for the record i have never hit post limit. like in my entire life. i've had this blog since 2013. i can't even fathom how someone hits post limit like what are you even fucking posting
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hanayo koizumi manga icons
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need more practice on foliage
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Nothing new, but I tried OBS for recording in-game footage and it worked so well!! Here’s what the RPG tutorial project looks like in action.
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Day 3 Progress: Tutorial Finished!
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I’ve completed the ARPG tutorial! I took a couple hours on my own to implement a quick pause function as well as drawing and making menus and buttons to make use of the menu sound files given in the project.
I’m not sure what I want to do next. Maybe keep with this project for a bit longer to give myself a base I can build on for learning new features (title screen, score keeping, inventory, etc), or follow a few more tutorials to really expand my experience with Godot and learn from some other people. We’ll see \o/
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Day 2 Progress
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Just gonna give a quick update! Exams are finally over and I’m free!!!
Followed through 20/23 on the RPG tutorial and encountered a very weird problem for Godot’s 2D camera. Some sprites of the grass and trees jitter whenever the camera moves to follow the player, but I’ve temporarily fixed it by redoing the placements of the jittery sprites. I hope this problem doesn’t actually persist through every project I’m gonna do because that will drive me insane :||
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Day 1 Progress
Took a break from pixel art today and got started with a Godot tutorial. I ended up not using the assets I created because I still have a lot to make, and I thought it would be a good exercise to save my own assets for a personal game that I can make on my own as a way of practicing what I’ve learned in an independent setting.
I got through 15/23 on the tutorial series. Didn’t document the whole process, so here’s a GIF at the end of the day to show some parts of the partially finished product:
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Running and Swing Attack
More more animations!
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I have her an angry face! I decided her weapon would be a rolling pin.
Then between those I made some ground tile sprites:
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And that’s it. I’ll compile a final sprite sheet once most animations are finished.
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Running [8 hours (edited)]
More animations! I decided to stick with the girl I made yesterday and do some more animations in preparations for HeartBeast’s Action RPG tutorial.
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[Idle bobbing] - This was today’s warm up.
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[Running to the right] - Okay, this was the big big thing I was working on today. First, I had to get a side profile of the character, which was much harder because of the proportions. Then it was the running animation, which definitely took a while, but would have been waayyy longer if I didn’t use a reference.
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[Running to the left] - Just had to mirror what I had for the right (thank god)
The arm in the back looks mad janky, but I’m just gonna settle with this for now. Tomorrow is Secret Sky, so I’ll have it play in the background while I work on running forward and running backward.
Edit: added moving floor and kinda fixed the janky arm?
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Miss Baker [3 hours]
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I wanted to try my hand at a character sprite, so I did! After getting the still down, I figured a blinking animation would not be a bad thing to add for some spice (lol)
Here’s the sprite sheet:
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Here’s the gal by herself without the background:
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Lesson for the day: don’t attempt a background when you have 0 plans for what it should look like. (lmao) I wasted way too much time fiddling and getting distracted.
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Slime [3 hours]
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Animation seems very daunting, so I spent the time I should have used for studying to animate a slime to get myself warmed up (:
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Hello World!
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Whew, we’re starting... !!
Yo, tumblr is wack. Did you know resizing your browser window resets an unfinished post??? I sure didn’t (: Anyway, I’ll recount what I had written before in a shorter form.
Hey! I got started with pixel art, it’s real neat. I should be studying for finals, but alas, here we are. I’ve been watching some generic tutorials sparsely for the past few days and got Aseprite compiled two days ago. After I got some time today, I got the itch to start playing around and making something.
This sprite took about 6 hours, which is definitely way too long (lol).
Important stuff I’ve learned and have proved to be useful:
Start with a small canvas. I started with just 32x32 pixels then doubled the size so I can have some more room to add details.
Block silhouettes/shapes first!!! This helps with setting the right proportions and composition.
Keep your palette small and simple. I found a shade of greenish-blue I liked then used Aseprite’s gradient feature to auto compile a palette. I think in total there’s like 10? colors in this sprite.
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Here are some details I’m real proud of:
The clouds!!! I always thought clouds are impossible because of how free and fluffy (meaning a lot of shading....) they are, but pixel art really lets me quickly get the likeness down with fast trial and error.
The greenery in the foreground wasn’t difficult, but it took time to blend everything together with rough dithering. It was very empty looking at first, then I added some grass, tall plants, and dirt to the generic shrubbery I had at first.
Okay, that’s enough blabbering. I’ll keep updating with progress I make from time to time and document any thoughts and ideas I get!
- Xiao
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