Just so you know! I'm moving blogs. I'm tired of juggling blogs and want to explore other muses so I've made an Akatsuki multimuse! It's still under construction and only a few members but maybe if I feel comfortable, I'll try out the others. I'll be moving all activity over there and adding mutuals.
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Ok, so. I have neglected this blog for long enough and have decided to start over. I'm not making a new blog but since most if not all threads are dead, I'm going to start fresh. If you're interested in starting a new plot or scavenging an old plot, please message me! Please.
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It was mild to say that Shisui disliked the way this Itachi boy was looking at him. Like an intruder a stranger who wanted to infiltrate into his home…what in the name of? Was he taking him as a common thief? He would not be this wanted as a carpenter if customers didn’t trust him or his workers. Yet this one looks at him that way briefly before he looks away again. Why is he unable to maintain eye contact.
It irked Shisui that for the moment it sure stopped that nagging nostalgic feeling, but those eyes he met again before they fast look away, just like that feeling is back again stronger bubbling inside Shisui’s chest. Was he one of those rich people fearing that they will get robbed by the working class disgusting? Yet his brain may think that but in his heart still that ache when ever he would look upon Itachi
“I will pack my toolbox, and we can go at once” Shisui got ready quite quickly, the car was already parked outside and the last thing he did was call Kagami to tell him that he will be absent an hour or two hours top. “You do realize that I can just measure the damage and determine which wood I need for repairs that I can’t repair now?”
The silence between the two would be way too awkward if it was not for the rumbling car engine and the blessings of the short distance, between Shisu’s and Itachi’s house. Now Shisui was very eager to get to work almost as if he had an itch that needed so desperately to be scratched
Silently he follows Itachi looking around before he spots the cat, Does this stick in the mud has a cat? Before asking for permission or consent he crouched down to touch the cat, fingers running through soft fur…..
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Before he could take a cat into his arms little soft paws touched Shisui’s cheeks as the cat propped itself to rub its nose, cold and wet against Shisui’s right side of the head. Over his eye that troubled him so, it could feel his distress but his doctors had no solution. He closes eyes and sighs, taking cat in his arms, his eyes flutter open looking at Itachi.
“What? Was I not allowed to touch your cat? I…I am sorry if that is the problem I will put the cat down” Shisui felt embarrassed.
Oh, so he’d have to come back for the improvements. Brilliant. Itachi did not communicate this disappointment but it must’ve been obvious by his expression as Shisui glowered at him. It was safe to say that the Uchiha reckoned the carpenter did not like that from first impressions. Why? He wasn’t quite sure nor why the thought of this stranger disliking him depressed him so. Never before did he care so why now?
Once in Shisui’s car, the tension betwixt them worsened. It must be the most awkward car ride of Itachi’s life and it took every ounce within himself not to switch on the radio to muffle it. Only once did either speak and it was Itachi in order to deliver instructions to his flat.
Itachi must say, inviting a stranger, handyman or otherwise, was very uncomfortable for the Uchiha. Back in London, doing such a thing, professional or not, opened one up to robbery or worse. His family had been victim to such petty crimes so he his hesitation had cause. Now, Japan was much different--quieter, safer--so it would take a long awhile for him to feel at ease. Cultural shock, if you will.
Upon opening his door, Jelly Bean came sprinting to greet him like she did everyday. However, at seeing the stranger with her owner caused the feline pause. She did not do well with any person outside family so Itachi expected her to turn tail and flee into the dark depths of his bed until Shisui. But, she didn’t. In fact, she happily followed along as Itachi led Shisui into his sitting room to see the table.
As he turned to speak to the carpenter, to his awe, Jelly Bean had not only let Shisui pick her up but was purring while the man nuzzled his face into her belly, looking pleased with her new friend. Itachi must’ve looked like a fool with his mouth agape staring at the lot once Shisui saw him. He snapped his mouth shut with the force of a beartrap.
“N-No! It is quite alright! I’m just surprised is all. Jelly Bean has never liked strangers so the fact she has taking a shine to you is...” He trailed off, clearing his throat. There was a odd twisting in his belly and he was unsure be it anxiety or something else. “A-Anyway, here is the table. Would you like a cup of tea?”
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Shisui looks at Itachi and his eyes are stunned, his heart is thrilled in a sense he never felt, and his eyes are too eager to look into those black eyes almost the same as his own. But Itachi looks away and it is for the best, Shisui is aware that he is a stranger a customer. That he has nothing to do with strange events in his own life.
This job molding and cutting the wood was the only thing he ever wanted to do, a private studio, the exhibitions–he never hoped to be this popular to have this many orders….. Shisui looked at those two black eyes, again while the other explained that he has no way to transport the table. That look Shisui saw..somewhere, it echoed within him like a distant memory.
Foolishly he almost said ‘Who are you?’
Instead, he ignored the ache on the right side of his head, Instead, he got out his sketches. “So if you have no car to transport your table, I can drive you back to your home and have a look at it, or you can look over these table legs and tell me which one you want. Mesure it when you get home and text me measurements. Also, tell me which type of wood you want”
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“There is also another solution we can wait for Kakashi to come back with the delivery truck-” Shisui turn his arm to look upon his wrist where rested smartwatch–“He should be here in some 45 minutes, if you have time I can out some coffee or tea?”
But the familiarity of that face was disturbing. Shisui knew he saw him or was it a nightmare? What is this? Who is this man? The anxiety pressed against Shisui’s chest. Will he accept to come up in the house and wait or shall he refuse and come some other day? Shisui looks away wrapping back his prints. He sketched everything himself, and he spent hours working on his ideas, sometimes even falling asleep at the desk. Only to wake up by the gentle hand of his father, Kagami.
The distant throbbing in his right eye continues and he just puts his palm over it. “Sorry” He rubs it a bit to ease the muscle.
Measure? Wood? Itachi was humbled to say he not how to do either of those things. He didn’t want to send this Shisui person the incorrect information and have the table come out wrong nor would he understand what he was looking at through examples. He wasn’t a carpenter, afterall. Why spend the money if it wasn’t perfect?
The alternatives he did not favour either as it meant spending near an hour with a stranger or letting said stranger into his home. Though, either way he’d be doing the latter if he waited for the delivery driver. It’d be more cost and time effective to just let Shisui come with him to his home. It was only a three block transit.
“In that case, I think it best we both go back to my home so you may look at the table in person. I know not thing one on how to take measurements nor the wood. I do not want to waste your time nor my money if I got something incorrect,“ He said sheepishly, looking to Shisui only to immediately glance away.
He could not understand why it was he could not look at this man. It was as if his eyes refused. And yet, drawn to him as sense of fellowship tugged at his memories. Perhaps an old schoolmate? No, he thought not. Itachi had lived and was schooled exclusively within his home nation of England and this man was not English. It had to be something else, yet what? Was he on television? In the paper? There had to be something there which explained this nostalgic gnawing.
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“Moondust in your lungs,
Stars in your eyes,
Fire in your heart,
You are the child of the sky….” chanted a female voice somewhere in the darkness. A small, dark, swirling shape– rests upon….Shisui feels heavy. His wail of torment and hate and despair echoes in empty space as its shadowy form swirls wildly, he clutches his own face until he draws blood. A spot close to his heart still holds some light–flickering and fading. That dream was a torment that started after his eighteen birthday…
All his life Shisui was searching for something. Something was missing. He could feel it deep down. Something or someone? Sometimes he could not sleep because of it. For the last five years, this man was searching, looking, and traveling. In the end, he found his home in Kyoto. Here he found himself working as a carpenter. He could be commissioned for custom work or contacted through his working place. He had his own small workshop connected to his house. His work could be easily recognized. He didn’t sing his name on his wood pieces no. He would brand wood with his small leaf-like emblem. Fate? Did his mind or soul? deep down knew part of the truth? Was he aware? No, it’s impossible – no soul can ever remember its previous life. His carpenter’s rough fingers touched the leaf sigil.
A bell chimed and distracted pulled back Shisui to reality. Shisui looked at those two black eyes. That feeling…was tenfold stronger now. Tidy not too simple and yet not too attacking dressed, his neck was decorated with the silver ringed necklace. Long bony fingers clasped his own bigger, scratches he has cat probably Shisui thought saying nothing to the stranger.
“A kotatsu you say? You don’t want new but your old repaired?” Shisui questioned thrilled to get a new commission or repairment, this man was not native at least he didn’t sound like it, his heavy English accent could not be denied.
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The prepared drawing and explanation showed that his man was neat and intelligent, organized 100%. “In any case, I need to see the table you mister Uchiha need to bring it here for a diagnosis”
Upon introduction of one Shisui--a man of dark lashes and darker, luscious curls, Itachi was overcome with nostalgia. And yet, never had he spied this man until this very moment. His own website hadn’t even had photographs of him from which Itachi could’ve manufactured memories from. It left him anxious and he could not look in those black eyes as instead he stared at an invisible point at the wall in the background. Though, social situations in general got him like this. He was not a social man outside his own family and coworkers. Sasuke once said he had the social skills of a potato and Itachi could think of no better comparison.
To his credit, this man--Shisui oozed politeness which pacified his nerves a little. He also spoke English, much to the Uchiha’s relief. Itachi was quadlingual in Japanese, learning the language in three month span upon news of his transfer. However, his posh accent had a knack for leaking into his speech which led him to being a wee self-conscious. Though he had yet to be criticized for it. In fact, his female coworkers thought it “cute”.
Itachi was meticulous to a tee so before leaving, not only had he taken snapshots of each and every angle of the table but also drabbled down an illustration. Now, he was by far no artist like his friend, Deidara, but he reckoned it not to be half-bad. Mayhaps was it excess? Yes. But Itachi lived by the saying, "I'd rather be prepared for nothing, than unprepared for something".
“Bring it?” Itachi asked, making sure he had heard that correctly. He hadn’t an idea how he was to do that. He wasn’t exactly a strongman who could carry it the three mile walk here and he did not own a vehicle. Neither did he have anyone which could assist as all his immediate family was back in London and what little friends he had were in no better shape than he himself. “D-Do you happen to have a moving service, perhaps? I do not think I can manage it myself nor do I have help to get it the three miles here. I also do not own an automobile. I’ll pay whatever fee you have for it.” He had the money and he would even tip generously. Very generously.
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In My Restless Dreams || @shisui-uchiha-anon
A bell chimed out upon entry of the workshop. It was as Itachi saw on the website: moderate, folksy yet professional; fragrant of wood pulp and alcoholic paint thinner. Though, the exhibition was not why he came here today, oh no. It all began with a table—or a kotatsu table, to be exact.
It had been gifted to him from his employer upon his relocation from London to Kyoto. Well, being the klutz he was, Itachi had succeeded in stumbling over his cat, Jelly Bean, and fallen straight onto the table, cracking a leg. Now, any other person would’ve just purchased a new one. However, this kotatsu was very, very expensive, even for Itachi and his salary. So, he did the next thing and went online in search of a carpenter to fix it for a penny than a pound.
There were a dozen woodworkers in his area and did his due diligence to research each one. After hours of looking, he ended on one—Shisui, his name was Shisui. Yes, the reviews were positive and handiwork superb but that wasn’t why Itachi picked him; it was how this man signed his creations. It was a leaf, just a leaf and yet…Itachi had seen it before. Where? When? Unknown. But it drew him in like a moth to the flame which was what led to him walking into the studio today with photos in hand so he may ask this Shisui gentlemen if he could repair his kotatsu.
Though, there was this needling at the back of his head that implied his presence here meant something else...something more.
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Tiny Needle Felted Chicken // smallcdesigns
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[ Pouts and makes Spider Number 1501. ]
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"Art is never excessive, hmph."
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“You can just call me Sakura, if you like. But either of those also work.” She let out a small laugh, “Jeez, Sasuke and Naruto both have my schedule down to a science. You can also request me if I’m not working up front. I know you’ve been having some issues with the other doctors. If I catch anyone giving you trouble, I’ll give them a good knock in the head. You should be able to trust and feel comfortable with your doctor.”
Sakura gently put her hand over his wound, her hand glowing green as she healed it. It was a fairly minor injury, didn’t take much chakra to heal it shut, and flush out the starting infection.
“Mostly busy with work. Being head of the medical department, my job is literally never done. Aw, I’m sure you’ll end up with a sister-in-law much cooler than me. I love Sasuke, but he’s the world’s worst cuddle buddy. Getting him to sit still for an extended period of time is impossible. Need someone that doesn’t mind my need to just be lazy. Work just takes it out of me some days.” She shook her head, letting go of his hand. Now injury free.
“He better gush about it, do you know how many times I’ve healed him from training injuries? He’s such a dummy. Him and Naruto both.” She smiled fondly as she spoke of them.
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“Oh yes, Sakura,” Itachi could not help himself with the honourfics. It was how he was nurtured. Everyone was either a “sir” or “ma’am/madam”, even his own parents. It was as Father liked. It had taken Shisui years to break Itachi of the habit when it was just the two of them. Though, Sasuke did not have the same discipline as the younger Uchiha was babied by all.
“I can imagine. Never could I be in your position. Not only because I have no medical experience, but also because I once did everything too. I much favour doing nothing now, though not by choice,” He had been “influenced” into retirement--and by that, having your chakra sealed so it was impossible to be a shinobi ever again as you were judged to be a threat to humanity.
“Unfortunately, it does not look that way. After your relationship with him failed, Sasuke has buried himself in his duties so no dating to be had. I’ve tried speaking to him about it--about overworking himself, that is--but he had dismissed it as his civil duty. Such a mindset is poisonous and will lead to a burnout.” He sighed. To see his brother following his footsteps was depressing for Itachi. All he wanted for Sasuke was to be a happy, carefree child, not this--not like him.
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Reblog if you RP using Discord
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Itachi’s name came a bit of a surprise when she picked up the clipboard for her next case. Sundays were pretty slow, which she appreciated. Gave her more time to be more one on one with her patients and their needs. “Ah, Itachi, that’s a face I haven’t seen around in a while.” She greeted him upon entering the room, holding his medical chart in hand. She shut the door behind her and set the paperwork on the desk, “No need to be embarrassed. Trust me, I’ve dealt with far more embarrassing cases than chicken bites. Oh, you don’t have to explain, it was all on your medical chart. I wanted to make sure I knew how to handle your case. Now let’s have a look at that bite.” She was so gentle when she took his hand, and un-bandaged it slowly. Then set the bandages to the side so she could examine the wound, “Hm, it does look a bit inflamed, but I think we caught it before it became a full blown infection. I can heal this up easy! But I might have you take some antibiotics for a week, just to be safe. Don’t want to see you hospitalized over a frightened chicken.”
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Yes. To imagine: Uchiha Itachi, butcher of the Uchiha clan, being off by a chicken? Just the humourous thought of it caused Itachi to chuckle. "Thank you, ever so much, Ms. Haruno. Oh, I beg your pardon--Dr. Haruno here, is it? I was hesitant to see a professional over such a rubbish injury but Sasuke said you'd be on schedule for today and I trust none other than you,"
That, and truth was that Itachi had not exactly been treating well by other doctors. Despite being acquitted of the massacre by the Hokage himself, it did little to change the opinion of him in the eyes of Konoha. That, sadly, extended to the medical professionals which oversaw his health. So, he did not go to one lest his life count on it. Like the case of an infected chicken nibble.
"How are you as of late? I have not had the pleasure of speaking to you since--well, the parting of you and my brother. A shame, that. I would've much liked having you as my sister-in-law. But, it has done nothing to damper your image to Sasuke. He still gushes of your skill in the medical field."
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Reblog this if you’re a chill roleplayer who doesn’t mind if your rp partners take multiple weeks, or even months to reply.
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Please like/reblog this if you're willing to roleplay with villain characters without acting like the mun is a terrible person.
I writing evil or nearly evil characters more fun than writing good guys. I’m sick of feeling like people are going to judge me for my characters. I have a right to rp what I want and explain my characters actions, but not try to justify them. Because I know why a character acts a certain way doesn’t mean I think they are excused. The world isn’t black and white.
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Indie Next Gen Uchiha Itachi Roleplay/Ask Blog | Canon-Divergant | Multiship | 18+ |
Guidelines || Verses
Deidara Muse: @gunpowdergelatine-katsu​
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Self-explanatory. Takes place during Shippuden and can either be canon or AU.
The Raven (Post War/Blank Period/Boruto)
After the Edo Tensei, Itachi disappears to avoid seizure by the Nations and masks his identity. Instead, christened “The Raven” by citizens due to this dark, mysterious existence. As atonement of his sins, he becomes a vigilante, eliminating those which threaten peace and the innocent.
Retirement (Post War/Blank Period/Boruto)
In which Uchiha Itachi is rehabilitated by Konoha. He is then released into the custody of his brother where the eldest Uchiha divides his time between his chicken farm and his newfound family.
Road to Ninja
Akatsuki are hired mercenaries instead of criminals employed by Tsunade with Uchiha Itachi as leader.
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MATURE CONTENT (18+ Only): Blood, Gore, Violence, Sexual Content, Etc. I DO NOT Smut: -Incest -Underage -Fetishes -Porn Without Plot
I DO NOT Ship: -Uchihacest -Underage
Length: Novella, Multi, Para. One-liners are for Banter ONLY.
Discussion Required. All Genres Welcomed. No Godmoding, No Drama, No Character Killing or Character Controlling.
Ask Guidelines:
- NSFW questions allowed.
- No controversial questions i.e. RL politics, personal opinions, etc. Keep it IC. please.
(to be expanded upon)
Discord: gunpowder&gelatine#2675
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