qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Does yogurt tend to erode teeth? If you want to have healthy teeth, remember to rinse your mouth after eating
Teeth are an important part of our mastication of food. Each person begins to grow teeth from about half a year old. At the age of six or seven, the baby teeth begin to fall off and permanent teeth begin to grow. Usually before 14, our permanent teeth will grow completely together.
Each person's permanent president only once, if the external influence factors of falling or decay, it will only choose to spend money, suffer a. Everybody drinks yoghurt very much, can that yoghurt injure tooth health?
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Does regular yogurt cause tooth decay?
One, often can yoghurt corrode tooth?
When you drink more and do not gargle in time, it can easily lead to tooth decay.
This is because the Lactobacillus yogurt, and mucin in the saliva and food debris mixed together, tightly adhered to the surface of the teeth and fissure during the formation of plaque, is extremely apt to cause the surface enamel decalcification, dissolution, formation of cavities. Moreover, the level of tolerance of the teeth to the acid is not high, and when the pH value of the oral cavity is higher, it also tends to decay the enamel of the teeth, resulting in decalcification of teeth and eventually formation of decayed teeth.
After eating and drinking yogurt, you must remember to rinse your mouth with water. It is best to brush your teeth if conditions permit.
Two. Finish eating other foods that need mouthwash
Usually after eating the food mouthwash, you can remove the food residue in your mouth, and effectively keep the mouth clean and healthy. The following kinds of food, like yogurt, must be mouthwash after eating:
1. red wine
Acidic substances in red wine can cause tooth staining and enamel wear. Therefore, it is recommended that you finish drinking red wine and drink some water and rinse your mouth.
2. ice cream
Colorful ice cream contains a variety of pigment, will make the teeth "with" color. In addition, low temperatures and sugar in ice cream can cause teeth to change more easily.
3. berries
Colorful berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, cherries, cause enamel to form a thin layer of dirt". After eating berries best to brush and floss, because acid berries may also lead to tooth enamel, variation.
4. tomato sauce
Tomatoes are highly acidic vegetables and can also erode enamel. Experts say eating tomato sauce should be moderate. In addition, eat vegetable salad before eating vegetable salad, you can form a protective layer on the teeth.
5. black tea
Tea has a variety of health benefits, but black tea and other dark tea pigment can make teeth dyed, affecting the appearance. The more tea you drink, the greater the chance that your teeth will change color. Therefore, after drinking black tea, be sure to gargle in time.
Two, daily teeth care tips
1. do not take improper Seya disease
Occasionally another does not matter, but if often explain Seya, oral problems, repair of dental treatment, to the General Hospital Department of Stomatology or stomatological hospital, often happen Seya or aggravate oral diseases that cause oral problems.
2. gum discomfort, dilute salt gargle
Salt can not be put more, slightly salty taste on the line. If the saline is not good grasp can buy a bottle of 0.9%, taste the taste of it, so don't exceed its salinity standard. When you feel your gums are uncomfortable, rinse your mouth with it. There is no time or frequency limit.
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Does regular yogurt cause tooth decay?
3., drink less acidic drinks
Acidic drinks can damage teeth, such as lemon juice, especially when combined with hot water, long-term drinking can lead to tooth enamel surface is softened and worn, it is recommended that you use Straw drink the liquid around the tooth.
4. brush your teeth if you don't have any
Brushing is not just about cleaning the surface of your teeth, it's about the whole oral environment, such as the gums and the tongue. Although the tooth has fallen, but the mucous membrane, the gum, the alveolus and so on are still in the organization. If you do not brush your teeth, the pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, as soon as the esophagus into the body, easily lead to heart, kidney disease, and even affect the stability of blood sugar. Therefore, even if the elderly do not have much left out of the teeth, they still need to clean the whole oral environment on time.
The 5. way is to protect the gingival scaling
Some wash a tooth is one big misunderstanding of scaling, said let scaling teeth larger, the tooth becomes loose, teeth become afraid of acid, afraid of hot, but this is the wrong understanding of scaling, dental calculus was washed off, looks like the teeth become larger, in fact this is bigger harm to tooth knot the stone had caused, not after cleaning.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Protect the heart, eat what food is good, recommend thirteen kinds of nourishing heart food for you
The heart is a very important internal organ in our body, which provides a constant flow of blood through the contraction of the heart. Therefore, the maintenance of the heart is particularly important in normal life.
For people with poor heart function, by doing some aerobic exercise, it can help the heart become healthier. Of course, if the diet can be nursed back to health, it will be twice the result with half the effort. Which foods are good for heart health?
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Protect the heart, eat what food is good
Heart food 1: spinach
The lutein, folic acid, potassium and fiber found in spinach can help maintain a healthy state of the heart. However, as long as you eat more vegetables, the heart has a very strong role. The study found that people who ate two servings of half vegetables per day had a 25% lower risk of heart disease than people who didn't eat vegetables.
Heart food two: Beans
Soy helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and low levels of saturated fatty acids are still an important source of heart protection for high levels of protein. Eating tofu and drinking soy milk are good choices.
In addition, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and peas all contain large amounts of fiber and are rich in OMEGA, -3, fatty acids, calcium, and soluble fiber.
Heart food three: Grapes
Grape sex flat, sweet and sour, with tonic Qi and blood, strong bones and muscles, urination and so on. Rich in nutrients, and has tonic excitatory effects on the brain; due to iron and high potassium (especially raisins), is an important source of iron and potassium, helps to correct the anemia and stability of myocardial cell electrophysiological function.
Heart nourishing food four: Berry
Both blackberry and strawberry contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and are beneficial to cardiovascular health.
Heart food five: Flax Seed
Flaxseed is rich in OMEGA, -3 and OMEGA -6 fatty acids, a small amount of food is good for heart health. A bowl of oatmeal or whole wheat porridge, plus a little bit of flaxseed, is a best heart healthy breakfast.
Yangxin food: pig heart six
Pig flat, sweet and salty, nourishing the heart and blood, nerves. Rich in protein and more calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and other ingredients, less fat, can strengthen myocardial nutrition, enhance myocardial contractility.
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Protect the heart, eat what food is good
Heart nourishing food seven: Banana
Want to lower blood pressure, not only to eat less sodium (salt), but also increase potassium intake, help to accelerate sodium excretion, maintain heart stability, prevention of high blood pressure and stroke, and bananas are potassium high fruit. In addition, when eating hungry bananas, hunger, which contains pectin can make carbohydrates decompose into glucose slower, blood sugar will not suddenly rise and fall too large.
Heart food eight: nuts
Nuts such as walnuts, cashews and almonds contain large amounts of OMEGA -3 fatty acids and units, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can also eat dietary fiber at the same time.
Heart food nine: lotus seeds
The lotus of cool, sweet and astringent, Yangxin tonifying spleen and kidney function gushe. In addition to containing protein, sugar, a small amount of fat, a variety of vitamins, but also rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and other minerals. The isoliensinine has strong heart pressure, calm desire power.
Heart food ten: onion
Onions are very few vegetables containing prostaglandin, prostaglandin can dilate, soften blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, increase coronary blood flow, promote the excretion of sodium ions caused by elevated blood pressure, which can regulate blood lipid and blood pressure, and prevention of thrombus formation in vivo.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
8 effective remedies for chloasma
As the saying goes, "ten women and nine spots", women usually face more or less spots when they reach the age of thirty. However, we should note that, spots can be divided into a variety of types, such as: chloasma, senile plaque, sunburn... Etc... But most women have yellow spots on their faces.
Melasma is one of the most common skin diseases, mainly due to pigmentation of the face. Originally this age, the skin begins to go downhill, plus the chloasma "trouble", is a worthy of the name "wives".
Today, more and more developed medicine, many women go into beauty salons, choose laser freckle method, the face of spots to "wipe" off. But in good times don't last long time, restored.
Beauty freckle, actually can try traditional Chinese medicine recipe, TCM etiology and pathogenesis of chloasma as follows: blood deficiency, can not be on the wing surface; phlegm and blood stasis or blood stagnation skin pigmentation caused by stagnation of liver qi; or, ikuhisa heat burns Yin and blood, resulting in the face blood loss and morbidity; or spleen wet, damp and hot, steaming on the surface caused by;
Some people think about Ren and Chong, Chong and Ren from the uterus, eventually up to the face, liver depression and blood stasis injury Chongren, blood can not be on the wing surface, it is caused by the disease. No matter what kind of situation, it is only caused by deficiency, stasis, dampness and heat. In addition, some chronic diseases, mental stimulation, ultraviolet radiation, the use of bad cosmetics can lead to the occurrence of the disease.
Eat dried persimmon, remove chloasma
[raw materials] dry persimmon amount, eat every day, long food effective.
[effect] embellish heart, lung, go black spot.
Apply to facial spots, freckles.
Take off the cream and remove the chloasma
[raw material] walnut kernel 30 grams, milk 300 grams, soya bean milk 200 grams, black sesame seed 20 grams, white sugar right amount.
Abstract: making the first walnut, black sesame seeds put a small mill grinding, and then mixed with milk, Soybean Milk, into the pot boil, add sugar seasoning; can also be boiled, into the egg, stir and cook.
Eat 1 small bowls each morning and evening. May be eaten regularly.
[effect] emollient Yue yan. Apply to skin, chloasma and wrinkled skin.
Skin juice drink dispel chloasma
[raw materials] Sydney 100 grams, sugar cane 200 grams, grape 300 grams, honey 100 grams.
[made] Sydney, sugar cane, grapes washed, stir juice, slag, mixed with honey, bottled spare. Sooner or later each eat 10 milliliters, with water exchange.
[function] clearing lung heat, nourishing five FU organs, six Zang organs. Apply to dark, dark spots, freckles.
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Remove spot cream and remove chloasma
The raw materials: soybean, mung bean, red bean 100 grams, sugar amount.
The production of the soybean, mung bean, red bean wash soak until after the expansion of mixed Daozhi, add appropriate amount of water boiled with sugar, flavored drink.
Drink 3 times 1 days.
[effect] five viscera and six Zang organs. Apply to dark, chloasma, freckles.
Eat goat milk soup to remove chloasma
[raw material] goat milk 250 milliliter, egg 2, rock candy 50 grams, clear water right amount.
[production] clear water will melt rock sugar, pour into the goat's milk boil, into the egg, stir evenly boil, can be eaten. Edible at regular intervals.
[effect] fill in Qi, benefit six dirty, nourishing the skin. Suitable for facial freckles, chloasma, dark grey.
Drink Hawthorn drink, remove chloasma
[raw materials] hawthorn, orange peel each drink appropriate amount;
[Hawthorn], orange peel, add water, boil, cool, gauze, filter residue, juice, plus honey calls.
May drink frequently.
[effect] clearing dark spots. Apply to facial spots, freckles.
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Eat porridge: dispel chloasma
Abstract: raw materials: Sanren beauty porridge sweet almond, walnut, white nuts 10 grams, egg 1, sugar 10 grams, 50 grams of rice.
1, walnuts and other 3 flavors into fine end;
2, panning clean, put in casserole, add walnuts and other 3 kinds of herbal medicine powder and the amount of water, stir boiling, into the egg, with simmer porridge;
3, porridge into time, add sugar, mix thoroughly.
1 per day, for breakfast. 20 agents for 1 courses, 5 days interval can then use 1 courses.
The effects are blood stasis, laxative, skin care and skin effect.
The old people often take this gruel, can reduce pigment spots, delay skin aging.
Eat Coix porridge, remove chloasma
The raw material: pig kidney to 1, Chinese yam 100 grams, 200 grams of rice, coix seed 50 grams of water amount
The production of pig kidney fascia, bashfulness gland, washed, chopped, peeled and chopped together with rice, yam, coix seed, water, small fire boil congee, add seasoning seasoning.
Eat separately.
[effect] it has the effect of tonifying kidney and benefiting skin. Apply to spots, spots, skin.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
8 beauty foods make women live young
Every woman wants to be eighteen years old every year, but what can she do to keep her youth? In fact, want to retain youth is not difficult, as long as you are in daily life, a little attention, a little diligent, then a little bit, you can have a beautiful and unexpected skin.
The following 8 kinds of skin is the skin of the Savior, Vegetable & Fruit, you must remember to eat at attaining oh.
1, soy: soy contains a lot of vitamin E beneficial to cell growth, not only can inhibit skin aging, but also prevent pigmentation in the skin. At the same time, as a plant estrogen, isoflavones in soybean also have antioxidant capacity, is to maintain the delicate skin of the essential food. Love beauty MM, so that beans often appear on your food list.
2, apple: stir the fresh apple into a paste with a blender, painted on the face for 30 minutes, washed with salt water, not only will feel very refreshing, but also to make the skin white and tender. Adhere to a month, you can effectively remove freckles and acne.
3, tomatoes: tomatoes peeled, stir into a paste, with cotton balls to apply the amount of the face, stay 15-20 minutes later, wash with warm water, you can get rid of the face of excess oil.
4, pears: the mashed pears with yogurt do mask, deposited on the face, wash after 15-20 minutes, on the oily skin and long acne, pore bulky skin anti-inflammatory effect, but also shrink pores.
5, banana: Banana meat stir into a paste, evenly coated in the face, 20 minutes after the wash, you can anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, especially for acne skin.
Collocation: soybean milk. First wash the beans on the first night and soak them in cold water. Second days in the morning, put juice in the juicer, and then water and soybean milk juice with 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 of the proportion of heating can drink.
6, leek: leek contains more crude fiber, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, can effectively prevent habitual constipation and bowel cancer. These fibers can also put in the digestive tract of the hair, sand, metal scraps or even a needle is wrapped up with feces excreted, with "clean grass".
Leek contains a certain amount of zinc, can warm up the liver and kidney, temperature, Qi, Qi, blood detoxification, warmth and stomach, spring consumption is beneficial to the liver. Skin care eyesight, leek rich in vitamin A, eat more, not only beauty, skin care, eyesight and lungs, but also reduce the risk of colds, colds, cold and other diseases.
Matching: cold or fried food should be appropriate. But remember, don't throw celery leaves, because the nutrients in celery leaves are actually much higher than those of celery.
7: tomato, which is found to be rich in lycopene, is a common and inconspicuous fruit. It has recently become a star in the fruit juice market.
As a kind of natural plant pigment, lycopene has excellent antioxidant effect, can not only protect the plants from the sun, the air pollution damage in the human body and the surface of the skin can also prevent aging, acne, and the proportion of the red tomato lycopene is high.
Match: tomato scrambled egg or tomato egg soup. Since lycopene is a fat soluble component, it must be released naturally through cooking to make it absorbed by human beings. Therefore, processed tomato products are more nutritious than fresh tomatoes.
8, Chinese cabbage: cabbage for storage, people often eat more vegetables in winter, is a super recommended acne good products, Chinese cabbage contains vitamin A, C, E and zinc and carotenoids are antioxidants, is the beauty of the important magic weapon, can prevent the skin dry, rough and dull, for the removal of Paiduyangyan acne and pock also has a very good effect.
Collocation: because it is not with Chinese cabbage soup attaining, so practice can be a little bit more, chicken soup cooking cabbage is good. The soup made from five or six slices of chicken breast is delicious when it comes to cooking Chinese cabbage.
Direct water boiled cabbage if you put a little bit of trouble, the chicken is delicious, oh, that not long cooking cabbage, otherwise the nutrition is gone.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Note: experts suggest that mobile phone radiation or can affect female endocrine function
Lightweight mobile phones, beautiful accessories, coupled with a sleeve hanging in front of the chest, this has become fashionable women chase bright spot. But medical experts remind young women, open mobile phone hung on the chest, not only has a certain effect on the heart, will also affect the endocrine function of women, especially detrimental to the health of pregnant women, radiation generated by the mobile phone could harm the fetus. It is understood that the current sales of mobile phones in our market, whether imported or domestic, do not indicate the amount of radiation, and according to professional testing, most of the mobile phone electromagnetic radiation is excessive. Now, the world's argument about the harmful effects of cell phone radiation on human health is the final verdict. The main difference is: in what conditions and to what extent do they harm human health?.
Radiation experts believe that the largest mobile phone radiation in just access or emission within seconds, this time should be at least 10 cm away from the body, the farther away as possible, after the normal call, the amount of radiation will be doubled. In addition, men are accustomed to placing their cell phones in the pockets of the left pocket of the jacket, close to the heart, and also to the heart. For people who wear pacemakers, electromagnetic radiation can interfere with the work of pacemakers. Experts remind mobile phone users, although there is no direct evidence that mobile phone radiation has much effect on the heart, but we should pay more attention to mobile phone users, mobile phone is switched, the best mobile phone away from the body, not hanging in the chest or installed in the jacket on the left side of the pocket. It is understood that, in order to reduce the risk of microwave radiation on the human body, some green phones equipped with shielding, protective performance is the best lead, manganese and other heavy metal shielding, you can reduce the amount of radiation.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
How to know oneself is to get angry, the symptom that gets angry what to have?
How do you know if you are getting angry? What does the symptom that gets angry have? From the Western point of view, the fire performance in acute infectious diseases, such as acute pharyngitis, acute pulpitis, oral ulcer, eyelid inflammation, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infection, constipation, skin furuncle, cellulitis, also found in tuberculosis, hypertension, autonomic dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, cancer and other chronic diseases.
Fire is a very common symptoms and signs in daily life, such as red eyes, yanzao hoarseness, boil four, swelling and heat pain, toothache, swelling and irritation jral insomnia, epistaxis bleeding, red tongue, dry stool, urine less fever sweating etc.. The performance of the traditional Chinese medicine belongs to the fever and inflammation of the category, the causes are wind, cold summer heat dampness dryness, invade the body heat of a fire results. In addition, the organs dysfunction, excessive mental stimulation, loss of life rules, but also can cause fire.
The fire according to the different etiology and pathogenesis, symptoms are divided into two categories, namely real fire and fire.
Excessive fire is caused by six exogenous pathogenic factors (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness and fire), in addition, excessive mental stimulation and dysfunction of viscera function can also cause. Patients showed real fire red eyes, chapped lips, mouth pain Zaoke, tongue erosion, throat swelling and pain, gingival bleeding, epistaxis bleeding, tinnitus and deafness, boils blows, fever irritability, constipation oliguria, hematuria and hematochezia, red tongue, pulse burred real slip. The treatment should be adopted on the principle and method of cold fire, detoxification, diarrhea to relieve inflammation.
But due to injuries caused by strain, such as chronic illness, Qi consumption by excessive, can cause organs disorders, weakness and heat, heat and fire. According to the different pathogenesis in general will be further divided into virtual fire Yin Huo Qi Huo two pathology. Yin Huo Wangdouduo shows general hot flashes, night sweats, emaciation, dry mouth and throat, five upset hot, restless, red tongue, pulse count. The treatment should be to Sheng Jin nourishing, nourishing yin principle. Qi Huo performance of body heat, why before noon, chills afraid of wind, like heat cold, tiredness or weakness, shortness of breath, sweating, urinary endless clear pond, pulse big weakness, pale tongue, thin. The treatment should be to replenish qi, kidney yang, Xing antipyretic principle.
To sum up, the real fire and fire is not only the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, and treatment principles and specific treatment is also different. If the matter is lit is indeed true, but all use the same method of heat relieve inflammation, it may not only not a cure, but worse. Therefore, when lit, first of all to distinguish between real or imaginary fire after fire, and then decide the treatment scheme is a very important thing
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Carsick dare not go far away? The six soil method is more effective than the carsick medicine
The 2015 Spring Festival has been going on for several days, and the 7 day holiday is coming to an end, whether it's an airport or a train station, or other passenger stations.
For the majority of people, perhaps the biggest fear is traffic jams, but for people who suffer from motion sickness, they are more afraid of the uncomfortable feeling of getting on the bus. Motion sickness really hurts, but the car is one of the most versatile means of transportation, no matter where it goes.
Carsick how to do? What are the most effective methods? Do not worry, women's health nets Xiaobian this for you a few strokes, and tell you a few more effective than carsick medicine anti motion sickness method, go to see.
By wrist
If you feel stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, you can use the thumb in the wrist inside the crease below 5 cm, press for a few minutes, carsick symptoms can be alleviated.
Before the car eat food stomach
Sickness sickness is the stomach not good, the stomach qi deficiency performance, before goes home eats the tonic stomach food, can alleviate the motion sickness, for example: potato stew beef, millet gruel, boiled egg, mashed potato, potato water and so on. These foods are nourishing the stomach Jiapin, usually eat the stomach, fill in full, when the car is not carsick.
Eat some walnuts on the bus
If you're ready to get on the train, then prepare some dry longan, walnut, Boiled Egg, these foods can stabilize the stomach, in the car if you want to eat, eat the food, not only to satisfy their craving, also can help you relieve carsick, shoot two hawks with one arrow.
Chew ginger
The pungent taste of ginger suppresses nausea and vomiting. Take 1000 - 2000 mg of ginger supplements or chew a small piece of ginger an hour before taking the bus. What you need to be reminded is that ginger can make your blood thin. If you're taking a blood pressure lowering drug, consult a doctor.
Chinese medicine reminds, carsick crowd, do not be too tired before taking a car, Eve should assure good sleep, do not stay up late. In addition, before and during the ride, do not eat too full or hungry. In addition, the car can listen to music, distraction, and so on.
Staring out of the car
Suitable for mild dizziness and vomiting. If the eye focuses on objects inside the vehicle, the brain receives "no movement" signals that synchronize the inner ear and the brain and lead to dizziness. At this point, you can look at the fixed point outside the car (such as high-rise buildings in the distance), so that the inner ear and the brain can be synchronized, to alleviate dizziness.
Multiple massage points for tonifying stomach
The Zusanli is the point of invigorating the stomach, which has the functions of regulating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the stomach, invigorating Qi, dysmenorrhea, regulating diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset. Zusanli is located in the outer leg of the human body, three inches below the knee eye. Total daily massage Zusanli 2 hours, can strengthen the gastrointestinal digestion of the stomach, and powerful, increase appetite, help digestion, relieve stomach problems.
What's more, people with carsick feel the smell is bad inside the car, so you can carry some candy with you in your mouth. You can also get some orange peel and put it on your nose. There is one, that is, usually can add vitamin B (this is my personal experience of small methods, useful).
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
What is the danger of secondhand smoke?
The fact that smoking is harmful to health is a well-known fact, and for this reason, more and more people have the idea of giving up smoking. But don't you think, as long as you don't smoke, you won't get hurt. Because, according to the results of the study, the harm of secondhand smoke is more serious than that of direct smoking. What are the hazards of secondhand smoke? Today, the women's health network Xiaobian and everyone 818.
1, lung cancer
China eats network data to show: secondhand smoke contains harmful substance often more than mainstream smoke, for example: have 2 times of nicotine, 3 times tar, 5 times carbon monoxide, and 50 times carcinogenic substance. The amount of smoke inhaled by non-smokers in 1 hours is equivalent to the average dose of one cigarette inhaled, according to calculations.
According to the survey, smokers have a significantly higher chance of lung cancer than non-smokers. By analyzing the smoke inhaled by smokers, it is found that smoke contains dozens of carcinogens. The risk of lung cancer is related to the length of smoking, and the earlier the age of smoking, the greater the risk. The older the smoking time, the higher the morbidity and mortality of lung cancer.
Compared with men, women suffer more from tobacco damage. Some women who live with smokers are 6 times more likely to develop lung cancer than normal people. It is important to remind women that smoking is more dangerous than lung cancer, which is 1 or 9 times that of male smokers.
The harm of secondhand smoke to passive smokers is not less than that of active smokers, especially for pregnant women and children. The study points out that smokers who smoke more than 15 minutes a day are the same as smokers. There were 75% factors in lung cancer patients who were finally admitted to smoking.
2, the memory of the harm
Nicotine, such as nicotine in the smoke, stimulates the brain and causes hardening of the brain's blood vessels, which can affect brain function. Children who are chronically passive smokers are significantly less intelligent than children who grow up in non smog environments.
Non smokers who regularly exposed to secondhand smoke scored 20% less on memory tests than non-smokers in the other group. Smokers performed worse and scored lower by 30% than non-smokers who were not exposed to second-hand smoke.
3, cause asthma, pneumonia, ear inflammation in children
Children are the biggest victims of environmental pollution. Generally, children experience higher environmental exposure than adults, and they breathe more air than adults, thereby inhaling more pollutants. Coupled with children's active, poor self protection, immune dysfunction and other reasons, making them the most vulnerable to pollutants damage.
If a father smokes at home, children will not act against him at all, nor will they do anything to protect themselves. They can only be forced to smoke secondhand smoke. However, the harmful effects of secondhand smoke on children's health include: infant asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, tracheitis, pneumonia and ear inflammation.
4 coronary heart disease
Smoking causes heart disease. This applies not only to people who smoke, but also to non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke. Secondhand smoke exposure can cause acute coronary heart disease, and even a short exposure to secondhand smoke causes a dramatic rise in the risk of coronary heart disease, which is biologically doubtful.
5, the harm to pregnant women, infants
90% passive smoking of pregnant women in the womb, amniotic fluid, nicotine and other harmful substances can be detected, indicating that tobacco smoke on the growth of the fetus in utero environment directly cause pollution. Eat China network reminder, secondhand smoke exposure is an important cause of the risk of PIH, complications of pregnancy factors in pregnant women; at the same time, exposure to secondhand smoke from the beginning of the fetus which seriously affect many aspects of their health. Secondary cigarette smoke exposure also affects the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic cells, resulting in abnormal embryonic development, which is manifested in neurological development disorders and intrauterine growth retardation.
If the mother long-term inhalation of second-hand smoke during pregnancy, the burning of tobacco released harmful chemicals, most can through the placenta to "harass" innocent babies. Especially the carbon monoxide and other poisonous gases, the oxygen concentration in mother decreased, leading to fetal hypoxia; and tobacco addictive drug nicotine, can cause vascular stenosis, blood flow slows down, which means to provide fetal nutrition and oxygen will be reduced, easy to cause the premature infant. However, premature infants are prone to respiratory, digestive, thermoregulation disorders, and even die shortly after birth.
6 pharyngitis
Chronic secondhand smoke is a common cause of chronic pharyngitis. Tar, nicotine, nicotine and other harmful substances in the smoke can inhibit the respiratory cilia activity, the purification ability of respiratory tract decreased, the occurrence of bronchial mucosa congestion and edema, so that the pathogen caused by repeated infection of the bronchi into parts, leading to chronic pharyngitis.
Dangers of secondhand smoke than cigarette smoke more, because of the harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke more than smokers inhale harmful substances, long-term inhalation of second-hand smoke contained in the body of carbon monoxide, nicotine and other substances will be more than the smokers themselves, so the risk of chronic pharyngitis is larger than others.
7, leading to female infertility
From the clinical point of view, smoking will have adverse effects on female reproductive function, sexual function, endocrine and other aspects, and increase the risk of infertility. Direct smoking and secondhand smoke were 2.7 times more likely to develop infertility than non-smokers, a clinical study showed. At the same time, smoking can also seriously impair female fertility, leading to lower rates of female conception. If both men and women smoke at the same time, the rate of pregnancy for women will be lower.
8, leading to leukemia and cancer
A husband's smoking increases the risk of leukemia in non-smoking wives by 7 times, according to a US study. Women who smoke passively at home at 6-45 are 3-4 times more likely to suffer from breast cancer and cervical cancer than women who do not smoke.
Because of tobacco carcinogens, causing adults and children suffering from blood diseases, especially the proportion of leukemia has increased considerably. According to statistics, smokers inhaled benzene is 10 times higher than non-smokers and smokers suffering from leukemia risk than non-smokers were higher than 6-7 times; Xinhua Hospital Statistics of childhood leukemia risk factors showed that over 60% of children with leukemia family smoke pollution. It indicated that smoking played an important role in leukemia pathogenic factors.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Carrot, honey cure cough, folk remedy cough, sputum hundred trial lark
The temperature has dropped several degrees in the past few days. The fall is driving away the summer heat, but it's the beginning of a new flu. Seasonal changes, so that resistance is already poor baby became sick season. Cough, fever, runny nose are the most common.... My girl did not know how suddenly cough up, I was most afraid of her because she had a cough, cough cough will vomit, vomit from the nose, sprayed out of the mouth, spit into the belly of the water, cough like this, but it has not found a good way to cure the lama.
A cough neighbor gave me a Tongrentang Ertongke, once ate quite effective, this time to eat for two days, the results are not, one day to cough spit several times, sofa, bed, floor all recruited sin. This is next, the most important is heartache girl, two world to thin a circle.....
I am a stay-at-home mom, this month opened a Taobao to sell their honey, in another forum issued a business post, and I QQ is also a mother figure, so I ask them to have good cure for a cough, finally a mother told me the white radish soak honey soak for half an hour to an hour for the baby to drink honey water, very effective. Right now, because this thing is too easy, I also took a picture, if you really have the effect I think can be sent to the Internet to give you a reference, also want to say that if there is the use of this method is to find a good mother honey you can find me, two of the United States....
Cough therapy: carrot, honey, water
There is a cough, cough is divided into cough without phlegm and cough (that is, the method for dry cough) I didn't cough what role for phlegm cough very Emmanuel, repeatedly. The method is very simple: to buy a white radish, white radish cut must be oh, a buy back, cut the number of its own, never mind, diced, and then put the carrots in a bowl or cup can pour a few tablespoons of honey, not how many provisions, according to are you carrots amount to two or three, so the.
And then, don't cook it. After four hours, radish juice came out, then use a spoon to stir the radish juice, honey and stir, then this stir the honey juice into the radish warm water, you can use the water to drink, drink three or four times a day, generally good night will cough to improve, especially in the evening have a bad cough children can obviously feel. Most drink three or four days, cough badly if the number of times a day to drink more juice, strong. Than eating Chinese medicine, western medicine much better, cough with sputum the best effect.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
How does gum gall do what cure all sorts of remedial method to the gum gall?
How does gum gall do? Women's health network Xiaobian today will be introduced for the treatment of gingival swelling of various therapies daquan. The so-called gingival swelling and pain, that is, the root pain of the tooth, and its surrounding teeth swelling of the flesh, so called gums swelling and pain, also known as tooth pain and swelling. Swelling gum to see what causes, if common gum inflammation, eat a little common anti-inflammatory drugs can, such as Metronidazole Tablets, Tinidazole Tablets can, if it is caused by the decayed tooth flesh gall, most of you are to go to the hospital to see.
Getting angry can lead to swelling and pain of the teeth
The weather is very dry, the body's saliva secretion reduces, the respiratory tract is dry, the blood vessel brittleness enhancement, originally very easy to infect the bacterium. If you eat spicy foods or supplements, will accelerate the blood run, Chinese medicine called "hemopyretic bleeding", the bacteria into the body, causing swelling gum, nosebleeds, dry cough, sore throat and other symptoms.
The tooth is the bone, the kidney is the main, Foot Yangming meridians in the upper gum, hand Yangming meridians in the lower gums, so toothache and kidney, stomach, large intestine related. The reason is not a cause toothache, have intense stomach fire, hot upside, kidney yin deficiency and cold heat stimulation and cariosity, so according to the different causes of the syndrome differentiation and treatment.
An intense stomach fire symptoms: gingival swelling, ipsilateral cheek swelling, even can't chew, taste local hot, bad breath, constipation, red tongue, treatment should be clearing heat and relieving pain, with Qingwei san. Gypsum 25, Coptis 10, raw land 15, Moutan 6, cohosh 10, Huai Achyranthes 15, rhubarb 6, red peony 10, Anemarrhena 10, Diao bamboo 10, pain may be 10 plus angelica. If dentine allergy, each touch that hot pain also herewith cure.
Two, kidney yin deficiency, xuhuo phlogistic symptoms: gum swelling, micro micro red, dull and flabby, shaking tooth is not solid, or have tooth blood, no special. Zhi Yi Yin, Bushen guchi. The decoction was modified with six ingredients Rehmannia glutinosa decoction. Rehmannia 25, privet 15, Cornus 10 yam, Achyranthes 15, 10, 10 and 10 of Alisma Rhizoma Drynariae, asarum, 3. If gingival swelling is more serious, can add Anemarrhena 10, Cortex Phellodendri 6.
Three, cold toothache: Patients with sudden onset of pain, even forehead, on both sides, such as the potential switch, the gum is not red and swelling. Among them, if the pain pain walk, such as electric switch, and even the forehead, cheeks, for wind pain. If you touch the cold air, that is, the pain, fixed position, is for cold pain. Treat wind dispelling, dispelling cold and analgesia. Cold pain mainly with 10 angelica, asarum 6, 10 chuanxiong, angelica 10, etc. 5, hull 10, Balloonflower 6, licorice 6. The main wind pain with Guizhi wind 6, 6, 10 and 10 of white mustard seed, Platycodon grandiflorum, sage 6, asarum 3, Diao bamboo 6, 10 peony, licorice 5. Regardless of wind pain or cold pain, can asarum, angelica, Xanthium, licorice 10 grams, fried water gargle, repeatedly.
Four, toothache toothache caused by caries: dental caries is also very common, simple oral drugs, the effect is generally poor, should be combined with local treatment. The internal side with Dingtong powder, angelica 10, born 12, asarum 6, angelica 10, forsythia 10, 10 matrine, etc. 5, Huanglian 10, ebony 10, Balloonflower 6, licorice 6. Topical Chuanjiao, pepper, 5 grams of gallnut, borneol 0.5 grams, a total of research to fine, with sterilized cotton wrapped drugs into the cavities inside the cave, a little late, after the pain can stop drooling. Can also be a toothache, a pill, a grain into the hole, you can get the same effect.
The prevention of dental pain: usually pay attention to oral hygiene, regular brushing and mouthwash; sooner or later, knocking 10 minutes; treat the teeth, do not bite too hard, avoid damage teeth and gums; teeth once a problem to timely diagnosis and treatment to the regular medical unit.
Cold winter climate, teeth allergy prone soreness, especially tooth wear and tooth neck with wedge-shaped defects in the elderly, apples, grapes, oranges and candy, sweet and sour food can cause tooth aches, some pain can not eat. To deal with this allergy, toothache can be prevented by the following methods:
A, brushing with warm water, warm tea water gargle: because dental pulp nerve is more sensitive to temperature, especially with the abrasion of teeth, exposed dentin teeth, a cold stimulation can cause toothache, and warm water to the tooth is a natural protective agent, can prevent and cure allergic toothache; tea fluoride, commonly used warm tea gargle, can a caries toothache.
Two, food should be warm, do not eat too acid sweet food, because the most suitable teeth at 35 C and 36 C oral temperature and pH value of 6.8 or so in weak acidic environment of The new supersedes the old. eat cold, and if the temperature difference or eating hot excitant food acid, sweet, will cause toothache.
Three, the commonly used toothpaste desensitization or acid. The two kinds of toothpaste contain fluorine, while fluoride can prevent the teeth from dephosphorization and decalcification in acidic environment. It has the effects of acid resistance, aging prevention and soreness prevention.
Four, garlic had more severe pain: the friction wear of the teeth, and there is a clear aching area, available raw garlic repeated friction sensitive area, 1 to 2 times a day, every 1 to 2 minutes, 1 to 2 weeks after the pain will be alleviated or disappeared.
Five, eat acidic foods such as yogurt or fruit vinegar, sour, such as tooth ache, can be placed in the mouth to chew walnut, walnut as for basic food, chew slowly can neutralize acid on the teeth, the teeth will not ache.
The oral blogging network provides questions about oral, dental and oral health care. "Oral health! How do you meet the oral health standards set by WHO?! Foot and mouth disease prevention and treatment (how to prevent HFMD, how to treat hand foot and mouth disease). How to treat sore gums sore gums and various therapy Daquan how to do?
The so-called gingival swelling and pain, that is, the root pain of the tooth, and its surrounding teeth swelling of the flesh, so called gums swelling and pain, also known as tooth pain and swelling. Swelling gum to see what causes, if common gum inflammation, eat a little common anti-inflammatory drugs can, such as Metronidazole Tablets, Tinidazole Tablets can, if it is caused by the decayed tooth flesh gall, most of you are to go to the hospital to see.
Getting angry can lead to swelling and pain of the teeth
The weather is very dry, the body's saliva secretion reduces, the respiratory tract is dry, the blood vessel brittleness enhancement, originally very easy to infect the bacterium. If you eat spicy foods or supplements, will accelerate the blood run, Chinese medicine called "hemopyretic bleeding", the bacteria into the body, causing swelling gum, nosebleeds, dry cough, sore throat and other symptoms.
The tooth is the bone, the kidney is the main, Foot Yangming meridians in the upper gum, hand Yangming meridians in the lower gums, so toothache and kidney, stomach, large intestine related. The reason is not a cause toothache, have intense stomach fire, hot upside, kidney yin deficiency and cold heat stimulation and cariosity, so according to the different causes of the syndrome differentiation and treatment.
An intense stomach fire symptoms: gingival swelling, ipsilateral cheek swelling, even can't chew, taste local hot, bad breath, constipation, red tongue, treatment should be clearing heat and relieving pain, with Qingwei san. Gypsum 25, Coptis 10, raw land 15, Moutan 6, cohosh 10, Huai Achyranthes 15, rhubarb 6, red peony 10, Anemarrhena 10, Diao bamboo 10, pain may be 10 plus angelica. If dentine allergy, each touch that hot pain also herewith cure.
Two, kidney yin deficiency, xuhuo phlogistic symptoms: gum swelling, micro micro red, dull and flabby, shaking tooth is not solid, or have tooth blood, no special. Zhi Yi Yin, Bushen guchi. The decoction was modified with six ingredients Rehmannia glutinosa decoction. Rehmannia 25, privet 15, Cornus 10 yam, Achyranthes 15, 10, 10 and 10 of Alisma Rhizoma Drynariae, asarum, 3. If gingival swelling is more serious, can add Anemarrhena 10, Cortex Phellodendri 6.
Three, cold toothache: Patients with sudden onset of pain, even forehead, on both sides, such as the potential switch, the gum is not red and swelling. Among them, if the pain pain walk, such as electric switch, and even the forehead, cheeks, for wind pain. If you touch the cold air, that is, the pain, fixed position, is for cold pain. Treat wind dispelling, dispelling cold and analgesia. Cold pain mainly with 10 angelica, asarum 6, 10 chuanxiong, angelica 10, etc. 5, hull 10, Balloonflower 6, licorice 6. The main wind pain with Guizhi wind 6, 6, 10 and 10 of white mustard seed, Platycodon grandiflorum, sage 6, asarum 3, Diao bamboo 6, 10 peony, licorice 5. Regardless of wind pain or cold pain, can asarum, angelica, Xanthium, licorice 10 grams, fried water gargle, repeatedly.
Four, toothache toothache caused by caries: dental caries is also very common, simple oral drugs, the effect is generally poor, should be combined with local treatment. The internal side with Dingtong powder, angelica 10, born 12, asarum 6, angelica 10, forsythia 10, 10 matrine, etc. 5, Huanglian 10, ebony 10, Balloonflower 6, licorice 6. Topical Chuanjiao, pepper, 5 grams of gallnut, borneol 0.5 grams, a total of research to fine, with sterilized cotton wrapped drugs into the cavities inside the cave, a little late, after the pain can stop drooling. Can also be a toothache, a pill, a grain into the hole, you can get the same effect.
The prevention of tooth pain: usually pay attention to oral hygiene, regular brushing and mouthwash; sooner or later, knocking 10 minutes; treat the teeth, do not bite too hard, avoid damage teeth and gums; teeth once a problem to timely diagnosis and treatment to the regular medical unit.
Cold winter climate, teeth allergy prone soreness, especially tooth wear and tooth neck with wedge-shaped defects in the elderly, apples, grapes, oranges and candy, sweet and sour food can cause tooth aches, some pain can not eat. To deal with this allergy, toothache can be prevented by the following methods:
A, brushing with warm water, warm tea water gargle: because dental pulp nerve is more sensitive to temperature, especially with the abrasion of teeth, exposed dentin teeth, a cold stimulation can cause toothache, and warm water to the tooth is a natural protective agent, can prevent and cure allergic toothache; tea fluoride, commonly used warm tea gargle, can a caries toothache.
Two, food should be warm, do not eat too acid sweet food, because the most suitable teeth at 35 C and 36 C oral temperature and pH value of 6.8 or so in weak acidic environment of The new supersedes the old. eat cold, and if the temperature difference or eating hot excitant food acid, sweet, will cause toothache.
Three, the commonly used toothpaste desensitization or acid. The two kinds of toothpaste contain fluorine, while fluoride can prevent the teeth from dephosphorization and decalcification in acidic environment. It has the effects of acid resistance, aging prevention and soreness prevention.
Four, garlic had more severe pain: the friction wear of the teeth, and there is a clear aching area, available raw garlic repeated friction sensitive area, 1 to 2 times a day, every 1 to 2 minutes, 1 to 2 weeks after the pain will be alleviated or disappeared.
Five, eat acidic foods such as yogurt or fruit vinegar, sour, such as tooth ache, can be placed in the mouth to chew walnut, walnut as for basic food, chew slowly can neutralize acid on the teeth, the teeth will not ache.
A note, autotherapy
1, pay attention to oral hygiene, and develop "sooner or later brushing teeth, mouthwash after dinner" good habit.
2, found decayed teeth, timely treatment.
3, bedtime should not eat sweets, biscuits and other starchy foods.
4, should eat stomach and pure anger foods, such as pumpkin, watermelon, water chestnuts, celery, Radka etc..
5, avoid alcohol and hot hot food.
6, grumpy, irritable, can cause toothache, so it should be open-minded, quiet mood.
7, keep defecate unobstructed, don't make fecal poison upside down.
8, do not eat strong food, eat less acid, supercooled, overheated food.
Two, self governance
1, medicine treatment method
(1) Shou Tong toothache capsule, 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day.
(2) metronidazole tablets, 0.2 grams each time, 3 times a day.
(3) Niuhuang Jiedu pills, 3 tablets each time, 3 times a day. This side has the function of catharsis and purging fire.
(4) tonifying the kidney and strengthening the tooth pill, 4 grams each time, 2 times a day. For old teeth, loose, dull pain, should take a long time.
2, the prescription side therapy
(1) xuchangqing 12 grams, decoction 2 times, after mixing the 2 suits, 1 daily.
(2) 30 grams of Verbena, water fried clothes, 1 doses per day.
(3) gallnut 15 grams, fried thick juice gargle.
(4) He Shi, Sheng gypsum, raw Rehmannia 30 grams, 12 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 20 grams of Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata, 9 grams of Anemarrhena, fried water, 3 times a day, 1 daily.
(5) 1, 15 grams of onion root alum, the medicine in the mash, toothache, change 1 times every 5 hours. This applies to various causes including fire toothache, toothache, toothache, dental caries xuhuo toothache, toothache is a common symptom of many diseases such as periodontitis and tooth disease.
(6) 2 grams of garlic and 5 grams of light powder. The two pound stick Jingqu points, with a small shell cover, or to cover him also, tied, little sleep spicy peeled off within a bubble, with a needle prick, i.e. more water flow net. Classics canal hole is in both hands thumb root, the place below the vein.
(7) 6 grams of ginger, garlic 6 grams, 12 grams of tea, 12 grams of the drug Weilingxian, mash, mixed with sesame oil, egg white, topical paste Hoku, yongquan. Toothache arthritis, kidney yin deficiency of the attending fire.
(8) 2 - 3 head of garlic, the garlic peeled, fire furnace simmer and cooked, eager to take advantage of open ironing pain, garlic cool again, repeatedly. This prescription is used for the treatment of tooth pain and has the efficacy of sterilization and detoxification.
3, diet self treatment
(1) mung bean 100 grams, 15 grams of licorice, boiled cooked, go to slag, beans soup, 2 times a day, 1 daily doses.
(2) pig kidneys 1, a little salt, Drynaria 15 grams, boiled meat Yin Tang, 1 daily. For kidney teeth floating, teeth pain, fatigue prone.
(3) brown sugar amount, buckwheat root one, water decoct, fraction take. For the treatment of children toothache.
(4) the amount of fresh pork, cress root 30 grams, water decoction, fractional service.
(5) 100 grams of fresh ginger, 500 grams of sponge gourd, fresh loofah will be washed, cut into sections, fresh ginger washed, sliced. Two leaves add water for 3 hours. Drink soup 2 times a day. The prescription is used to cure sore gums, dry mouth, dry nose, nasal membrane hemorrhage (nosebleeds), has the efficacy of detoxification, swelling and pain.
4, since the rule of therapy
(1) Yunnan Baiyao Powder, heating water into a dilute paste, painted directly on the cavity and gums can be.
(2) Liushen Pill counting, placed in the cavity, bite to pain.
(3) cut a slice of ginger and bite it. If necessary, it can be used repeatedly to relieve pain.
(4) camphor, borneol appropriate amount, grind into fine end, put in toothache place, and make the patient inspiratory can relieve pain.
(5) litchi 10, in its meat filled with a little salt, simmered with fire, dried after grinding, rub the pain can be.
(6) take vinegar 120 grams, 30 grams of pepper, boil for 10 minutes, to be wet in the mouth after 3 - 5 minutes spit (not to swallow), can get a toothache.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Why cervicitis causes infertility?
Chronic cervicitis is one of the most common diseases in gynecology. It is common in childbirth, abortion or operation. After cervical trauma, pathogens invade and cause infection and change from acute cervicitis. Acute cervicitis is often not treated thoroughly, pathogens live in the cervical mucosa, forming a chronic inflammation.
Many women with acute cervicitis symptoms are not obvious, usually overlooked, and direct occurrence of chronic cervicitis. Li director said, vaginal secretions excessive patients, about 20% - 25% is caused by cervicitis, if because of inflammation caused by leucorrhea thick purulent, will be harmful to sperm through the cervical canal, leading to infertility.
What symptom does palace neck phlogistic have?
Leucorrhea increase is the most common, and sometimes even the only symptom of acute cervicitis, leucorrhea purulent or bloody, often accompanied by lumbar acid and lower abdominal pain. Sometimes the vulva is stimulated by inflammation and secretions, with itching, burning sensation, and urination symptoms, such as frequent urination and urgency. A small number of patients have sexual pain, rising body temperature and other symptoms.
Some people suffer from acute cervicitis, the symptoms are not obvious, so it is often overlooked and developed into chronic cervicitis. The main symptom of chronic cervicitis is increased leucorrhea. When the inflammation spreads along the palace ligament to the pelvic cavity, may have the lumbosacral pain, the pelvic floor falls the pain and so on. The main clinical manifestations were: cervical erosion, cervical hypertrophy, cervical polyps, cervical cyst and endocervicitis etc.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Summer detoxification beauty must be prepared in advance of the 8 major delicacies
The hot summer is coming again. Are you ready for health care in summer? In the hot summer, everyone on the diet choose a light and non greasy food, fruits and vegetables are the best food in summer health. Because in the early summer, the hot weather makes the human body toxins increase, this time is the most need detoxification season, you know? How do you get rid of toxins and relax? Correct diet, effective detoxification, but also beauty Oh! The women's health web is the 8 big thing to prepare for summer detox, and you must remember to eat more.
1. duck eggs summer
Vulgar Chuan, summer eat eggs, is called "s summer", so that people in the summer is not thin, not to lose weight, full strength, strong work. Salted duck eggs are rich in calcium, iron and other inorganic salts, calcium content, iron content than eggs, fresh duck eggs are high, summer calcium, iron is the first choice.
2. lotus seeds - nourishing heart
The most appropriate summer Yangxin, summer heart are most vulnerable, sweltering easily irritable heart, easily hurt. Lotus core although flavour is bitter, but can clear internal heat, is a sedative to share, but also strong stomach.
Recommendation: lotus seed white fungus soup. Practice: early on the lotus seeds, white fungus with blisters open. After the bubble, white fungus and lotus seeds will be cleaned. Put proper amount of water in the casserole, put the soaked white fungus and lotus seeds, dates into, boil, cook a few minutes in the fire, then simmer a small fire, only to spoon spoon, you can feel sticky. When eating, you can put in rock sugar, sugar, put warm after adding honey
3. watermelon - Replenishment
Watermelon in summer mainly fruits, also known as "summer squash". Watermelon is the treasure: watermelon, watermelon water can supplement the human skin, muscle, hair in the hot summer of nutritional needs. In particular, watermelon contains vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and other nutrients, check nourish the skin, promote appetite, is a summer diet jiapin.
4. Strawberry - detoxifying
Summer is a season full of strawberries. Edible strawberry can promote the formation of human cells, maintain the normal function of teeth, bones, blood vessels and muscles, and promote wound healing, enhance human resistance, and also detoxification. Strawberry contains a variety of organic acids, acids and pectin substances, can break down the fat in food, promote digestive juices secretion and gastrointestinal peristalsis, eliminate excess cholesterol and harmful heavy metals.
5. lettuce - Ventilation
Lettuce contains a lot of cellulose, can promote intestinal peristalsis, through the digestive tract, can treat constipation, is the best food of female patients with anemia.
6. mushrooms - Health
Mushroom anticancer. The polysaccharide containing tumor cell can improve the immunity of organism. Oyster mushroom can also treat autonomic nerve disorder, and has the effect of adjuvant treatment of menopausal syndrome.
Letinous edodes beauty. Rich in potassium, calcium, and other substances containing ribose. Can inhibit the increase in cholesterol in the liver, promote blood circulation, blood pressure, nourish the skin and so on. Diet note: a good letinous edodes should be kept in the refrigerator before it loses its nutrition.
Anticancer mushroom. In protein, the eight essential amino acids in the human body are complete and high in content, accounting for 38.2% of the total amino acids. They can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially in the treatment of digestive tract tumors, and can strengthen the vitality of liver and kidney.
Oyster mushroom stewed in oyster sauce. Practice: wash the mushroom, tear into large pieces, and then pour into the boiling water to boil thoroughly, then squeeze out the dried water. From the pan, heat oil, followed by the spring onion, ginger, garlic and oyster sauce, stir fried flavor, cooked into the Shao liquor, add chicken powder and the amount of water, and mushroom, salt, boil, tasty cooked to mushroom, check into the starch into the water.
7. - Qingchang mung bean
In the high temperature environment of people sweating in summer, water loss, electrolyte balance in the body is destroyed, mung bean soup to supplement is the most ideal method, can Qingshu thirst, diuresis, can not only add water and inorganic salts to replenish, for the maintenance of water electrolyte balance is important meaning.
Recommendation: using it to do mung bean porridge, mung bean soup, mung bean cake, mung bean sprouts and so on can be, not only delicious, nutritious, but also has many therapeutic functions. So in summer, almost every household will use it to prevent heatstroke, detoxification.
8. Eggplant - anti-aging
Summer on the human body loss, eggplant contains vitamin E, there is to prevent bleeding and anti-aging function, often eat eggplant can delay the aging of the human body. Eggplant is one of the few purple vegetables. It is rich in vitamin E and vitamin P in its purple skin. It is no substitute for other vegetables.
Recommended: eggplant salad. Approach: cut the eggplant in the dish, put the pot and steam for 10 minutes, such as steamed eggplant, out cold, put the minced garlic into the bowl, add MSG, soy sauce, vinegar stir. Serve with garlic sauce at the end of the meal.
Editorial review:
The heat approached, and summer was just around the corner. Summer hot weather makes the body accumulated too many toxins, sweltering also easily irritable heart, easily hurt, regulating the body through food discomfort, is the best choice.
Recommended reading: how to make the skin white, sleep detoxification methods, under what circumstances need detoxification?
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Ten kinds of food you can eat before you go to bed
Nowadays people pay special attention to health care, and we all know that we don't recommend eating for three hours before going to bed. Researchers have found that eating regularly, drinking enough to sleep, are prone to disease. But you don't have to be scared, women's health nets today is to introduce to you ten kinds of food that you can eat before going to bed, and let you worry about your mouth. Not only that, the following ten kinds of food does not affect the health, but also can lose weight and sleep!
1, almond almonds also contain tryptophan and relaxed muscle medicine - magnesium. So eating a small amount of heart healthy nuts is another way of hypnosis!
2. Flaxseed, which is sprinkled with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal before you go to bed, is a healthy flax seed that works as expected. They are rich in Omega -3 fatty acids.
3, whole wheat bread before going to bed hungry, if more can't let you meet, then you can choose whole wheat bread, add a slice of toast, collocation of tea and honey, can help the body to release an insulin, insulin can make to the human brain tryptophan and converted to serotonin in the.
4, turkeys can doze off at Thanksgiving every day, thanks to Turkey, which is considered the best source of tryptophan. But this is only a modern folk tale. When your stomach is almost empty, not full, and there's a lot of carbs instead of a lot of protein, tryptophan starts to work. Put one or two thin slices of Turkey on a couple of whole wheat buns late at night. Maybe you'll start your sleep journey in the kitchen.
5, honey to your warm milk or herbal tea into a small amount of honey, some glucose can induce your brain to stop eating, eating vegetarian is a recently discovered and neurotransmitter related to keeping awake. A large amount of sugar has an excitatory effect, but a small amount of glucose can, in time, suggest that the brain secretes orexin (phenyl two), a newly discovered neurotransmitter associated with thought responses. So a few drops of honey to warm milk or vanilla tea is also helpful for relaxing before going to bed.
6 potatoes know that potatoes can lose weight recipe, but you know, it can also help you sleep, oh, it can remove the sleep inducing tryptophan can interfere with the role of acid. To achieve this effect, you can simply mash the baked potatoes and add them to warm milk. A small baked potato doesn't damage your stomach, but it can clear acid compounds that interfere with the effect of tryptophan on hypnosis. If the mix of warm milk into mashed potatoes, the effect will be even better!
7 oatmeal oatmeal is a valuable bedtime product that contains plenty of N- acetyl -5- methoxy. Make a small bowl of cereal and mix it with a little honey. Try chewing your mouth big enough to fill your tooth hole. There is a weight loss effect. At the same time, oatmeal can induce melatonin, and a small bowl can promote sleep. If you chew large amounts of oatmeal, the effect will be better.
8, banana diet banana is actually coated with the peel of the "sleeping pills", in addition to smooth serotonin and melatonin, it also contains muscle can relax the effect of magnesium. In addition, eating bananas before bed does not cause weight gain because it is low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, which can promote defecation.
9, Chrysanthemum Tea Chrysanthemum Tea has become the first choice of tea beverage preparation before bedtime, mainly because of its soft Shumian function, is the best natural gas concentration static prescription.
10, warm milk before going to bed drink a warm milk, help sleep is already well-known, because milk contains a tryptophan, it can play the same as amino acid sedative effect. Rest assured that drinking milk before going to bed will not only not fat, but also can supplement the body's calcium.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
What is constipation, constipation how to do, what drug does constipation take?
What is constipation, constipation how to do, what drug does constipation take? What is constipation, simply speaking, can be used to describe 3 words: less, hard and difficult. "Less" refers to the decrease in defecation frequency or decrease in bowel movement. Normally, the number of bowel movements per person can be 2 times a day, or 3 times a week. In accordance with physiological laws, the food residue (fecal) discharge should be 24 to 72 hours after eating, so it is generally believed that more than 3 days without defecation is called constipation. "Hard" refers to the discharge of feces excellent (fecal hard, dry, hard stool), if there is excellent stool, even if the normal number of bowel movements, but also should be considered constipation.
"Hard" refers to the difficulty in defecation, defecation, defecation and fecal matter which excellent difficulties should be a necessary condition for constipation, and defecation should be based on individual circumstances, there are very few people ask when the defecation interval of more than 3 days, but without any discomfort, do not need medical treatment, also do not need to take laxatives strictly speaking, this kind of person can't be thought to have constipation there. The best way to treat constipation is to use food therapy. Constipation therapy has no side effects. It is safer and healthier. The following are the women's health nets Xiaobian compiled a treatment of constipation diet, food therapy, constipation patients for you to make a reference.
Sweet potato
Eat sweet potatoes, cure constipation, make smooth stool easy, folk have this experience. "Materia medica for the original" also recorded, think sweet potato: "cool blood, blood circulation, broad stomach, constipation, go to the Su stasis, dirty poison."." Chronic constipation is especially good for those who are constipated. Can also be used fresh sweet potato leaves 250 grams, refueling, salt cooking, eating at a time, sooner or later fasting every time to eat, suitable for people who dry bowels knot.
Can be laxative, constipation person take appropriate. "Shanghai Chinese magazine" September 1963: Zhao Moumou, female, 65 years old, Yin fluid dryness, suffering from constipation has been 5 years, every 4~5 days 1 stools, accompanied by dizziness limb numbness, pain throat disease. The "mirror" in ancient times medicine pill with black sesame sesame, (fried) with equal the late winter mulberry leaves, honey to reconcile for the pills, day 12~15 grams, January and more.
Can nourish yin, blood, Runchang, suitable for people with constipation. "Ren Zhai": "at the treatment of elderly constipation with deficiency astringent, gelatin two money, three pieces of root scallions, honey two spoon, water decoction, onions, gelatin, honey dissolve the people, before eating." This method for postpartum weakness, constipation, constipation is also appropriate.
Can heat, Runchang, detoxification, suitable heat constipation and habitual constipation person take. Take raw bananas, 2~3 times a day, 2 times a day.
Can nourishing liquid, Runchang, suitable for physically weak people constipation, also suitable for chronic constipation taking blood deficiency. Fresh black mulberry juice can be squeezed, take 15 ml each time, 2 times a day. Or with fresh mulberry 2 kg, Jiashi, 500 grams of white sugar, white sugar into the aluminum pan, add a little water, suffering a small fire until the sugar dissolves after adding mulberry juice, mulberry cream boiled together. 2 times a day, 15 grams each time, boiling water clothes, and even 1 weeks.
Sugar cane
Power in the heat, Sheng Jin, Runchang, suitable for those taking heat constipation. The available green Sugar cane juice and honey wine each 1, evenly mixed, daily morning fasting.
Pine nut kernels
Suitable for chronic intestinal dry constipation consumption, there are nourishing liquid, moistening the lung and sliding intestines. Available pine nuts 30 grams, cooked with rice to eat Rice porridge a day sooner or later. Or the use of sea pine nuts 250~500 grams, stir fry cooked mash, with 500 grams of sugar, add appropriate amount of water, together with wenhuoaocheng paste after cooling, bottling, daily morning fasting food, drink boiling water.
Suitable for constipation person take, there are ancient records. "Medical Lin Tsay" in say: "the walnuts, run through large intestine, heat." Common folk Hu peach kernel, black sesame 500 grams, fried smashed a total crush, with a little honey transfer service morning fasting, both nourishing the body, and the treatment of habitual constipation. Walnut meat can also be used alone 30~50 grams, with rice porridge, eat sooner or later.
250 grams of fresh white radish can be used, washed and then twisted radish juice, and then a small amount of honey, fasting 1 times, 1 times a day. "Daily Materia Medica," the cloud: "radish wide chest, diaphragm, Li, feces and urine."." This method is particularly suitable for people who have constipation, Qi constipation will not be, and very abdominal pain, chest and hypochondriac fullness.
Three-colored amaranth
A person who is habitual constipated. As early as in the "intermediate medical journal" in 1954, the first phase of the introduction: the potatoes cleaned, cut into thin slices, into the meat grinder, twisted into a paste, with sterilized gauze juice, every empty stomach and afternoon before each half glass. According to Yang's report, this method has been used to treat 84 patients with long-term constipation, the results are all cured, mostly in 2~4 days effective, individual constipation taking 20 days effective.
Contains vitamin Bl, vitamin B2 more, can enhance the peristalsis of the stomach, is the prevention and treatment of constipation ideal food.
Can Runzao bowel, suitable for intestinal constipation dry food. "Was introduced by practical effect of unilateral": "a man, 61 years old, left hemiplegia, constipation, bed has been half a year. 180 grams of honey, black sesame 30 grams, grind rotten, reconcile, steamed, 1, 2 times as dim sum to eat. Half a month later, the stool returned to normal, 3 months later can get up, half a year after the resumption of normal."
It can relax the bowels and defecate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains a method: 100 grams of lard into the enamel cup, add 100 grams of honey, with the fire boil, a cool, the lard and honey stir. Two times a day, 1 tablespoons each time, especially for intestinal constipation.
Chinses Angelica
Kidney essence, moistening dryness, slippery bowel function, especially suitable for dry blood and yang deficiency constipation constipation person take. "The medical notes" wide: "treat high blood sucking, constipation, Cistanche 32 meat, liquor soaked, washed scales slice, three bowls of fried soup, a bowl of meal."
Cassia seed
Can clear liver, eyesight, catharsis, suitable for habitual constipation. The first 500 grams of cassia, fried yellow, daily intake of 10~15 grams, boiling water when the tea.
There are tonic, nourishing Yin, nourishing blood, Runzao role, weak constipation people, food is particularly appropriate. "With interest in the diet spectrum" say it can "benefit two", and "the treatment of constipation: pork soup, drink oil blow."
Sexual flat, sweet taste, can make up empty Runchang, so all weak physique, or after the disease, postpartum or elderly people constipation, all suitable for eating. The "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" said it "large profits", "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "milk run large intestine, porridge should be very old".
sea cucumber
In order to clear and supplement food, it can nourish yin, moisturize dryness, and nourish the blood and purge the bowels. Such as "drug test" it "will nourish the kidney, moistening intestines, and introduces the treatment of fire dry knot: sea cucumber, edible fungus, cooking into pig intestine". Therefore, the intestinal dry constipation, or blood deficiency, constipation, or frail elderly constipation, food rather appropriate.
Mild, sweet, Runchang catharsis. "Modern practical medicine" said: "sweet almond nourishing, with oral laxative effects, and nourishing effect." Therefore, for the frail old people, chronic constipation, the most appropriate food.
It is cold, salty and salty, and has the function of clearing fire and cooling blood. On dry stool and habitual constipation, fasting every morning to drink a cup of light salt was the most suitable, have the function of catharsis effect.
Flat, sweet, have the effect of Jianwei qingchang. In the diet diet, it also says that it can clear away heat and smooth the intestines". Chronic habitual constipation should be eaten regularly.
Sex is flat, sweet, and has the effect of eliminating accumulation and moistening dryness. In the book of herbal extracts, he said, "eating too much is a slippery bowel."". Therefore, constipation, eat a laxative effect.
Water spinach
Cold and sweet in taste. "Lu Chuan Materia Medica" records: "treat disease of intestines and stomach, stool." "Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary" said that it "rule constipation", because of its cellulose can increase peristalsis, chronic constipation, it is appropriate to eat.
Agaric, commonly known as sliding abdominal dishes. Cold, sweet and sour, constipation to eat particularly appropriate. "Compendium of Materia Medica" cloud: "the big intestine basellaceae". "Fujian folk herbal medicine" also said that it "diarrhea, hot, slippery bowel."". "Quanzhou herbal medicine" also states: "the treatment of constipation". Because of the cold weather, the hot food is quite suitable for constipation.
In addition, people should take the constipation of oats, sweet potato, pig intestine, red bayberry, chrysanthemum, green vegetables, green asparagus, beet, seaweed, Sargassum, letinous edodes etc..
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Have you sterilized your pillow for sleeping every day?
Do you sleep with pillows all day long? It might be strange to hear such questions. Do pillows need to be sterilized? What is the method of disinfection? In fact, we do not have to get excited over a little thing every day in use, because the pillow, the head will be some sweat flowing inside the pillow, especially in the hot summer, the pillow should often take out the sun, ultraviolet disinfection.
To prevent mildew from growing into pillows, the pillow core should be exposed every two weeks. When people sleep, foul gas into the pillow skin evaporation and excretion, secretion of sweat and grease the scalp has been disseminated, made the pillow shelter evil people and countenance evil practices. Just cleaning the appearance of the pillow towel and pillowcase, palliatives, pillow filth cannot get rid of the smell. Some pillows look clean, but there is a faint odor on the pillow, which is why they do not often dry the pillow. Especially with seed filling, cotton, beans, aloe herbal plants such as the pillow shell easily absorb moisture, pillow filled down, space cotton materials such as easy to absorb sweat, some insects will leave their eggs in the sweat and dirt dirty pillow, they are conducive to the breeding of bacteria and virus reproduction, to provide the communication way and give some infectious diseases. Experts advise people not to neglect the hygiene of the pillow while cleaning the room regularly. The weather will change, the best pillow or in sunlight. Living in humid areas, the best pillow once every half a month, not only can promote health, but also improve the quality of sleep. If you use rice bran, buckwheat skin and other substances made of pillow, it is best to change the filling regularly.
In particular, if suffering from respiratory, gastrointestinal or skin infectious disease and long scabies, head lice, bacteria, viruses or parasites will be brought into the pillow, may lead to cross infection between family members. For the infant, sweating and spits phenomenon are more likely to cause the pillow pollution, their skin is more delicate, more vulnerable.
The expert reminds: the pillow core should be exposed once every two weeks.
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Secret: 7 reasons why women live longer than men
Although men and women are human, but because of the different physiological structure, living habits are different, resulting in life expectancy is not the same.
Although life expectancy was thought to be related to personal causes, women were generally found to have lived longer than men for 5 years. Why do women live longer than men? Today, the women's health network takes everyone to reveal the main reason why men live less than women for a few years:
Recently, the Planning Commission launched the "men's Health Day" campaign in the national health survey, experts released the status quo of China's men's health, showing the Chinese men than the average life expectancy of women 3~5 years shorter, the overall health status of poor men than women.
In fact, years of surveys by the WHO and the UN Population organization show that the average life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women for 5~10 years, and in some countries this difference is increasing year by year. According to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the average life span of Russian men has been shortened from 64 in 1987 to 58 today, while the average life expectancy of women in the country is approaching 70.
British National Bureau of statistics published a report also showed that the average life expectancy of British men is 76.6 years, while women are 81 years old. In addition, American men live 7 years shorter than women. According to the national population life Japanese Ministry of health released the latest statistics show that the average life expectancy of Japanese men is 78.56 years old, female 85.52 years old. These weekdays are close to the "strong" label men, why life is not looks fragile women live longer?
No longevity, genetic advantage. A study at the University of Lancaster in England has suggested that genes can explain the difference in longevity between men and women. In animal experiments, they found that there were genetic variants in mitochondrial genes that would damage male life only, and that long-term accumulation would open the life span between males and females.
In addition, there is a gene involved in repairing DNA in the human body that is related to the X chromosome. Women have more repair genes than men, and they are better for longevity. Scientists at the hospital in Denmark investigated 40 thousand stroke patients and examined the impact of sex on the chances of survival after stroke. The results showed that women had a 25% higher chance of surviving than men. At the same time, during the recovery of serious diseases, car accidents and injuries, women showed faster and stronger rehabilitation and regeneration ability.
Less stress channels
Both filial piety parents, children under the instruction, but also work hard to earn money to support the family, men pressure is not small. Men do not have the inborn ability to adjust their minds like women, and they can adjust themselves by nagging a few words and crying.
Lack of awareness and self-discipline
Jiang Hui pointed out that many men are sick to go to the hospital, but I go. Women are 28% times more likely to see a doctor than men each year, according to the data. What's more, most women want to be young and beautiful, and this desire can have a positive effect on the body, such as diet, health and regular life. But men are very different, eating wolf, sedentary, overworked, stay up late, are the prime culprit in reducing the longevity of men.
Many men sit, sit, drive, sit, watch TV, sit down every day. Sedentary is a big influence on men's health and increases the risk of genital infections. Suggest sitting 40 minutes later, get up and move, walk 5 minutes, and then continue to work. In addition, many men work seventeen or eight hours a day, do not sleep at night, and the use of health in exchange for money is not advisable.
The incidence of unintentional injury was higher
The study found that unintentional injuries were the number one killer among 40~44 year old men. The Chinese Medical Association, chairman of the Department of Urology of Peking University People's Hospital andrology branch director Wang Xiaofeng introduction, the crowd more men are engaged in hazardous work, such as construction workers, miners, will increase the probability of the accident.
Smoking is the chief cause of lung cancer
Statistics show that of 10 deaths from lung cancer, 9 are smokers. Jiang Hui introduced, 20%~30% men are smokers, women only 3%~5%. Quit smoking at any time is not late, but through the transfer of attention, parties, etc. to reduce smoking away. In addition, people over the age of 45 who have a history of smoking should undergo 1 cancer tests each year.
Men are usually more prone to traffic accidents than women
A Swedish survey found that 70% of traffic accidents were caused by male drivers. The reason is that men's male hormones make them like speeding, drunk driving, adventure, drag racing, and so on.
Social intercourse increases the incidence of disease
Men can socialize without socializing, and most of them spend more time in the evenings. Ma Liping, deputy director of the Guangxi nutrition society, points out that excessive amounts of greasy food at night can lead to food hoarding, which can lead to obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension.
Long dinner too full, and after meals do not exercise, direct rest, may induce colorectal cancer, diabetes and other diseases are an important incentive. If necessary, social gatherings and meals can be arranged at noon and guaranteed to eat at least half a week at home. When socializing, we must ensure that the diversity of food intake, pay attention to thick and thin collocation, eat more vegetables, eat less fat.
Improper drinking alcohol beverages. Wine is a friend of men, but also a killer of their health. According to the WHO statistics, 60 diseases are caused by unhealthy drinking. Hepatology director Professor Jia Jidong pointed out that the Chinese Medical Association, a short time heavy alcohol intake can cause acute alcohol poisoning, so long, easy to induce alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and even. Most frightening is that excessive drinking can cause cancers of the esophagus, stomach and other cancers.
The family suggests that the best choice of low alcohol wine, and to control the amount of wine, should eat some staple food before drinking.
(Editor) tidy up
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qubang-blog1 · 7 years
Health experts recommend 6 fall health tea therapy
In the fall, the use of tea treatment regimen, simple and convenient, but also better prevention of disease, enhance physical fitness, we can in accordance with their actual situation to choose.
Tremella tea
This tea has a nourishing Yin, cough, especially suitable for yin deficiency cough. You can choose 20 grams of tremella, 5 grams of tea, 20 grams of rock sugar, first washed white fungus, water and rock sugar stew, and then tea bubble 5 minutes later, add white fungus soup, stir evenly taken.
Osmanthus tea
This tea is suitable for halitosis, toothache, toothache and dental caries toothache stomach. Can choose 3 grams of sweet scented osmanthus, black tea 1 grams or green tea 3 grams, with boiling water amount brewing, cover stuffy, after 10 minutes can drink at any time.
Balsam pear tea
This tea has diuretic effects, the balsam pear flesh into Green Tea, hang in ventilated place, when drinking chopped balsam pear take 10 grams of boiling water can.
Eggplant tea
Mainly for the treatment of bronchitis. The roots and roots of autumn eggplant can be washed, dried and chopped up. Green tea is added and boiled with boiling water
This tea is suitable for cold, cold, fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, abdominal distension and other gastrointestinal cold. The specific practice is to select the ginger leaves, each 3 grams, ginger cut into filaments, sage washed with boiling water for 10 minutes and drinking tea. Drink 2 times a day, on the afternoon of the 1.
Radish tea
This tea can clear lung heat, phlegm and dampness, add a little salt, can be seasoned, but also Qingfei, anti-inflammatory. The main selection of white radish 100 grams, 5 grams of tea, the first white radish wash, slice, boil, slightly add salt seasoning, and then brew tea, 5 minutes later into the carrot juice, take 2 times a day.
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