quvinces-blog · 6 years
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        “ you’re too nice. “  monty replied with a shake of his head.  “ they’ve got books for a reason. quality quidditch supplies has got a whole section dedicated on how to’s for the sport. if someone asks me how quidditch goes, that’s where i’m directing them … before or after i tell ‘em to piss off, depends how i feel that day. “  he smirked.  “ i bet they were muggleborn. no self respecting wix would let their kid grow up not knowing about quidditch. “  he sneered slightly.  he’d had a toy broom at an early age;  barely walking, he’d zoomed low around the grounds outside the sayre estate with his older sisters chasing him around. it was hard to imagine others not flying or being exposed to the most popular wizarding sport around until they were into their adulthood. with a wave of his hand, the wizard lit a cigarette and took a drag from it.  while he was no savant when it came to wandless magic, he had mastered the art of lighting his own cigarettes … more out of laziness than sheer necessity.  “ i had a teammate ask why we call bludgers by their name  the other day. “  he remarked with a  shake of his head.  “ s’bit obvious, isn’t it ?  if you’re not paying attention they’ll bludgeon you to death.  he’s a few sickles short of a galleon, that one. “
「 ✨ monty has used a wizarding idiom  」 「 ✨ monty has practiced beginners wandless magic  」 「 ✨ monty has mentioned a canon object x10  」 
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there’s a shrug of quincy’s shoulders, admittedly? it hadn’t been the first time he had heard that. “so everyone says..” it’s more so said with furrowed eyebrows, partially because the half-veela wasn’t sure still if that was a good thing or a bad thing. laughter sounded from him as he shook his head. “i mean fair enough, i don’t think anyone would blame you! i know i wouldn’t. it’s still so hard to believe there’s people who don’t know about quidditch.” it wasn’t meant in a mean way, as him and his sister had played quidditch growing up-- as well as cousins from the valentine side of the family. but he also understood not everyone may have had an interest in it too. “oh, merlin.” laughter sounding from him again, not even because it was funny but because monty was cracking him up because of how honest. he wasn’t used to being around people who were honest. “i honestly don’t think that’s far from the truth.. i reckon that it could do just that. perhaps that’s how they got their name. no wonder people are afraid of bludgers.”
「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x1.  ] 「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object x2 ]   
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
「  @scyre liked for a starter. 」
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“i don’t know, i pretty recently had someone recognize me from my team-- and then wanted me to explain how quidditch works. i guess, because it was too confusing or something along those lines? i had to take cadogan’s pony, on that one and thank merlin for me being able to do that. i completely get it though, especially for someone who doesn’t understand it. it’d honestly probably be rather confusing to watch or have any clue what’s going on.”
「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x2.  」
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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“      it’s okay,  quincy.  i know you didn’t mean to.      ”      she gave him a reassuring smile.  when it came to things like apparation or flooing,  it was sometimes easy to miss.  it’s not like she could always listen in for the floo network to go off or the distinct  pop  of apparation.      “      well you can tell me all about it over some drinks  ?  i reckon we can head over to belladonna’s.  i doubt there will be that many people at this time.  some elf-made wine,  perhaps  ?      ”
「 ✨  alison has mentioned a canon object x4 」
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it’s a very real sigh of relief that falls from his lips. alison’s words making him feel better, and not nearly as bad as he had moments prior. that of a brighter smile spreads across his features. “of course! i would never. that’d be really horrible of me.” considering he knew not very many people actually liked being scared. and merlin’s beard he just couldn’t blame them for that either ! “sounds brilliant! been quite awhile since i’ve last gone to belladonna’s. for sure, who can say no to elf-made wine? and i’m so hungry i could eat a hippogriff too.” but when wasn’t he? now that was the real question.
「 ✨  quincy has mentioned a canon object x2 」 「 ✨  quincy has used a wizarding idiom x3 」
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
「 @ambrses liked for a starter. 」
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“holy hippogriffs! i never even thought of that.”
「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x1. 」
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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delaney was the happiest witch ever as she held a lavender colored bag against the ample of her chest; a happy purchase from madam malkin’s shop, the indigo fabric with silver robe she has been eyeing for almost five weeks now finally hers to own and wear whenever she wants to ! the former ravenclaw was so happy, so happy she whispered a “ thank you merlin and your robes for allowing me to finally buy this baby. ” before she gave the worker the necessary galleons on their palm. delaney was ecstatic and nothing could bring her mood down anymore, the skip in her step as content as it has always been since she was a little kid.  the blonde was looking through madam primpernelle’s beautifying potions window when a bonjour caught her attention. a bonjour from a very familiar wizard. delaney almost panicked right there on her spot, doe hazel eyes looking everywhere but to quincy’s direction as if she was looking for the source of the voice, but eventually got over it with a deep sigh. delaney was a mature witch now ! “ bonjour ! ” the blonde greeted with a wave of her hand, her french accent as perfect, as if she has never left her hometown paris. “ it’s rich to see ya’ here, quincy. what are you doing ? ” 「 ✨ delaney has bought a robe. 」 「 ✨ delaney has used a wizarding idiom. 」  「 ✨ delaney has mentioned a canon object. x7 」 
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quincy unsure that if anyone else enjoyed window shopping or not, but he did-- browsing around and just looking to see if anything interested him. or made one want to stop. the whole seeing if anything was new as well, or if anything just simply caught your eye. that’s what window shopping was about, wasn’t it? he even thought about stopping by quality quidditch supplies-- to see if anything new was in stock. not that he needed anything; his broom was in good shape still, and so was the rest of his supplies. and then the one reason he for one always stopped by had been about florean’s, and no melt ice cream or in particular their apple crumble flavor, and sticky toffee pudding. which said it all, one of the best reasons to pop by diagon alley. no other ice cream was nearly as good! but nevertheless he was sure he’d figure out where he was headed soon enough! or at least he hoped so, time is galleons after all.
“nice to see you too.” the half-veela says with a wide smile, a mixture of friendly and the regular big smile that was always written across his features. “window shopping. i had some free time, and thought why not? plus it’s a pretty decent day today. it’d be quite the shame to spend it all indoors.” which is met with a laugh that almost resembled the sound of a melody, always easy on the ears to listen to. “what brings you here? if that’s alright to ask.”
「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object. x5」  「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x1  」 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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   walking down the streets in the wizarding village of hogsmeade felt like a flash from the past – like tumbling into a pensieve of someone else’s memories.  it felt real, but you weren’t all that convinced that you were actually experiencing it yourself.  that’s how alaric rowle felt as he walked, hands shoved into the pockets of his shabby robes.  though they’d once been immaculately pressed with a hogwarts emblem on the breast pocket, they were now faded and worn;  if you looked closely at the elbows, you could see the threads deteriorating.  even mending spells weren’t enough to save the robes he’d once worn – merlin, at least a decade prior, when he’d been a slytherin. it was hard to think that just months previous he’d been a professor at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  it felt like he’d lived an entire lifetime between then and now.  
      though it was cold, rowle didn’t feel the chill as he ventured from shop to shop.  when you’d spent any amount of time in azakaban prison, you started to feel as if you might  never experience warmth again.  at night when he closed his eyes, he could see feel the presence of the dementors; how they sucked anything good and pleasant from the air, the sounds they made as they patrolled past the cells in the prison.  even the sounds of his father snoring from the next cell over hadn’t been enough to ease his suffering.  every moment he’d spent behind bars was a moment he’d come to APPRECIATE what it meant to be free.  now, on the outside, he knew for certain he didn’t want to go back.
      with only a few galleons to his name, rowle knew that he was going to need to be frugal. that is, until he started getting paid for driving the knight bus.  seeing as he’d only worked three shifts, the galleons weren’t flowing freely just yet.  in his pockets he was down to a galleon, three sickles, and twelve knuts.  he was staring through the window into the owl post office, debating whether or not he had enough money to send a letter to his family back in nitra. though they’d been estranged over the last decade, his situation had changed.  he had changed.  or at least, he was going to try to.  he was drawn from the window by a voice from behind him.  he squinted.  were they speaking to him ?  he was’t entirely sure.  straightening to his full height, the wizard arched a weathered brow.  “ i think you’ve got me confused for someone else. “ he grunted.  his voice cracked, hoarse from weeks of overuse. 
「 ✨  rowle has mentioned a canon object x18 」  「 ✨  rowle has used a wizarding idiom 」
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quincy couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to hogsmeade, it had been a long while-- probably nearly the same amount of time since he’d also been to hogwarts; but it always to him felt a little strange being there not in the robes with the gryffindor tie. even if it had been what felt like literal ages ago since he had graduated, but it was one of those things where it still felt weird-- maybe it was just him, that felt that way or the fact he hadn’t visited in awhile. perhaps that meant he should even visit more, when he had the time. some days there just weren’t enough bloody hours in a day.
he’d thought about about stopping by the sweet shop-- as that was usually where the trip would have lead him to first. perhaps even stopping for a butterbeer, even some fish and chips. to the dark haired male anything sounded good, especially on what seemed like a pretty good day as of so far. the only place that he typically didn’t stop at was madam puddifoot’s tea shop, or dervish and banges because he hadn’t played a musical instrument.. in a long time either, probably because his team kept him pretty busy, among other things. but that was a whole other story!
there’s an apologetic smile that spreads across his features. “sorry, my bad.” it was just one of those things where’d you thought you seen someone familiar, but he was sure the same thing that happened to others too. “still hello, considering i’ve already bothered you. how’s your day been so far?” he considered it was the polite thing to do, especially when he was at fault in the first place.
「 ✨  quincy has mentioned a canon object x8 」
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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“      merlin  !      ”      she nearly jumped at the sound of quincy’s voice.  she didn’t even realize the half-veela was there.  then again,  she had the tendency to zone people out when she was busy.  did it slip her mind that they’d agree to hang out  ?  just a bit.  only when she was started stockpiling the potions she finished brewing.      “      for merlin’s sake,  quincy  !  you gave me quite a fright. i probably look like i’ve seen a  dementor  or something.      ”      alison chuckled at her best friend.  she grabbed her wand from the counter and cast a quick spell to organize them in the stock room.      “      but it’s okay.  i nearly almost forgot myself.  what did you have in mind  ?      ”
「 ✨  alison has used a wizarding idiom x3 」 「 ✨  alison has mentioned a magical subject 」 「 ✨  alison has mentioned a canon object x3 」 「 ✨  alison has cast a spell 」
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“oh, merlin me.” now quincy felt even more bad than he had moments prior, it hadn’t been intentional-- but he was a rambler, sometimes more than usual but one nonetheless. “make that really sorry, didn’t mean to.” there’s a laugh that falls from his lips. “yeah.. you do look like you’ve seen a dementor. just a little bit, but i’d say that’s pretty fair.” given how he’d done it, unintentionally, but it was to be expected-- when you surprised someone. not in the fun way, either! with something like candy from honeydukes. “it’s been a crazy day so far.. but anything you want to! consider it my way of saying sorry for the dozenth time.. in the last few minutes. and for you know.. spooking you.”
「 ✨  quincy has used a wizarding idiom x2 」 「 ✨  quincy has mentioned a canon object x2」 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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often for quincy it varied where his days where spent sometimes it was spent with his parents, catching up when he had time and when they had time, his dad was always it seemed preoccupied at the ministry of magic and with being the head of department of regulation and control of magical creatures-- his mom? well, time was often spent having tea with her friends and doing her own thing; as far as he knew but he didn’t exactly ask either. it was one of those things where he minded his own. above all, he knew she could be terrifying being a full veela with veela anger ( which he knew all too well ) and fireballs, that he thought could scare even the type of wizard who didn’t get scared! even a gryffindor like him knew to avoid that at all costs. especially having grown up with it and also having to deal with that same thing himself. sometimes, he’d even go home to france and visit with his mom’s veela side of the family. that could be too much sometimes. and on occasion he’d visit his father’s pureblood family who lived in mainly in england, so there was always plenty of family to see! and people who always wanted him to stop by. so there was always something to do, or someone to see.
but on a day like today; he’d finished practice early that morning with puddlemere united-- and his entire schedule was wide open. oh, merlin how that was strange. coming from someone who liked being kept busy and having things to do. unsure, that he had really needed anything per se from anywhere; the half-veela decided he’d just browse around, and see if he remembered needing anything in particular. who knows? perhaps he’d pick up a few things, or not either way-- it was also nice just being out and about at the same time. in the process of his window shopping and strolling; his hazel colored hues seen someone familiar and there’s a wave of his hands. as he tries to wave them over in his direction. “bonjour!” the french wizard says with ease, the hello in his mother tongue always made his french accent more noticeable, than it already was.
「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a special ability x2 」  「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object x8 」 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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as a hand runs through quincy’s brown hair, and his words are met with that of an apologetic smile. but with magic he considered himself lucky that it only took a few mere seconds, with floo or apparition-- and that it didn’t take nearly as much time, as it did in the muggle world. “being early is boring! what’s the fun in that?” but one could tell by his words that he was just pulling their wand and joking. but he was also sorry at the same time. “i definitely didn’t forget. and if i did that’d be awful of me, but better late than never..?” to be fair, it had just be one of those days-- that felt like a monday. acted an awful lot like one too, that was really the only way he could describe it. “but it’s been.. merlin.. just a day.”
「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object x4 」  「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x2」 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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open to first five likes ! and if we don’t have a plot or anything feel free to like anyways ! just means i’ll most likely message for plots.
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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    “thanks, quincy.” with a wave of his wand, his tan robe was sent to the mahogany coat hanger where the rest of the other patrons rested. he unbuttoned his ravenclaw blue blazer as he sat down. christian smiled at his brother in law, twiddling his thumbs on top of the table as he waited for service, his shoulders relaxed and hickory brown eyes serene. “how’ve you been?” he asked, his voice quiet as usual. “well, i hope, without anything dodgy on the horizon.. i suspect we all could use a bit of that after the latest…”
「 ✨ christian has mentioned a canon object x3. 」
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“no worries.” quincy says with a wide smile, it was pretty busy and he did have an open seat. it would have been rude not to, and truthfully? he didn’t mind at all. the half-veela was sure, that a lot of times his sister and him gave similar responses to things-- the pair had been raised as twins and were actually irish twins; could be a lot alike at times too. then entirely different the next. it must have been a sibling thing. “i’ve been pretty good, just glad to be back to quidditch and things to be going back to normal. i reckon things will be better now, they seem to be. so i’d say that’s a good sign.” or at least he hoped so after the cauldron heists, any type of normal was welcomed-- and he wasn’t one for dwelling on negative things. when he could be focusing on positives rather. “how about you? hope everything’s been good. if that’s alright to ask.”
「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object x2. 」  「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a special ability x1. 」  「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x1  」  「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon subject x1  」 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
it’s me again ! i’ve chosen quincy as my potw for tomorrow ! and i’d love to get some stuff going on him, and some plots too ! if we don’t have any that is, feel free to like this or message me ! 
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
「 @ofprodigals liked for a starter. ]
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quincy had noticed someone near where he was, and it was one of the busier days-- he’d managed to snatch a seat earlier, and there was an open seat by him. “there’s a seat here, if you want.” the half-veela offers kindly, as he glances upwards from what he’d been preoccupied with, as he then noticed who it was-- a friendly smile written across his features. “i don’t mind at all, company’s always great.”
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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“ everything has been good, q ! you see, i’m in a muggle university now and it’s soooo cool i just have to mention it everywhere i go ! i was so confused at first but it’s whatever, i love it and i hope your… quidditch life is as awesome as i’m thinkin’ it is. ”
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“that’s good, amby! a muggle university? that sounds like a lot of fun, i honestly can’t imagine what that must be like. it’s got to be really SOMETHING. but i’m glad you love it! -- that’s all that matters right?” quincy honestly couldn’t imagine what that must have been like; amazing is what he imagined. “it’s very quidditch-y, but it’s really great. i can’t ever say anything bad about it. while it’s tough work, it’s all well worth it.”
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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“      i definitely agree with that sentiment.      ”      damon enjoyed the holidays to an extent.  that was due to the fact that his birthday landed on a holiday.  it was a major one,  yes.  but it’s not like  halloween  encompassed his birthday to the point where people often forgot.      “      the holidays are all about having  fun.  and being with family,  i guess.      ”
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“it’s good to know i’m not the only one.” quincy admits, and the holidays also brought people together-- he didn’t see too many downsides of any holiday, even if they could be some of the most busiest times of the year. but to be fair, he liked having things to do. “and if not they definitely should be. then again i think everyday should be about having fun. it gets pretty boring if not. oh for sure, the holidays are for being around people you care about-- or so i have always been told. and always try to do.”
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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alison grins once more in appreciation.  there were times when she felt homesick for france.  granted,  she may only have been born there,  but living there for a short while after graduation gave her a new found appreciation.      “      EXACTLY  !  i know some really do believe that their food is the best,  but that’s really for the people to judge.  it’s why reviews are such a good thing.      ”       she sighs.      “      i honestly do wish i had more time to cook.  but having good takeout is a nice alternative.      ”      she nodded in understanding.  life can be busy.      “      maybe opening up a  just  french bakery will be a   potential  business opportunity for someone.      ”
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quincy completely would have understood the homesick, type of feeling-- he might not say it out loud or he may depending on the situation. but there were moments were he absolutely did miss france. his family. and the food. as well, considering he’d spent so many years there. it was hard not to miss it still. when it had been home for so long and he had family there. “i mean i don’t blame them for that, i suppose when you do something you WANT it to be good. i don’t know if it’s good to say it’s the best or not, because that really is up to others to decide. reviews are such great things!” he has to agree with a wide smile. “i do too, but my cooking skills aren’t that grand. takeout is always a good option.” it was hard to complain when it came to food. “i hope so, i’d be there all the time. i’d be their number one customer.”
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quvinces-blog · 6 years
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       it wasn’t that uncommon to find people speechless by some of the things he said. britin st. james was known for saying whatever came to mind, regardless of the situation. you’d think someone in the public eye would be a bit more conscientious but alas, that wasn’t the case.  “ sometimes, yeah. “ he agreed.  “ then you’ve got the people who sport the same bloody costume year over year.  sure, buddy,  that prisoner costume is REALLY worth wearing six times. “   he snorted.  “ i don’t dress up anymore but if i did ?  dementor,  all the way.  now that’s going to scare your stockings off. “
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quincy gives a small shrug of his shoulders, not one to judge or at least he did the best he could not to do that. “perhaps it’s just a great costume? if it’s really AMAZING. i can’t really blame them for that, but i think every year it gives the opportunity to dress as something different or be something different.” or at least that’s what the half-veela believed anyway. “you still could if you wanted to, it’s a lot of fun or a good laugh-- depending which way you look at it. that would be wicked, terrifying probably but wickedly cool. you should do that, it’d be the most creative definitely.”
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