RAMADAN Wishes Status
A good word is like a beautiful tree whose root is firm and whose summit is in the sky.
Wishing God always bless your family with a smile, happiness and friendliness! Ramadan Mubarak
A sincere and warm Ramzan wish for your near and dear ones. Happy Ramadan
May this Ramadan bring the happiest and brightest elite and love you have always wished for.
The Noor may this month blessed to illuminate your heart, mind, and soul and may your prayers be all answered.
All humanity is nothing but one
May Allah give you peace, serenity, tranquility and health in this holy month of Ramadan with his blessing and happiness.
May you always be blessed with the love and protection of Allah. I wish you a good Ramadan
Make a sacrifice this Ramadan, and God will listen to your prayers with the greatest attention.
Fear God, and he will give you knowledge
Allah is with the stakes.
May Ramadan bring you peace and prosperity, health and wealth, and brighten your life forever.
Ramadan is coming to take a shower blessings of Allah on you. May you get benefits every hour of this holy month of Ramadan! Ramadan Mubarak
Walk humbly Speak politely clean attire Treat kindly Pray carefully Give generously May Allah bless and protect all you
I wish you a blessed month of happy Ramadan
He deserves Paradise that makes his companions laugh.
May you always in loving hands Allah SWT a. Ramadan Mubarak
May Allah shower on you his blessings during this Ramadan and always .
May the light we celebrate during Ramadan show us the way and lead us together on the path of social harmony and peace ..
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Depression status
Some days, I do not have the strength to pretend I'm ok ... Today would be one of these days. So excuse my tears.
Every day, when I wake up, I wonder - today is the day I decided to give up and give up?
Do not have the words to describe what's on my mind ...
As I sit here and look down at the scars. I look up and scream at the stars. Why do I have to wear a soaked tear shirt. Why should I go through all this trouble.
Will be ok, but it's not!
My heart keeps breaking.
Honestly, I'm tired of pretending, I'll do as you wish, leave you alone. But one day, while my time is up, maybe then you will understand how much you hurt me.
Lord bless me to see the final picture, you first painted for my life, for me to be as beautiful as you do me and not to let the horrible sin of breaking me.
I have never forgotten someone as much as I'm missing you right now
Sometimes people tell you to continue holding. But what happens when there is nothing to cling to?
Why do you need a hundred compliments to build and only a bad remark to make you fall?
"Sigh:" I will not even bother ...
please stop telling me that you love me the words that tore my heart
Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants to feel the pain, but you will never see a rainbow, until after the rain.
wonders why everything looks so good then you stop and think of one thing and you want to cry
You know that you need help when you cry your car to sleep and wake up and start crying all over again because you fear what will happen later in the day.
Do not hate yourself when your partner is in trouble and it's your fault, after falling like shit
Depression is the inability to build a future
Why do you need a hundred compliments to build and only a bad remark to make you fall?
"Sigh:" I will not even bother ...
please stop telling me that you love me the words that tore my heart
Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants to feel the pain, but you will never see a rainbow, until after the rain.
wonders why everything looks so good then you stop and think of one thing and you want to cry
You know that you need help when you cry your car to sleep and wake up and start crying all over again because you fear what will happen later in the day.
Do not hate yourself when your partner is in trouble and it's your fault, after falling like shit
Depression is the inability to build a future
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Marriage wishes status
Do not smother the other. Nobody can grow in the shade
A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendship, all the pleasure of the senses and of reason, and in fact all the sweets of life.
What do you call a group of people where two people think of love and all others think of food? ........ MARRIAGE
A wedding is like a funeral, except that you get to smell your own flowers.
We are, each of us, angels with one wing, and we can only fly kissing.
Marriage is not only a spiritual communion, it is also forgetting to take out the trash.
A successful marriage requires falling in love several times, always with the same person.
In the overall wedding cake, hope is the sweetest plum.
The wedding is like a hot bath. Once you get used to it, it's not so hot
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a wink and whose end is eternity.
In wishing you the joy and happiness you both deserve, be sure to apoapo kiss every night before going to bed.
We wish you all the love and happiness in the world and congratulations on your wedding.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the most beautiful day of your past.
May you be as rich in life as you are in love.
The day when we say that I will be the happiest day of my life
Watch your wedding video upside down You'll love the part where you walk down the car's easyout and fuck you with your friends
Can there be a generation of children, on the children of your children.
My wedding is on the rocks again yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend.
Wishing you the best of life today and in the days to come ..
Remember the apoapo love that you feel today. Look back on it every day and measure how much he grew up.
Let chance and understanding stay with you forever! Happy wedding day!
I wish you eyes full of joy and long and interesting life together! Be happy!
I wish you to live in peace and in perfect union at least until your Golden Jubilee!
Love each other and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.
I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you half of the most beautiful things in the world. The other half, I leave you for me.
May love express you to each other today, always the first thoughts during difficult times in the future.
My advice for you is to get married: if you find a good wife, you will be happy, otherwise you will become a philosopher.
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Friendship status
A friend is someone who is there for you when he prefers to be somewhere else.
A strong friendship does not need daily conversation, does not always need to be together, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never separate me ...
Friendship is not about which you have known the longest is who came, and never left your side.
A true friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world goes away.
What is a friend? He is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.
A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you in your back.
Be slow to fall in friendship, but when you are in, continue steady and steady.
Sometimes people build walls not to hinder others in their lives, but to see who cares enough to break the wall.
True friends look at you without judgment, in their eyes they know that you have made mistakes, but they agree to be human and help you right wrongs.
All friendship does not change in love, but love begins with friendship.
Friends in life are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they bend over you. Sometimes it's just enough to know they're ready to intervene.
Be very careful, a friendship that has lasted for years can be completely changed in an instant and never be the same.
It's funny how some so-called friends forget that you exist all of a sudden, but think you'll be there for them when they need you
A friend with weeds is always a friend.A star has 5 ends, a square has 4 ends, a triangle has 3 ends, a line has 2 ends, a life has 1 end, but our friendship has no end.
Relationship of friendship is rasp then the blood relationship.
Friendship often ends in love, but the apoapo love in friendship NEVER
The recipe for friendship: 1 cup of sharing. 2 cups of benevolence. 3 cups of forgiveness and hugs. Mix all these elements together to make friends 4ever.
Do not make friends before understanding and do not break the friendship after misunderstanding!
Do not walk in front of me, I can not follow, do not walk behind me, I can not drive, walk beside me, and just be my friend.
Never fall in love with your best friend because there is no being friends when it does not work out.
True friendship is like good health, the value of it is rarely known until it is lost.
It took days and days for us to become this close and weeks to build trust, but it did not take a second to ruin our friendship.
You are a perfect example of why friendships do not last forever.
Just because a friend is not blood related, does not mean he can not be your sister ..
When you wonder if they're worth it, if they were still worth it. Remember all the memories you have with them. He can save you or break u
every day I put a fake smile on my face the thought of today will be the day that everything will be fine, but in the end everything comes crashing
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Romantic status those who are in love
CLICK HERE >> Best love status for whatsapp in english
I do not want to be everything to everyone, but I would like to have something to someone.
Listen to my little heart. He always says your name with every beat.
They say that Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, but it's obvious they've never been in your arms.
The spaces between the fingers are supposed to be filled with mine.
It would be a waste of dreams if you were not in it.
One day, when the pages of my end of life, I know you will be one of his finest chapters.
I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go.
Hold me tight, Kiss me longer, Love me harder and I'll be yours forever.
If I had my life to live again, I would like you to find it early so that I love you more.
I really hate my heart because it lives in me, but only beats for you.
Age does not protect us from love, but love to some degree protects us from age.
I can live without friends, all the family and all the money, but I can not live without you.
I universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people and my heart still tell me it's you alone.
When I tell you I love you I do not say it out of habit or to start a conversation, I say it is to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.
The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves.
Every day I ask myself the question, how is it possible to love someone as much as I love you? When I look in your eyes all my questions are answered.
The only day I will stop loving him is when the earth is still standing.
To love you is like breathing. How can I stop it?
Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world. You find the first.
I could conquer the world with one hand as long as you hold each other.
I do not want to lose that feeling. If I could choose a place to die, it would be in your arms.
Someone asked me, How's life? I just smiled and replied: She's fine. :)
When I miss you, I do not have to go far. I just look in my heart because that's where I'll find you.
Let me love you, if not for the rest of your life, for the rest of mine.
Life becomes romantic when someone starts to look silently, but life becomes more romantic when somone begin to read those eyes.
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