queer-praying · 12 hours
why does viva la vida by coldplay always go so hard. i hear those opening strings and instantly im a cynical and mournful king walking through his overthrown kingdom like oh shit I totally did used to rule the world!!! I used to roll the dice and feel the fear in my enemies’ eyes but now im literally sweeping the streets I used to roam!!!! idk what it is about this song but for some reason i can’t explain
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queer-praying · 13 hours
God is never busy. God is infinite and above time and omnipresent. you are not taking any energy from God when you talk to Him, including about "frivolous" things. God is just as with you when you talk to Him as when you don't. He is always there always waiting for you, always wanting you to turn to Him.
there is nothing too small to go to Him with, you are not wasting His time, He is NOT LIMITED. that is an inherently limited view of the infinite God. it is your pride that tells you even have the power to take away from Him. it is not humility to think this thing is too small and you can handle it on your own because He has better things to be doing. that's pride and that is a limiting view of God.
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queer-praying · 13 hours
You told God that you needed a sign, and He made sure this came across your screen.
God has removed you from a table where you used to sit in order to save you from a host who was serving you poison. Let that sink in.
Continue to pray. Continue to trust. Continue to wait. Continue to heal.
Our Lord isolates you before he elevates you. It may seem like everything around you is falling apart, but He has more in store for you than you could ever imagine.
You’re asking for a rose when our Heavenly Father wants the whole garden to be yours.
As Matthew 19:26 says - “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Therefore stop holding back, stop holding on so tightly onto the familiar pain buried inside your heart. Let the Lord clean your heart and your mind out in the image of his son in Christ, according to his will.
It may not make a lot of sense right now but if you just finally let go of what you have in mind, God can give you something better.
Many of us cling onto things beyond our control, internalizing them and causing ourselves stress, anxiety, depression…
Free yourself from these burdens by pouring out your heart to the Lord. Take a moment to be honest with yourself, acknowledge what troubles you, and then trust God enough to let Him take over. As you wait for God's help, remember He might be waiting for you to reach out to Him.
May God bless you all, in Jesus’s name ; Amen
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queer-praying · 13 hours
girl help I'm being faced with the overwhelming depth of my own sin
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queer-praying · 13 hours
Anyone else out here contemplating the nature of existence?
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queer-praying · 13 hours
Please pray for my brother, who is having surgery tomorrow, that everything goes well and that he doesn't have cancer.
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queer-praying · 19 hours
Can you guys please pray for my family?
My dad was diagnosed today with terminal bone cancer and given a few months to live. My mom is struggling with an active drug addiction and other carnal sins. My brother as well, he is a year away from finishing nursing school but it’s hard to say where he will live when my dad passes away since the two help each other pay their bills. And pray for me as well, an unworthy sinner.
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queer-praying · 3 days
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i love this style of christian art, it's so pretty and delightful. by @.paigepayne_creations on instagram!
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queer-praying · 7 days
me at the job i begged god for
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queer-praying · 8 days
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When the mouth doesn't know exactly what to say, God sees your tears and how you pray.
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queer-praying · 8 days
asexuals are queer pass it on
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queer-praying · 16 days
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queer-praying · 21 days
pray. it doesn't have to be eloquent. you don't need a whole hour. sometimes all it takes is "help me please" under your breath as you try to navigate through your difficult day. sometimes words don't come when the pain is too heavy, but the Spirit understands. sometimes it looks like crying and all the words you can muster up to say is "You know... You know." and that is okay. He still says, "Come to Me."
come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, I will give you rest.
come to the throne of grace, where you can receive mercy and find grace in your time of need.
cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
over and over in Scripture, God beckons us: come! come to the throne! don't carry this on your own, come to Me! I will give you grace. I will give you wisdom. I will strengthen you.
what mercies we have in Christ! that we can come to the King of Kings any time of the day with our request, and He listens! truly He gives us all that we need and more. we are never in lack, but there is grace upon grace upon grace.
beloved, it's time to pray.
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queer-praying · 21 days
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Not a sports guy but this is wonderful
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queer-praying · 22 days
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queer-praying · 30 days
Other Christians: Yeah I’m a Christian, but don’t worry, I’m normal.
Meanwhile, Christian Tumblr: I worship a triune God who emptied themself to become a human. He was born a poor teenager and grew up in poverty and at risk of homelessness. He was fully God and fully Human. He taught and lived in radical indiscriminate self giving love and subversive peaceful resistance of oppression. He fought the cause of the widow, orphan, immigrant, poor, and oppressed. He loved the sinner so much they left their sin and followed him, and reconciled both the government allying capitalist and the rebel freedom fighter to harmony in himself. He invites us to take his prescience into ourselves by eating his flesh and drinking his blood. My God then enthroned himself as the exalted king of the world by dying the death of a cursed blaspheming slave. He then rose from the dead and decided his first witnesses would be women, whose witness is worthless in court. His followers then went on to live in voluntary communism, to advocate radical generosity, to destroy ethnic barriers, to elevate the inherent humanity of women and the enslaved, to self identify as exiled and enslaved refugees and pilgrims, to equate God with Love, to diagnose the government as a necessary evil worth responding to with equal parts submission and resistance, and to make the preposterous claim that we conquer the world by giving our lives in self sacrificing love. In my faith, normalcy is heresy.
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queer-praying · 30 days
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