
Ezekiel has a vision of God where he sees four faces and each face has four creatures on it. The four creatures are the man, the lion, the ox, and the Eagle. Kabbalists argue that the four creatures are the four cardinal zodiac signs, Aquarius as the man, Taurus as the bull, scorpio as the eagle, and Leo as the lion. Rabbis say that a scorpion can transform into an eagle, hence the eagle being scorpio.
The Four Creatures in Ezekiel’s Vision
The quadrant model also pervades Islam. Islam is the third quadrant of the four world religions. One example of the quadrant model in Islam is the name of Allah in Arabic is four letters Allh. Muslim mystics note similarities between the tetragrammaton and Allh and how the final H is silent.
The Four Arabic Letters of Allah
Another example of the quadrant model in Islam is Theodor Noldeke divided the Quran into four parts. There were three phases of Meccan suras and one phase of Medina suras. This is the three plus one pattern. In a sura in the Quran it describes how Allah had Adam sacrifice four birds and put their four parts on “four mountains”.
The quadrant model pattern is also seen a lot in Hinduism. For instance there are four main denominations of Hinduism. The Vaishnavites worship Vishnu. The Shaivites worship Shiva. The Shaktis worship the Goddess. Finally the Smartists worship five Gods in a quincunx cross formation. The Smartists are the transcendent fourth denomination of Hindus. Smartists set up five Gods in a quincunx cross formation, with four in the four directions and one in the center. The five Gods are usually Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti, Ganesha, and Surya. So the smartists kind of transcend the previous three denominations but also contains them.
The quadrant pattern pervades art. In the painting Luncheon on the Grass by Manet there are three figures in the foreground and a transcendent fourth figure in the background. Another example of the quadrant pattern in painting is Van Gogh’s Cafe Terrace at Night. Van Gogh was a devout Christian and scholars say that the cross shaped window in the background represents the cross, and the people in the foreground represent the disciples of the last supper. The cross is a quadrant. Matisse’s painting “Dancers” shows five women dancing. People might immediately look at that and say “that is not a quadrant”. But it is important to look at the whole panorama of a system before making judgment. While there are five dancers, Matisse utilizes four colors in the painting. Salvador Dali made a painting called Persistence of Memory that portrays three clocks. Later however, he made another painting called Persistence of Memory with four clocks. This is the three four dynamic
The quadrant model pattern also pervades music. Classical symphonies originally used three movements, but later the four movement symphony developed and became the most popular. This is the three four interplay consistent with the quadrant model.
Another example of the quadrant model pattern in music is the famous four note motif of Beethoven’s fifth. The four notes are a three plus one pattern. Beethoven said he received that four note motif from God. Franz Liszt had a “cross motif” that he put in his works. A cross is a quadrant
Dance is the third quadrant mode of art. A quadrant example in dance is the four swan ballerinas that dance in Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.
The quadrant model pattern is also dominant in literature. The famous twilight series has four books. The sound and the fury by Faulkner has four sections, and the fourth section is different and transcendent. The list goes on and on.
An example of the quadrant model in cinema is in the Quentin Tarantino movie, “Hateful Eight” there is a chapter called “The Four Passengers”. Also one of the scenes of the Hateful Eight begins with a closeup of a cross. A cross is a quadrant. The number four and quadrant patterns are dominant in Cinema.
The quadrant model pattern permeates philosophy. Empedocles was a famous Pre Socratic philosopher. He believed that there were four roots of existence which were the four elements. He linked these four roots with four primordial gods, Zeus, Hera, Nestis and Aideoneus.
Heidegger was a famous philosopher, and he argued that existence itself is a “chasm’. A chasm is a cross. He articulated a fourfold in existence of Tools, specific somethings- Gods, tools, something at alls, Earth, Broken tools, specific something- sky, and finally broken tools something at all Mortals.
Kant had four categories in his table of judgements, quantity, quality, relation and modality. Aristotle said that there were four causes behind everything, material, formal, efficient, and final
Schumacher describes that there are four levels of being in existence. Schumacher got the idea of the four levels of being from Aristotle. The four levels are first quadrant minerals. Minerals are the least action oriented. The first quadrant is always passive. But also it has been argued that crystals are intelligent. The first quadrant is mental. The second quadrant level of being is vegetable. The second quadrant is sort of an intermediate between non action and action. Vegetables kind of move, but very slowly. The third quadrant is animals. The animal kingdom is full of violence and carnage. The third quadrant is always bad and action oriented. Finally the fourth quadrant is humans. Humans are rational according to Aristotle, and that is what separates them from animals. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent and more mental. Many would argue that humans are not a separate category of being, but are merely animals. The fourth is usually different and transcendent.
There are four stages of competence according to psychologists. The first quadrant and first stage is unconscious incompetence. This would correspond to idealists who are not good at actions. The first quadrant is the least action oriented. The second quadrant second stage is conscious incompetence. This would relate with the guardians. The second quadrant is sort of an intermediate between the first and the third. It is a movement toward being good at action. The third stage is conscious competence. This would relate to the artisans. The third quadrant is the most action oriented, physical, and solid. The fourth stage is unconscious competence. This would connect with the rationals and it is the flow. The fourth quadrant is the flowing quadrant. When you are unconscious and competent what you do is automatic. Finally it has been proposed that there is a fifth quadrant, which is a sort of conscious competence where you understand what you did when you were unconscious competent and can duplicate it. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent and different. The fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
The quadrant model pattern is dominant in world history. The First Quebec Conference of World War II was codenamed Quadrant. The thirteen original colonies of the United States were divided into four regions, New England, Middle Colonies, Chesapeake, and the Deep South. The Deep South was the different fourth.
Historians say that there were four original civilizations. These four civilizations emerged around rivers. There is the Chinese civilization. Asian is the first quadrant race. Then there was the Mesopotamian civilization. The Mesopotamian civilization would correspond the most to the White race. There was the Egyptian civilization. This would correspond to the Black race. Finally there was the Indus Valley civilization, corresponding to the Brown race. The fourth civilization, the Indus Valley civilization, is transcendent. For a long time historians believed there were three original civilizations, but later they discovered the fourth. Historians say that the Mesoamerican communities were not really civilizations because they did not have writing. They would be the questionable fifth. The list of quadrant model examples goes on and on. The quadrant is the Form of Being
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
The Way of the Animal Powers
The Way of the Celestial Lights
The Way of the Seeded Earth
The Way of Man
There are four particles that make up existence. They are the up quark, the down quark, the electron, and the electro neutrino.
Four Particles
Up Quark
Down Quark
Electron Neutrino
There are four orbitals in chemistry, the s, p, d and f. The f orbital is very different from the other three. The questionable fifth orbital, the g orbital, can only be made in a lab, so it is not one of the natural four orbitals in chemistry.
Four Orbitals in Chemistry
S Orbital
D Orbital
P Orbital
F Orbital
The four domains of life are archaea, bacteria, eukaryote, and virus. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archaea and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extremely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that they break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant is always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologists originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every domain of life is a virus, if the Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet includes the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archaea may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologists today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
Piaget said there were four stages of child development, sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.
The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of development have no object constancy. This means that if you cover a ball or a face or whatever the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be gullible and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, women make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. The children present what Piaget call “artificialism”; the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry, religion. Religious people tend to attribute phenomena to the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concrete. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving past magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Piaget’s Four Stages of Development
Sensoritmotor 0-2
Concrete operational- 7-11
Preoperational 2-7
Formal operational- 11
An example of the quadrant model in Chinese religion can be seen in Chinese astrology. In Chinese astrology the five elements are presented in sort of a quincunx. A quincunx is a cross of five elements. On the Chinese Calendar there are two water element animals then pig and the rat, and then there is the Earth ox. Then there are two wood element animal is the tiger and the rabbit and then the Earth dragon. Then there are two fire element animals, the snake and the horse, and an Earth element goat. Finally there are two metal element animal is the monkey and the rooster, and an earth element dog. So there are two animals per element except the earth element, which has four animals. The Chinese see the five elements as a quincunx, with the Earth in the center, and the other four elements in the four directions. These five elements then make a quadrant form. The quadrant form presents itself as dominant in existence in all arenas. In Chinese medicine the five elements are viewed the same way, as a quincunx, and the Chinese relate this quincunx to everything, to the five senses, to the five planets, and so on.
Some may say “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terrestrial planets, mercury, Venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia. Then there are the four gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The Four Inner Planets
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Quadrant 4 Rationals- The fourth quadrant temperament is the Rationals. Rationals are abstract and utilitarian. The element that relates to the rationals is fire. Fire is hot and dry. Hot things rise, like how fire rises. Abstract people have high/elevated thoughts, and thus are seen as strange and different. Rationals and Idealists make up a much smaller percentage of people than Artisans and Guardians. Thus, rationals and idealists are by definition weird. Utilitarian people are not foremost concentrated on getting along and fitting in, but are more set on doing “what works”. Fire maintains a unique form, and thus is more “individualistic”. Fire and Earth are more individualistic. Water and Air are more group oriented. Fire and Earth are more “bad”, since they do not care about others as much. Water and air are more “good.” The first and second quadrants have the quality of being seen as good, whereas the third and fourth quadrants are seen as bad.
In terms of the four primary domains of inquiry, scientists tend to be seen as good. They are practical and have utility in the world. For instance, scientists help create technology that keeps the world system running. They create rockets that take us to the moon. With those trips we can see if we can “mine for resources”. Scientists are helpful. Religious people are also seen as good. They are moral and useful to society. Artists however are often seen as bad. There is the stereotype of the starving artist. He does not provide too much utility for society. Women tend to be attracted to artists though and artists get a lot of sex But again, sex a “physical activity”, and tends to be viewed as bad, and other men are suspicious of the artists taking their women for sex. The third quadrant is the “doing quadrant” and doing is synonymous with sex. Think of Elvis who was a famous artist and was a huge sex symbol. Science is the first quadrant. Women tend not to see scientists as sex symbols, but more see them as nerds and dorks. Also throughout history, action and physicality has been looked down upon. A lot of religions kind of denigrade physicality and sex and look more highly on spirituality and the mental plane, which is more first quadrant oriented. Finally philosophers are also seen as bad. Philosophers also do not provide too much utility. For instance, Socrates was frowned upon by his society, and ultimately killed for “questioning the gods and corrupting the youth”. Societies often do not like their religions/gods questioned. Philosophy, the fourth quadrant, is opposite of the second quadrant religion. Philosophers are often seen as strange and a waist of space. The first two quadrants are good. The third and fourth quadrants are bad.
David Keirsey’s Four Temperaments
Idealist- Abstract and Cooperative
Artisan- Concrete and Utilitarian
Guardian- Concrete and Cooperative
Rational- Abstract and Utilitarian
The four seasons are an example of the quadrant pattern.Spring is creation and is good. Summer is sunny and is good. Fall is destruction and is bad. Trees are dying in fall. Winter is death itself. The fourth quadrant is connected to death. The fourth quadrant often has the quality of being “nothing”.
Also the fourth quadrant often transcends, yet includes aspects of the first three quadrants. For instance, there are four blood types. People with Type O blood can donate to people with types, A, B, and AB. The fourth blood type transcends yet includes the previous three.
The Four Seasons
Idealists are weird, and they want to belong. But they do not belong because they are too weird. Idealists want to be guardians. Guardians are normal and they want to belong. Since they are normal, Guardians do belong, and belonging is their primary motivation. But Guardians kind of want to be Artisans. Artisans have gone beyond belonging, and have become unique individuals. Artisans are doers. Artisans are normal, and they do their own thing. They have broken away from the pack. Artisans kind of want to be rationals. Rationals are strange, and they do their own thing. Rationals are “geniuses”. Rationals do not care so much about belonging and fitting in, and like artisans are more individualistic.
The first quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. Artisans are individuals and action oriented. They are cool. They are also “bad”. Cooperative people follow rules. Utilitarian people do not follow rules, and thus are seen as bad. Artisans “do their own thing”, as opposed to “follow the laws”. Artisans are third quadrant, and the third quadrant is characteristically bad. Idealists are group oriented and more intellectual and weird. They are not cool like artisans. The first quadrant is always weird and does not belong, although they want to belong. Idealists are cooperative and they follow the rules, and they serve the status quo. The first quadrant is always associated with being weird, and more mental. The third quadrant is fall, which is destruction. The first quadrant is spring, which is connected with creation. Those are opposites.
The fourth quadrant and the second quadrant are opposites. Rationals are strange/abstract and individualistic. They do not care so much about belonging. Guardians are normal and pragmatic and are most focused on belonging. Think of Winter, which is the fourth quadrant season, and Summer, which is the second quadrant season. Winter is death, and Summer is life. The fourth and second quadrants are opposite.
According to sociologists, there are technically four world religions. Judaism is not considered a world religion because it does not proselytize. Judaism would be the questionable fifth quadrant world religion. A world religion must proselytize and have a large area of land. The four world religions are first quadrant Buddhism, second quadrant Christianity, third quadrant Islam, and fourth quadrant Hinduism. Buddhism is associated with sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Buddhism is the most mental of the religions. The first quadrant is linked with the mind. Buddhism is all about meditation, and clearing the mind, and phenomenology.
Christianity is the second quadrant world religion. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Christians are stereotypically mainly concerned with “believing in Jesus” and having a “relationship with Jesus”/belonging.
The third quadrant world religion is Islam. Islam is linked wit thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming. Muslims think about and question the Bible. For instance, they question if Jesus is God. Also Muslims are more action oriented. The third quadrant is associated with action. Muslims are concerned with performing activities such as prayer and charity to gain favor with Allah.
The fourth quadrant world religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is abstract and philosophical. Hinduism is related to contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Hindus will say there are simultaneously thousands of gods, and three gods, and one god. The religion is characterized by deep philosophical abstract concepts.
The Four World Religions
According to the racial positioning model, there are four races. Omi and Winant explained that the way the races are viewed in the world culture. They said that Asians are superior outsiders, White people are superior insiders, Black people are inferior insiders, and Brown people are inferior outsiders. The first quadrant race is Asian people, the second quadrant race is White people, the third quadrant race is Black people, and the fourth quadrant race is brown people. Omi and Winant were the originators of this racial positioning modell. At first they said there were three races, but later the fourth was added. That is an important aspect of the quadrant model. There is a tension and interplay between the numbers three and four.
Asians are stereotypically Buddhist, White people are stereotypically Christian, Black people are stereotypically Muslim, and Brown people are stereotypically Hindu.
The Racial Positioning Model originated by Omi and Winant
Asian- Superior outsiders
Black- Inferior insiders
White- Superior insiders
Brown- Inferior outsiders
According to the Nolan chart there are four political ideologies, communist, fascist, conservative, and libertarian.
Idealist personality types tend toward communism and Buddhism. Guardian personality types tend towards Christianity and fascism. Artisan personality types tend toward Islam and capitalism. And Rational personality types tend towards Hinduism and libertarianism.
Nolan Chart Political ideologies
Liberal- high personal freedom low economic freedom
Conservative- low personal freedom high economic freedom
Authoritarian- low personal freedom low economic freedom
Libertarian- high personal freedom high economic freedom
According to Joseph Campbell there are four stages in the evolution of religion. The first stage is “the way of the animal spirits”. This stage involves shamanism. Idealist personality types tend to have an affinity for shamanism and totemism. Shamanism and totemism appeal to people who are mental oriented and abstract thinkers like idealists. Also there are romantic notions behind shamanism and totemism and idealists are romantic. The second stage of religion is “the Way of the Seeded Earth”. This stage focuses on worship of the Mother Goddess and fertility rites. The second quadrant is connected to the guardian temperament. Guardians are all about order and homeostasis and maintenance. The purpose behind fertility rites is maintenance of the tribe/group. The third stage of development of religion according to Campbell is “The Way of the Celestial Lights”. During this stage Campbell says people worship patriarchal Sky Gods as their main deities. The third quadrant is connected with violence and is associated with being “bad”. The third stage involves a lot of war and violence. Artisans would be linked to the third stage. They are the most active and aggressive of the personality temperaments. Finally the fourth stage of religion is “The Way of Man” which is the Axial age. Campbell says at this stage religions become more philosophical. The fourth quadrant is always more mental and abstract.
Joseph Campbell Four Stages of Religion
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
The first two quadrants are always a sort of duality. An example of the quadrant model in physics is the four forces. The first two forces are the strong force, and the weak force. Strong and weak is sort of a duality. There are four fields of inquiry. The first two fields of inquiry are science and religion. Science and religion is sort of a duality.
The first quadrant is always the least physical. The strong force brings things together on a small scale. The weak force is kind of an intermediate between the non physical first quadrant and the physical third quadrant. The weak force separates things on a small scale. The strong force and the weak force work within the nucleus of atoms.
The third force is electromagnetism. The third quadrant is the most physical and most connected to activity. Electromagnetism separates on a large scale. Light is electromagnetism, and so X rays and gamma rays are electromagnetism. Light travels far and at a fast speed. Electromagnetism is therefore connected with movement and activity.
The fourth force is gravity. Gravity brings things together on a large scale. Gravity does not fit with the other three forces. Physicists have made what are called Grand Unified Theories, where they combine the strong force, weak force, and electromagnetism. But physicists have difficulty creating what they call a “Theory of Everything”, which would unify gravity with the other three forces. The fourth quadrant is always different and recalcitrant.
Finally there is a questionable fifth force, called the quintessential force. Some physicists argue that the fifth force is dark energy. But the fifth quadrant is always debatable. Many physicists believe that the acceleration of the Universe is due to this fifth force, dark energy. But also many physicists say that the so-called fifth force that seems to be accelerating the Universe is just a form of gravity that is not completely understood. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth quadrant. The nature of the fourth points to the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is gravity, and many physicists think that dark energy is not really a separate force, but is just a form of gravity. A theory that attributes the acceleration of the Universe to gravity is Modified Newtonian Dynamics.
The Four forces in Physics
Strong Force
Weak Force
The four primary domains of inquiry are science, religion, art, and philosophy.
Science is the first quadrant. The first quadrant is always the most mental, and science is very intellectual. Scientists use big words. Science is also sort of weird. Scientists use abstruse language, such as describing “quantum fluctuations that triggered a big bang, 3.4 billion aeons ago”. Scientists are stereotypically smart and “weird”. The first quadrant is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Science is based around observation, which is related to sensations and perception.
The second quadrant domain of inquiry t is religion. Religion is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Belief consolidates communities. Belief and faith create order, structure, and conformity. The second quadrant is always connected to organization and homeostasis. Religion is important for the creation of order in society. Religions modify people’s behaviors. Religious people are not seen as very smart, like scientists are. The first quadrant is always very mental, and the second quadrant is not. The first quadrant is the mind, the second quadrant is the gut, the third quadrant is the heart, and the fourth quadrant is the gonads.
The third quadrant domain of inquiry is art. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Art is an activity. The third quadrant is most connected with action and activity. Art causes people to question things, and can shake people up out of their complacency. The third quadrant is a sort of breaking out of the second quadrant order and complacency. For instance, there is a statue called “piss Christ”. It is a modern artwork statue of Jesus in a jar of urine. The art-piece shakes people up and prompts people to ask question. Many people at first believe the work is an attempt to undermine religion and Christianity, and believe that it endeavors to disparage Jesus. But the creator of the piece says that in reality he meant to uphold religion, and instead show how people in our world treat Jesus, as if they are urinating on him. Art can move people to ask questions and think.
Artists are not seen as very smart for the most part. Scientists are seen as very intellectual and intelligent. The first quadrant is always the most cerebral. Religious people and artists are more normal, and not viewed as so intelligent. The second and third quadrants are not very mental.
The quadrants in the quadrant model are very linked and interconnected. For instance, art is separate from religion, but it also borrows from religion. “Piss Christ” utilizes the motif of the crucifixion of Jesus, a central component of Christianity. Throughout history there has been a continuity of religious symbols and artwork. In the West most artwork was connected to Jesus and the crucifixion. In India artwork is connected to Hindu gods such as Krishna. Bharat Mata is a modern painting that depicts a contemporary woman with four arms, similar to depictions of the multitude Hindu deities. In Ancient Greece, most of the artwork focused on their religious figures, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hercules. During the Renaissance European painters not only depicted Jesus, but also created artworks centered around Greek and Roman Gods.
The fourth quadrant domain of inquiry is Philosophy. The fourth quadrant has the quality of being abstract and transcendent. The third quadrant is the most physical and activity oriented. The fourth quadrant goes beyond the physical. The fourth quadrant exceeds the material/physical. The fourth quadrant also often possesses qualities of the previous three quadrants, while going beyond them. For instance there is philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion, and philosophy of art. But philosophy, while it includes the previous domains of inquiry, is qualitatively discrete. The first quadrant is always mental and weird. The fourth quadrant also tends to have a quality of being mental. A big difference between the first quadrant and the fourth quadrant is the first quadrant is weird and does not belong, and is not yet physical. The fourth quadrant is strange, but the fourth quadrant represents the transcendence of belonging, and goes beyond the third quadrant of physicality. The first quadrant wants to gain physicality. The fourth quadrant is movement beyond physicality. The fourth quadrant signifies a passing through the third quadrant of the material plane, to a transcendent domain beyond the material/physical.
The first quadrant is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation and perception are very mental. Perceptions are interpretations by the mind of electromagnetic impulses from the environment. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Belief and faith are all about creating order and consolidating communities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming. The third quadrant is action and activity. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The fourth quadrant is abstract and transcendent
The fifth quadrant is Being. According to many philosophers, Being is God. In the Bible God says “I am”. Many philosophers say that this means that God is “Being itself”. History may be a fifth, ultra transcendent domain of inquiry. But it is questionable. The word history derives from the Greek word for inquiry. Philosophy is the fourth quadrant field of inquiry. Philosophy means the Love of knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is inquiry. History literally means inquiry. So the fourth quadrant philosophy points to the fifth quadrant inquiry. One’s philosophy will determine the way somebody views history that is for sure. The fourth and the fifth quadrants are always extremely interlinked. History is sort of the study of being. Philosophy is the study of knowledge.
The Four Fields of Inquiry
David Keirsey defines four temperaments.
Quadrant 1 Idealists- Idealists correspond to the first quadrant. Idealists are abstract and cooperative. Abstract people are mental and intellectual. The first quadrant is the mental quadrant. Idealists are also cooperative. Cooperative people try to fit in and belong. Air is the first quadrant element. Air tries to fill its container. Filling your container relates to trying to belong. Air is hot and wet. Hot corresponds to being abstract. Wet corresponds to being cooperative. Wet things by nature fill their containers. Hot things rise. Rising would relate to being abstract, because when you rise you are not so grounded. Thus rising metaphorically connects to having abstract/high thoughts
Quadrant 2 Guardians- Guardians is the second quadrant temperament. Guardians are concrete and cooperative. Guardians are related to the element water, the second quadrant element. Water is cold and wet. Cold things sink, and wet things fill the container. Concrete people are more “normal”. Like water that sinks, concrete people are more grounded. Guardians are cooperative in that they try to fit in and belong. Water is wet, and thus tries to fill its container, like how Guardians are cooperative and try to fit in.
Quadrant 3 Artisans- Artisans is the third quadrant temperament. Artisans are concrete and utilitarian. Artisans are most associated with the third quadrant element earth. Earth is cold and dry. Cold things sink and are grounded. Concrete people are normal. Their thoughts are not so high and lofty like abstract people’s thoughts. Artisans are also utilitarian. Utilitarian people are not primarily concerned with fitting in, but they are more focused on doing “what works, and gets the job done”. Earth does not fill its container/try to fit in. Earth maintains its unique, solid form.
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quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
The Nature of Each Quadrant
First Quadrant- Weird, small, non physical, ethereal, mental, mind, wants to belong, feminine, spiritual, scientific, wants to find the self- gullible- naive, smart, uses flowery language, idealistic
Third Quadrant- Cool, bad, physical, action, activity, movement, destruction, violent, aggressive, masculine, artistic, individualistic, ego oriented, solid, realistic, rational, interpersonal
Second Quadrant- Normal, groupish, community, social, homeostasis, maintenance, sustaining, conformity, complacency, belongs, religious, practical, family oriented, grounded
Fourth Quadrant- Transcendent, divine, death, bad, strange, abstract, philosophical, mental and physical, Transcends yet includes the previous three- sometimes seems to not exist/absent- recalcitrant- unacknowledged- nothing- alone
Fifth Quadrant -God- Divine- Excess- Too Much- Questionable- Being- Truth- History
The Four stages of Consciousness
Instinctual, self not yet found
Rational, interpersonal, individualistic, ego oriented
Religious, magical, mythical, group oriented
Trans rational, transpersonal, philosophical, abstract
God Consciousness- Total Consciousness- Truth Consciousness
The Quadrant Model of Consciousness
First Quadrant Sensation
Third Quadrant Response
Ninth Quadrant Thinking
Eleventh Quadrant Doing
Second Quadrant Perception
Fourth Quadrant Awareness
Tenth Quadrant Emotion
Twelfth Quadrant Dreaming
Fifth Quadrant Belief
Seventh Quadrant Behavior
Thirteenth Quadrant Contemplation
Fifteenth Quadrant Flowing
Sixth Quadrant Faith
Eighth Quadrant Belonging
Fourteenth Quadrant Passion
Sixteenth QuadrantKnowing
Non Being
The quadrant model pattern is the overarching blueprint of existence. The quadrant pattern resides in all things, in all domains. Existence is centered around the quadrant model. The pattern is dominant in the Universe and pervades everything. The quadrant pattern is the foundation of reality. Every domain and sphere you analyze, you will find this pattern is supreme. Reality is sort of a holo-fractal based around the quadrant model. No matter how far you zoom out, or how much you shrink in, or how wide you extend your perspective, or how much you narrow it, one pattern is dominant and expresses itself absolutely everywhere. The quadrant theory demonstrates that our existence is supernaturally derived, and is oriented around one simple quadrant template. Reality is essentially a quadrant model matrix. The quadrant model validates what the mystics have said for centuries, that everything is one. But the quadrant model also demonstrates simultaneous oneness and differentiation, unity and gradation. The quadrant model shows that behind division is an underlying unity. The quadrant is the form of existence. The quadrant reveals itself in all provinces as preeminent.
Aristotle said that reality is made up of four elements
Quadrant 1- Air. The first quadrant is always the most non-physical. It is ethereal. Also the first quadrant tends to be the most mental.
Quadrant 2 is water. Water is a sort of intermediate between the non physical and the physical. The second quadrant is related to homeostasis and structure and order. The second quadrant is associated with organization. The second quadrant also has a quality of being seen as “good”. The first and second quadrants are “good”.
Quadrant 3 is earth. The third quadrant is always the most physical. The third quadrant has the quality of being seen as bad. For instance, many of the world religions denigrate physicality, and they consecrate the “mental/spiritual”. The third quadrant is action oriented. It is activity
Quadrant 4 is fire. Aristotle said that fire is much different than the other three elements. He said the first three elements are almost like one, but fire is like an element unto itself. It doesn’t fit in with the other three. When you get into the fourth quadrant, you are sort of entering into a new dimension. But the fourth quadrant often transcends, yet includes qualities of the previous three elements. Fire is ethereal like air, it flows like water, and it also maintains a form like earth. The fourth quadrant, like the third quadrant, also tends to be seen as sort of negative and “bad”. Fire is pretty destructive.
Quadrant 5 is actually a new quadrant. Once you enter quadrant five you are in a completely new domain. Quadrant five is excess. The Aztecs said that the number five represents excess. Alcohol is a substance that can easily be used to excess, so the Aztecs had five deities connected to alcohol.
Aristotle said that aether is the fifth element. Aristotle described that air is hot and wet, water is cold and wet, earth is cold and dry, and fire is hot and dry. But Aristotle stated that the aether is hot, cold, wet, and dry. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent, but the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
The fifth quadrant is also divine. The fifth quadrant is God. Aristotle said that the stars are made up of aether. Every culture in the world saw the stars as divine. Every culture saw the stars as their main deities.
The fifth quadrant is God, but the fifth quadrant is also questionable. People question if there is a God. In terms of the four forces of physics, the fifth force, quintessential force, is questionable. Physicists are not sure if it exists. Many physicists think it exists, but it is questionable if it does. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. The fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
Also, the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth quadrant. For instance, fire is similar to Aether. Both are extraordinary and sort of have a divine quality. The fourth quadrant and the fifth quadrant are divine, and represent a sort of transcendence of the first three quadrants which are more normal.
Aristotle’s four elements
Air- hot and wet
Earth- cold and dry
Water- cold and wet
Fire- hot and dry
Aether- hot cold wet and dry
The Hindus worship the AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad says that the AUM is the supreme God. According to the Mandukya Upanishad the AUM is a fourfold sound. The A is the god Brahma and is creation. The first quadrant is characteristically the most non physical. Creation implies the least physicality. A is the first quadrant. The U is the God Vishnu. Vishnu is the “sustainer”. The second quadrant is linked with homeostasis and maintenance. Vishnu is the preserver God. The M is Shiva. Shiva is the destroyer God. The third quadrant has the quality of being “bad”. It is action/doing. A lot of times religions denigrate “activity”, and they uphold “stillness”, and the mental. The third quadrant is always seen as bad. The Mandukya Upanishad also says there is a fourth component of the AUM, a silence that engulfs the first three quadrants. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent, and different than the other three, but also tends to absorb the other three. It often has qualities of the first three quadrants, but goes beyond them in such a way that it is much different from them and does not seem to belong with them.
Hindu Aum
A- Brahma- creator
M- Shiva- destroyer
U- Vishnu- sustainer
0 notes
quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”. There are five levels. But the quadrant theory posits that even when other numbers other thab four present themselves, still there will be a quadrant four in the system, and thus the quadrant supremacy is maintained. For instance, originally Maslow presented four “deficiency needs” and a fifth auxiliary need of self realization. Later three more auxiliary needs were added, making teo groups of four. So before jumping to conclusions when other numbers present themselves and assuming the quadrant is not relevant, examine more deeply the situation and system and somewhere the quadrant will establish dominance because existence is supernaturally based around the quadrant.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”. There are five levels. But the quadrant theory posits that even when other numbers other thab four present themselves, still there will be a quadrant four in the system, and thus the quadrant supremacy is maintained. For instance, originally Maslow presented four “deficiency needs” and a fifth auxiliary need of self realization. Later three more auxiliary needs were added, making teo groups of four. So before jumping to conclusions when other numbers present themselves and assuming the quadrant is not relevant, examine more deeply the situation and system and somewhere the quadrant will establish dominance because existence is supernaturally based around the quadrant.
Comte reduced science to four primary disciplines, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. Physics is the most intellectual and weird first quadrant. Physicists are stereotypically very smart and weird. Chemists are stereotypically more normal and less smart. The second quadrant is always more normal. Also chemistry is about “relationships” of elements. The second quadrant is connected to relationships. The third quadrant science is biology. The third quadrant is always the most physical and action oriented. Biologists are “in the field” and more active. They are also seen as the leadt smart of the sciences. The third quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. The first quadrant is very mental and smart. The third quadrant is the most physical. The final primary field of science according to Comte is psychology. Whether psychology is a hard science like the previous three, or a soft science is debatable. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Also the fourth quadrant is always mental. Psychology studies the brain and the mind. Also, if you think about it, psychology contains the previois three sciences. To be a psychologist it can be helpful to know about quantum mechanics since it is argued in the orc or model of consciousness that consciousness emerges from quantum mechanical properties in microtubules. Also it can be helpful to know about chemistry. Helen Fisher argues that there are four types of people, and the four types center around predominances of the four mainbrain chemicals. The first quadrant brain chemical is estrogen. Estrogen is related to femininity and passivity. The first quadrant is always feminine and passive. The second quadrant brain chemical is serotonin. Serotonin influences people to be orderly and organized. The second quadrant is order and homeostasis. The third quadrant brain chrmical is dopamine. Dopamine influenced people to take risks and action. The third quadrant is always action oriented. The fourth quadrant brain chemical is testosterone. Testosterone is connected to rational thinking. The fourth quadrant is always mental.
An example of the quadrant model in Chinese religion can be seen in Chinese astrology. In Chinese astrology the five elements are presented in sort of a quincunx. A quincunx is a cross of five elements.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”. There are five levels. But the quadrant theory posits that even when other numbers other thab four present themselves, still there will be a quadrant four in the system, and thus the quadrant supremacy is maintained. For instance, originally Maslow presented four “deficiency needs” and a fifth auxiliary need of self realization. Later three more auxiliary needs were added, making teo groups of four. So before jumping to conclusions when other numbers present themselves and assuming the quadrant is not relevant, examine more deeply the situation and system and somewhere the quadrant will establish dominance because existence is supernaturally based around the quadrant.
Comte reduced science to four primary disciplines, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. Physics is the most intellectual and weird first quadrant. Physicists are stereotypically very smart and weird. Chemists are stereotypically more normal and less smart. The second quadrant is always more normal. Also chemistry is about “relationships” of elements. The second quadrant is connected to relationships. The third quadrant science is biology. The third quadrant is always the most physical and action oriented. Biologists are “in the field” and more active. They are also seen as the leadt smart of the sciences. The third quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. The first quadrant is very mental and smart. The third quadrant is the most physical. The final primary field of science according to Comte is psychology. Whether psychology is a hard science like the previous three, or a soft science is debatable. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Also the fourth quadrant is always mental. Psychology studies the brain and the mind. Also, if you think about it, psychology contains the previois three sciences. To be a psychologist it can be helpful to know about quantum mechanics since it is argued in the orc or model of consciousness that consciousness emerges from quantum mechanical properties in microtubules. Also it can be helpful to know about chemistry. Helen Fisher argues that there are four types of people, and the four types center around predominances of the four mainbrain chemicals. The first quadrant brain chemical is estrogen. Estrogen is related to femininity and passivity. The first quadrant is always feminine and passive. The second quadrant brain chemical is serotonin. Serotonin influences people to be orderly and organized. The second quadrant is order and homeostasis. The third quadrant brain chrmical is dopamine. Dopamine influenced people to take risks and action. The third quadrant is always action oriented. The fourth quadrant brain chemical is testosterone. Testosterone is connected to rational thinking. The fourth quadrant is always mental. Also to do psychology it is important to understsnd biology.
Comte argues that sociology is a soft science and not one of the four primary sciences. Even the quadrant pattern dominates sociology however. For instance Max Weber says there are four classes in American society. They are the first quadrant upper class, second quadrant white collar workers, third quadrant petite bourgeoise, and the fourth quadrant manual working class.
Durkheim was one of the founders of sociology. Every sociology 101 course begins with his “four types of suicide”. Fatalistic suicide involves too much integration. Anomic suicide involbes not enough regulation. Alttuistic suicide involves too much integration. Finally egoistic suicide involves not enough integration.
Storms model of sexuality describes that there are four types of sexuality. They are homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. There are also four genders, cis male, trans male, cis female, and trans female.
An example of the quadrant model in Chinese religion can be seen in Chinese astrology. In Chinese astrology the five elements are presented in sort of a quincunx. A quincunx is a cross of five elements.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”. There are five levels. But the quadrant theory posits that even when other numbers other thab four present themselves, still there will be a quadrant four in the system, and thus the quadrant supremacy is maintained. For instance, originally Maslow presented four “deficiency needs” and a fifth auxiliary need of self realization. Later three more auxiliary needs were added, making teo groups of four. So before jumping to conclusions when other numbers present themselves and assuming the quadrant is not relevant, examine more deeply the situation and system and somewhere the quadrant will establish dominance because existence is supernaturally based around the quadrant.
Comte reduced science to four primary disciplines, physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. Physics is the most intellectual and weird first quadrant. Physicists are stereotypically very smart and weird. Chemists are stereotypically more normal and less smart. The second quadrant is always more normal. Also chemistry is about “relationships” of elements. The second quadrant is connected to relationships. The third quadrant science is biology. The third quadrant is always the most physical and action oriented. Biologists are “in the field” and more active. They are also seen as the leadt smart of the sciences. The third quadrant is opposite of the first quadrant. The first quadrant is very mental and smart. The third quadrant is the most physical. The final primary field of science according to Comte is psychology. Whether psychology is a hard science like the previous three, or a soft science is debatable. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Also the fourth quadrant is always mental. Psychology studies the brain and the mind. Also, if you think about it, psychology contains the previois three sciences. To be a psychologist it can be helpful to know about quantum mechanics since it is argued in the orc or model of consciousness that consciousness emerges from quantum mechanical properties in microtubules. Also it can be helpful to know about chemistry. Helen Fisher argues that there are four types of people, and the four types center around predominances of the four mainbrain chemicals. The first quadrant brain chemical is estrogen. Estrogen is related to femininity and passivity. The first quadrant is always feminine and passive. The second quadrant brain chemical is serotonin. Serotonin influences people to be orderly and organized. The second quadrant is order and homeostasis. The third quadrant brain chrmical is dopamine. Dopamine influenced people to take risks and action. The third quadrant is always action oriented. The fourth quadrant brain chemical is testosterone. Testosterone is connected to rational thinking. The fourth quadrant is always mental. Also to do psychology it is important to understsnd biology.
Comte argues that sociology is a soft science and not one of the four primary sciences. Even the quadrant pattern dominates sociology however. For instance Max Weber says there are four classes in American society. They are the first quadrant upper class, second quadrant white collar workers, third quadrant petite bourgeoise, and the fourth quadrant manual working class.
Durkheim was one of the founders of sociology. Every sociology 101 course begins with his “four types of suicide”. Fatalistic suicide involves too much integration. Anomic suicide involbes not enough regulation. Alttuistic suicide involves too much integration. Finally egoistic suicide involves not enough integration.
Storms model of sexuality describes that there are four types of sexuality. They are homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. There are also four genders, cis male, trans male, cis female, and trans female.
An example of the quadrant model in Chinese religion can be seen in Chinese astrology. In Chinese astrology the five elements are presented in sort of a quincunx. A quincunx is a cross of five elements. On the Chinese Calendar there are two water element animals then pig and the rat, and then there is the Earth ox. Then there are two wood element animals the tiger and the rabbit and then the Earth dragon. Then there are two fire element animals, the snake and the horse, and a Earth element goat. Finally there are two metal element animals the monkey and the rooster, and an earth element dog. So there are two animals per element except the earth element, which has four animals. The Chinese see the five elements as a quincunx, with the Earth in the center, and the other four elements in the four directions. These five elements then make a quadrant form. The quadrant form presents itself as dominant in existence in all arenas. In Chinese medicine the five elements are viewed the same way, as a quincunx, and the Chinese relate this quincunx to everything, to the five senses, to the five planets, and so on.
Some may say “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terestrial planets, mercury, venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia.
Some may say “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terestrial planets, mercury, venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia. Then there are four gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Note how the planets are named after Greek Gods. The Greeks viewed the visible planets as Gods. Uranus and Neptune and Pluto are not visible and were named in modern times, but still after Gods. The Hindus viewed the five visible planets as Gods as well. The hindus linked the five planets with the five elements. Saturn they saw as the first quadrant element air, Venus they saw as the second quadrant water, Mercury they saw as the third quadrant Earth, Mars they saw as the transcendent fourth quadrant fire and Jupiter they saw as the ultra transcendent fifth elemebt ether. But the Hindus had different bames and stories for these deity planets. For instance, Hindus called Jupiter Brihaspati, the guru of the Gods, and Venus shukracharya, the guru of the demons. Interestingly, in the Bible Satan, the leader of the demons, is called the morning star, which is the planet Venus. The Bible builds upon pagan religions, which viewed the planets as deities.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in Buddhism is the four noble truths. The fourth noble truth is called the truth of the eightfold path, and it is different from the previous three.
An example of the quadrant model in Christianity is the gospels. The first quadrant gospel is the gospel of Mark.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
Some may argue “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terestrial planets, mercury, venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia. Then there are four gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Note how the planets are named after Greek/Roman Gods. The Greeks and Romans viewed the visible planets as Gods. Uranus and Neptune and Pluto are not visible and were named in modern times, but still after Gods. The Hindus viewed the five visible planets as Gods as well. The hindus linked the five planets with the five elements. Saturn they saw as the first quadrant element air, Venus they saw as the second quadrant water, Mercury they saw as the third quadrant Earth, Mars they saw as the transcendent fourth quadrant fire and Jupiter they saw as the ultra transcendent fifth element ether. But the Hindus had different names and stories for these deity planets. For instance, Hindus called Jupiter Brihaspati, the guru of the Gods, and Venus shukracharya, the guru of the demons. Interestingly, in the Bible, Satan, the leader of the demons, is called the morning star. The morning star is the planet Venus. The Bible builds upon pagan religions, which viewed the planets as deities. The first quadrant field of inquiry, Science and the second quadrant field of inquiry, religion, are very tied together. Even today, scientists use the same term for the planets that Ancient Greeks and Romans used for the gods they worshipped in their religions.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in Buddhism is the four noble truths. The fourth noble truth is called the truth of the eightfold path, and it is different from the previous three.
An example of the quadrant model in Christianity is the gospels. The first quadrant gospel is the gospel of Mark. The gospel of Mark is short. The first quadrant is always the smallest. The second quadrant gospel is the gospel of Matthew. The gospel of Matthew goes out of its way to depict Jesus as Jewish and following Jewish laws. The second quadrant is homeostasis and order. Following laws is connected to homeostasis. The third quadrant godpel is the gospel of Luke. Luke tries to portray Jesus not just as a Jew and “descendant of Abraham” but as a prophet for the whole world and a “descendant of Adam”. The quadrant model is holistic and each quadrant expands on the previous quadrant. The gospel of Luke represents Jesus as going beyond just the Jewish people to the whole world. Finally the gospel of John is called the “maverick gospel”. The fourth quadrant is always different. The gospel of John is very philosophical and attempts to portray Jesus more as divine. The fourth quadrant is always philosophical.
The New Testament is divided into four parts. The gospels are the first quadrant. Acts is the second quadrant. Epistles is the third quadrant. Finally Revelations is the transcendent fourth quadrant that does not belong. Bible scholars describe that Revelations is so different and bizarre that it does not fit with the other three sections of the New Testament.
Jews often call the Old Testament the pentateuch, meaning five books. But scholar Martin Noth and many scholars describe that the Old Testament would more accurately be called the tetrateuch. He says the fifth book of the Torah should not be included in the Torah, but moreso should be with the other books of the Bible after the Torah. The first book of the Torah is Genesis. Genesis means beginning. The first quadrant is always creation. Genesis is also weird. The first quadrant is always weird. Genesis contains four fantastic myths. The first myth is the Garden of Eden. The second myth is Cain and Abel. The third myth is the flood. The fourth myth is the Tower of Babel.
The second book of the torah is Exodus. Exodus is the story of the Israelite family. The second quadrant is homeostasis and community and relatioships. Thus it makes sense that Exodus focuses on the Israelite family.
Some may argue “there are eight planets not four”. But the way the planets are organized is in a quadrant fashion. There are four terestrial planets, mercury, venus, earth, and mars. Then there is an asteroid belt. In the asteroid belt there are “four main asteroids”. They are Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia. Then there are four gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Note how the planets are named after Greek/Roman Gods. The Greeks and Romans viewed the visible planets as Gods. Uranus and Neptune and Pluto are not visible and were named in modern times, but still after Gods. The Hindus viewed the five visible planets as Gods as well. The hindus linked the five planets with the five elements. Saturn they saw as the first quadrant element air, Venus they saw as the second quadrant water, Mercury they saw as the third quadrant Earth, Mars they saw as the transcendent fourth quadrant fire and Jupiter they saw as the ultra transcendent fifth element ether. But the Hindus had different names and stories for these deity planets. For instance, Hindus called Jupiter Brihaspati, the guru of the Gods, and Venus shukracharya, the guru of the demons. Interestingly, in the Bible, Satan, the leader of the demons, is called the morning star. The morning star is the planet Venus. The Bible builds upon pagan religions, which viewed the planets as deities. The first quadrant field of inquiry, Science and the second quadrant field of inquiry, religion, are very tied together. Even today, scientists use the same term for the planets that Ancient Greeks and Romans used for the gods they worshipped in their religions.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in Buddhism is the four noble truths. The fourth noble truth is called the truth of the eightfold path, and it is different from the previous three.
An example of the quadrant model in Christianity is the gospels. The first quadrant gospel is the gospel of Mark. The gospel of Mark is short. The first quadrant is always the smallest. The second quadrant gospel is the gospel of Matthew. The gospel of Matthew goes out of its way to depict Jesus as Jewish and following Jewish laws. The second quadrant is homeostasis and order. Following laws is connected to homeostasis. The third quadrant godpel is the gospel of Luke. Luke tries to portray Jesus not just as a Jew and “descendant of Abraham” but as a prophet for the whole world and a “descendant of Adam”. The quadrant model is holistic and each quadrant expands on the previous quadrant. The gospel of Luke represents Jesus as going beyond just the Jewish people to the whole world. Finally the gospel of John is called the “maverick gospel”. The fourth quadrant is always different. The gospel of John is very philosophical and attempts to portray Jesus more as divine. The fourth quadrant is always philosophical.
The New Testament is divided into four parts. The gospels are the first quadrant. Acts is the second quadrant. Epistles is the third quadrant. Finally Revelations is the transcendent fourth quadrant that does not belong. Bible scholars describe that Revelations is so different and bizarre that it does not fit with the other three sections of the New Testament.
Jews often call the Old Testament the pentateuch, meaning five books. But scholar Martin Noth and many scholars describe that the Old Testament would more accurately be called the tetrateuch. He says the fifth book of the Torah should not be included in the Torah, but moreso should be with the other books of the Bible after the Torah. The first book of the Torah is Genesis. Genesis means beginning. The first quadrant is always creation. Genesis is also weird. The first quadrant is always weird. Genesis contains four fantastic myths. The first myth is the Garden of Eden. The second myth is Cain and Abel. The third myth is the flood. The fourth myth is the Tower of Babel.
The second book of the torah is Exodus. Exodus is the story of the Israelite family. The second quadrant is homeostasis and community and relatioships. Thus it makes sense that Exodus focuses on the Israelite family.
The third book of the Torah is laws. Laws tells the Israelites what to do. The third quadrant is the action quadrant.
The fourth book of the Torah is Numbers. Numbers is more philosophical and mental. The fourth quadrant is separate and transcendent and the most mental and abstract.
Christians divide the New Testament into four sections Laws, History, Poetry, and Prophets. Jews divide the Old Testament into three sections. This is the three four dynamic fundamental to the quadrant model
0 notes
quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities.
dont be flippant about this
once in a blue moon battery of other things you get with ssi
well my hombre god be with you
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
just taking inventory
my health is flucuatinf rapidly
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious. The guardian personality type is the second quadrant personality type. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Guardians are the most religious. Also children in Piaget’s second stage of development still are not rational. They lack the ability to do conservation tasks. For instance, if you show them a long cup filled with water, and pour the water into a wide cup, and ask which cup had more the water, the answer would be both have the same amount of water, but the child in this stage will say the long cup. The second level of human consciousness after instinctual consciousness is magical, religious consciousness.
Piaget’s third stage of development is the concrete operational stage. Notice the word concretre. Concrete is hard and physical. The third quadrant is always the most physical and solid. During this stage children are developing skills of rationality and logic. They can do conservation tasks. The only deficiency they have is they lack abstract thinking capabilities. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. Thinking implies logical capacities. The temperament corresponding to the third quadrant is the artisan. Artisans are not deep thinkers like the fourth quadrant rationals, but they are thinkers, and they do not follow the rules and do things with the intention of belonging like guardians and idealists do, but they think and are individualistic and do their own things. The third stage of human development is moving passed magical and religious consciousness to rational, interpersonal consciousness.
Finally Piaget’s fourth stage of development is the formal operational stage. Children at this stage develop abstract thinking skills, where they can imagine hypothetical worlds and possibilities. The fourth quadrant personality type is the rational. Rationals are abstract thinkers. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Contemplation implies abstract thinking. The fourth stage of development of human consciousness is the movement from rational interpersonal consciousness to trans rational trans personal consciousness.
Abraham Maslow called the transperso al psychology the “fourth force of psychology”. According to Maslow the four forces of psychology are first quadrant, psychodynamic theories, second quadrant behaviorism, third quadrant humanistic psychology, and finally the fourth quadrant transpersonal psychology.
Maslow has a famous “hierarchy of needs”.
transpersonal fourth
four senses
comte reduced to four primary sciences four cluste rb
maslow two groups of four
homeboy had to take a leak
in front of donut shop want to get caught
1 note · View note
quadrantpamphlet · 2 years
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
Aristotle said there are four senses. The four senses are related to the four lobes of the brain. Really there are technically around eleven senses. But Aristotle said that there are four main senses, and he associated them with the four elements. Vision he connected to water, hearing he connected to air, touch he connected to Earth, and smell he linked with fire. Aristotle said that taste is just a component of touch.
But linking the four main senses to the four brain lobes, the occipital lobe is vision. Vision is the most linked with the mind. For instance, when people have a realization they say “I see”. The first quadrant lobe is the occcipital lobe, and the first quadrant is the most mental. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing. Hearing is the second quadrant sense. The second quadrant is associated with homeostasis and maintenance and also social relationships and community. Belief snd faith glue together communities. Hearing is the most social sense, because people communicate using their ears to hear what others say. So hearing is most associated with relationships, and relationships is second quadrant related. Also hearing is done with the ear organ. According to biologists there are four special sense organs, the nose, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. Within the ear is the vestibular system. The vestibular system is in charge of balance. Balance is homeostasis and maintenance, which is the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe, the parietal lobe, is associated with movement and the third quadrant sense of touch. The somatosensory cortex is in the parietal lobe, and the somatosensory cortex is linked to the sense of touch. Finally the sense of taste is the fourth quadrant sense, and it is connected to the fourth quadrant lobe of the brain, the parietal lobe. The brocas area is in theoarietal lobe. The brocas area is connected with the ability to speek. Speeking is done with the tongue and the tongue is responsible for taste. I would say that smell is the ultra tranacendent fifth sense. The fourth quadrant always points to the fifth. Smell, the fifth quadrant and taste the fourth quadrant arr intricately linked
I think of the four plus one quadrants as light, word, flesh, true word, and true light. Light is science and the sense of vision. Word is religion and the sense of hearing. Religious people listen with their ears and they obey. Religion is belief, faith, behavior and belonging. The third quadrant is the flesh, linked with art and the sense of touch. The flesh is physcial. The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. Theh are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical.
The fourth quadrant is the true word, which is associated with the sense of taste and philosophy. The true word to me is words spoken from the mouth. Philosophers speak from the mouth and give knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The knowledge that philosophers impart become the beliefs of the religious, or they are against the beliefs of the religious. The second quadrant and fourth quadrants are opposite. They are the word and the true word. The forst and the second quadrants are opposite. They are the light and the flesh. Light is very non physical and is associated with the mind. For instance when people have ideas in cartoons light bulbs are shown going off in their heads. The flesh is very physical. Finally there is the true light. The true light is the first quadrant of the next quadrant. The true light, the fifth quadrant is very linked to the true word, the fourth quadrant. They both have true in their names. The nature of the fourth quadrant always indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth quadrant is transcendent. the fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent.
An example of the quadrant model pattern in psychology is Piaget’s four stages of development for children. The first stage of development is the sensorimotor stage. During this stage a child functions through basic reflexes oriented around its senses. The first quadrant of the quadrant model is sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Sensation, perception, response, and awareness corresponds to the first stage of consciousness of humans, instinctual consciousness. Babies at the first stage of developmebt have no object constancy. This means that that if you cover your bal or a face the baby thinks it disappears. They lack logic and reason. This corresponds to the idealist temperament. Idealists tend to be guillable and they tend to believe in magic and fairies and stuff like that and they are not very rational. Women are more often idealists and women are stereotypically not rational or logical. Percentage wise, wome make up lost of idealists.
Piaget’s second stage of childhood development is the preoperational stage. Children in the preoperational stage exhbit magical thinking. They believe that the tree is there to give them shade. And the children possess what Piaget call “artificialism”, which is the belief that a higher sentient being placed the tree there for the purpose of giving them shade. Piagets second stage of consciousness corresponds to the second quadrant field of inquiry religion. Religious people tend to attribute to phenomena the intercession of a sentient being or beings. Children at the second stage of development in Piagets model are highly religious.
An example of the quadrant pattern in biology is the four domains of life. Originally there was only thought to be three domains of life. Archae and bacteria are the duality. Biologists call them archaebacteria. Archaea are extrmely small and simple. The first quadrant is always the least physical. Bacteria are the second quadrant. The second quadrant is always homeostasis. Bacteria kind of serve the function of homeostasis and maintenance in that theh break down dead matter, thus keeping ecosystems clean. The third domain of life is eukaryotes. Eukaryotes have a cell wall and a nucleus, whereas eukaryotes and bacteria don’t. The third quadrant js always the most physical. Animals and plants and fungi are eukaryotes. Finally the fourth domain of life is the virus. Biologicsts originally questioned if the virus is a separate fourth domain. The fourth quadrant is always transcendent. Biologists argue that the virus is not a domain of life since it needs a host cell to live. But it can be argued that every fomain of life is a virus, if thr Gaia hypothesis is correct and Earth is a living organism. The fourth quadrant transcends yet inclides the previous three quadrants. Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and archae may all in fact be viruses. Moreover viruses can only live within bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Biologistd today argue that some large viruses are a separate fourth domain of life
There are four kingdoms of animals. Originally there was thought to be three kingdoms of life, but later a transcendent fourth kingdom of life. Plants are the first quadrant kingdom of life. The first quadrant is always the most passive and feminine. They are the least action oriented. Plants are very passive. They do not move. The second quadrant kingdom is fungi. Fungi break down dead matter. The second quadrant always fulfills a maintenance and homeostasis function. The third quadrsnt kingdom of life is animals. Animals are the doers. Doing is always connected to action. Also the animal world is full of violence and survival of the fittest. The third quadrant is always “bad”. Carnivores tear apart and mutilate other carnivores and herbivores and herbivores kill plants and fungi. At first it was thiught there were three kingdoms of life, in existence there is constantly the contention and interplay with the numbers three and four. Later it was discovered that there was a fourth domain of life, the protists. What is fascinatinc is biologists call protists “plant like protists, fungi like protists, and animal like protists.”. The fourth quadrant often goes beyond the first three quadrants but contains them as well.
Another example of the quadrant pattern in biology is seen in the four lobes of the human brain. The occipital lobe is connected to vision. It is the smallest part of the brain. Thr occipital lobe is the first quadrant. The second quadrant lobe is the temporal lobe. The part of the brain connected to religiosity is in the temporal lobe. Religion is connected to homeostasis and maintenance, and homeostais and maintenance are linked to the second quadrant. The third quadrant lobe of the brain is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe is associated with movement. Movement and action is linked with the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant lobe is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is transcendent and kind of controls the other three lobes. The fourth quadrant goes beyond yet encompasses the previous three. Also the frontal lobe is respinsible for higher level thinking and rationality. The fourth quadrant is the most abstract and linked with philisophy.
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