queen-she · 4 years
Ares: Sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere.
Aphrodite: What do you mean? You fit perfectly in my arms.
Ares, sobbing: Sh-shut up.
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queen-she · 4 years
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queen-she · 4 years
“If you think the value of a woman is only in the curve of her hips and the shape of her breasts, you do not understand how to read beneath her jagged lines, the sacred geometry that make up her glorious heart and her beautiful mind.”
— Nikita Gill
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queen-she · 4 years
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queen-she · 4 years
Emotions make you human
Men shouldn’t be mocked for showing emotion or vulnerability, there’s no shame in it.
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queen-she · 4 years
Classic feels
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the irresistible tendency of certain events to come about
Requested by anon
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queen-she · 4 years
💞💞 Happy World Kindness Day 💞💞
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Can you remember the last time you were kind to someone, or someone was kind to you, without an agenda, just because? Let’s take this World Kindness Day to commit to an act of kindness, whether that’s within your community, online, or towards yourself—self-care is also a form of kindness! Use the tag #world kindness day to share the wholesomeness!
Stay kind,
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queen-she · 4 years
Nowadays, we don’t really think of fire as an element or a substance, we think of it as an interaction. The combustion of oxygen molecules via fuel. Well buddhism claims that everything is like that; everything, when followed down the line, is without substance and merely the result of fleeting interactions.
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queen-she · 4 years
“You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known- and even that is an understatement.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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queen-she · 4 years
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𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖇𝖔𝖆𝖗𝖉: 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰
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queen-she · 4 years
the moon was really pretty last night
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queen-she · 4 years
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queen-she · 4 years
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source: unknown
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queen-she · 4 years
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queen-she · 4 years
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queen-she · 4 years
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A Starry Night (detail) by Van Gogh
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queen-she · 4 years
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Moon light
Under the moonlight,
Let me hear the music of love.
Let the moon sing for a while,
Let the stars dance for a while.
For they might vanish the obscurity,
For now, that my heart is filled with melancholy.
It is a night so hazy and grey,
A star whispers to me the songs of spring, sometimes, it is autum which takes the place.
O, moonlight guide me through your shine,
Through your music and rhyme.
Hold my hand, my shadow and mind,
And tell me,
Where my heart lies?
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