My face is having uncontrollable spasms. Great. It hurts really, really, really bad.
I think part of why I have trouble explaining pain to the doctor is when they ask about the pain scale I always think “Well, if someone threw me down a flight of stairs right now or punched me a few times, it would definitely hurt a lot more” so I end up saying a low number. I was reading an article that said that “10” is the most commonly reported number and that is baffling to me. When I woke up from surgery with an 8" incision in my body and I could hardly even speak, I was in the most horrific pain of my life but I said “6” because I thought “Well, if you hit me in the stomach, it would be worse.”
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AITA for being hypocritical about what people call me?
I (19ftm) am blasian, but to anyone not paying close attention I'm black. I am very young looking on account of the gender and being 19. As such, I get called "boy" or "son" a lot, depending on how much the person respects me, and I hate it.
Recently I was hanging out at my place with my close friend (18M, white) and I absentmindedly dropped something. He said "what are you doing, boy?" In a kind of half angry/half playful tone, but it still made me feel nauseous. I told him don't call me that, it's disrespectful. He rolled his eyes and said not to make a big deal out of it. I doubled down, saying you shouldn't call any black or trans man "boy" as it's infantilizing. He said I was being hypocritical, as I let both my dad and my boyfriend call me boy.
I snapped, saying of course I let my dad call me boy. He's my fucking dad. I don't mind when he does it. He has that power and authority over me and I trust him not to abuse it. Also he's a southern black man in his late 40s, I'd have better luck trying to get a fish to breathe air than him stop speaking the way he does.
As for my boyfriend (21M, white), I actually like when he does it. But it's because he adds an adjective to the front of it like pretty boy, or he calls me his boy. I do the same for him. It's a term of endearment.
He didn't seem convinced and kept pressing saying he had known me for years, did I not trust him? I got so uncomfortable that I asked him to leave, and he called me an asshole before storming out.
Was I TA?
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I understand that a lot of people are really into gardening but i think you should refrain from pointing at peoples houses and announcing the sexes of the bushes outside because you might accidentally get the correct ratio of men to women in that household and scare the crap out of the residents inside. Especially if you’re going to end your statement with “that’s why they’re not going to survive”
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this is like lingerie to me
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i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY
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body positivity has largely failed because people started arguing for attractiveness and romantic prospects instead of respect and dignity
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A lot of sentiments I see online about "just standing up for yourself" fall apart when considering that a common consequence of "standing up for yourself" is losing a key part of your current support network. It's hard to tell someone to stop being transphobic to you when you carpool with them to work, and it'll get a lot more expensive without them. Can your budget tolerate that cost, or is it the expense that stretches you too far? It's hard to tell someone that they need to be more polite to you when they're the one who helps walk you through legalese. Can you find someone else to do it for you, or are you left floundering? It's hard to tell someone to stop being sexist to you when they're the one writing your reference letter. Do you have someone else who can be your reference, or are they the only one whose letter would be accepted?
In order to be able to stand up for yourself, you need to be able to bear the potential consequence of that person leaving. You need to either have redundancy in your network, or be able to pay for what they did for you. Safety is about more than if someone will hit you.
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hedonism is good actually rich people just suck at it
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a post-doc was doing a guest seminar at my institute and at the beginning of his presentation he was explaining why he chose birds for his evolutionary analysis - so he said "well first of all, because birds are the best and most interesting animals and it's fun to study them" and a few professors in the room gave him a very serious nod
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Advice if you love/care about an addict but they're not ready for abstinence. This is meeting people where they're at- the most important part of harm reduction
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Modern! Ozai's family channel
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x / x / x
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thinking about them
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