Deadbeat Dads
So I've done the math, if I've had twelve one-night stands and never talked to the women again, what is the probability of you're being one in my kids. This makes a lot of sense
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dKos Intersectionalism
Ten years ago tomorrow, what is the state of Left-wing Progressivism today. My thesis is that Tumblr and Daily Kos have the largest and most influential set of sexually liberated anarchists. I remember
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So you want to be an art dealer?
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Do your own research before accusing me of robbing you
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How to create a movie studio, POC Drew Mars for bid proposals
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It's Grimm up north Ms Southern
Not to brag General Bragg, yet meest think I heard 'Pirate Sprigg' Laura, I think Lady Blagg needs me Harlot Q20022-0223
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Remember to check the legal code and precedents in your local to see if some of the techniques taught in this course have been legally associated with rape. Stop at three noes, hypnotism has been adjudicated as constituting the same kind of rape giving a victim alcohol and drugs in my area of operation, remember to learn the culture code before you sexcation Belgium
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Friday Finds
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Junior Detective Games
Help us ID this sus based off of our Jr. Detectives' attention to detail and internet-crowd sleuthing. I'm venturing in to interactive gaming where the viewer is audience and participant both.
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let's get an internet dating story thread going
So back around 2007 I went on an OKCupid date with a younger Latina Activest complete with Ché Guevera Chiq army coat. We had dinner at a "Mexicsn" restaurant where we were serenaded by a Mariachi band and now, all these years and Spanish lessons later, I wonder what they were saying
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What is going on here?
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Night Court Confessionals
The last time I had my own apartment, was in 2010 when I had a studio apartment with a bathroom and kitchenette. I was a beneficiary of the unemployment extension due to the economic recession caused in large part to the housing price crash beginning in 2007. During my year of unemployment, I received a jury summons notification in the mail and reported on the date requested.
It was my first time being in a courtroom in the building I had worked previously has a Deputy Clerk working in the same building's basement two years before. There were over 100 of us in the jury pool and the case involved extraordinary descriptions of sexual abuse a grand daughter had suffered over maybe a decade or more from the age of four by her grandfather. After reading the summary of what the charges were, the judge asked if any of us could be emotionally unable to be on the jury or be biased in either direction, they gave us questionnaires with questions involving our histories. After watching several potential jurors request private, closed door meetings, with the judge to explain why they could not be on the jury, the process began of calling the initial twelve random individuals the process of selecting the trial jury began.
Beginning with juror one, the prosecution and defense began taking turns asking the person being considered as a member of the jury a series of questions, each with the purpose of removing jurors who they thought would be too biased towards the opposing side and most likely to side with their arguments of guilty or not guilty. I do not remember how many challenges each lawyer had, but I do remember they were polite and cordial, "thank you for your time" sort of thing as they told the judge this juror was not acceptable.
Myself, being of a proper law-abiding citizen background with my status as a veteran of the U.S. Navy, would be a desirable and trustworthy juror. When I was called the the jurors' seat, it was the first time I was able to obtain a view of the man charged with sexually assaulting and molesting his grand daughter. It was very uncomfortable as it was a man of my father's age and demographic, a pasty old white man, except, my father has hair and this man had a shaved head so I tried to avoid looking at him as I felt sorry in a way, but open to listening to the young lady as some things are believable when it comes to his views on sexual morality (his older brother faced and was cleared of similar charges a couple of decades before by boys in the foster care home he volunteered at). To finish this up, the only question I was asked is my name and if I had served in the Navy as indicated on my questionnaire. I answered "Yes," then the prosecution thanked and dismissed me. I have to say I was shocked as I thought I would have been a very fair juror(the dude wasn't my father, I don't have a sister). That was fourteen years ago and now that all the men in my family have been accused of the same charges.
I wonder what the result of that trial was or if they even bother having trials, as I wrote, ALL THE MEN in my family have been chased out of cities and towns with the same accusations, but this time without the benefit of being allowed to face our accusers in court.
It was 2015 when a manic street hood put a smartphone camera to my face at a pizza restaurant yelling, "this is a pedophile, GET HIM." It has taken ten years to find out what Twitter really was.
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Fun with Sock Puppets from Studio 6-C
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The ‘IF’ Cast on Group Therapy and the Process of Creating the Imaginary...
I did something unusual this morning that did not used to be unusual, I decided to check out non-livestreaming content and see what the hundreds of pre-superchat donation products.  Found a Wolfgirl pilot clip which lead me to see if I could still vote in NBC’s Playground competition to see if I could still vote.  Internet search said they greenlit Imaginary Friend and Sunset PPL for production into recurring sitcoms.  Now we have some historical spoilers as 2015 seems when online streaming services decimated Network Television, and yet Network Television gave us our most iconic popculture programming. 
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The Art of Justice
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Thank You David Sedaris
An English professor I took a creative writing class under in college gave me a compliment by comparing my writing style to David Sedaris, what do you think? Does David write about you too?
Tomorrow is E day for Heather so of course I heard from her and about the planes spraying chemicals over Sacramento.  It is Adam redux as she is in crisis since one of the fine upstanding Sacramento people she let's hang out in her apartment stole her purse.  I guess Jodi is letting her store her personal possessions at her house, but Heather doesn't know if that includes Heather.  She'll find out.  I just read the text messages and acknowledge them.  She needs to be at Loaves and Fishes in the vulnerable woman program they have there.  I was going to volunteer there awhile back and had a tour of their facilities.  They have a wing that is exclusively women and they had the recreation room where they do arts and crafts.  Unfortunately just judging by her ramblings she will either have to be in a group home for the rest of her life or on the streets.  I don't think Jodi's emotional frame could handle looking at Heather and knowing she is a 36 year old dependent for life.   What is she supposed to do, wait for Heather to "clean up" and then get another job that can barely cover any of life's living expenses, push her into another apartment where the entire cycle repeats, since that is all this is at this point; a never ending cycle of dysfunctional teenager behavior that has extended into prime adulthood.  Maybe there is a miracle somewhere waiting to happen.
Anyway, I would be very interested about this check since the IRS doesn't have any record of it apparently.  It might have been from a parallel universe, but after you put it in the book, the matrix glitched and it went away since we are on a different timeline now.  I distinctly remember mailing my taxes certified mail and I have the copies where I have my bank account routing information clear as day in there.  Of course I have had several little things vanish on me like my remote control and a little hard drive that had a hundred TV shows on it.  I am letting my little room go to poop and become cluttered so it isn't that big of a mystery, but still.  It is frustrating. 
Out here the Kurds and Iraqis are still having a kind of mexican standoff and we are hoping there is a political truce that can delay their civil war a year or so.  I read online that a big Shiite militia leader has called on the Americans to get the FO of Iraq now that ISIS is gone.  Instead of their ally in that fight we are once again the foreign infidel occupiers.  He's not wrong in that statement, I would just like to get another 6 months out of this so I can by a shack out in Idaho or someplace where I can make moonshine and live with my cats.  You would be welcome to live in the shed with your cats.  You can come in to watch Simpsons occasionally, only not the nights I am piss drunk off moonshine shooting my shotgun and blaming my family for everything wrong with my life.  
That is all I have right now.  I did make it to the exercise room today so let's see if tomorrow I can make it two days in a row.
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A Detective Story
Found in an old email - Oct 2017
"That is truly disturbing news about your cousin's daughter.  Is she the one that came to visit one time and had a little cataract in one eye? I remember being told not to stare.  There is a picture of Adam, Jeff and myself with mom and our second cousins that came to visit.  I think it was taken at the Marconi/Arcade light rail station.  
Now, onto the strangest tale I have heard in a while.  Out of the blue I get a text message from a friend of mine I haven't spoken to in a couple of years.  I will refer to her as L.  L is one half of a couple, L & J.  L works for the county now and is her local union rep.  She sits on a labor board and she has been opposing some healthcare revamp the state is floating as she looked at the numbers and believe there is a lot of fraud involved.  This has lead to her being a thorn in the side of other people who make a great deal of money from the state.  She was asking me about the Scientologists as a good number of people in her office she has made unhappy are Scientologists.
So, L & J broke up a few months ago and she joined a dating website.  She was contacted by a guy she used to know from high school who lives in the Sacramento area and he asks her out for coffee to chat.  She tells me that during the coffee date they are talking about music when she mentions that she likes Tool and the guy flips out and becomes angry because he is a Scientologist and Tool has made songs mocking L Ron Hubbard.  The guy invites her to come meet his grandmother in a gated community, so they stop off at "grandma's" house in an exclusive neighborhood where Kings players live.  That income level community.  So "grandma" gives her a glass of wine, and the next thing L knows is she is having an sort of out of body experience and goes completely compliant as the guy takes her into a bedroom and date rapes her.  The entire time she knows she has been drugged, but is terrified that a murder might be in the cards for her.  At one point she walks out of the bedroom only to have "grandma" walk up and start looking into her eyes as if she was examining them and walks away.  Later, as she is still being lead around in a semi-trance state the guy puts her in his car, picks up his daughter, and they all go to the zoo before he drops L off like nothing has happened.  L doesn't sleep for almost three days and goes to the police to have a rape test done(this is almost two weeks ago).  The police "lose" her urine test that would have had any traces of drugs in it and of course most of the date rape drugs are out of someone's system after three days, so even if she gave them urine, any evidence of the drugging won't show up anymore.
So L is telling me she believes the Scientologists have targetted her for causing calling attention to fraud in some government programs.  Like the Church contacted this guy and told him to go after her to mess her over mentally.  The week after the alleged rape occurred, her cousin in the Bay area who L is very close with finds her husband has committed suicide.  L's cousin found her husband hanging from a tree near their home with headphones on listening to Beck on repeat.  Beck, the musician, is mega-Scientologist and basically the Tom Cruise of the music world for them.
Oh, just to get the message through, the guy who drugged her when they were having coffee at one point told her, "you're a great person with infinite potential."  Since then, two other random men have said the same line to her, "you're a great person with infinite potential."  That little knowing knod, the new cult-mafia death threat.
There's your Church of Scientology story."
Please discuss among yourselves True Crime Podcasters
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