queen-astras · 10 hours
should internet strangers' opinions on your sexual activity and labels make any difference to your self-perception and decisions within your irl community?
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queen-astras · 12 hours
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queen-astras · 12 hours
anyone else live under the assumption that they’re constantly doing something wrong
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queen-astras · 1 day
Not to be slutty but the urge to call you “mine” is freaking high.
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queen-astras · 1 day
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queen-astras · 1 day
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queen-astras · 1 day
perfecting my tumblr filtered content list by adding the word "the" to block 99.99999% of posts on this website and never have to see any discourse ever again
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queen-astras · 1 day
you need to get married
working on it boss
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queen-astras · 1 day
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queen-astras · 1 day
las vegas is a special kind of horrifying compared to the rest of the southwest because you get three different flavors of horror all together. there’s the strip, obviously, the hypnosis of the casinos. you know they intentionally don’t put clocks in casinos? and they put mirrors wherever they can? they’re trying to disorient you so you stay inside. they’re trying to trap you. and the casinos are different but they’re all the same underneath, slots and shows and roulette wheels, the same bones in different bodies. but then you get outside the strip and you’re in the suburbs. it’s flat. barely anything outside the strip is more than two, maybe three storeys. everything is in a strip mall. the houses are identical wherever you go. even the schools - there are two major architectural blueprints for high schools in las vegas. if you’ve been inside one school you can navigate them all. it’s all the same and it’s all normal, in defiance of the neon of the strip. (you can see the beacon from the luxor from anywhere in the city, you can always find your way to the strip, but- is that better, than being somewhere that you know? somewhere that’s the same wherever you go?) and then of course if you step too far outside you’re in the desert. much further and you’re in the mountains. the suburbs are creeping out further and further, taking over, but there will always be desert. summer will always be 120 degrees. there will always be heat and scorpions on the edges and no matter how far you push out you will not be able to build on the mountains. no matter how hard you try the desert will find you. and none of these things are mutually exclusive, not as much as you think. there are slot machines in grocery stores. there are houses behind casinos. there is undeveloped desert in the center of everything, reminding you that the desert was not built to hold you, the desert was not built for this, you should not be here. you shouldn’t be here.
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queen-astras · 1 day
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Staff have done their best to hide this post, OP's blog has been deleted to hide it. Spread this post as much as you can (ideally through screenshots to avoid it being nuked)
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queen-astras · 1 day
im part asian and really distressed with the way we are treated in the queer community and progressive communities in general. We're often fetishized or desexualized, or straight-up ignored by white queer people, white trans people will take names from our culture without understanding it, and there's often an undertone when our often-ignored issues are brought up that we're worse than other people of color. more "white-adjacent" or something. our cultures are conflated and we are treated as though we don't matter.
its a huge problem and even anti racist queers dont seem to talk much about it? but thank you for bringing it up!
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queen-astras · 2 days
sky it’s definitely 5 and I’m “NO”
@yesiamagummybear 2 maybe? We kinda just chilling
@princess--kira 1 or 3
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Calling all mutuals!
I will say, the one I know for certain: In number one, @bunnyloverqueen is dealing with my dramatics
Anyways some tags! Tag your own moots in which of these dynamics you are, as well as, if you want, the person who tagged you!
@a-lemon-sprinkled-with-sugar, @adhdinfluenceddisaster, @starlightsugar, @4n0therp4intb4llepis0de, @sexy-catfish, @antisocialcactusfriend, @idcwhatmyusernameisblorp
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queen-astras · 2 days
You should delete tumblr. Do it
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queen-astras · 2 days
Theory Time
The reason endermen don’t like it when you look at them is because they communicate telepathically with one another by locking eyes! Humans are absolutely not designed to do this so when we look at them we are accidentally projecting all of our thoughts into them at the same time and it hurts :(
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queen-astras · 2 days
re: google AI. seriously. do you want machine generated misinformation or do you want to come here, to our beloved tumblr, and receive specially hand crafted misinformation. support real artists, guys. come to tumblr for your misinformation
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queen-astras · 2 days
A lot of people around me are having kids and every day it becomes more apparent that hitting your children to punish them is insane because literally everything can be a horrible punishment in their eyes if you frame it as such.
Like, one family makes their toddler sit on the stairs for three minutes when he hits his brother or whatever. The stairs are well lit and he can see his family the whole time, he’s just not allowed to get up and leave the stairs or the timer starts over. He fucking hates it just because it’s framed as a punishment.
Another family use a baseball cap. It’s just a plain blue cap with nothing on it. When their toddler needs discipline he gets a timeout on a chair and has to put the cap on. When they’re out and about he just has to wear the cap but it gets the same reaction. Nobody around them can tell he’s being punished because it’s in no way an embarrassing cap, but HE knows and just the threat of having to wear it is enough.
And there isn’t the same contempt afterwards I’ve seen with kids whose parents hit them. One time the kid swung a stick at my dog, his mother immediately made him sit on the stairs, he screamed but stayed put, then he came over to my dog and gently said “Sorry Ellie” and went back to playing like nothing happened, but this time without swinging sticks at the nearby animals.
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