qveenflair · 2 years
of course he is, you know my dad. he thinks he's invincible when we all know damn well that he's not. manny is taking the bulk of things, but dad wants to show off that he's still got it. (does he? it's up for debate.) okay, not gonna lie, i laughed. yeah, i'll be sure to just randomly text someone. not you or anything! well i can't help it! i enjoy joking around with you because you give it right back. it never falls flat with you. and excuse you, i deserve so much credit. all the time.
no one tell Pam but the biggest reason I decided to tag along to Nashville is the food. catch me hitting up all the bars on Broadway. 💁🏽‍♀️
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: well... i mean, that does suck. but you can't change it now unfortunately, all you can do is include him in the future. 📲: no no, honey, you're not selfish at all. it's scary to have to tell someone that, especially if they're not your partner. 📲: i think he's in a relationship, yeah. but i don't think that would ruin things? maybe i'm being naive, but i don't think it would affect them. 📲: but i think the longer you wait, the worse it's gonna feel to tell him.
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
oh, i think he's an absolute lunatic for deciding to do this and every time i watch him take a bump, i get mad at him! but i'm still gonna be there supporting him. i can't not, you know? you're an amazing actress, you can pull it off! i just like fucking with you, babe. you're fun to piss off! 😘
no one tell Pam but the biggest reason I decided to tag along to Nashville is the food. catch me hitting up all the bars on Broadway. 💁🏽‍♀️
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: okay, but think about it this way. your son grows up, wonders where his dad is, does a dna test, finds out that mom's good friend adam was his dad all along? and he was never told? 📲: i don't think he's gonna hate you. i think he's going to be shocked, but i don't see how he could hate you for it. 📲: ..... damn. that's a really smart way of getting help with things, actually. but i just. i don't know, lex. look how fucked up i am with my daddy issues, and my dad was actually there. 📲: you don't have to tell him right away, but i think you should tell him.
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
only because my dad's last match is the day after. that's the only reason. there's no other reason i would possibly be in nashville. 😇 oh, it's not wishful thinking, hon! it's the truth! you know you get all weak in the knees at the sight of me.
no one tell Pam but the biggest reason I decided to tag along to Nashville is the food. catch me hitting up all the bars on Broadway. 💁🏽‍♀️
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: no, i'm sorry, i'm not trying to grill you at all. i just... was trying to make sense of what i was reading, that's all. 📲: i didn't even know you two were sleeping together, my god. you hid that one well. 📲: ....... fuck. 📲: lexi, i don't want to tell you how to live your life, so please don't be offended by me saying this, but... 📲: i think he has a right to know, don't you? i mean, that's his child. and i know you two aren't... like a couple or anything, but he could at least help out. he has kids of his own, he's done this thing before. 📲: again, not trying to tell you what to do, but i really think it's something he deserves to know. 📲: I PROMISE I WILL NOT TELL HIM.
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
wait wait, i thought you were going to be part of summerslam this weekend! you were in the graphic and everything! i'm impatient for it too, i want to see you be a badass again. ooooh, something special, huh? well, you know a queen does deserve it!
look who's calling me gorgeous. the most gorgeous woman in the world. i hope your nights good.😘 @qveenflair
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: ............................ 📲: ............................ 📲: excuse me? 📲: you... HUH??? 📲: you, alexis kaufman, have a son. with him, adam copeland. 📲: is this what you're telling me????
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
no one tell Pam but the biggest reason I decided to tag along to Nashville is the food getting to lay my eyes on the queen once more. i fixed it for you! 🥰
no one tell Pam but the biggest reason I decided to tag along to Nashville is the food. catch me hitting up all the bars on Broadway. 💁🏽‍♀️
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: well, you two are close, aren't you? does he make you feel uncomfortable? if you need to talk to him, i think you need to force yourself into it, even if it's awkward. like ripping off a bandaid, you know? 📲: wait, what's going on? who is innocent? you? don't make me laugh, bliss.
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
i mean, damn, who isn't? 💀🥵
Dua Lipa.. I’m tryna do more with her than a do a feature.
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: god, lex. that... does not sound good. at all. do you want to talk to someone about it? i won't push if you don't want to talk, but. my shoulder is here for you, and my lips are sealed. 📲: ..... oh? oh.
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: i'm sure you're not the cause of it all, babe. there's almost always two people involved to make things a shitshow. 📲: who is him?
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
you doing okay, babe? just making sure, i know you were out of commission for awhile. but yeah, you're always welcome if you want to come over.
look who's calling me gorgeous. the most gorgeous woman in the world. i hope your nights good.😘 @qveenflair
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qveenflair · 2 years
📲: hey lexi, thought i'd send you a text so we could talk without anyone looking in. 📲: what's going on? are you okay?
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qveenflair · 2 years
the little things that demi was blurting out had ashley grinning to herself, her heart going crazier and crazier with each new piece of information she learned. so the nightmare, the woman who was so independent and didn't need another soul, was needy… ashley herself tended to be needy and there was something that gave her great satisfaction in knowing that demi was too, that maybe they could be needy for each other. of course, maybe the fact that they were both needy would drive the other crazy, but they wouldn't know until they gave it a try, would they? and… maybe she was wrong, but ashley was pretty sure that this entire thing was banking on the assumption that she would be back. that this would not be the only time at demi's home. (she couldn't let herself focus on the fact that demi had said she liked to bite and be bitten, even though the words were swirling around in her mind, demi's thick accent making the words somehow sound dirtier than they really were. no, if she were to focus on that, she would not be able to pay attention to anything else other than how badly she wanted to make both of those things happen.) even though she absolutely didn't have to, ashley was touched at the fact that demi pulled out the seat for her, almost as if this were an actual first date out to dinner together at a fancy restaurant. this was almost better than that though, at least in ashley's opinion; to a wrestler, their homes were sacred, places that they treasured every moment in because they hardly got to spend any time in them. to trust another wrestler to enter your home meant that they were more than just someone you spent time with out of necessity, they were someone that you truly wanted in your life. for demi to genuinely want ashley in her home like this spoke volumes, and she was going to savor every moment of it, whether it was her only time there or if she really did come back on a regular basis like she was hoping might be the case. "hey, if impressing me was your goal, you did a good job," ashley said with a grin, holding her glass out and toasting the air toward demi's glass before taking a deep pull from it. demi's confession had ashley's cheeks growing warm, holding her glass up to her mouth so it might hide some of the redness that had settled over her features. she was right, they were more similar than either of them wanted to admit, and she knew that was part of the reason that they had initially clashed so much. ashley couldn't help the way the phrase 'opposites attract' popped into her head, but she knew it was one of those phrases where the full meaning had been lost over the years — opposites attract, but similarities bind. the thing was, she was so wary over dating another wrestler after everything that had happened the last time. jealousy was an ugly thing, and that title tore relationships to shreds when the quest for it became more important than anything else. but their relationship was different already; they had certainly never been best friends, they didn't have the history and the years of resentment built up, and… demi was not becky. that was the biggest difference. of course, letting her walls down meant that she could get hurt, but ashley knew that this time would be different. that they could navigate this together. "i like you a lot too, demi," she said honestly, her green eyes sparkling as they met demi's. "i have… a metric ton of baggage, so i understand. i don't mind dealing with yours as long as you don't mind dealing with mine too. i've really been burned a lot, so opening up scares me, but i… i would really like to open up to you. with you." a shy smile spread across her face, reaching across the table to take demi's hand. "and i would really like to spend the night. i'm not much good with cooking, but i can make a mean cup of coffee in the morning." laughing, she scooted her chair closer to demi's, butterflies in her stomach going wild. "is it okay if… do you mind if… i really want to kiss you, demi."
it had been just about a year now since charlotte and rhea's feud had wrapped up, and even though she knew that they had both gotten on each other's nerves by the end of it, there was a large part of her that missed getting in the ring together night after night. absence really did make the heart grow fonder, didn't it? of course, it didn't help that the majority of charlotte's competition since then hadn't been on par with rhea. (yet she'd won the royal rumble? and taken her's belt right out of her hands? it still didn't sit right in her mind.) if she were being honest with herself, she simply missed demi. they were too similar in some ways, their heads butting in a way that put both of their guards up, but there was something about her that constantly drew ashley in, kept her wanting more. they hadn't even seen each other since backlash, and that needed to change. especially with the way demi had been flirting with her lately... she would be lying if she said she'd never had thoughts about demi like that during their feud, but god, she was only human. demi was one of the most gorgeous women she'd ever laid eyes on, she was funny and smart and despite her tough exterior, ashley knew that there was a wonderful person inside of her. hell, even with the tough exterior, she thought rhea was pretty damn wonderful. lord knew her own exterior was pretty damn tough itself, a product of heartbreak and hurt over the years accumulating and building up. maybe something like that was the case in this situation too; she wasn't about to ask, but it would make sense, anyway. outside of a few postshow celebrations and tours, ashley has never spent time with demi in their personal lives, and she's not sure what she'd been expecting from her house, but it certainly wasn't the bright, cheery place that she pulled up to. maybe the outside painted black, a few gothic towers here and there... but no, it looked like a normal house, and for some reason, the sight of it sets her more at ease. she isn't sure what to expect from the evening either, but she's excited to find out, heart in her throat as she makes her way up to the door. upon pressing the bell, she can hear loud barking and the scramble of feet on the other side of the door, something that makes her break out into a grin. she's grateful that she'd decided to dress down if the dogs are going to be all over her, wearing a pair of mid-thigh denim shorts with a black guns n' roses tank top, her hair tied to the side in a long braid. when the door cracks open, she can immediately see a dog's head peeking out the side of the door, causing a laugh to bubble up in the back of her throat. "oh, hello there, thanks for letting me in," she says to the dog playfully, reaching down to pet its head while the door swings the rest of the way open. demi is even more stunning than the last time she saw her, her hair dark and braided intricately across the top of her head, and ashley's cheeks warm slightly as she grins. "long time no see, princess."
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qveenflair · 2 years
hey hey, what's wrong? do you need to talk to someone? you can talk to me.
@qveenflair 🥰 Hiiii Charly.
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