quiettinkering · 16 days
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 19
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I've had several chances to eliminate you tonight."
"Violence is merely a tool."
"You must follow my directions very closely and, above all, reveal nothing to the police."
"How many bodies are we talking? Like, two, three?"
"This isn't a game."
"You know what? My offer just expired."
"Do you really think you can win?"
"If you can look past your anger, you may find that I am more of an ally than you may think."
"The theft of corpses is a time-honoured tradition!"
"You never said sorry for shooting me."
"You're a real tough guy, aren't you"
"I don't want to have to explain to people who you are."
"No killing today, alright?"
"You won't fire that gun. You're not the sort."
"I'd prefer to avoid any additional unnecessary deaths."
"Have you forgotten who you're working for?"
"Wow! You really are wonderfully bad, aren't you?"
"In this game, the skill one must have above all else is patience."
"Have you deceived and betrayed anyone yet today? It is almost lunchtime, after all."
"Do you think he's going to die? Do you think we killed him?"
"I don't trust any of them. Do you?"
"You're working way too hard to piss me off. It makes me think you're hiding something."
"I only steal from the well-insured and the much deserving!"
"Somebody's got to step up and bring some order around here."
"Our game ends here. I've made sure of that;"
"I'm giving you a chance. No one ever gave me a chance."
"I'm going to find him, and I'm going to make him pay."
"Was it worth it? Compromising yourself for money?"
"You know the rules: no real names, no backstories."
"You're only going to work for me. Nobody else, do you understand?"
"I've always been lucky when it comes to killing folks."
"I'm sure you can understand why I don't want to go through the other channels."
"Don't ever fuck with me. I will know."
"If you have something to offer, now would be the time."
"Is that a real gun? Can I touch it?"
"I hear that you're as cold as the snow, and that you don't have any weak nerves or fear."
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quiettinkering · 26 days
Reblog if you don’t mind random inbox starters that aren’t memes
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quiettinkering · 2 months
Send 😶 to catch my muse singing to themselves!
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quiettinkering · 2 months
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 17
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"The best lie - the one that's easiest to remember with consistency - is the one that's based on the truth."
"Wow. I really got to you, didn't I?"
"You think you'll be remembered? You're a pathetic psychopath, begging for attention!"
"You once asked me to work for you, now I'm asking you to work for me."
"Are you willing to make a bargain?"
"As bad as you think things are now, they're going to get much worse."
"I really wanted to shoot him."
"You come from a world of rules and laws. This place is indifferent to all of that. I do not think you would be willing to do what it takes to survive here."
"You don't have to worry; I'm not going to kill you. You're the only friend I've got left."
"Did he arrest you or something?"
"Maybe you should do what you do best - run and hide."
"If I kill you right now, no one will remember you! No one will miss you!"
"You're quite the con man!"
"The reason I chose you is because you've got good instincts."
"People are going to say things about me, and I want you to know that I'm not like that."
"You best be looking over your shoulder because if we cross paths again, I'm going to bury your whole family."
"I've never felt sorry for anything I've done, other than hurt my family. That's the only thing I'm sorry for."
"My lawyer says I can't talk about stuff like that."
"I could have killed you if I wanted to."
"It's not realistic to think that I wouldn't do what I came here to do."
"If I can find you, then they can find you."
"I don't trust any of these other guys, so let's watch each other's backs."
"I'm impressed! You have quite the knack for deception!"
"You held up your end of the bargain, and now I'd like to hold up mine."
"Blackmail? Go on, then. With everything you've done, you'll be going down with me."
"Don't worry, if I wanted to harm you, I would have long ago."
"Now, that right there is the closest thing we've had to an honest exchange so far."
"I may not be allowed to kill you, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hurt you."
"I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you know to hotwire a car, huh?"
"You're still alive because you have no weapon and they didn't ask me to kill you, but if you pursue me. it is another matter."
"Don't confuse a winning move with a winning game."
"You don't even feel, do you?"
"If you worked for me, things would be easier."
"I can get everything I want from you even if you only have nine fingers, or perhaps only one eye."
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quiettinkering · 2 months
a collection of prompts for bad situations that two muses might find themselves in together, ranging from minor inconveniences to life-or-death scenarios. change & alter as needed.
Send 🌧️ for our muses to get caught in the rain together
Send 🪢 for our muses to be handcuffed together without the key
Send 🏆 for our muses to compete against each other in a competition or contest
Send 💡 for our muses to wait out a power outage together
Send ✈️ for our muses to wait for a delayed flight together
Send 🚗 for our muses to get stuck on the side of the road together when the car breaks down
Send 🔒 for our muses to get locked in a closet together
Send 🔑 for our muses to get locked out of the house / car together
Send 🚪 for our muses to get stuck in an elevator together
Send 🌳 for our muses to get lost in the woods together Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together
Send 😱 for our muses to be forced to face their greatest fears together
Send ⛵ for our muses to be shipwrecked together
Send 🔐 for our muses to be captured / imprisoned together
Send ⚔️ for our muses to be forced into a fight to the death
Send 🧳 for our muses to get stranded in a different country together
Send 🚁 for our muses to go on the run from the law together
Send 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
Send ❄️ for our muses to get trapped outside in a blizzard / snowstorm together
Send 🔥 for our muses to be trapped in a burning building together
Send 🚀 for our muses to be stuck in outer space together
Send ✨ for our muses to be stranded on a different planet together
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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quiettinkering · 8 months
it's november which means it's winter, so here u go! i wanted these to be kinda dramatic and intense, but i'll be making some cozier fluffier ones as time passes! DO NOT ADD OR EDIT THIS LIST! but always feel free to add [ REVERSE ] to one of the actions to reverse the roles!
[ RACE ]: sender sprints out into a blizzard to rescue a freezing and disorientated receiver.
[ BUNDLE ]: sender removes their coat to wrap it around a visibly shivering receiver.
[ WARM ]: sender vigorously rubs the receiver's arms in a bid to warm them up after being exposed to a winter storm outside.
[ SHELTER ]: sender hastily guides the receiver to a nearby shelter for them to wait out the storm together safely.
[ PREPARE ]: sender ties a length of rope around their waist and the receiver's waist in order to safely stay together as they prepare to go out into the storm.
[ BREATHE ]: sender takes the receiver's cold hands and begins to gently blow warm air over them in an effort to keep the receiver warm.
[ HOLD ]: sender takes the receiver's hands and holds them together in order to keep them warm during a cold spell.
[ EMBRACE ]: sender wraps their arms around the receiver and holds them close in an effort to conserve body heat during a snow storm.
[ AID ]: sender begins to either guide, drag, or physically carry a weakened receiver through a blizzard to safety.
[ CALL ]: having been separated from the receiver during a blizzard, the sender begins to call out their name in order to guide them back to each other and reunite safely.
[ PUSH ]: having just rescued the receiver from a blizzard, the sender insists on pushing the receiver closer to a fire to warm them up first.
[ POUR ]: sender pours the receiver a hot drink after finding shelter from a freezing snow-storm.
[ EXTRA ]: sender wraps an extra blanket around the shivering receiver after having been exposed to a blizzard outside.
[ SPARK ]: the sender builds a make-shift fire in a hurry in order to warm up a freezing receiver during a snow storm.
[ SHARE ]: the sender opens out their blanket to share it with the receiver during a snow storm, pulling them closer against them to share their body heat.
" come on! we need to get you out of this cold! "
" follow my voice! keep calling my name, i can't see you in the storm! "
" oh, god, you're freezing... come on, put your arms around my neck. that's it, good job... let's get you inside. "
" i g-got lost... separated from my group... p-please, it's so cold, i'm so c-cold... "
" here, take my coat... you'll freeze to death in no time if you don't. "
" drink some tea, okay? warm yourself up from the inside. it's not my worst effort, but granted, it's not my best either. "
" hey, hey, stay with me! i know you're thinking you're tired, but you're not; you're freezing, and sleeping will not help keep you warm, okay? keep moving. come on, we're almost there... "
" you know how to light a fire without matches? all we have is a broken lighter and some sticks and stones. "
" don't be stubborn, okay? we need to share the bed, conserve our body heat. come on. if i wanted to seduce you, i've got better moves than hypothermia. "
" you didn't bring a jacket or anything?! i told you to wrap up warm, you dumbass! "
" don't be getting all mad at me, okay? i saw you in the middle of a blizzard, i ran out to rescue your idiotic butt. no time to figure out zips and buckles when i've got to be the local hero, right? "
" what the hell are you doing out here?! are you crazy?! it's negative fifty billion degrees and getting colder by the minute! come on, come with me! "
" i can't see a damn thing in this storm; keep holding on to me, okay? last thing we want is to get separated! "
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quiettinkering · 9 months
Sammy watched Kelly reaction, looking to the side as he pursed his lips. He couldn't help but overthink it, mentally going over his words and tone of voice. Before he could get very far with it, though, the doctor spoke again, pulling him from his thoughts.
"That's good," he said, grabbing his shirt. "Would you like for me to move? Or should I stay here?"
He moved to pull the shirt back on, pausing briefly to take off his glasses. He squinted as the shirt came on, feeling around for his eyewear briefly before putting them back on as well.
“Tell me where it hurts.”
Sammy sat on the examination table, his shirt sitting next to him. He had a cut running across his chest, a bruise forming around it. Luckily, it had already scabbed over, but he had still been rushed to the medbay.
"Around the cut," he said flatly. "I think the nerves were shaved, so I can't feel much around it. The bruise hurts, though. First time I had a car I was working on fall on me, too."
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quiettinkering · 9 months
Sammy watched as the doctor felt his chest, sitting up a little straighter so he wouldn't block anything. His head tilted to the side slightly, keen eyes watching the other.
"Your hands are warm," he said, his voice flat. "It's nice."
His ribs, thankfully, were healed properly. They were still sore, as evident by the slight hitches in Sammy's breath, but other than that, they were fine.
“Tell me where it hurts.”
Sammy sat on the examination table, his shirt sitting next to him. He had a cut running across his chest, a bruise forming around it. Luckily, it had already scabbed over, but he had still been rushed to the medbay.
"Around the cut," he said flatly. "I think the nerves were shaved, so I can't feel much around it. The bruise hurts, though. First time I had a car I was working on fall on me, too."
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quiettinkering · 9 months
Sammy's hand was firm and professional. He nodded at the introduction and glanced back down at his chest, his other hand tracing over the fading mark.
"Names are things I change depending on the setting, Dr. Holden," he said. "But as for this, it feels better. I think the car might have fractured, if not broken, a few ribs. It doesn't hurt to breathe as much now, though."
“Tell me where it hurts.”
Sammy sat on the examination table, his shirt sitting next to him. He had a cut running across his chest, a bruise forming around it. Luckily, it had already scabbed over, but he had still been rushed to the medbay.
"Around the cut," he said flatly. "I think the nerves were shaved, so I can't feel much around it. The bruise hurts, though. First time I had a car I was working on fall on me, too."
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quiettinkering · 9 months
Sammy watched as the gun was dragged over, never having seen it out of battle before. He was always careful to keep himself out of trouble.
"Was that what the screams were?" he asked. "I don't pay much attention to the things outside of my garage."
He took a breath as the device was switched on, frowning at the feeling on bones working themselves back into place. He rolled his shoulders and watched as the bruise slowly faded.
"I don't believe we've met yet," he said, pushing up his glasses before holding out his hand. "I'm Samuel Azari. I've been here a while, though I stay in the garage and work on whatever needs to be fixed."
“Tell me where it hurts.”
Sammy sat on the examination table, his shirt sitting next to him. He had a cut running across his chest, a bruise forming around it. Luckily, it had already scabbed over, but he had still been rushed to the medbay.
"Around the cut," he said flatly. "I think the nerves were shaved, so I can't feel much around it. The bruise hurts, though. First time I had a car I was working on fall on me, too."
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quiettinkering · 9 months
“Tell me where it hurts.”
Sammy sat on the examination table, his shirt sitting next to him. He had a cut running across his chest, a bruise forming around it. Luckily, it had already scabbed over, but he had still been rushed to the medbay.
"Around the cut," he said flatly. "I think the nerves were shaved, so I can't feel much around it. The bruise hurts, though. First time I had a car I was working on fall on me, too."
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quiettinkering · 9 months
Reblog this if you're either a Team Fortress 2 roleplay blog, or interested in interacting with Team Fortress 2 muses!
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quiettinkering · 10 months
Please reblog if you play a character who is 30 years of age or older
I don’t care if it’s an OC or a canon character, and while I play a human, I don’t care if your fandom isn’t but for the love of god, why is everyone in their twenties? Give me some mid thirties or even some fourties. Hell, throw me some silver foxes. Please.
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quiettinkering · 11 months
Send ⚗ to discover my muse locked in a cell at a laboratory after being experimented on for several years
Send 🔬 for the reverse
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quiettinkering · 11 months
Spock (star trek) V.S Garlic bread (bread)
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quiettinkering · 11 months
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings for when your muse needs a little TLC. change & alter as needed.
“Nah, it’s not that bad. I’ve had worse.”
“I don’t think I can walk that far… or at all.”
“I’m fine. I don’t need your help.”
“Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?”
“I’m sorry, I’m just—I’m just really tired.”
“I don’t need a break. I’m okay.”
“It was my fault. It was all my fault.”
“I think I need help.”
“So, I don’t think I’m dying, or anything, and it’s probably not that serious, but… I’m kinda bleeding. A lot.”
“Is the room spinning right now, or is that just me?”
“No, I’m okay, I just… I hit my head. Really hard. I’ll be okay, just give me a second.”
“I’m not sick! I’m fine!”
“No, I don’t think any of my bones are broken, or anything like that. Just bad bruises.”
“Yeah, but you should see the other guy.”
“I’m fine. This just happens sometimes. It’s normal for me.”
“I’ve got a headache.”
“Seriously, though, I’m fine! Stop making such a big deal out of it!”
“I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t need your help, and I definitely don’t need your pity. Fuck off.”
“Please tell me I don’t look as bad as I feel.”
“I think I’m running a fever.”
“So, what’s the prognosis, Doc? Am I gonna live?”
“Stop fussing over me! I’m not a baby!”
“Can I stay with you tonight? I just… really don’t want to be alone right now.”
“No, I-I’m okay. It was just a nightmare. Go back to sleep.”
“I… can’t actually remember the last time I had something to eat.”
“You shouldn’t be here. You’ll get sick, too.”
“Honey, have you been crying? What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I think you’d better take a break.”
“It’s not your fault, sweetheart. You did everything you could.”
“You don’t have to go through this alone. I’m right here for you if you’ll just let me in.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don’t ever let yourself believe that there is.”
“You really don’t realize just how many people love you, do you?”
“If you’re not going to take care of yourself, at least let me do it for you!”
“I’m sorry. I know it hurts.”
“You’re not alone, baby. You never have been.”
“Let’s get you some food.”
“You’re dead on your feet, poor thing. Come on, you need some sleep.”
“Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you.”
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“How many times have I told you to be more careful?!”
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m right here, okay? I’m not gonna leave you. I’m never gonna leave you.”
“Oh, honey, you’re safe now. I promise. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“Go ahead and take a shower. I’ll fix you something to eat.”
“What happened to you, baby?”
“I’ll kill that bastard. I’ll kill him for what he did to you.”
“You look like shit, man.”
“Whoa, whoa, take it easy! You got pretty banged up back there, and you don’t want to go making yourself worse.”
“I’m not trying to baby you. It’s called taking care of my friends.”
“Sweetheart, you’re burning up! Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you tell anyone you were sick?”
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quiettinkering · 1 year
Gettin’ Tipsy!
taken from Reddit and various other places. MDNI, USFW situations. Edited for clarity.
Is it just me, or is the entire room spinning right now?
Oohhhkay, and that’s enough alcohol for you for one night.
Did you know that you have the most squishable face right now?
See? I’m not too drunk, I can take my clothes off.
I lost my pants, but I found myself.
Let's see what's in this cabinet! What the fuck is in this cabinet?! There's nothing interesting in this cabinet! I'm going to slam this cabinet shut now! Let's move on to the next cabinet.
I feel like a pickle torpedo... In a sea of graham cracker crumbs.
Suck my dick, I’m a pterodactyl!
…I have to poop.
Please don't think bad about me, 'cause I'm drunk. I'll be a good wife, I know where to buy good tomatoes and cucumbers. 
Oh my god let's go pet-petting!
Where’s your shirt, _____?
That’s not important right now.
It's a shame there's not an 'I'm sorry we fucked on your basement floor' card.
This is the most I’ve ever been, ever!
If drunk was a fruit, I’d be a pomegranate. 
Goodness fuck, I could out-piss niagara right now!
Is it hot in here ...or are my pants just coming off?
Fuck you stairs!..... I'm sorry, I'm not really mad at you.
It'd be funny if I piss on the cop car.
I’m not gay, I’m just stupid.
Lemme just put a sports bra on, my period tits are killing me.
I'm 23, I have no pants and I can't even eat a fucking chip. I want my mommy.
If you don't fuck off I'll take all my fucking clothes off!
I'm not gonna braid your chest hair in public. It's inappropriate.
Communists made me throw up.
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