quotesnwords · 7 years
If the Greeks knew despair, they always did so through beauty.
Albert Camus (via quotemadness)
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quotesnwords · 7 years
When the time comes to leave, just walk away quietly and don’t make any fuss.
Banksy (via quotemadness)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
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31/06/2016 [I’ve given up with 100 days of productivity 🙃] I can’t seem to concentrate or get myself motivated at all. I spent all morning sat at my desk stressing and researching an idea I had but I can’t find a way to do it and now I’m just frustrated. Whenever I do any work, it just feels so fucking redundant and when I attempted a past paper it made me feel completely hopeless. I thought this summer I would be able to redeem myself and get out of this dip, but instead I’m in my room at 2:33pm still in my pyjamas giving an illusion of doing work to my family by putting shit everywhere. I can’t think and I just want to be able to do something. My mind is concentrating on too many things at once - things that I can’t solve. Ideas that are so fucking dumb and just sjgishsjwbdoshzjhwhe pls send help and like 7372947822 study motivators who will study with me and like restore my will to live thx
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quotesnwords · 8 years
The best kind of humans are the ones who stay.
R. M. Drake (via difficult)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
All I do when we’re apart is think about you, and all I do when we’re together is panic. Because every second feels so important. And because I’m so out of control, I can’t help myself. I’m not even mine anymore, I’m yours, and if you decide that you don’t want me? How could you want me like I want you?
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park (via theliteraryjournals)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Nothing in the world smells as good as the person you love.
Unknown (via toinfinityandswann)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Better get your kids vaccinated so they don't catch
these hands
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quotesnwords · 8 years
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Me currently
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quotesnwords · 8 years
i want that really cliché friend group who takes long drives together and takes pictures of each other when they’re not looking and goes on random picnics and visits museum together fuck i want it so bad where y’all at
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quotesnwords · 8 years
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“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let them live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”   ~ Carl Sagan, Cosmos
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quotesnwords · 8 years
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We’re here for you. You’re here for each other.
Creatr Lala Vicencio (@lalavicencio) is helping us celebrate one year of PIF by Posting it Forward.  
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Be good to people even when they don’t deserve it. How they act, reflects who they are but how you react, reflects who you are.
stuff that took me a while to understand #1 (via pressing)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
You need to stop doing things for someone when you find out it’s expected rather than appreciated.
stuff that took me a while to understand. #3 (via pressing)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you.
stuff that took me a while to understand. #3 (via pressing)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Getting no message is also a message.
stuff that took me a while to understand #1 (via ueberwiegend-desinteressiert)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
Marry someone who lets you drink their juice, even after you said you weren’t thirsty. Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do. Marry someone who kisses your nose on a cold day. Marry someone who you can watch Disney movies all day with. Marry someone who is proud of you whether you earn £5 a week or £5,000 a week. Marry someone who you can tell everything to. Marry someone who isn’t afraid or embarrassed to hold your hand in public. Marry someone who lets you take over when decorating a cake. Marry someone who you can spend the day in Ikea with without feeling stressed. Marry someone who wraps you up inside their coat in the winter. Marry someone who accepts your fears and phobias. Marry someone who gives you butterflies every time you hear their key in the door. Marry someone who you don’t always have to shave your legs for. Marry someone who accepts you all day every day, even when you don’t look or feel your best. Marry someone who still puts three sugars in your tea, despite telling them “just two”. Marry someone who doesn’t judge you when you eat your body weight in cookies. Marry someone who doesn’t make you want to check your phone, because you already know they will reply. Marry someone who waits with you to get on the train. Marry someone who understands that you need to be alone sometimes. Marry someone who gets on well with your parents and isn’t uptight about family events. Marry someone who calms you down when you get mad about stupid stuff, and never tells you it’s “only stupid stuff”. Marry someone who makes you want to be a better person. Marry someone who makes you laugh. Marry someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Marry someone who you love. Marry your soulmate, your lover, your best friend.
(via perrfectly)
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quotesnwords · 8 years
You don’t get to die without my permission. That’s not a promise; that’s a threat.
Tyo’li Tayuun (via kreepykeeper)
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