I have moved
Hey guys I moved everything over to a new blog that isn’t a side blog (if you look this name has changed) you can find the new blog over
It is the same name, same layout, and almost the same posts. I will be continuing rp’s over there 
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I have moved
Hey guys I moved everything over to a new blog that isn’t a side blog (if you look this name has changed) you can find the new blog over
It is the same name, same layout, and almost the same posts. I will be continuing rp’s over there 
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Hey guys serious question time. When i made Quill i did not think I'd get near the reaction I've gotten for him from y'all. (Thank you so much it means a lot) My question is this though. Should i move to an official blog, or continue on this side blog? If i moved I'd keep the name and reblog everything to over there so it'd be set up the same. I could just interact with y'all easier. Thoughts? Answer here or im me if you have thoughts on this. It would mean a lot to get input from y'all c:
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Peter Quill: GUESS WHO’s drunk?
Kraglin: I guess Peter.
Peter Quill: You guessed right!
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Cleopatra, Anthony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
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When your favorite character appears on screen.
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“Hey relax man. I promise we won’t- blow up or anything getting there, She’s a good ship.” He grinned as he settled down next to his newest companion. He’d only just met this Steve person when they’d been assigned to a mission together. A simple infiltrate and retrieve mission. Apparently Loki the god of mischief had decided to go after jewelry and had stolen some ring from an old guy that really liked rings, cause he had like ten of them. But at the end of the day, it was for a good cause, and he was going to get paid. So a win win situation. 
“So obviously I was asked to help cause I’m Star Lord.” He grinned, “But, if you don’t mind me asking, why did they bring a super dude from Terra into this mission? Are you a friend of the dude the ring belongs to?” He snapped his fingers as another thought came to him. “Or maybe you know the guy who stole the ring?” 
Lost in Space || CLOSED
Steve sat in the rather small chair, fiddling with his thumbs a bit. To say he was excited, yet nervous, about being up in space would be misphrasing it. He was a ball of nerves, so much so that when hid arm was touched he jerked a little.
Breaking a small smile he tried to relax.
This mission was sensitive. He knew that. And Steve also knew that when it came down to it he’d be fine. But now…he was a little anxious.
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“You sir, need to calm your fucking tits.”
“No! This is not a thing to calm down with. How can you be calm? This is not okay!” 
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Random Weird Things I’ve Totally Said as Sentence Starters
“Okay if I do draw dicks, are there any specific ones you want me to draw?”
“Are you still gonna be a grumpy edge-lord, or are we gonna talk like civil adults?”
“I can’t see, I have a hat on my head.”
“You guys are nasty, and I am frankly,a little turned on.”
“It’s them fuckos from that dinosaur movie!!”
“This chip is like me, very salty yet could break at small amounts of pressure.”
“You sir, need to calm your fucking tits.”
“I’ve seen some weird shit, but this is pretty weird even for me.”
“You can go fuck yourself, with a cactus, and no lube.”
“Sadly you can’t fuck the void, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to.”
“Do you like, ever think before you speak? Because I know if I did, I’d probably make at least 90% of my conversations less awkward.”
“Don’t eat the lava, how many time do we have to go over this?”
“Someone pray for my gay ass, because the way things are going I’m gonna need it.”
“No stop that, jazz hands are prohibited, can’t you see the sign?”
“Who needs water? Not me, I haven’t drank water since like two days ago. Probably why I’m so tired and feel sick all the time, but still. I don’t need no damn water.”
“Well rest in pepperonis.”
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My favorite galaxy, the Sombrero Galaxy
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Hearing Peter’s voice made her turn towards him, her gaze flickering between him and the food he had brought up with him. Usually, she would have scowled and made a comment about wanting to be left alone. But honestly she was too tired and the gesture, while she’d never admit it, was rather sweet.
Taking the bowl from him, her stomach rumbled almost on queue. Gamora hadn’t realized quite how hungry she was, she had been in too much of a bad place to even think about eating. “ I’m not quite sure that you could be considered awesome company, ” Gamora replied. She was joking of course but it was easy to tease him.
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“Thank youPeter,” she added, giving her own small smile in return. Gamora stared down at the bowl of snacks that not rested on her lap. She didn’t recognize any of them so these were probably ones Drax had picked on one of their supply runs.
She took a sip of the water he had brought up for her, turning her attention back to him. Why was he up? Normally he would be the one who could sleep soundly throughout the nights on the Milano. Leaning back in what was technically his chair, an amused look fell upon the green woman’s face. “So is there anything you want to talk about?”
He held a hand to his heart with an over exaggerated look of hurt. “Me? Not awesome company? Come on, I’m Star Lord. I’m the best person to talk to in the galaxy.” He said with a grin, completely joking. Well mostly. 
As he heard her stomach growl he was glad he’d brought the food. Now that he thought about it... he couldn’t recall her eating with the rest of them earlier. Not something he’d question right now, but something he’d keep an eye on tomorrow. 
He reached over and popped one of the snacks into his mouth and kept a straight face as it’s interesting taste took over his senses. He really needed to go for supplies himself one of these days. “Next time, we’re getting the food.” Regardless he popped another one of the strange snacks into his mouth. “The taste grows on you though.” 
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What did he want to talk about? What was going on? How had she almost died several times last mission? Why was her stomach growling? What was going on? He shrugged and started to swivel back and forth in the chair, a faint smile on his lips. 
“Totally.” He took a swig from his water, and glanced around the pit. “I wanted to talk to you about-” He clicked his tongue a couple of times as he tried to think. “When’s our next stop? Like actual stop to relax for a bit and not to do a job. Cause after this last one I could use a break.” He said with a chuckle.      
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“Pfft yeah- no such thing.” He didn’t sound convinced though. He started walking towards the next room over when a picture flew off the wall and hit him in the side of the head. He cursed and held a hand to his head and glared at the picture. “That- that was a draft.” He said even less convinced than the last time. Was it colder now?
“Okay... entertaining for a moment th-that this whole ghost thing is true... Wh-what does getting cold mean?” He hated the cold. Had he mentioned that before? His teeth were just starting to chatter now. 
@quill-the-dancer (x) 
Thanks to being born and raised in an extremely cold climate, Raleigh had little to no trouble adjusting to the temperature drop. Arms wrapped around himself though, and like Peter’s, his own breath formed before him in the air.
 “Dunno… Rocket kept saying this place was haunted but…” At the time, he’d thought the Half-Worlder was trying to scare him off. “Can’t be…right? There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
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Mantis shook her head, antenna swaying. She had no problem with the music he listened to. She found most of it pleasant. And some of it was familiar to her, Ego would sometimes play the same songs that Quill seemed to so enjoy.  
“No, I was just wondering. Your father- Ego, would sometimes listen to similar songs.” Should she have told him that? Quill didn’t exactly end on good terms with his father. She didn’t know how he would take to being associated with him. Nonetheless, it was interesting that they would share this common interest. She wondered if they were similar in other ways. For his sake she hoped they weren’t.
Peter’s smile fell at the mention of Ego and without thinking rubbed a hand over his chest. He snorted and shook his head. “Well he did spend time with my mom, and she had amazing taste in music. I won’t hold it against the music that it attracted a man like him.” Though he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to listen to Brandy you’re a fine girl again with out that man’s voice in the back of his head. 
He slowly swiveled back and forth in the chair as a question came to mind. “What was it like?” He asked. “What was it like living with- that man?” He looked over at Mantis with a questioning expression. “If you’d rather not talk about it-”  
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Peter Quill with Galaxy Eyes
for all my galaxy eyed loving friends <3
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Rocket: "I feel nothing, I am a being of pure rage and the ability to punch people the fuck out. I have eighteen guns on me right now"
Peter: "Last night I saw you dancing with Groot to 'I want you back' by The Jackson 5"
Rocket: SHUT the FUck UP!"
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