quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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The Libertines at the Motocultor Festival, Saint Nolff - 18/08/2022
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
I think it was the belief in love and the togetherness that we all had. The fact we clearly loved each other very deeply. The fact that we shared everything... and we did it on record as well. We really opened ourselves up. There was no privacy; we had gigs in our flats. Our breakup was very public, and we sang about it together. It was just so inclusive... I think that’s what people hold on to.
In terms of mythology, we had that covered with our Arcadian manifesto, with Albion being our vessel and Arcadia being our destination... I still feel like that now...I think the good ship Albion has become a greater vessel, and there are a lot of people onboard...It’s still strong and, remarkably, we are still together after 20 years, when it really looked like … Well, from my view, I thought everyone would be dead... There wasn’t a hope for us getting this far, and we’re about to celebrate our 20th anniversary...We built the brick-and-mortar embodiment of our dream. It’s had to become more practical...to still have those dreams and to deal with all the normal shit that you have to if you want to live beyond 27...So it’s now about a little bit more than just being on a boat. Maybe it’s about docking and establishing this so-called land, be it or not in Arcadia...Being a bit older and wiser, it’s making something that other people can live in, too, and encouraging people to create and be alive...It’s timeless. It’s human nature to be drawn to the sea chantey. There’s a metaphor for everything you can encounter. From great white whales to sirens to rum, to a lot of rum, to keel-hauling and lashings on the deck....there’s hopelessness and hopefulness. When you’re at sea, it can all end. There’s yearning and longing. But then when you’re there at sea, you romanticize everything in life, on land, in the past and the future.
-- Carl Barat on the enduring aspect of Libertines mythology, Vulture 2022 (x)
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
"Every Libertines song is so entrenched in our relationship... We both work so hard and connect in such a deep place when we write songs together he’s always present in my mind. And when we weren’t together, when I was in Dirty Pretty Things and he was in Babyshambles, we used to cipher messages in our songs, in the way that Persian lovers making rugs would encipher messages to each other. So we were never far from each other’s minds, even then. I don’t want to give too much away, but there might be some messages to Pete in “Bang Bang You’re Dead.” ...I mean, in one of his songs he goes, “And if you’re listening on the radio, I hope you know you broke my heart.”... There are things like that. There are a few out there... I don’t want to break up the romance. I got to keep them as ciphers."
-Carl Barat, Vulture 2022 (x)
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
Ending the therapy session with a hug seems appropriate lol.
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
The video they posted for people who got them at the top of their Spotify wrapped is ADORABLE.
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quietnowherebesideyou · 10 months
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This is correct on every level.
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You'll never fumigate the demons
No matter how much you smoke
So just say you love me
For three good reasons
And I'll throw you the rope
You don't need it
Because you are the survivor
Of more than one life
And you're the only lover I had
Who ever slept with a knife
You’re my Waterloo, The Libertines
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From the Radio X podcast footage.
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I’ve combined all The Libertines wedding band videos around into one handy clip. 
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