quirkthot · 9 months
If it's okay to ask, how old are you? Hope that doesn't sound rude. I really love your fics, have a great day!!
Hello! I just turned 29.
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quirkthot · 9 months
Hey! I just binged all of Wrong Chat and after reading your note about a health hiatus I just wanted to stop in and say as someone dealing with their own health issues:
1.) Congrats on being cancer free!
2.) I hope you remember to be kind to yourself 💛
And 3.) thank you for writing.
Your fics are a wonderful escape from some of the more unbearable moments. Whenever you are doing better and find your way back to writing, I’ll be right there to support it!
Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words (and please forgive my late response).
Kind comments from people like you are why I’m finding my way back into writing and back into this fandom I love so much so really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Slowly but surely I’m making strides on my way to an update lol
I’m sending you strength on your own health journey and I hope you remember to reserve the same amount of kindness you’ve sent me for yourself. ❤️
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quirkthot · 3 years
if you got like a 100kilo bag of glitter and opened it up and left it in the path of like a tornado i think that would be interesting. i dont care abt ecological damage btw
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quirkthot · 3 years
What are your thoughts on cultural appropriation?
I think it’s often exaggerated to hell as I’ve seen it on tumblr. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, though.
A white person wearing a kimono won’t singlehandedly kill the Japanese population, and is in fact often seen (with good reason) to be respectful. A lot of Japanese people like foreigners wearing their clothing - they’ll give them as gifts, help them put them on and be delighted that someone is embracing this little part of their culture.
You know what’s cultural appropriation? Taking something of historical or religious significance and making fun of it or outright desecrating it (looking at YOU, j-law in hawaii), simplifying something to an outright offensive portrayal of what it actually is instead of looking into the significance of it (see: geisha, who have slowly become to be associated with ‘comfort women’ or courtesans because of how ‘exotic’ they were perceived to be), racism (wearing a sombrero hat is all in good fun, but when it accompanies blackface / racist remarks, stereotypes + accents, not so much ), and lumping cultures with a common signifier (native american reservations, asian countries, african countries) and heavily misattributing things to them based on assumptions and rumors, which are often racist, especially things that might be practiced or be more common than your average American state, but absolutely do not represent them in any way and sometimes aren’t even a cultural thing at all. (China and eating dog; Indians being scam callers and/or inherently misogynistic, etc)
There is no reason for culture not to be shared and embraced in a respectful way – even ignorant, if the person is willing to listen and learn – and there is nothing inherently wrong, in my opinion, if culture just happens to be a tourist attraction, sometimes. Take pictures to your delight, so long as you’re not banned from doing so. Do yoga and find inner peace or whatever. Participate in tradition and be amazed, amused, poke a little fun because culture is bound to be different from what you’re used to and it’s not always considered good, it’s not always awe-inspiring, sometimes it’ll be a little silly and you’re not obligated to fully immerse yourself into appreciating it - sometimes you just experience it and move on with your life. 
We are what we are because of the way culture has evolved, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to take some random user’s icy take on gatekeeping at face value. 
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quirkthot · 3 years
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has this been done
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quirkthot · 3 years
Hey, quick question—are you still working on your fic - Quirk: Unresolved Sexual Tension ? Cause it hasn’t been updated for some time yet. I really love it and hope you update soon, thank you!
Yes I’m still working on it! It’s on the back burner because Ive got bangs, commissions, and other WIPs but it will get done!
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quirkthot · 3 years
do you have any fic reqs? like, any (reader insert, perhaps?) fics that you def recommend to read haha im kinda curious what type of fics you like :)
Well, I have a lot of them, but here’s a rough list (some really broke me but at the same time propelled me to write for angst):
Of Truth and Lies by Anake. [Hetalia fic, fem!Northern Italy x Spain] I read this when I was 13 or 14 (?) and it made me cry so much. I just love apparent the love was between the two characters yet they’re so caught up in the complications of it all, and how one person was so ready to give it all up, but allowed herself one last moment with her love to move on. It has no happy ending, and the songs used were so beautifully tragic.
Jaded. [Detective Conan fic, Hattori Heiji x Toyama Kazuha] This is a now-deleted work, and my heart will forever ache for it and it’s also one of my absolute favorites. Full of heartache and pain, especially with a twist I did not see coming, but the guy was so willing to help her recover and even chased after her when she moved to US.
Anything by @alkhale. I first read her Jack Frost fic, which then brought me to her profile and read her Magi fic, her Haikyuu fics, her DC fic, and then her BNHA fic. Oh, there’s also her JJK fic. I’m so in love with her writing style and how she still instills a troubled MC that everybody loves, yet is so oblivious to it all and is trying to make a new for herself.
Comet by katyastark/@quirkthot. [Boku no Hero Academia fic, Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku]. This was my very first bakudeku fic that I found myself reading that I thoroughly enjoyed because it has everything - angst, most especially. She’s now one of my favorite fic writers (for bakudeku, at least) and I’ve been reading a lot of her works now because she’s amazing with whatever she writes.
Heartaches and Devotion by Lady Fuyuki [Fairy Tail fic, Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser] I’m a big Gruvia stan, and they're my ship in Fairy Tail. What I love about this was that the writer used a trope and delivered it well. You can tell that two sides are trying to move on, but failed, and the only way they can move forward is by accepting each other.
Anything by Seeress. She mostly writes for BNHA, specializing in BakuDeku. She has a lot of angst fics (on ao3 and twitter) that are just so good. I really can’t name just one, because she really explores the complexities of love, the angst of it all, and the exploration of the characters.
Four Seasons of Loneliness by rydia. [Dragon Age fic, Alistair Theirin x Mage!Hero of Feraldan/Solana Amell] Um, I am yet to actually finish my Dragon Age: Origins ga,e, and I’ve already finished the last two games. Still, this is those ‘turn back time and change fate’ kinda fic that’s satisfying, because you can relieve the consequences of your actions and make your ‘what ifs’ change.
Swallow by @all1e23. [Marvel AU fic, Bucky Barnes x Reader] One of the cutest, beautiful, yet tragically beautiful fic I’ve read for MCU. Also, basically, anything Allie writes is golden. She also inspired me to post here on tumblr and continue writing!
Spider-Man series by @hey-marlie [Marvel fic, Peter Parker x Reader] Marley did an absolutely splendid job with this series. It’s very well-written and stays true to the source material, without ever losing its touch, especially with the reader. Reader’s role is very impactful to almost everyone around her, but Marley makes it a point to show really immerse and involve you as the reader. Also, I gotta respect her mad nerd skills for tossing a lot of references only comic fans will understand more than the movie fans of Marvel.
This is a very rough list of what I can recommend to you. But, they’ve all really helped me write my angst and are ones that really helped me write for angst. There’s a lot more fics I would love to recommend, but, again, this is a rough list and some I can name at the top of my head :D
I’m extremely picky with my fics. So as you can see in my list, they’re all angst - ranging from mild to heavy angst. What can I say? I’m a sucker for pain ;”D Also, exploring your emotions in these fics is very satisfying to me.
Not a lot of reader-insert, because I mostly read them for smut purposes. There’s a few angst, but nothing really comes to mind.
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quirkthot · 3 years
This is an RSS feed for all sero slash pairings on ao3. If a Sero pair gets posted to ao3, it will automatically get posted here, too!
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quirkthot · 3 years
Resources for Writing Injuries
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Chest (Thoracic)
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Pulmonary contusion
Broken Ribs
Broken Collarbone
General Information
Blunt trauma
Penetrating injuries (see also, gunshot wound & stab wound sections)
Broken Spine
Lung Trauma
Heart (Blunt Cardiac Injury)
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Spleen Trauma
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Muscle Overuse
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Corneal Abrasion
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Subconjunctival Hemorrhages (Eye Bleeding)
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femoral artery (inner thigh)
thoracic aorta (chest & heart)
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aorta (heart & abdomen)
axillary artery (underarm)
popliteal artery (knee & outer thigh)
anterior tibial artery (shin & ankle)
posterior tibial artery (calf & heel)
arteria dorsalis pedis (foot)
Abrasions (Floor burns)
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In the Neck
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In the Abdomen
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In The Feet
Stab Wounds
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Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!
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quirkthot · 3 years
You know what’s some crazy $hit?
This fabulous bitch
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She makes a shit ton of poses (like 16,000 or some crazy nonsense).  I used this lovely lady to draw so much as a teen.  Whether it was some nerdy pose for my Mary Sue as fuck OCs
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or for full on fight sequences
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or for tragic deaths of my OCs in the arms of a totally OOC main protagonist.  
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this bitch hooked me up.  
And with the wildest, craziest stuff that you could see in your head but had no way or resources to reasonably draw like
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or this
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or this
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DUDE!  INASNE SHIT!!  So I was using her for a pose reference and decided, you know what, I owe this bitch some cash.  Lemme dole it out for her.  BUT then, I looked and saw she only has 286 fucking patrons!!  This chick gives out free shit and spends countless hours arranging these shoots and setting this stuff up.  
I’ll fork up the cash, SenshiStock.  You’re worth it.  
Check out this amazing woman’s stuff, and get knowledged:  https://www.deviantart.com/senshistock
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quirkthot · 3 years
no one:
kohei horikoshi:
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quirkthot · 3 years
every friend group should include:
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text source
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quirkthot · 3 years
My conservative family members seeing me taking up embroidery:
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One week later when I post the finished project:
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quirkthot · 3 years
🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you for reading!
@Deku WRONG CHAT by katyastark
@Deku WRONG CHAT by katyastark
Fandom(s): Boku No Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen and Up 
No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Shindou You, chat fic, LET IZUKU CUSS, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Bisexual Disaster Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Plot, Bakusquad Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Unrequited Tododeku, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Jealous Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Bless Shindo Yo, Some angst, Humor, c h a o s, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Flirting, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Communicating, Mutual Pining, Dekubowl, Bakugou Katsuki Suffers
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
Language: English 
Words: 15,046 
Chapters: 20/?
My Thoughts: Honestly, this fic was cute and Izuku and Shindo’s dynamic is so much fun! Not a fast one shot, but it’s so good that it goes by quick. Plus I know a lot of fanfiction readers are fast readers, so I have every faith in all of you! On a different track, it was last updated December 19th, 2020 (this post was made January 1st, 2021, so if you go back it may have changed) but was first posted on June 19th, 2020. Anyways, I would definitely reread this fic (tbh I only post ones I would reread). 
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quirkthot · 3 years
Hi! I am following your fic "Bad Alpha" and wanted to know if it's going to have a happy ending or not. Just to prepare my heart. Thanks so much, I love your stories <3
Tbh I have no idea!! The plot keeps getting away from me lol
I’ve never not written a happy bkdk endgame so I’m hoping I can turn this fic around enough for that!
Thank you for reading!! ♥️
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quirkthot · 3 years
I can't i started the fic at 3 am and crying tears rn i cant stop laughing. Omg i love you so much for this.
And i finished it at ⬇
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This conform it . this IS a legendary fic
And i love you for it .
Hello!!! Thank you for reading!! I’m glad you found it so funny. The stars clearly aligned for that screenshot lmao 😂😂😂
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quirkthot · 4 years
hi i just binge read bets, prom, and rom coms and its so good!! i love them!! is it abandoned or do you still plan on writing more? no pressure lol
It’s not abandoned. I have a lot of WIPs so some things don’t get updated as often as I’d like but it will get finished. Thank you for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
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