Endgame Pt. 2 - Sneak peak
I`m back, kinda. Sorry that I was gone so long, work was a real bitch and i kinda needed a digital detox - hope your all still interested in this story - not quite finished with this chapter but heres a little scoop - hope you enjoy it!
„That’s what I call a perfect game, Fangs“ Sweet Pea grinned at his friend, trying his best not to laugh at Fangs facial impression. The former looked like someone had kicked his puppy. „Shut up, Pea! You will find your match and get your ass kicked.“ Fangs told his friend with a bitter undertone. „Dream on Fogarty and now go and lick your wounds, I’m gonna select my prize“ „You’re gonna have your hands full with the little Firecracker tonight, I think she’s a bit drunk or does she do the dancing on the bar thing for fun now?“ Fangs laughed seeing the Girl in question standing on Tony’s bar wiggling her ass. „Thats my cue, gonna grab the Misses and get out of here. Later Fogarty“ Sweet Pea set himself in motion his eyes not leaving the Girl dancing on the bar - not missing the horndogs watching his Girl hungrily. Time to get the Princess out of here.
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Hey Guys! 
I’m really sorry for not updating for so long, works been a bitch! 
there will be an update in the next few days, hope your all still interested in reading my storys..
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Guys i know i havent posted but i‘m fucking down with the flu, can barly lift a Finger on my own! Gonna post as soon as im better! Thanks for being so pacient with me! ❤️😭😭
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Hi! I was wondering if it was okay to write a fic based on your most recent riverdale (fangs) fic? I would make sure to give you credit for the idea :)
Hey! I’m already working on part 2, I'm going to turn it into a miniseries so I'm not quite comfortable with you doing so :/
But thanks for asking and not just doing it without permission!
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I love your url ! ♥️
Thank you Darling :)
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Not what you expected - Fangs Fogarty
could you write an imagine where the reader, Jughead's best friend, is a bad girl from the northside that loves motorcycles but she's also a street racer and at one of the street races on the southside she beats one of the serpents with jughead in the passenger seat and ends up flirting with Fangs?
Here you go - I’m sorry it took me so long!

„Jones! You dumbass! Who the fuck trips over his own feet and manages to break his toe while doing so?“ Sweet Pea yelled at the boy. „Yeah Jug, your timing couldn’t be more inconvenient, the race is tomorrow and you can’t bail out or you’re gonna loose the respect you gained with the Serpents!“ Toni told her friend, being concerned for her friend, knowing exactly how hard he worked for gaining said respect. „Guys, just chill! It’s not like I planed it! I’m gonna figure something out!“ Jughead told his fellow Serpents, already figuring out a plan b in his head. „What are you going to do? Asking you blond Northside Princess? She may know something about fixing up old cars but I can’t really see her behind the wheel racing against the others..“ Sweet Pea told his friend, his temper starting to rise. „No, I’m not asking Betty to do it but I know exactly who can do it, I just need to ask her. „You got an other Northside Princess! Wow, I can see how this is going to end!“ Sweet pea told him. „She may be a Northsider, but Y/N is everything BUT a Princess, just trust me on this one Pea!“ Jughead told him while getting up, getting ready to drive over to his old friends house - and remembering he couldn’t drive with his toe. „So, which of you goons is gonna drive me to the Northside?“ He asked his three friends, not expecting anyone to be to willingly. „.. I’m gonna driver you.“ Fangs told Jughead, speaking up for the first time. „Thanks man, come on we’re leaving now“ Jughead told him, relieved that someone would drive him. Now heres to hoping Y/N would say yes.
She was standing in her kitchen making herself a cup of tea while dancing to the music playing on the radio when someone knocked on her door. She opened, seeing Jughead Jones standing there. The two have been friends for years but she hadn’t seen much of him since his transfer to Southside High. „Hey Juggi, been a long time since I saw you last, what are you doing here?“ She asked him curiously. „Hey Y/N, i know and I’m sorry thing have been quite.. adventures for me.. Can I come in?“ „Of course, come on in“ She told him, moving to the side to let him in. He walked inside slowly, brining her attention to his foot. „JUGHEAD! What the hell happened?“
„Tripped over my own feet and broke a toe. But thats not why I’m here, I have to asked for a favor, its really important.“ Jughead told his friend, feeling bad for not visiting her sooner. „Anything you know that. What do you need?“ She told him. Jughead sat down at her Table starting to explain the mess he got himself into. „I don’t know Juggi, its been a long time since I raced..“ She told him „ but I’m going to do it - for you.“ „Thanks Y/N, you’re really saving my ass here! We will pick you up tomorrow night and … thank you!“ Jughead told her, happy that she was helping him. He bid her goodbye and walked outside, opening the passenger door to Fangs car. „And?“ Fogerty asked him. „She’s gonna do it.“ Jughead told him. „You think she’s gonna be any good?“ „You will just have to wait and see Fangs, wait and see“ Jug chuckled as his friend. He knew what she could do, his friends were in for it.
„HOLY FUCK! I take back everything I said before, that girl’s on fire behind the wheel“ Sweet Pea shouted, watching Jughead and Y/L leaving the other Serpents in the dust. „Yeah, didn’t think she had it in her“ Fangs commented, thinking about the other night remembering her pink pj’s and her big house with the white fence. Toni just shook her head and made her way over to the car, Sweet Pea & Fangs following her „Girl, that was AMAZING! You should do this more often for us“ Toni told the flustered Girl. „Maybe, I mean it was fun being behind the wheel again so I’m gonna think about it“ Y/N told Toni. „Sooo how about a celebration at the Whyte Warm? Fangs treat of course“ Sweet Pea told his group of friends. 
„I’m in“ Toni told him, grinning at fangs who was shaking his head at his tall friend. „Count us in too!“ Jughead told them before the girl beside him could tell some lame excuse why she couldn’t come. „Then lets go, we aren’t getting any younger!“ Sweets told them, making his way to the Whyte Wyrm with Toni and Jug following him. „You coming?“ Fangs asked the Girl, shaking her out of her thought. „I dont know.. I have a lot of homework an-„ She started to tell him before getting interrupted. „Come on, my treat - you deserve it. And your homework isn’t going anywhere for the next hour!“ Fangs told the girl, holding out his hand for her to take. She hesitated to take it but in the end she did. She smiled up at him, taking his face in -like really in- he was pretty cute, his smile friendly. „Okay, I’m in, but only because it’s your treat and you asked me so nicely“ She told him jokingly. The two started making their way to the Bar, still holding hands - neither of the two knowing that it would be the start of something great.
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I’m sorry that it takes me so long to post the imagines, their almost done!  Works just been a little b*tch this past week!
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First Glance - Fangs Fogarty
Request: How about an imagine where girls usually go for Toni or Sweet Pea and when Jughead brings the reader, his best friend, who is a bad girl, to hang out with him Toni and Sweet Pea argue about who can get with her but she ends up going for Fangs who isn't used to being picked over his friends? Love your writing.
Here you go anon, changed it a teeny tiny bit but hope your happy non the less - if not let me know and I will change it up again!
„Come on Y/N, you cant hide forever its time that you meet my Friends!“ Jughead told his Friend over the Phone, having enough from her antisocial behavior.
„Juggi you now I really don’t want to leave my bed tonight“ She tried to tell him, really not being up for meeting more of his friends after last weekend.
„Please Y/N, you need to go out more, you just moved back to Riverdale and I want you to make friends! You were down to meet Archie, Betty and Veronica but not my Southsiders? Whats up with that?“ Jughead tried to reason with his friend.
„Yeah, and we aaaaaall remember how that went down, don’t we?“ She told him, not wanting to remember these stuck up Northsiders or the stares she received for her tattoos and outfit. It was ridicules how they had acted like it was a crime to wear leatherjackets and combat boots. What was wrong with these people?
„You know I’m sorry for their behavior! I promise tonight will be nothing like that! Just trust me ..“ „.. Okay Jughead, only because I want to see you!“ She gave up, knowing well he would win in the end „ Just text me the details and I will be there“ She hung up the phone before he could add anything else. She sighed and got up off her bed - time to get ready. Lazily walking to her closet she tried to find something to wear - not wanting to get stared at again she decided to dress more preppy this time. Ransacking her closet for that one floral white dress she kept at the back. Putting it on she didn’t feel like herself but whatever, it was worth a shot. Grabbing her leatherjacket und putting on her boots she was out of the door, praying that Juggis other friends would be different from the arrogant Ginger and his two barbies.
Meanwhile Jughead was pacing before his sitting friends in the Whyte Wyrm, waiting for her to arrive. „Jug, sit down your driving me crazy“ Toni told him, getting a approving grunt from Sweet Pea. „I just don’t want another disaster happening, she’s new and I want her to fit in somewhere..“
„The hell jones? Who’s this chick anyways, she has you going crazy“ Fangs told his fellow Serpent. „She’s an old friend thats very dear to my heart. And I’m almost certain she’s gonna bail on me tonight, took her to meet the gang last weekend and it didn’t went so well.. „ „Can’t really belief your Friends didn’t get along, isn’t she another preppy princess? I mean that are the only kind of friends you’ve got besides us“ Sweets told him, laughing at Jones facial expression. „Ha, you couldn’t be more far off Big Guy, she is NOTHING like that, she’s a wild one“ Jughead told Sweet Pea, smiling while thinking about all the stunts she has pulled off over the years. „Now you’ve got my attention, tell me more about the things she has done that were oh so wild“ Toni demanded off her friend, smirking. „Fyi, last summer she..“ Jughead started getting interrupted when the door swung open with a bang. All attention from the Four on the door and in walking a petit girl with wild locks, the skirt of her dress swinging - but that wasn’t the only thing grabbing their attention. The Girl was pushing currently holding someone down on the ground, a serpent almost twice her side. 
„I hope you asshole remember this the next time you try to grab a girls butt without her permission“ She shouted at him angrily before looking up and locking eyes with Jones. She started to stand up and walked in the direction of her friend. „Hey Juggi, nice place you invited me to..“ She told him, sarcasm dripping from her voice. „Man, i like her already!“ Toni was the first to find her voice. „Only you would make that kind of an entrance“ Jughead smiled at his friend, shaking his head. „What, the old bastard had it coming the moment he tried to grab my butt, I swear I just remembered why I stopped wearing dresses“ she huffed out, finally looking at Jones friends. Taking in their leather jackets, combat boots and serpent tattoo, standing before her were a really pretty pink haired Girl, a Giant with a smirk on his face and .. the most beautiful face she had seen in a long time - he was shorter than the boy standing next to him, tanned skin and dark hair, bottomless dark eyes she could stare into all day and night.. get it together you creep, she told herself looking at Jughead again. „Sooo.. who do I have to kill to get a drink up in here?“ She asked jokingly almost doubling over laughing watching the giant and the pink haired girl almost running to the bar, trying to beat each other to get her something to drink. „These idiots, let me get you your usual Bestie“ Jug told her making his was to the bar. „That leaves us to alone so lets make the most of it - I’m Fangs and you?“ He told her, extending his hand out „Y/N, nice to meet you - and now come here, I’m a hugger“ She told him, wrapping her hands around neck hugging him tightly. Fangs returned the gesture, blushing slightly. „Hey come on, why don’t we find a place where we can sit down and get to know each other a bit better, after all I’m here to meet some new people..“ She told him, shyly. „Your wish is my command, after you my lady“ Fangs told the girl, smiling as she took his hand in her’s while making her way towards an empty table. They sat down and started talking about their lives - he told her about his mother, his love for motorcycles and his life as a serpent, being surprised by her genuine interest. In return she told him about her move to Riverdale, the story behind every tattoo and her friendship with Jughead. 
After awhile the rest of the group had joined them, Sweet Pea and Tony trying to get her attention - both being in interested in the Girl. Jughead just smiled, seeing as he knew her the best and knowing she only had eyes for fangs since the moment she walked in. But it was funny seeing the other two trying to get her attention. Y/N looked up at Jughead and send him an thankfull smile - being happy she listened to him and came out tonight. She let her eyes wonder to Sweet Pea than to Tony, trying to pretend she was listening to either of them when in reality the only person she wanted to listen to was seated across form her. She watched him interact with his friends, loving the smile on his face. He looked up at her, his smile getting bigger, his laugh louder.
Yeah she was sure of it - she wanted that boy and only him and she would be damned if she didn’t get him.
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How about an imagine where girls usually go for Toni or Sweet Pea and when Jughead brings the reader, his best friend, who is a bad girl, to hang out with him Toni and Sweet Pea argue about who can get with her but she ends up going for Fangs who isn't used to being picked over his friends? Love your writing.
I’m happy you like my writing :) Your request is on the list, I will write it sometime this week!
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could you write an imagine where the reader, Jughead's best friend, is a bad girl from the northside that loves motorcycles but she's also a street racer and at one of the street races on the southside she beats one of the serpents with jughead in the passenger seat and ends up flirting with Fangs?
Thanks for the request, I wrote it on my list :) It will be posted sometime this week!
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Part 2 for Double where they have the talk? With lots of fluff between the 3? I really enjoy your writing.
It’s on the List- gonna write it over the week :)
Glad that you enjoy my writing!
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please write a pt2 of Endgame 💓
It’s in the working, it will be posted soon - I'm sorry for the long wait, i'm a bit stuck at the moment and don't want to post it as long as i'm not happy with it :/
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Not requested, been writing on this one for a while and kinda got stuck. Decided to post it anyway, let me know if anyone would be interested in reading a part 2!
It was a cold and foggy night in Riverdale, already pitch black outside. The Whyte Warm was packed as usual on a Friday night, you could hear some Serpents talking and laughing together, just enjoying some quite time.
She was standing a few feet away, clad in all black clothing and a leather jacket. She was a Southsider, but no Serpent. Nonetheless she was standing outside the bar, ready to go in with only one thing on her mind - the tall, dark and handsome Boy that she knew would be inside, playing pool with his friend.
She smiled at the memories from earlier that day - they were in School, both walking in the hallway when there eyes crossed - again sharing some kind of moment consisting of  lustfull stares, seductive smiles and lip biting.
It was Game between the two, one that they were playing now for quite some time and frankly she had enough. She was more than ready to jump the dark-haired boys bones and she was intending to do so tonight.
She took one last deep breath, checking her makeup one last time in her phones camera and tossing her curled hair over her shoulder. After deciding she looked good enough to eat she started walking her in high heeled boots clad feet closer to the door. You could here the clacking of her heels on the wet aspalth bringing all attention from the Serpents outside of the Bar to her - as intended.
She smiled at them while walking fast, gifting the young blond boy that was holding the door open  for her with a smile. She was fighting not to laugh as the boy was checking her out from head to toe, she knew she would turn many heads tonight.
Walking inside, the air was stuffy and smelled like sweat and beer, the bar packed as expected. She let her eyes wander around the room, searching for her Target - and there he was, standing tall and proud at the pool table right at the end of the room.
He looked mouthwatering in his dark jeans, his dark shirt and his combat boots. His disheveled raven locks, the sexy little smile on his face - yeah she was certain that he looked good enough to eat.
She slowly walked to the Bar, swinging her hips sensual while clacking her heels extra loud to get his attention.
She smiled at the Barkeeper of the night - Toni Topaz. „ Hey Sugar“ she greeted the pink haired Serpent. Toni looked up as she heard that sweet voice - and looked shocked. The Girl standing before her, her Friend since 3th Grade was looking NOTHING like her usual self.
„Hello to you to my most favorite person on earth, you look AMAZING, am I right to assume that your on the hunt tonight?“ Toni grinned at her friend, knowing exactly that she was here for Sweet Pea. She decided then and there that she would help the two out - the sexual tension between them every time they would all hang out was getting a bit frustrating.
„Can you be a Doll and bring this to Fangs for me, I’m kinda stuck here at the moment!“ Toni shouted at her friend over the loud music, handing the beauty two beers.
„Only for you, Topaz - only for you!“ The Girl told her friend, knowing exactly what She was up to. She set her long legs in motion, heading straight for the table she saw the boys around last - and right there they still were playing a game of pool. She walked forward, swinging her hips from left to right, sexy smile on her lips. „Hey boys, I’m sorry to disturb but Toni asked me to bring this to you!“ She explains, while handing Fangs one of the Beers after hugging him for greetings. Over his shoulder she could look directly at Sweet Pea - the tall Serpent already looking at her. He took the other beer out of her hands, winking at her while slowly taking a sip from the bottle.
She felt a tingle in her stomach while she took him in, looking at his strong arms and his big hand, imagine what they could do to her. He smirked at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking about and intending to do exactly these things to her.
„Thanks, Angle. But how about a good luck hug for me before our next round?“ he was looking her directly in the eyes. Without a doubt, she walked over to him, putting her hands around his neck. Sweet Pea put his hands around her waist, lifting her slightly off the ground while hugging her hard. She was squeaking, holding on to his tall frame tightly. He laughed while putting her back on the ground slowly, his hands wandering dangerously close to her ass.
„Thanks Angel. Now I’m sure I’m gonna kick Fangs ass.. again“ he grinned at the other Boy. „Sweets, you Ass! I’m gonna kick YOUR ass now“ Fangs replayed kinda pissed, making Sweet Pea laugh even more.
„Yeah Sweets, Fangs’ gonna kick your ass“ the petit girl chirped in. „Let’s make this interesting Sugar, if I win you will let me show you what real fun is tonight..“ Sweets grinned at her, already imagining in his head how this night could turn out.
„And if you loose?“ The girl looked up at him, imagining herself how this could turn out. „I never loose, Sweetheart!“ The tall boy answered already turning to start the Game.
She laughed while walking back to the Bar were Toni was watching the exchange between the two slightly amused, secretly really hoping for him to win.
„You two gonna Boing later?“ Toni asked her friend amused. „“Toni!! Not so loud, somebody could hear you!“ The petit Girl shrieked. The pink haired girl grinned at her friend „What? Everybody already knows you two are endgame, Honey, everybody besides you and Sweets.“
The Girl scrunched up her nose while slowly turning her back to Toni sipping on her drink while quietly watching the game between Fangs and Sweet Pea, secretly hoping that the taller serpent would win. As if feeling her eyes on him, Sweet Pea turned in the direction of the beauty sitting at the bar, the corner of his mouth turning up into a little smirk before sending her a suggestive smirk and blowing air kisses in her direction.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to end up with him…
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Thank you, I have loved the end! May good things happen to you darling
happy that you liked it :-)
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Jealous - Part 2
Requested - Can you write something about Sweet Pea getting jealous be cause the reader is spending more time with Jughead please? -
My Christmas present to you, Anon. You know who you are. Hope you like it as much as the first one, if not feel free to message me and tell me which part you didn’t like! I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
She was still sitting there, watching the moon rise and holding her now cold cup of tea, waiting for Sweet Pea to return. 
It was slowly getting really cold out there and she knew she would catch a cold if she would be sitting out there much longer. But she was worried that Pea still wasn’t back, it never took him that long to return to her. Yeah, an hour or maybe two but it was after 3 AM and he still wasn’t back. She had tried calling and texting him around 1 AM but he hadn’t responded, picked up his phone or called her back. At around 2 AM she texted Fangs, asking if her boyfriend was still with him and thankfully Fangs replayed in minutes saying that he was and that he would be heading home soon. So she first intended to wait for him, feeling guilty for driving him away but now over an hour later she gave up, got up from her seat on the stairs of the trailer and made her way inside. She put the cup in the sink and headed for the bathroom. She sighed while looking in the mirror, it wasn’t looking all that pretty - hair like a birds nest from running her fingers through it for hours, makeup smudged and eyes red and swollen from all the crying. She took of her makeup, tied her hair up and brushed her teeth before heading to their bedroom. Dressed in one of Pea’s shirts and cozy light pink bottoms, she decided that she couldn’t sleep in the Bed without him so she headed back to the living room sitting herself on the couch and turning on the tv. She decided she would just watch whatever was on till he came back and pulled the battered blanket over herself. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, listening to the voices coming from the tv.
The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes again was her dresser. She couldn’t remember how she came to bed and was pretty sure she fell asleep on the couch. Thats when she felt the warm arm around her waist and the breathing body behind her. Slowly she turned around to look at her boyfriend, carefully not to wake him up. He looked peaceful, his soft raven locks where hanging in his face and his eyes closed. She watched him sleep for a few minutes, like the creep that she was. And than it came to her, he must have carried her to bed when he finally came home. She decided to not think about the conversation the two would for sure be having in the morning and instead brought her body closer to his sleeping form, snuggling up in his warmth. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent and just enjoying the moment. She closed her eyes again, slowly falling asleep again.
Something was tickling her nose, waking her up. She opened her eyes looking right at Sweet Pea who was caressing her face. He stopped his movement and was just looking at her for a few moment before continuing his actions again. His touch was so soft, like a feather. She began to smile at him softly, hoping his anger from the pervious night had vanished. His caressing of her face continued, neither of the two saying a word for a really long time. Finally, Pea was the on to break the silence, looking at her almost pained          „I made you cry. I promised to never hurt you but I made you cry last night..“ He shook his head.
She blinked, not saying anything, not being able to. She was fighting the tears again, thinking about their fight, looking away from him. Pea sighed, bringing his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer. 
          He nuzzled his nose into her neck, inhaling her scent deeply, just holding her close.
„I’m sorry Baby, I really am.. for hurting you..“ He kissed her nose softly „.. for making you cry..“ He kissed her forehead „ .. for making you worry..“ He kissed her neck „.. but not for my jealousy over Jughead. You know I don’t like that boy very much, in fact I’m pretty sure after yesterday I hate that fucker!“ Pea snorted „ and not to excuse myself for my shitty actions last night, because I know I overreacted and with that hurt you feelings and that never was my intention, you need to believe me, but I was just really hurt too. I looked forward to date night, I really was. We haven’t spent much time alone together in the last few weeks, but Toni really needed me. She had some problems with her uncle, again - but thats her story to tell, not mine. And then seeing you there wit Jones, all comfortable and hugging, I just went a bit mental… just thinking about how he was able to spend the evening with you while I couldn’t .. my jealousy just got the best of me and THATS what I’m really sorry fore.“ Pea stopped talking for a minute, needing to take a deep breath but being happy to have that off his chest. „Pea.. you really hurt my feelings yesterday, even thinking I would.. could betray you with anyone, it really really hurt me..“ She told him, but none the less snuggling deeper in his embrace „..but I love you and love can make dumb so I’m going to forgive you, you just need to promise me to trust me more!“ She told him honestly. „I will baby, I promise you. I will work on my jealousy but please, you need to promise me to never hug or touch Jones again, I swear I will bash his head in the next time I see him doing anything like that.“ Sweet Pea told her, feeling himself getting angry again just thinking about it. She sighed, trying to turn around again, not wanting to see him getting angry again - but Pea was quick to hold her tighter so she wouldn’t be able to turn around. „I’m sorry Baby, I know I’m doing it again.. „ he nuzzled his nose back into her neck „ I swear to you, I will do my best to get my jealousy under control. I can’t lose you, I love you.“ Pea told her, sincerely. „I love you too, Sweets. But we really need to work on you jealousy..“ She told him, smiling softly at him, all the anger and hurt from yesterday not forgotten but forgiven - She loved him to much to be angry at him for long. Sweet Pea smiled at his Girl, cuddling her closer to himself. „I swear, I will get it under control, because I really fucking love you baby, you and me? Thats forever.“ He told her „ And now lets sleep and cuddle for a bit longer and then I want you to dress ups because I will be taking you out, to make up for yesterday - just you and me, Baby.“ He told his beautiful Girlfriend and promised himself to try and never hurt her like that again. She smiled at him, closing her eyes while snuggling back into him, happy to have this all kind of figured out. Pea smiled, bringing his Lips closer to hers to kiss her. The kiss was filled with apologies and promises, soft and gentle, while his hands were resting on her back, bringing her even closer to hi if that was even possible. She smiled in the kiss and hoping that nothing would come between them or wrong would happen to ruin there date tonight.
But who knows, its Y/N & Sweet Pea after all.
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I would be very happy about a part 2! If they end up together of course :) Thank you, I really like it!
I’m going to write a Part 2 with an happy ending only for you in the next few days :) happy that you liked it!
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Request for when the reader is secretly a serpent and she's dating both toni and sweet pea and only jughead knows since they're close friends? and the others think she's cheating on them both until they find out the truth about her relationship and reluctantly accept it, though they freak when they find out she's a member of the serpents, especially Archie?
Posted - had a bit trouble with this one, hope you enjoy it anyways!
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