queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo has created a cloning machine. At this point, it’s not that much more complicated than a 3D-printer, but if he upgrades it a little more, the possibilities are endless. But uh, first he might need to make sure he can get it to clone basic things properly.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo has a lot of ideas already, and he gets started inventing things on the invention constructor, which seems to be a sort of AI-enabled 3D-printer, right away. He’s been spending his entire university career coming up with ideas of things he could invent. 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo is now a scientist, and today is his first day on the job!
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo has joined a career, and used his generous signing bonus to purchase an observatory which he’s had set up in the front garden where he can better observe the skies.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Arriving home from graduation, Leo encountered a serve who had been damaged by that morning’s rain. He quickly repaired them, but they didn’t even thank him before going on their way. Rude!
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo Marlowe has graduated from Foxbury Institute of Technology with a Distinguished Degree in Physics, with Honours. He has also maxed the Robotics, Handiness, and Rocket Science skills.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Well, this is what happens when you don’t clean up the night of the party - you get stuck picking up stinky plates in your PJs the next morning.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Congratulations Leo on graduating from his final semester with straight A’s once again! Now all he has to do is go to the graduation ceremony tomorrow! 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo threw a party at home to celebrate the end of his degree with all the people he knows who are graduating!
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo is off to his final exam of his degree! It’s the very, very last one, and then he just has to wait for his final grades to be posted.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Yep, there’s the nerves again. 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Someone’s feeling pretty confident about his upcoming final exams! Or maybe that’s the freshly scented laundry from the washing machine he just upgraded? 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Thelma turned up! She seems to show up randomly, but Leo was really glad to see her, especially since Bea is still hibernating. 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Uh, Leo? Pretty sure opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo is getting a little bit better at cooking. He even tried making something a little more complicated (and dangerous - look at that size of that knife!) than mac ’n’ cheese, and was pretty pleased with himself when his gourmet salad turned out really well. 
[From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Leo had heard that physical activity can be good for your mental health, so he thought he’d give running a try. He’s not sure if he enjoys it or not yet, but he likes the way it makes his body feel afterwards when all the endorphins are up, so there’s that at least.
 [From the Beginning]
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queerishsims · 4 years
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Heading off to class in the rain! It seems to rain more in Willow Creek than it did in Britechester, but Leo doesn’t mind at all. It’s nice to be home.
 [From the Beginning]
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