r-a-n-d-e-l-l · 4 years
ICT IN THE PHILIPPINES (OUR LEARNING) Now that we are living in a society that is constantly evolving digital world. ICT has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives – from working to socializing and learning from playing. Todays century has improved or rather transformed our way of communicating, networking, seeking help, accessing information and learning. We must recognize that we are now an online population, accessing through a variety of means such as computers, TV and mobile phones.
During the 2nd week of November 2019, our journey of being an E-Tech students has begun. In the first session, Ms. Tampos gave us topics to be discussed but before that she introduced to us the subjects objectives. A day after that, Ms. Tampos gave us an activity which we are task to list all possible words that are connected to ICT and place it in a concept map or a diagram and after that each group must explain why we come up with that words and why it is related to ICT. The activity that we had is just an overview about the topic, after that successful activity, Ms. Tampos started to discuss the topic.
As a student, We learned many new things in the subject “Empowerment Technology”. In first lesson we discuss about the introduction of ICT or Information Communication Technology. ICT deals with the use of different communication technology such as mobile phones, telephone, internet, to locate , save, and send information or files. ICT introduces us to the fundamental of using computer systems in an internet environment. As technology becomes more and more embedded in our culture, we, the learners, must compromise and allow ourselves to have more and better experiences that allow us to engage successfully with technology and prepare us for the life after school.
Several international companies dub the Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”. It is in secret that there is a huge growth of ICT related jobs arount the contry, one of which is call center of BPO also known as Business Process Outsourcing Centers.
Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program
We learned more about what ICT is, on the different types of technology that can be used for communication. Also, the whole definition of the internet and the father of internet that is Vinton Gray Cerf. We learned that the meaning of “www” is world wide web and who invented it was Tim-Berners Lee.
There are two types of web page, static and dynamic. Static web page is known as flat page or stationary page in the sense that the page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user. Dynamic web page is a more upgraded type of web page, the user is now able to see website differently than others. The web 2.0 or the dynamic page has four features. First is folksonomy, it allows the user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords on popular social media sites use tags that start with a pound sign or hashtag. Rich user interface, content is dynamic and is responsive to users input. User participation, others are able to place a content on their own by means of comments. The last key feature is the long tail, services are offered an demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent on the internet. The web has also version 3.0 or the semantic web page it is designed cater to the individual user. Provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content specifically targeting the user.
There are 4 trends in ICT. First is convergence it is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your smartphone. Social Media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users web users to create , co-create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.
There are six types of social media. Social networking is about socializing through the internet, an example of this is Facebook. Bookmarking Sites are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others. Example, Stumble Upon. Social news is about news. Media sharing is more on posting pictures and videos, and example would be Instagram. Microblogging is like a blog of a person, an example is Twitter and Blogs and forums are also examples of social media.
We also learned more about mobile technology. The popularities of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. Each brand of phone has a different type of operating system. IOS is used in apple devices. Android is and open source OS developed by google. Blackberry OS used in blackberry devices. Windows phone OS is a closed source and proprietary OS developed by Microsoft. Symbian is the original smartphone OS, used by Nokia devices. Web OS is originally used in smartphones, but it now can only be used in smart TV’s. Windows mobile is also an exampe.
As we go deeper on our discussion, I also l learn that there are three types of pictures such as. JPG pronounced as “jay-peg”, .PNG pronounced as “ping” and lastly the .GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. I also learn the methods on how to embed files, the Method 1: Embed PDF Object, Method 2: Embed PDF Icon and Method 3: Link to external PDF. We also learn the easiest way to Use Basic Functions:
1. Create the table with rows and columns of table.
2. Select all desired cells.
3. Go to HOME/FORMULA tab, find the AUTOSUM command.
4. Click the dropdown arrow and select the desired function.
As students, it is important for us to realize the importance of such things. We learned that file organizations were really important. They are the one that compile and organize computer file, softwares, etc. in order for the computer to work properly. Microsoft Office tools on the other hand, greatly help a lot as far as profession and business are considered. For us, they are “office suits” of the windows. They are responsible of creating, compiling and organizing documents and reports.
We are already in the computer era; and internet is so popular. Internet is not complete without Web Services, E-mail Software and Instant Messaging Software. They made communication even faster and more reliable. E-Tech Is Loving Knowledge. Empowerment Technologies (E-Tech) or the ICT for Professional Tracks has done great help to us, the students, ever since. Through ICT, students are able to surf the internet and get ideas that are needed for school works. It also made us global in perspective in such a way that we are always updated with the current happenings in the locality and even the world. Through ICT, we can also get easily get in touch with our family and relatives since Social Networking Sites (SNS) are already popular. Because of ICT, we learn. Loving ICT is truly loving knowledge.
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