r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send ☭ x for a vs. battle quote to your muse
Battle Intro: Victory: Half HP: Low HP: Defeat: Death: Assist: Taunt: Reacting to Taunt: Flee: Reacting to Flee: Tie: Perfect Victory: Low HP Victory: Finishing Move:
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send “HONK” to give my muse’s butt a squeeze.
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
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(( I wanted a more punkish-themed outfit meme… so I quickly made my own! ))
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send my muse a fear you see them having, and they will rate it from 0-10 depending on how much it frightens them.
0 being “I’m not scared of that at all” to 10 being “NOPE NOPE NOPE”
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Food Memes
Send one for your muse to catch my muse…
🍹 - Blowing bubbles in their drink through the straw
🍜 - Doing the choptsticks in the nose thing
🥞 - Rearranging their breakfast to make a smiley face
🥚 - Juggling eggs
🍣 - Stacking their rolls of sushi
🍰 - Drawing with their finger in cake frosting
🍿 -  Throwing popcorn at your muse
🍝 - Launch a meatball at your muse
🍤 - Make shrimp screaming voices as they eat it
🥖 - Using a breadstick like a sword
🍩 - Wear a donut as a ring
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send me an emoji!
💌: I’d love to send you more messages and asks but you make me nervous!
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before.
🙏: I’m a little afraid that you’ll unfollow me.
🔪: I’d hate to get on your bad side.
😶: I’m honored that you’re even following me tbH.
👾: Your theme is awesome!
💉: Talking to you or seeing you on my dash makes me feel better.
😐: I don’t understand half the things you reblog but I support you anyway.
🌑: You come off as cold, impersonal.
👒: You come off as very friendly!
🌃: I’d like to spend more time talking to you.
🎭: You sure do get into a lot of drama…
😄: I can always count on you to like/reply to my personal posts.
🍥: Your aesthetic is very streamlined. It’s clear you’re picky about the stuff you reblog.
🍬: You’re sweet, but I feel like I know very little about you as a person.
🐟: Your blog isn’t quite my “type.”
😅: I often worry about upsetting you or scaring you off.
😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive.
🐱: You’re cute‼︎
🌱: I’d love to get to know you better.
☔️: You seem unhappy.
😃: I love seeing you in my notifications!
🐸: You act goofy.
💻: Are you ever not online?
❄️: Your BYF struck me as kind of harsh, but I followed you anyway.
😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before.
💔: You’ve disappointed me before.
📺: We have similar interests!
🔈: We have similar tastes in music.
🌊: You have a lot of personality.
😀: I would consider us friends.
🎀: We have similar aesthetics!
🍳: This is an egg in a frying pan!
🎉: I get really happy when I see positive personal posts from you, even when I don’t fully understand the context!
😈: I know your secret~
🌴: I’m jealous of you.
✨: Could you, like, chill a little bit maybe? Like in general? Please?
🎶: I associate you with a specific song or musician.
👟: I feel as though you’re out of my league.
🐚: I find your blog very calming.
👀: I’ve vagued about you before.
🍰: I might recognize you if I ran into you on the street.
😂: I’m comfortable around you.
🌈: Sometimes I see your selfies and think to myself: “I’m gay.”
🌹: I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you.
😓: I’ve talked to you before and it made me a nervous!
👑: You’re vain.
📝: I know a lot about you just from following you on Tumblr.
🌙: You’re beautiful.
🍓: You remind me of someone…
😒: I honestly don’t know why I’m even still following you at this point.
😳: I’ve learned things about you that have surprised me a lot!
🐭: Please be kinder to yourself.
😑: -__-
👔: I think you’re someone who takes themself very seriously.
🍉: I wish we lived closer to each other.
🍭: You confuse me.
😮: I wish I could give you some advice.
💐: I have a crush on you.
😁: You’re a little awkward, but I find it endearing.
💕: I love you‼︎
👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
                                                    if there is a god                                         he will have to beg my forgiveness
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
NSFW Headcanons
👄 - Favourite place to get kisses
👀 - Most arousing body part
👂 - Moans y/n
🐶 - Like pet play?
😈 - Rough Dominance?
😱 - Do you like your partner to make you scream
❤️ - Does liking someone make the sex better
👅 - Like oral sex?
😏 - Ideal play mate?
🗣 - Do you like verbal abuse in the bedroom?
😫 - Bit of a masochist?
👙 - Lingerie?
😋 - Favourite form of foreplay?
🎤 - Like using toys?
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send 💤 to peek into a dream my muse has
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) + a body part to see my muse’s reaction to being bitten there
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Ask my muse how they feel about these common fears!  🐛 - Bugs ⚡ - Lightning 🐍 - Reptiles ☁️ - Heights 🔥 - Fire 🔴 - Blood 💉 - Sharp Objects 🌊 - Deep Water 🎎 - Dolls ⚫ - Darkness 👻- Ghosts 📦 - Tight Spaces ➖ - Earthquakes
(Feel free to add more!)
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
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I want eat marshmallow……..
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past.
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
Send 👿 to see my muse get jealous!
Over another person’s muse hogging your muse’s attention, over a new pet, or over a new hobby your muse has picked up!
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r0astet0aste-blog · 6 years
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New meme! name of Pain meme!
free to use! you can take free!
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