quokkahans · 11 days
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quokkahans · 13 days
You are not insignificant. Did you know that there are mutuals waiting for you to come in here every day?
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quokkahans · 22 days
There is nothing more embarrassing than seeing people on X call Binnie ugly as if they don't look like they were used as a soccer ball by a group of giants during their World Cup.
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quokkahans · 22 days
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quokkahans · 22 days
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quokkahans · 23 days
am I the only one that's like
🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 men 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
but at the same time
💗💓💞🩷💘💝💖💕💞💓💗💖💝💘💕💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💘 bangchan, lee know, changbin, hyunjin, han, felix, seungmin, jeongin 💖💗💓💞💕💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💝💘💖💗💓💞💕💘💝💖
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quokkahans · 1 month
honestly the amount of times ive gotten pissed off because of how some stays on social media talk about changbin’s body like damn this isn’t new from me
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quokkahans · 1 month
okay why do stays keep saying antis photoshopped those pics of changbin at the airport..
yall. its his body.
why is his body type so wrong to some stays that u have to claim/believe antis photoshopped them to feel better about HIS body??? the reason im bringing this up is because stays are literally commenting on some of the pics of him from dominATE in seoul and are saying “antis who photoshopped him at the airport better take another look.” there are literally MULTIPLE pictures of him from the airport that day taken by fansites. he has a belly in all 3 of the pictures i have.
stays swear up and down antis are the problem, but its ALSO your internalized fatphobia and body standard expectations for korean idols. how can you guys even call yourselves fans of changbin, let alone the group?? changbin has a belly. its not the end of the fucking world, so stop acting like it.
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quokkahans · 1 month
crying even more cuz how the fuck am i gonna convince myself that i should wait for their next con here..
crying in the corner since I won't see stray kids in november :(
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quokkahans · 1 month
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quokkahans · 1 month
wdym i just woke up and one of my batchmates in uni is gonna make me a bracelet for the skz concert so that i can somehow feel like that i actually went?!
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quokkahans · 1 month
crying in the corner since I won't see stray kids in november :(
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quokkahans · 1 month
Hi ~ it's me again ♡
I'm back with another idea since we talk about it hehe
How about a nice and cute summer fic with our favorite boy changbin 🤭
Just imagine : skz as a fraternkty getting invited to a pool party during summer break and everyone is surprised by changbin weight gain since he go from a pretty fit figure to a verry chubny one and he does seems in denial !
now visualize this scene: changbin falls into the swimming pool, his white t-shirt becomes wet, becoming transparent, leaving everyone with a view of his round and chubby body, much to the delight of his friends who greatly like the view (+ the others scenes we talked about 👀)
Ps : that initialy came from a dream i did 😭
Anyway take your time i love your fics my friend ♡
of course I can write this for you 💜
and I hope you’ll like it, i made some small modifications but I’ll like that !
Enjoy 💜
Pool Party Day
Seungmin had spent the best year of his life, in fact, he didn’t really know if it had been the best, but since he had put his things down in the university dorms, and more specifically in the SKZ Fraternity, he had never been so happy. Whether at the university, during classes, or outside, Seungmin felt like his year had passed in a few seconds, especially since he had made the best friends he could have never suspected meeting. Chan, Changbin, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin had joined the fraternity at the same time as him, which had strengthened their bond, especially with Felix since they had shared the same room during this year. One might think that he was sad and angry that this year was over, but something even better was about to take place, the fraternity’s annual pool party. Seungmin was just so excited about that that he was planning everything and couldn’t stop talking about it whenever the opportunity arose.
In fact, he was so excited that he had even spent his last few days going to the gym with Chan to prepare his body for this party. It must be said that with classes and exams, he hadn’t really been able to take care of himself, but he secretly hoped that his efforts would show and that he could potentially seduce the boy he liked. He wasn’t particularly superficial, but the way he thought about taking care of himself and getting handsome boosted his confidence.
That’s how he spent his last days, and finally, the big day arrived. He could hear the noises in the house and the music through the window, which meant the party had already started. Seungmin looked at himself in the mirror, fixed his hair, and adjusted his swimsuit properly before deciding that it wasn’t necessary to wear a t-shirt in this heat. He then took a deep breath, and finally, he left his room. As he closed the door, he ran into Jisung, who was also coming out of his room with a towel around his shoulders. Jisung approached Seungmin, smiling before lowering his eyes to his body.
“Well, I see you’ve made yourself look good for today. Come on, tell me! What’s got you so excited about a party like this?” Seungmin started blushing and looked away.
“Nothing...it’s our last party before we all go on vacation, so we might as well celebrate it properly, right?” said Seungmin, trying to convince himself.
“If you say so...come on, before the others get to the pool. Minho told me he would push me in, so I might as well get wet first!” said Jisung, starting to walk towards the stairs.
Seungmin started laughing and followed him, keeping his smile because nothing could ruin this beautiful summer day. Seungmin then opened the garden door, and as he stepped outside, he saw his friends around the buffet, chatting, while others were already dancing at the music. The garden was lively with the music that echoed almost through the neighborhood, and finally, Seungmin’s eyes landed on him, but he was slightly surprised, and his breath caught.
“Fuck…” he said under his breath, and Jisung didn’t notice, running towards Minho, who was standing at the edge of the pool, to start turning around him and teasing him about pushing him in the pool.
Yet Seungmin couldn’t move, his eyes were completely absorbed by Changbin. Since when had he gained so much weight ? When his belly started to cover his waist ? Since when did his chest droop and form a larger chest than some women ? Seungmin looked at his wide thighs rubbing against each other, the rolls of flesh on his back accumulating with every movement, and his heavy arms struggling to lift the food to his mouth. His hands were thick and pudgy, and his feet, too, were large and swollen. But above all, his protruding belly hung low, nearly covering his pelvis and causing his swimsuit to appear almost comically ill-fitting. His belly had a soft, sagging quality to it, with noticeable folds that jiggled with every step. Despite his efforts, Seungmin wondered what the underside of his underwear looked like, with its deep creases and the way it dug into his flesh, highlighting his body's bulk. Seungmin stood there, speechless, yet his whole body was boiling so much that even the cool water of the pool couldn’t have cooled him down.
Let me take you back a few months before. When Seungmin arrived at the fraternity, he immediately fell under Changbin’s charm. He behaved like an older brother to the others, supporting them all when they arrived, and helping them adapt to university life, as he was already in his second year. Seungmin and he had grown closer, but nothing more had happened between them. But as the months went by, Seungmin noticed that Changbin was spending more and more time working on his classes and less time going to the gym, and that he had found a job on the side in a neighborhood fast-food place, which also allowed him not to have to pay for his meals there. This had increased his consumption of fatty food, and Changbin had started to gain weight, but none of his friends had really noticed. After all, it wasn’t their bodies, and they had nothing to say. But the more months passed, the more Changbin’s appetite grew, and the weaker Seungmin became in his presence, watching him fill his belly and seeing his cheeks full when he ate, watching him gently massage his belly after a big meal, or simply watching him made Seungmin completely shy to be by his side, and maybe a little too excited.
That’s how, in a year, his first university crush transformed and became even more incredible in his eyes, which he hadn’t looked away from him since he stepped foot at this pool party. Hyunjin then arrived by his side and hugged him.
“I’m going to miss you so much, Seungmin. You’re coming back here next year, right?” he said, looking him straight in the eyes, and Seungmin smiled.
“Of course I am, who do you think is going to help you grade papers?” said Seungmin, teasing him slightly.
Hyunjin pouted slightly before starting to laugh and asking Seungmin questions about his vacation. They chatted quietly when Jisung started shouting that the last one in the water would have to do the dishes. Hyunjin then rushed towards the pool, running, leaving Seungmin rather surprised by his friends’ reaction as they all hurried to run towards the pool, but Seungmin didn’t move. His gaze simply turned towards Changbin, who also started running, or rather trying to run. Seungmin’s eyes focused on his belly that wobbled each time his foot hit the ground, and it was the same for his arms and thighs, even his double chin jiggled when he “ran” at that pace. Changbin then positioned himself above the pool and jumped in. Seungmin watched him, not wanting to miss any of the spectacle, and saw the water splashing all around the pool, and he even felt droplets hit his body. Changbin then resurfaced as the pool was still swirling from the movement of the water under his weight. The others acted as if nothing had happened, and they all started playing in the pool, and Seungmin didn’t notice Felix slipping beside him.
“Impressive?” he said, looking at Seungmin, who turned his head towards him, surprised.
“Wh-what?” he said, feeling his heart race and his cheeks turning red.
“Changbin...you’re not the only one who’s noticed his recent changes...oh, don’t worry, I’m not going to steal him from you. I can see how you’ve been looking at him since the beginning of the year...”
“Felix no...it’s not that...I…” Felix then started laughing.
“Stop reacting like that, you’re too cute when you act like nothing’s happening. Anyway, I’m going for a swim, so...enjoy doing the dishes!” said Felix, laughing and leaving him to realize that he was indeed the last one in the pool. Seungmin then sighed and dipped his legs in the water, sitting by the edge and watching the others play in the water when he felt a weight on his legs and saw Changbin holding onto his legs while keeping his body in the water.
“Are you having a good day? You were so excited about today,” said Changbin, holding onto him.
“The best day, yes, I’m going to miss you all,” said Seungmin, blushing.
“We’ll see each other in a few weeks, and then, why aren’t you swimming? Don’t you want to enjoy it a bit? Come on, please,” asked Changbin, curious to see him staying on the sidelines.
“If you insist like that, I can’t refuse you, Binnie.”
Seungmin then slid into the pool and found himself facing Changbin, shirtless, his fat shaking with the movement of the water and his wet hair highlighting his chubby face. Changbin then pulled him into the water, swimming, and he let himself be led, following him by kicking his feet. Jisung then pushed him to clear the middle of the pool to start a race. Seungmin then found himself against Changbin’s chest, feeling each of his rolls against him, and he couldn’t help but blush. He then moved aside and clung to the edge, watching the others swim in the pool as if it wasn’t obvious that Chan was going to win.
“You look cute today by the way…” hearing Changbin’s words beside him, Seungmin couldn’t help but freeze, almost hearing his heart beating despite the commotion. He then turned his face towards his friend, trying not to seem unsettled.
“Thank...you look...very good...too…” he said, trying to sound natural.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to return the compliment...I was stressed about today...I wasn’t like that last year and I notice how you keep looking at my belly...but...I guess I can’t really stop it now,” Seungmin’s heart was about to burst, and he couldn’t think straight when he heard that Changbin actually noticed that he was looking at him.
“No...you don’t have to change! I would never judge you, never! I...sorry if I gave you that impression...actually, it’s quite the opposite?”
“The opposite?” asked Changbin surprised
"I couldn’t…take my eyes off you…you’re so perfect that…I can’t…stop thinking about you…" Seungmin noticed Changbin's cheeks turning red and the way he adorably looked away, biting his lips.
"Well…you’re not the only one…" Seungmin felt himself falling apart, and if their friends hadn’t called them back to the terrace for dinner, he might have just let himself sink into the pool, his legs were shaking that much.
Seungmin then turned around in the pool, noticing there wasn’t a ladder. He furrowed his brow, realizing they must have forgotten that detail when organizing the party. The others didn’t really pay attention and climbed out by pushing themselves up with their arms. Seungmin’s heart started to race as he watched Changbin head towards the edge. He began to push up on his arms, but the gap between the water and the edge was bigger than expected. Also, since the fraternity had once been the university’s swimming club, the pool didn’t have a shallow end. Seungmin noticed Changbin struggling to pull himself up and moved closer to him. Changbin's arms flexed with effort, his brows furrowed in concentration, but there was a noticeable struggle. His movements were slow, labored attempts, his muscles strained, but his body didn’t cooperate the way it usually did. There was no denying it, Changbin’s usually toned physique had softened a bit, making this simple task a lot harder than it should have been.
"Do you need help?" Seungmin asked shyly, not wanting to be rude.
"I…yes…please…" Changbin said, letting out a little groan of frustration. He used to be so muscular and fit, and now he couldn’t even lift himself from a pool.
"Guys…" he said loudly, and the others turned to look at him. "Can you help me? It’s hard to get out of the pool for…some of us…" Seungmin said, trying to be nice.
"Oh my- yes, of course!" Chan said, jumping back into the water, followed by the others. He quickly swam over to Changbin's side. Felix followed right behind as well as the others.
"Come on, we’ve got you!" he said, positioning himself on the other side of Changbin. They both tried to lift him out together, but it became clear that it wasn’t going to be enough. Seungmin, who had been watching from the sidelines, sighed and got up.
"On three, ok?" Chan said, taking charge as usual. "One, two, three!"
Seungmin started pushing and pulling together with the others to help Changbin out of the pool. Chan and Jisung supported Changbin from under his arms, while Seungmin and Hyunjin took hold of his back and legs. Felix guided them from the front, making sure they were lifting in sync. With everyone’s combined effort, Changbin finally began to rise out of the water. It wasn’t really a smooth process—there was a lot of splashing, laughing, and even a few slips—but after a few more grunts and pushes, Changbin was finally sitting on the pool's edge, water dripping off him as he caught his breath.
"See? Eight is fate, we always need all of us!" Chan said, clapping Changbin on the back with a proud smile. Seungmin saw Changbin looking around at all of them, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment on his face.
"Thanks, guys," he muttered, still trying to catch his breath. Seungmin smiled, feeling a bit flushed from the situation; maybe he was also trying to catch his breath. Seungmin noticed Jisung approaching Changbin with a teasing look in his eyes. Jisung always liked to tease Changbin, and Seungmin knew he couldn’t resist one last quip.
"Next time, we’ll just bring a crane." Seungmin watched everyone burst into laughter, including Changbin, who shook his head in amusement but still felt a little shy about it. Seungmin then approached Changbin and sat next to him.
"You’re okay?" he asked, delicately touching his hand.
"That was a little bit…ridiculous, wasn’t it?" Changbin said, biting his lip and looking at his belly. Seungmin couldn’t help himself and placed his hand over Changbin’s, which was resting on his stomach.
"This. Will never be ridiculous. I love it as much as…I…like you…" he said, feeling his heart race, and Changbin smiled.
"So, that’s why you were so excited for today!" Changbin said, starting to tease him back, and Seungmin blushed.
"At least I can still get out of the pool by myself," Seungmin said, crossing his arms and looking away.
"Good thing I have you by my side now…maybe I’ll need you more often…" Seungmin blushed and leaned closer to Changbin’s face, just a few inches away.
"Bin…if I’m by your side…you’ll need help much more often…because there’s no way I could say goodbye to that belly…"
"Help him make it bigger then…" Seungmin looked at Changbin with a bold look and finished by teasing him one last time.
"Jisung was definitely right…next time…eight people won’t be enough…"
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quokkahans · 1 month
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quokkahans · 2 months
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okay ik hyunjin was probably hungry as fuck but this is giving me ideas…
so obviously hyunjin and changbin have been living together for a bit. they’ve started calling each other “wife” endearingly, keep that in mind. hyunjin—who craves certain foods but follows a diet that keeps him from indulging in the foods he wants to as often—instead of ordering them for himself, learns how to cook them or orders his craving foods for changbin to eat instead. since he can’t enjoy them, he takes pleasure in watching changin enjoy them and hearing what he has to say.
i can picture changbin just standing in the kitchen and eating something hyunjin ordered for him to try, biting his lips, his cheeks rounded from each bite. meanwhile hyunjin just comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, maybe even slips his cool hands under changbin’s shirt to palm at his belly while asking him if hes enjoying the food.
hyunjin has a slight obsession with changbin’s tummy and him eating well, so this means changbin is definitely falling victim to some newly-moved-in-together/relationship weight. hyunjin doesnt mind though, especially since hes got a bigger teddy bear to cuddle during fall and winter 😈🤭
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quokkahans · 2 months
To my twin (@jaethecreator)...
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HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you ate well and had a blast <3 To more fic ideas and fanboying moments over our Binnie, i luv luv luv u so dearly twin :3
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quokkahans · 2 months
hunterrrr 🥺
i must hunterpost
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i barely recall the first time seeing his face but i remember the first time we met! i remember being faded before ateez, alone and excited. i didn't realize most kpop shows didn't have openers. that ateez were the predecessors of this new group. i didn't know a single thing about this industry. but i remember the group, i remember their stage presence, and i remember them telling us their names. i didn't follow until hunter. and it caught me off guard. hunter. an american sounding name in the middle of a lot of unfamiliar ones! so i remembered him, i took notice of him immediately! and here we are over a year later since xikers debuted. and hunter is still my bias (well, one of them!) and everyday i grow to love him a little more! i know his future is blindingly bright <3
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