quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
Everyone’s like “those Germans have a word for everything” but English has a word for tricking someone into watching the music video for Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
The most successful plant in my garden right now is a volunteer acorn squash that came from our compost, which is out back in the designated nightshade (pepper/tomato) plot and doing way better than its cousins in the gourd (melon/squash) plot up front, and it’s got me thinking
What if, instead of starting or sowing seeds in carefully picked places, trying to figure out what goes best where based on light and soil and so on, I just dumped a bunch of seeds of all the plants I want to grow into my composter a few weeks before planting season (to break down the casing and start to germinate them) and then spread it evenly over my entire growing space? Just let them compete naturally so each bit of land goes to the plant most suited for it, possibly thinning it out to only the healthiest-looking plants after everything’s established. A fully voluntary garden, if you will
The one downside I can think of is you wouldn’t know based on position what’s a crop and what’s a weed, so if you’re not experienced enough to either recognize every type of plant you want to grow or every type of weed in your area then things might get confusing. But otherwise, this sounds very easy and very deliciously permaculture, assuming it would work (and it feels simple enough that surely someone has tried it before?)
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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Inktober 2020 by Jane Katsubo
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quin-ohart · 4 years
“I see the sun, and if I don’t see the sun, I know it’s there. And there’s a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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Sometimes people are just soooo close to getting it.
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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Dani Clayton is a whole ass mood
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
so i watched star wars with my 10yr old niece and as soon as luke appeared on the screen she gasped and yelled “look its troy bolton!!!”
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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*Insert “all lives matter” example*
I’ve grown to hate “positivity culture” because what it actually is is supression. Nothing remotely negative is allowed to be said and ergo any mentions of problems or flaws become silenced instead of handled. It’s actually super toxic and not “positive” at all
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quin-ohart · 4 years
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quin-ohart · 4 years
Hi guys, I’m Mika, and my friends Cloud, Reese, Grayson, and I are all in not so great environments right now.
We’re asking for donations so that we can all get together and get the ball rolling for our visas so we can get out of our living situations for good.  I won’t speak on anyone else’s issues because I don’t feel like it is my place, but I’m a 20 year old nb Australian Aboriginal person living with a physically and mentally abusive mother and sister, and I am not safe. I am daily subjected to beatings, as well as a huge amount of mental/emotional abuse. I am unable to work at the moment due to full time study and also being disabled, and can hardly keep up with school as it is. I am doing my best to save up with the small amount of money I get from the government each month, but my mother takes a huge portion of that for herself as well. Our carrd is here And our ko-fi is here If you could spare a couple of dollars or even just reblog this post it would help so much, but of course don’t feel pressured if you can’t! We know everyone is struggling right now. Thanks so much for reading, stay safe!
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