quinngenious · 10 years
Fear induces discipline.
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Just so you're aware,
That sounds terrifying.
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quinngenious · 10 years
Just so you're aware,
Eighty degree weather is hardly worth the complaint.
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So to the freshmen who waste their breath, sharing their discomfort: you're the reason our bases are weak. Not the sun. Not the lack of shade. You, and your poor decision to hold your breath when it's really most advantageous not to. - The faster you realize that, the easier it'll be for, not only my temper, but your perseverance throughout the rest of conditioning, which includes tryouts.
Also, like Coach Sylvester says, think of being waterboarded the next time you feel dehydrated. You'll appreciate our five minute break more if you do.
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quinngenious · 10 years
What do you think of homosexuality?
I neither condone or oppose the decision.
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And yes, I firmly deem it as a choice. However, their preference does not affect mine, and I rather retain an indifferent attitude toward their blatant disagreement with my religion, so as to not negate the trust between flyer, base, and spotter. - Lord knows the boys on my team are capable of just as much damage as I inflict on those with a lower IQ than me.
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quinngenious · 10 years
You're seriously delusional if you think I'll veer from possible promotional advantages just to socialize. - Sponsors can find my account, Finn. Do you not understand the importance of keeping this blog strictly professional?
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Besides, your mom voluntarily pays $100 a month for your phone's data plan. Use your unlimited texting accordingly.
Is an introduction even necessary?
Um…if this blog-thing is just for business, does that mean I shouldn’t like, talk to you or whatever on here? 
You know, ‘cause we’re a personal affair. Right?
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quinngenious · 10 years
First impression, and you're ultimately heading toward a downward spiral.
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My tolerance level doesn't handle being compared to Jane Does quite as well as your poorly delivered segue might have anticipated.
Is an introduction even necessary?
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There was a lot of writing there, but I wanted to read it because the way you talk kind of sounds like Emma Frost, which I thought was totally bad ass. 
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quinngenious · 10 years
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Well, seeing as I've recently been anointed varsity's cheerleading captain, it's my responsibility to ensure that by the time my girls and I are shouting 'be aggressive', our bases are able to hold each flyer above their heads for a maximum of five minutes. And what better way to build core strength than to schedule four practices a week, with optional Saturday sessions solely dedicated to conditioning? - Slacking during vacation is not a risk I'll allow or am willing to take.
Is an introduction even necessary?
Quinn, hey!
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Got Cheerios practice all summer or do you have other stuff going on as well?
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quinngenious · 10 years
Is an introduction even necessary?
The name Quinn Fabray should already ring a bell.
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Coach Sylvester believes Tumblr is the perfect platform to parade Cheerios' pride and fame, being that our National title last year brought more than enough media attention to our trophy room alone. It's now the builders of the most structured pyramid's turn to provide further reasoning behind why we're winners. Ponies high. Chins up. - The harm in us verifying we're better is only a marginal service we'll offer to those who barely scrape by as competition.
Which leads me to make one thing clear: whoever thinks this blog is meant for personal affairs, think again, because unlike some, I have every intention to keep my account all business, no play. So dare to abuse the anonymous feature and ask something moronic, expect a deadpanned remark in return. - I personally believe contrary feedback is always well-deserved.
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