queeninanarmor · 8 years
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The polar bear in Copenhagen Zoo gets a cow head about once a week.
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
Me: [doesn't realize or recognize the severity of the situation I'm in]
Everyone: wow u are so chill about everything
Me, definitely dissociating: lol yeah I just roll with the punches I guess
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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Franz Kafka
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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5 posts!
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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Random Haikyuu header → 600 × 340 [2/?]
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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If you’re an introvert, follow @introvertunites​.
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
when you see a big spider on your desk
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
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I just got back from Japan and in light of both that and getting 14k followers while I was there, I want to trow a giveaway!
If you win I will need an address to mail the prize to, if you are unable to provide me with an address please do not enter!
I am happy to ship world wide, so there are no restrictions on where you need to live in order to enter this giveaway.
If you are under age, please ask your parents/guardian for permission to give your address before entering.
And let me just stress this one more time..  If you win, you will need to give me an address to ship the prize to.
I will require that anyone entering will only be eligible to win if they are also following me on tumblr
My only other requirement for eligibility is that you reblog this post. Likes are nice and all, and please do feel free to like this, but when it comes time to RNG the winner, I will strictly pick from those who rebloggedthis.
You are welcome to reblog multiple times for additional entries, just please don’t go overboard with it and upset your followers by spamming.
Additionally, if you are following me but reblogging to a side blog, please contact me and let me know.  
Now for the fun part
There will be three winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
1ts place
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Habia Lev figurine
Kentarō Kyōtani chibi figurine
Bokuaka doujinshi (Japanese)
Aoba Johsai wristband
2nd place
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First volume of the manga (Japanese)
3rd place
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Kuroo Tetsurou and Tsukishima Kei keychains
This giveaway will end on August 1st at midnight CST.   Winner will be chosen via RNG (using random.org) Once a winner has been chosen, I will contact them via Tumblr at which point I will allow 3 days for a reply before I RNG a new winner.
Good Luck!!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
the word 'love' itself is shrouded in ambiguity, with no clear definition at all. For some, love is all about compromise, for some it is like the sweet burning flames that gently lick the very core of your soul, for others it is the force that knocks you off your feet and then there is a kind which feels like being dragged into the depths of a dark ocean. The meaning differs from soul to soul. Every soul defines its own shape of love so in theory there are billions kinds of love at once shaping themselves... ...the pupa wondered, amazed. For the only world that existed for the pupa was these intricate threads that it had woven around itself. Even as a caterpillar, it didn't get to know much about the world, its world at that time being the tree and its green leaf. It didn't even know whether it was a huge tree or just an average one. The tree might have been only one of the hundreds of tree inside a forest, or it might have been a lone tree with its next neighbor miles away. The pupa, in its caterpillar self, could have had no way of knowing because all that surrounded him were the green leaves of the tree that it crawled upon. But it would get the chance soon, there wasn't much time left till its own wings would tear open the cocoon it had built around itself. It would be able to fly and see the world beyond those lush green leaves that it once fed upon. It was okay since it didn't need them anymore to fill its hunger. But instead he would get to drink the nectar that the flowers offered so seductively. The pupa wriggled in its cocoon out of excitement, followed by a wave of fear. The pupa was curious and grew impatient. It wondered what kind of love would it find out there in its new world as its new self, the butterfly. Would the love be the one where its new self would steal the envious stares of other souls and be admired as it would sit on those flowers spreading its beautiful wings. Or would it be the love where it would end up in another small rectangular world, as someone's trophy, its once fluttering wings pinned to the wooden back of that glass world, the same wings that were supposed to carry the pupa to its freedom. Or maybe its tiny life would be crushed before it has a chance to even grow wings... ..which one would it be..? Whoever said love was like a fairy tale, clearly had no emotions at all. Or maybe it was someone who under all the weight of his guilt said those words to comfort himself. Maybe it was to make someone happy. Or maybe he was just delusional. Whatever may be the case, these words hold absolutely no truth to them at all. For even the most beautiful rose grows with thorns.
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queeninanarmor · 8 years
when your otp gets together... finally! xD
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