quantum-cube · 2 years
A confused almost annoyed look crossed his face. He was having to confront he didn’t know what was happening around graduation. Really he never really understood what was going on with the freaky magic stuff.
But he had the smile again when the other mentioned Kaiba. “Now dat’s definitely one thing we can agrees on!”
He looked forward with a loud. “MAN!”
“That guy really gets my goose, can’t stand a single thing he does or says, and he’s always just been like that. Scratch that he did useta be a whole lot worse. Yea, he probably had the most fucked up ways a tryin’ ta kill us, least in my opinion. And he’s still the worst at his best. Damn.”
He hadn’t expected this to be the point that they’d commiserate on. He hadn’t expected them to sympathize at all - on anything. Diva doesn’t want to get along with the guy. Or rather, he hadn’t initially been aiming to.
He could actually make amends, if he were to try. It wouldn’t hurt - and it might help him in the long run to have more friends in the city. It would also get Sera to stop pestering him about how it’s healthy to have interpersonal relationships. 
It would be less lonely.
The question, really, is: does he want to befriend Jonouchi Katsuya specifically?
Gold eyes scan the man up and down, attempt to peer through him - to see what he might be thinking. As much as he tries, though, that’s not possible. And Diva doubts that there’s a lot in there anyway.
“What did he do to you guys?” He links his fingers behind his back as they walk. “I interacted with him for a couple of days and most of that was spent in a sensory deprivation mask and tied to a chair while his brother threatened me. The rest was being forced to duel in a tournament I didn’t sign up for. If that’s the improved version, I’d hate to see the previous model.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Marik watches him go, then returns back to his duties.
It was a little exciting. He didn’t really go out on dates. Not often and not recently anyway. It was genuinely nice.
He did have the suspension that the other man had an alternative motivation, but honestly that was just part of the fun puzzle wasn’t it.
The rest of his shift was spent incredibly productively as he started pre planning answers to hard questions. He started out the door when it was time to clock out.
Text: where did we want to meet?
He’s been milling around for the last hour, just looking for interesting places to be. In the back of his mind, he’s also taking note of spaces he can set up shop on a work day. There are plenty of public spaces that he likely wouldn’t be shooed away as long as he looks official.
When his phone vibrates, he raises a brow. But he begins the relatively short walk to the Indian restaurant.
Message → Malik: The restaurant isn’t far. We can meet up there!
He quickly looks up the address and sends it over, weaving in and out of foot traffic.
Message → Malik: اراك قريبا
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quantum-cube · 2 years
An annoyed scowl rested on the blonde’s face when he glanced back at the other. He had words and hands ready for the other to catch. The words didn’t hurt it just made him mad. It had all been a trick after all. A trick to hurt someone he cared about.
“Yea we’re goin’ the right way. It’s just fasta to take the nara’ roads. Relax, it be a waist to put in effort to mess with yous.”
He turned his eyes forward again. “And you were not my friend. Incase you don’t know, it doesn’t count since your motivation was hurtin’ Ryou. So it don’t inspire a lotta confidence to bring it up.”
He couldn’t help think about all the people they met who offered kindness with the intention to hurt. Marik always came to mind. Tho he didn’t hold any ill will to the tombkeeper now; of the scariest pretend friends he was up there, if not at the top of the list. Creative, ruthless, horrifying. As the blond thought he couldn’t help a shutter.
“Ya weren’t the first to pretend to be our friends, you weren’t the scariest, I guess the big thing that sets you apart was we all thought we were done with that freaky magic stuff.”
He hummed and glanced back with a bit of a lop sided grin. “Oh and you might be one of the few who’s tried to kill us that is 1. Alive, and B. Not friends with us now. Only utha person in that category’s Kaiba. Hm atleast only person I can remember off the top of my head.”
Relax. Yeah, sure. That’s super easy right now, dealing with a guy that might still want to get back at him.
His not-friend seems annoyed. That was the plan, wasn’t it? He could try pushing it, if he wanted. It’s incredibly easy to upset Jonouchi. But he doesn’t really want to.
“That wasn’t my motivation - I never expected Ryou to be around. That was just an... interesting side plot.”
He sighs, trying to squash the train of thought that begins to leave his mental station. He’s honestly still not sure how he should feel about the white-haired man. Now that he’s able to separate him from the Ring in his head, his previous desire for revenge has fizzled. He still wants to avenge his master and his fallen brothers and sisters, but... what is he even supposed to do about it? Find the Millennium Ring and melt it down?
At the mention of the billionaire, Diva laughs indignantly.
“No surprise there. I don’t know if anyone could be friends with Kaiba. He’s a massive jerk.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
It did not take long for Jou to have them through the crowd. He ducked them down a less crowded street, and now they were on a rather direct path towards the path.
“A friend huh?” There was a note of sarcastic disbelief in his voice but all that rested on his face was a dumb playful expression.
He glanced forward a bit of tiredness etching into his expression.
This was still better than thinking about his shift, some fresh air will be great before going home and chilling the rest of the day. He ran his hand up abs through his hair.
He can tell immediately that his guide doesn’t believe him - at least not entirely. Which is fair! He’s not being entirely truthful, is he? Diva is actually surprised that Katsuya instinctively picked up on it. He doesn’t seem like the most observant sort.
“Yes. Believe it or not, I’m capable of sustaining friendships.” He almost scoffs. “I was even yours, for a little while.”
That statement was meant to hurt Jonouchi, but... why does it also sting on his end? Not a hell of a lot, but enough for it to be noticeable. That’s... interesting. Maybe he’s lonely, maybe he regrets some of his past decisions. Unfortunately, it’s hard to say if he regrets them because he was caught, or because he actually feels remorse for his treatment of the blond and his friends.
As he glances around in an attempt to get his mind off of the subject, he raises a brow.
“Are you sure we’re headed the right way?"
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quantum-cube · 2 years
He gently took his phone back from the other.
While he listened to the other, he quickly saved the number and tapped out a little hello so Diva would also have his number.
Text: Hi it’s Marik
He perked up some. There was always a better charm to family run places.
“No, that sounds perfect to me.” He offered the other a genuine smile. “Anything else I can do for you before I get back to you?”
Diva’s personal device vibrates and he instinctively retrieves it from the pocket of his coat. He doesn’t need to look to know that it’s Marik, but he opens the notification anyway. A tap here, a tap there, and he has a new contact. A few more, and he’s responded.
Message → Malik:  😉
As he looks back up to his new friend, he nods. Man, that smile is pretty nice when there’s some sincerity in it. His brain almost short circuits for a second.
“No, no. I’ll, uh. I’ll meet you at the museum entrance in about an hour. See you soon.”
He returns the phone to his pocket and mirrors the smile before he can stop himself. With one last look at the games on display, he begins to make his retreat.
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Marik hummed. A charming smile on his face. “I get off in a bout an hour, if we wanted to so it today. Or I am free tomorrow if you would rather. Your welcome to pick the place, I’ll pay as long as you don’t try and break the bank~”
He glanced around making sure no one was really paying attention. Aside from people being curious about the language no one seemed to be paying any mind.
Marik pulled his phone out, the lock screen being a selfy of all three Ishtar siblings together. He pulled up his call app, and offered it to the other.
“Here, you can give me your number if you like, or you can take your turn at being a little mean to me. Whichever you prefer.”
Diva watches the man move attentively. He only catches a glimpse of the lockscreen, but he does manage to register a group of three people, two dark-haired and one blond. That one is Marik, he thinks, and maybe the others are friends? Siblings? He had mentioned that he had a sister, at least.
It’s kind of cute - a hardened criminal expressing such a domestic side on his personal device.
He takes the phone and punches in his number. He could give a fake, but that would be counterproductive. He actually does want to stay in touch - it’ll make things easier in the long run.
The temptation to snoop through the rest of the phone has to be crushed immediately. No way to be stealthy about that.
“Today works for me. This was really the only stop I had planned in advance.” He holds the phone out for Marik to take back. “That’s very kind of you! I don’t know many restaurants in the area, though, I will admit.”
He thinks for a moment, drawing up a mental map of the eateries he’s been to in the last few months. The only one that really stands out to him is a small Indian sit-down a little ways off.
“There’s a family-owned place nearby that would be nice. Indian food, not too expensive. If you have a preference for something else, I’m all ears.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Marik glanced off a bit thoughtfull, as he slid around to the other side of the case. “Thats a bit of a tough thing to explain.”
He hummed. “Suppose the short answer is I was put on a better path. I got… very lucky. And one of my few marketable skills is being able to read hieroglyphics.”
His eyes traced the artifact. “ So I’m suited to this line of work”
He came around the other side.
“I might be persuaded to say more, but only over dinner.”
The request is more forward than he’d anticipated. But, he supposes, it’s not a bad thing. It’s actually quite advantageous. Who is he to deny a chance to get this man alone in a more intimate setting?
“I think that could be arranged.”
Diva turns his gaze from the game table to the man next to him. They’re now the closest they’ve been since the day that they met. If he were to reach out, he’d have no problem laying a hand on the other.
“When were you thinking? My schedule is pretty flexible.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
It was nice they shared an interest in duel monsters, depending how the rest of this went it could be fun to play. It had certainly been a while, and marik wasn’t too keen on his current playmates. He would probably put up a good fight but he would either lose to Kaiba, or have to put up with Bakura since he and Ryou were still not talking.
Marik couldn’t help the etch of pain as the other brought up having a sibling. He missed his own, they had just been here not to long ago and yet…
He was curious how deep the other’s skills ran. He had always been fascinated by charlatans, one of the reasons he collected so many rare hunters after all. He felt the itch of wanting to pry into the other’s mind and see how it worked, but that would be incorrect.
He smirked a little at the flattery.
“Domino is a pretty good place for a fresh start, I may be biased tho since I live here. I use to be part of ah, well, a lot of things, but the main one I guess you could call it a smuggling ring. So I have a sharper eye for even the best schemes. ”
He narrowed his eyes. “Tho yours are some of the better skills I’ve seen in a while. Probably helps having a lovely face.”
A smuggler, huh? Now what, exactly, is The Seto Kaiba doing with a smuggler on his side? And what was Marik acquiring? There are so many questions that need to be answered.
Diva bats his eyes a little, lips turning up ever so slightly at the suspicious expression.
“It’s so nice to finally be appreciated. Thank you.”
He begins to meander towards the next display case - a larger one that contains a table of Hounds and Jackals. This one, he’s seen before. Not this specimen specifically, but some traders had been selling similar-looking replica tables in the market when he was a child. Interesting.
“Going from a plunderer to a museum employee... That’s an interesting lifestyle change. What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
The blond crowed, then took a second to reorient himself. He knew where everything in Domino was for the most part, but picking one place to the other was hard.
He began their journey in the direction of the park, not exactlythe same direction Diva seemed to be headed. “Whacha going to the park for? You seemed to be in a real hurry to crash yourself into somebody.”
He glanced back at the other with the same stupid grin. He was wary of the other man, but it didn’t do any good right now to throw hands. Atleast not until he knew more.
This doesn’t seem right. But maybe he’s just turned around? Or is Jonouchi just trying to fuck with him? It doesn’t seem like it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. He could’ve gotten better at acting between their last meeting and now. Even if it doesn’t seem like a talent he would possess.
Diva is careful with his next few words, thinking them through before releasing them.
“I’m looking for someone. A friend.” He pauses. He’s not obligated to tell this guy anything more than that, really. But Katsuya is nosey and persistent, so he’s going to have to give up the goat eventually. In an attempt to postpone this, he decides to lie a little. “We had a meeting scheduled for around now, but I still have a hard time finding my way around.”
Not entirely false - the reason he’d been forced to ask for help in the first place is that most signs in this city are only written in Japanese and English - both of which he’s still in the process of learning.
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quantum-cube · 2 years
He moved with him, making a good gesture as if he were giving a tour. The other man’s was making a pleasant effort.
He hummed. I visited as a teenager and participated in a duel monsters tournament. I decided to take up residency when-“
How to phrase it. Phrase it in a normal way. The dig, the tournament, the chaos, the ring…
"I watched that crazy tournament thing a few years ago, a friend of mine participated in that televised kaiba Corp tournament. I decided to move here after that.”
Speaking of that, there was definitely a familiarity to the other’s face. He could almost place it. But it was so long ago. A curious calculating expression crossed his face before he waved it away.
“So what buisness brings you to Domino.” He smiled a bit. “You can cut the fluff if you like. I know a good scheme when I see one. I’m sure I looked like a hot target in that suit for charity.”
Diva takes a moment to look at Marik and try to assess his age. It’s hard to tell - they appear to be... close. Maybe only a couple of years apart. So it was several years ago that he participated in a tournament, but not too long ago... There are a couple of options to pick from, but the ones that come to mind first were run by the owner of Industrial Illusions and... Kaiba.
Maybe he was in... Battle City? Unless it was a smaller thing... but why fly all the way out for some rinky dink little league event?
“Oh! You’re a fan of Duel Monsters? I do a bit of dueling myself, but it’s been a long time.” He almost winces at the mention of the “Crazy Kaiba Corp Tournament”. “I was, uh... in a competition myself, a couple years back.”
And then it’s time to drop at least part of the charade. He hadn’t expected Marik to call him out so soon - he’d expected to play the game a little longer. Guess the guy was getting bored with it.
“My sister and I were... looking to start a new life, after a very traumatic event.” A wry chuckle. “But finding work with my skillset and qualifications is... difficult, I suppose you could say.”
His next smile is a little softer, but is also a little on the flirty side.
“You’d be a hot target no matter what you were wearing. But the suit did inform my actions a little.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
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What I imagine Aigami could've been if S0 had continued vs just what would've actually happened if these three dumbasses had met in current canon
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quantum-cube · 2 years
If the other had been upset by the prank no sign of it remains, atleast not on the surface. That didn’t really mean for sure it was true tho.
A bit of a smirk continued to dance on his lips.
Home sick huh?
There were times the tombkeeper also longed for home, but it wasn’t realistic to just, go back.
“For you? I’m not busy at all.” He said, rather interested in the other man’s motives.
Diva slowly sidles over to one of the display cases nearby while keeping one eye on Marik. There are plenty of things around the room to look at, but he’s picked out a rather well-preserved senet board. It’s truly astounding how the inscriptions have held up across time.
Time for some light conversation - something he’s gotten decent at - at least, when he’s talking to someone that interests him.
“How long have you been in the city, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m pretty new to the area and... don’t know many people.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Marik had been going through the motions of the day. He didn’t really want to be here today. It was a boring day, and aside from being sexy. Nothing was going on.
That was until the indigo haired con artist arrived.
Marik smiled wide. There was something genuine and something malicious in his expression. He waisted no time switching to Arabic.
“Hello my friend, you found me, and after I was so mean to you.” He tilted his head, his tone sweet like syrup.
“What can I do for you?”
Diva is glad that the other man has gone out of his way to bring it up first. There’s no real good way to say “hey, the number you gave me was fake.” He does respect the tactic, though.
“Of course! I couldn’t let you slip through my fingers that easily.” He knows that tone, and matches the energy. But he’s a little more relaxed this time. “It’s so rare to find someone of like mind.”
He stops a few steps away from Marik, links his fingers together behind his back.
“I hope you’ve been well,” he says, “I’m not here for any reason in particular... I’ve been feeling a little homesick, I think, and remembered you mentioning the exhibit. Are you too busy for a little chat?”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
He takes notice of how the other is avoiding eye contact. Huh? He would drop it for now, people got their buisness. Jou was familiar enough with the idea that not everything needed to be out there.
He wasn’t sure how to explain that if he wasn’t planning to cause problems for his friends then wasn’t a problem at all.
Right as he thinks he knows what to say he’s asked and odd question.
“Whaddaya talkin’ about?” He gave the other a bit of a confused look. “You’re an odd dude, ya know that? Let’s go.”
Nothing? He doesn’t really want anything at all for taking time out of his day to show Diva around?
Even after everything that he’s done to Jonouchi and his friends? He almost feels bad. Almost is the key word there, the operative lynchpin that holds the sentence together. Katsuya is a fool.
He straightens up a little and takes a deep breath. It really seems like he doesn’t have anything to worry about. He can relax a little.
“Okay. Lead the way.”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
There are a lot of museums in the area. More than he actually thought, more than the three he’d initially thought was too many. One hundred and seventy-fucking-three of them exist in and around this city. Still, the only one that would be capable of housing a large Egyptian exhibit is the Nature and Science museum. 
This city isn’t the most densely-populated with buildings that house historical artifacts - he’s pretty sure that Paris has it beat by over a full hundred - but God, you’d think they’d run out of things to show.
The entrance to the building isn’t as imposing as he’d have thought it would be. White stone leading up to a relatively compact brown brick building. For this city, it’s decently sized, but for most others, it would be on the smaller side. It’s almost cozy.
The inside feels larger, though. They’ve managed to pack a lot more than one would think possible into such a space. And they have some pretty interesting things out for show; there are plenty of skeletal replicas hanging from the ceiling as he wanders through.
While he meanders his way through and into the area that they’re housing the display of The Games of Egypt, he almost forgets why he came. It’s serene, informative. He’ll have to bring Sera some time - she would like it.
He comes back to himself when, out of the corner of his eye - he spots his quarry. One Middle-Eastern man with bleached hair and a nice outfit. Not quite as sharp as the suit he’d been wearing the first time that Diva saw him, but... damn, actually. There’s a little more skin on display in that v-neck, and it looks good.
Okay, focus.
He approaches at a pace that is neither too slow to be creepy, nor too quickly to be a surprise. A calculated speed, at an angle that puts him carefully within eyesight.
“Oh, Malik! I was worried you wouldn’t actually be here!” He smiles, and it’s actually mostly sincere. “How have you been?”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Jounouchi hustled after the other out of the road.
The blond made a bit of a face. He had questions, lots of them, like what are you doing here, why? Actually all he’s questions were just ‘what are you doing’?
“Avoiding every one or jus’ me? Cause if ya didn’t wanna see us there’s a whole world ya know?” He watched the other man still curious, and when the question is asked, there is a moment of surprise.
Then. A wide smirk crossed his face.
“Oh. Now ya need something from ol’ Katsuya huh?” He place his thumb and for finger against his chin.
“I suppose I could take you there, make sure you don’t get lost, waddaya say?” There was very little malice in the way his eyes sparkled. He was always happy to help out, Normally even someone he disliked if it was simple like this.
This is why he was hoping they wouldn’t meet. There’s just something about the blond that rubs Diva the wrong way. Maybe part of it is that way he responds so smugly to certain things. The other part is just...
Well, maybe he’s still a little worried that Jonouchi will try to pay him back for almost killing him by trapping him in a disintegrating dimension.
But it doesn’t seem like this overgrown child has any bad intentions right now, at least.
“Domino is... where I need to be right now.” He pointedly avoids eye contact. “While it’s unfortunate that it puts me close to you and... your friends... I just have to be here. I’m sure we’ll be able to give each other a wide berth after this.”
Or they won’t, and they’ll have to keep doing this dance for the foreseeable future. They’ll have to deal with it as the situation progresses.
“I... guess that would be okay. What do you want in return?”
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quantum-cube · 2 years
Jou had been on his way home from a rather annoying shift. It hasn’t been anyone’s fault specifically. Or atleast not his fault.
One of the newbies had just made a mistake and rolled a glove in with a hotdog. Seems like a stupid mistake, and it was, but when a joint is busy then sometimes shit happens. But he was clocked out now, so he could forget about it.
As he was walking he could have swarn- had that been Marik?
He hadn’t seen the guy since Egypt. Were all the Ishtar’s in town? How dare they not let everyone know.
He crossed the street only to be caught in an ocean of people, losing the ashy blond in the waves.
He was facing the other way when.
He was a pretty strong guy, took a lot to knock him off his feet, but he did hear whoever ran onto him fall over.
“Yo, hey man sorry ‘bout tha-”
As he was kneeling down he caught eyes Aigami.
No wait,
“Diva, waddya doin’ here man?”
It was an even tone with some accusation behind it. The blond didn’t seem thrilled, but he wasn’t looking to throw hands on sight. Too much trouble.
“I didn’t expect to be seeyin you again.”
Diva stands with a small grunt of effort and dusts off his khakis. He tries not to pay the man he’d run into any mind. Tries to ignore him.
Gold eyes search for their target, but it appears that Marik is... gone. Lost among the sea of people. Drat. At least he has a general idea of where the man was headed.
There’s a honk to his left, signaling that the time for crossing is over, and vehicular traffic is looking to get going again. He and Jonouchi are holding everyone up. Ugh.
He sneers as he hustles to the other side of the street.
“I’m busy, Jonouchi. But, for the record, I didn’t expect to see you, either.” As he reaches the sidewalk, he starts looking at street signs to try and decipher where he’s at and where he should be going. He’s still not quite used to the local language. “In fact, I was hoping I wouldn’t.”
He... can’t read this next sign. A frustrated sigh escapes him. He absolutely hates to ask for help - especially from this guy.
“Which way is Ueno Park? Do you know?”
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