OOC Post
Sorry for any owed replies! I’m moving house right now and internet access is non existent. I’ve put in a hiatus request but I hope to be back when internet at my new place is installed.
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Robbie winced at the light chiding Q5 had given him, shaking his head with a little bit of a laugh. He'd learned a long time ago that things rarely went according to plan. The most you could do was make the best of a bad situation. Learn from it, do better, but laugh it off. "Just making you work for it, big guy. If I made it too easy for ya, it wouldn't be any fun." He pressed against the wall, taking in Q5's instructions. "You a Batman fan, Q?" Robbie asked. Simon, his ex, had been the biggest Batman fan in the world. Robbie had absorbed a good chunk of knowledge from him, at least enough to throw around the playful pop culture remarks. "Because you're my bloody Oracle right now, and a comparison to Barbara Gordon is nothing to sniff at."
One on five. Not exactly the best of odds. Evasion was gonna be his best tactic. Too bad, too, because having a little action in the mix was why he'd wanted to be a field agent to begin with. Even Q5 was hollering in his ear about moving and avoiding fighting. "I gotcha," he answered, putting his foot down to move as quickly and lightly as he could, reaching the window and looking out at the drop. Bloody hell. That was something. He put on his 'who dares wins' attitude to step out onto the ledge, closing the thing after him and waiting, second by second for the danger to subside. Didn't take a genius to work out that if anyone found him right now, he'd be a dead body on the pavement before they even had to put any work into it.
"Okay, I'm feeling a lot less like Nightwing now I'm remembering that he's an acrobat and I'm not," he whispered to the Quartermaster. "Tell me when I can go back inside, yeah? How long can it take for a couple of Russians to walk a hallway?" Maybe yelling 'vodka' would make them hurry up.
Test of Will || Robbie & Alec
The controls to the alarm weren’t all that hard to hack into, it was the sequenced needed to stop the alarm that was hard to get. “Close, but it would be better if you hadn’t set them off.” After pouring through footage he finally found somebody typing in the code and quickly mimicked him. The alarm came to a halt and the silence was only interrupted by what Alec had to assume was incoming assailants. Pulling up thermal imaging, “You have three coming out on your left as you go into the room, two more behind you.” 
Alec was used to working with 009, he knew how to handle the agent. Working with somebody he had barely met always left something up to chance. After all he knew that 009 would have the enemy down in minutes and be out, Beta was an unknown. Not even a double-o agent which added further risk with giving him high stakes missions. 
“If you take a detour left and go out the south hall’s main window you can avoid fighting, that is if you go fast enough.” It would just Alec’s luck if the guy decided that confrontation would be a good plan. The mission was to recover the information, not take down group who they are recovering it from. 
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“Good. I’ll be our translator and your tour guide. It’ll be a good time.”
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“Someday, when I’m not a quartermaster for MI6, I’ll consider it.”
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Robbie took the file, flicking through it to try and piece the puzzle back together. Out of the two of them, Simon had always been the smart one. Even when they'd been out in Iraq, it had always been Robbie who wanted to rush into stuff without thinking and Simon who had been making game plans and drawing stuff on maps. Robbie wasn't gonna argue that Simon had been wrong, but they were just... different. Always had been. He knew he needed to be the kind of guy Simon had tried to teach him to be if he was going to succeed in MI6. Rushing into situations without a game plan barely worked in the army. It wasn't going to do any good when they were trying to rescue children from a kidnapping ring. Life at MI6 was more complicated than things had been in the army and most of the time, Robbie's head raced with thoughts that he struggled to keep track of.
He was honest about his faults. He was never gonna be a leader and that was fine. But he could be a damn good soldier, and he wasn't gonna let doubts set in. He could adapt. He'd done it before. "Same information, huh?" He looked up at her then back to his papers. "I'll try not to bugger up my first chance at being on equal footing with a Double-O." Alex had seemed so confident when they'd been throwing jokes back and forward in the rec room. Robbie couldn't help but wonder what she was feeling now. Like any Double-O, she could do a good job at hiding it.
He wanted to be sick when she told him about these people. He breathed a sigh, resting his elbows on his knees and raking his hands through dirty blonde hair. Was he ready for this? The simple answer was; he had to be. "Number one thing is that we've gotta make sure those kids get home safe to their mum and dad, yeah? Nobody's compromising on that. Which I suppose means... tactical and subtle and a lot of stuff that's new to me." Why had they chosen him for this? Why couldn't it have been Bond? "But I'm gonna do everything I can, and I'm not gonna let them down. So let's... let's get a plan, alright?"
Search and Retrieve || Alexandra & Robbie
Her face void of expression, Alexandra could only stare off into space as the plane took off. Though she sat up straight and held her regular air of confidence, internally her mind swirled with thoughts of the children that had been kidnapped. The terror they must have been feeling was one she could not even begin to imagine. Her own siblings, when they’d been much younger and in need of Alexandra’s watchful eye, had all gotten lost at least once or twice in the grocery store and had shrieked until they’d been found. Bu to be taken by another person…a stranger…
Robbie’s voice cut through her thoughts and she looked up to meet his gaze, lips pulling back into a grimace. Unbuckling her own seatbelt, the woman stood and pulled out the files she’d been given. “This one is yours,” she offered, walking over to give the man his own. “They should contain the same information.” Flipping through it, she came upon a section of this Maddie Blackwall. “Says here she’s in her early fifties, been doing this kind of thing for years. Caught once, but slipped out of authority’s hands,” she rattled off, shaking her head.
That alone made her angry, but Alexandra pushed the emotion aside. It would do her no good on their mission. “Mandarin Oriental hotel is where we’re headed. It’s believed that that is where the kids are being taken and then sold. It’s likely they’ll be in one of the underground levels, high security, separate rooms for each buyer, the merchandise,” she spat the word, “kept locked up until it’s their turn for auction.” Her eyes moved back over to Robbie, “Are you going to be ready for this?” The question was simple, no offense meant. The Double-O only wanted to ensure her fellow agent was up to the task.
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Search and Retrieve || Alexandra & Robbie
Robbie glanced around the aircract, fingers tapping against his armrest as he watched the ocean spread out beneath them. This was it for him. A real opportunity to reveal his skills and his character. He wanted to prove you could be a Double-O without being cold blooded, and bringing three scared kids home to their mum and dad definitely wouldn't hurt. Not for the first time, he wondered how people could be so callous. Adults was one thing. Even adult bystanders. But children? Nah. This was something else, and it was something that made Robbie want to ring his little sister from the plane.
He looked over at Alexandra, wondering if she had any of the same concerns. She was usually so confident, he couldn't tell. Finally, the small plane's fasten your seatbelt light went off and Robbie took the chance to get up and stretch his legs. "What's the story then?" he asked, glancing at Alex in the reflection of the opposite window. "These groups in Thailand, I'm assuming Q-Division's sent us some dossiers?"
He did his best to keep his voice casual and confident, but all he could think was that these kids were aged eleven, nine and five and as of yet, nobody knew what the bloody hell was going on with them. "I've heard of this Maddie Blackwall. She sounds like a right Mother Theresa," he added sarcastically.
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“Enjoy it. Go backpacking. See the sights.”
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“A journey to Rome from London by train is, on average, twenty-four hours long.”  Q gave him a flat look.
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“Yeah, guess it’s kinda weird when you get a number or a letter instead.”
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Bond shrugged. “You might. I was never told any of their names.”
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Except modesty.
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No, no. Nothing. I’m great at everything.
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Test of Will || Robbie & Alec
It was weird being in the field in a place that wasn't made of sand, wearing dark clothing rather than sand-colored camoflage. He was an operative of Her Majesty's Secret Service and sometimes, Robbie found that hard to get into his head. Robbie wasn't going to turn up his nose at a mission though, even when he suspected half the reason he'd caught a break on this one was because of his fluent Italian.
Q3 was out of commission this week. Robbie knew better than to ask why. His superiors had told him Q3 would be back, and that was enough to keep him from digging into it too deeply. Compartmentalization of information was just part of the job. Recovering information when it got stolen? Also part of the job. This time, Robbie had Q3 in his ear.
"How's working on killing those alarms, mate?" Robbie asked his makeshift quartermaster. "I'm almost at the window."  
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BETA— closed.
Name: Robbie Quinn Position: Field Agent Date of Birth: 07/05/1988 Place of Birth: Sheffield, England Faceclaim: Garrrett Hedlund
Robbie was born to a working class family, son of a scrapyard owner and a store clerk in Sheffield. He was never a very serious kid, sometimes acting out at school and being told he had terrible focus, but he was a kind enough guy, open and accepting. All Robbie ever wanted was to be a soldier and he enrolled in the armed forces as soon as he was old enough. He was popular among his unit, a good, adaptable military man who got along with most people and made them laugh. The fact he was gay ruffled a few feathers, and he didn’t exactly shout it from the roof tops, but he was happy with himself. Two months into his placement in Iraq, Robbie was caught in an explosion that took the life of his best friend and almost ended his own. Robbie recovered from his injuries and his fellow soldier and kind-of-boyfriend helped him through his emotional recovery. The two stayed together for a few years but ended things as his partner continued moving through the ranks, becoming a technician and getting transferred to another unit.
Robbie wasn’t the kind of person who needed his boyfriend to make life worth living, but the long distance thing didn’t work out so they decided to break it off. He had friends, a solid position as a mechanic in his unit. He had every excuse to be happy with his life as a soldier, but he couldn’t help like feeling that the war in Iraq was about more than what the news channels and politicians said it was. He considered leaving the service when his term was up. He also considered that maybe he just needed a change of scenery. It was the latter that came his way. A recruiter for MI6 came calling. They had a role to fill and Robbie’s skills as an in-field mechanic and his fluency in Italian (thanks, mum) made him a desirable asset. Robbie had never thought of himself as an asset before. He was just another guy, doing what he could to make things work. Robbie started feeling as though he could really be the kind of hero he’d seen in the movies growing up, and though his experience with loss, tragedy and PTSD told him life wasn’t always the happy ending to a Hollywood Blockbuster, he had to find out what MI6 had in store for him.
As of now, Robbie is still that supportive utility guy. He has yet to reach Double-O status and sometimes he feels a little like a glorified babysitter, but he’s doing something important. He’s building on his own experience while also helping train the heroes of tomorrow. That’s the part he tries to focus on.
Robbie is a laid back, friendly kind of person. He’s very comfortable in his own skin and very comfortable and open about the fact he’s a gay man. He likes to have fun, but you wouldn’t really call him a partier or a rebel. A few guys playing cards with a couple of beers is his idea of a good time. That being said, he does still have some lingering guilt, PTSD and depression issues. He powers through them, trying to focus on the positive side of everything he’s doing. He wants to stand out and sometimes finds it hard to draw the line between sensible and reckless, but he tries to keep his feet on the ground and follow his orders. It’s what he’s here for, at the end of the day.
+ Good-Humored, Understanding, Brave - Stubborn, Reckless, Combat-Worn
K N O W N  H I S T O R Y
Is fluent in Italian.
Is the supervisor for Trainee #2.
Delta: Unusual to a green mission; the other agent, Beta and their trainees had to go undercover for two weeks together. During the mission, as supervisors, both agents got to know each other. Trainee #2: Beta is not too fond of ‘babysitting’ but they put on a smile and do whatever they can anyway. Everyone has to start somewhere. Q3: The Quartermaster had been with him through his missions since the agent started working.
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“Your ego’s fine. I’ll come. It’ll keep me out of trouble.” He smiled, picking up his stuff and ruffling his hair, wet from the shower.
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“You’ll have to show me this tech-support guy.” There was a nostalgic twinkle in his eye as he thought of Simon, his very own tech nerd. It’d been about a year since he’d even heard from him. He was probably out there doing something great with his life.
“I may be. Depends on your final answer. I’m trying to protect my ego.” She joked with a smile on her face. “Oh, on the floor above there’s new technical support who I heard likes nightshifts. I saw him, he’s cute. But then again, it’s a matter of taste. Though a smoke free bar is manageable.” 
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“So is there anything you think you’re crap at? Just wondering.”
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I’ve got a fantastic memory. I bet I could name them all.
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“Yeah? I know any of ‘em?”
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“A few of them might have turned out to be fantastic agents, you never know.”
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“That’s what the Euro-tunnel is for.”
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“That’s quite a useful skill.  And I appreciate that, but I doubt it.  I don’t particularly like flying.”
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“Yeah, I’m sure you gave it your all.”
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He shrugged. “I had some recruits assigned to me, once, while I was still an Ops Specialist. Whether they learnt anything or not was their prerogative.”
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Robbie let Bond get away with the subject change. Not like he had a choice. Bond was Bond, and it didn’t do anything for someone’s reputation to get on his bad side. Robbie didn’t want to. The level of respect he had for the man ran deep, even if they both did things in different ways.
“Yeah, guess we’ve all been there. Even 007, right?”
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“Hard to picture you on babysitting duty.”
He chose not to reply to that, merely raising his eyebrows in a mixture of scepticism and apathy. It was nice, he imagined, to still be so naive. Comforting, at least. “That fun is all still ahead of you,” he said at length, smoothly changing the subject. “For now, you’ve got recruits to train.” It wasn’t phrased like a question by any means, but an invitation for Robbie to expand on the subject of recruit training was implicit. Bond figured that it was safer, and less draining, to move onto more a neutral topic.
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