r4gn0r0k · 11 months
Light tug
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"Er.... 'Sup, mate? You're, ah... You're not going to try and drag me outside again.... Are you? I mean-- not that I hate the outdoors or anything, but... Ah...
Yeah, okay I'm not exactly fond of being out there."
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r4gn0r0k · 11 months
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                          Don’t you get it? I’m GOD here.
           If you like hacker dorks with a god complex who end up joining MI6 later in                     life only to be kidnapped by aliens, boy do I have the boi for you!
☆ – Independent, nonselective Matt Miller from Saints Row the Third, IV, and Gat outta Hell
☠  – Eight Years experience in writing Matt, Fifteen years of general roleplay/writing experience. 
☆ – Can work with any length of writing, all I ask is you try!
☠  – Incredibly crossover and OC friendly, if you wanna talk to me, chances are I’ll talk back!! I do not bite.
☆ – Pardon the dust as I settle back in! I need to see what all needs to be fixed from my absence <3
                             Ask ✘ About (SR3)✘ About (SR4) ✘ Rules
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r4gn0r0k · 11 months
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(Hello everyone, I've been struggling pretty hard with my adhd for a while-- it had gotten to the point where whenever I was home, all I did was lay in bed... and it had been like that for quite some time now...
I got back on meds that actually worked for me, now that I'm at a new job I can afford these meds again...
I'm thinking about making a comeback.... me and my wife (oh yeah I got married :D) over at @its-a-deal have been thinking about it, its mostly just a matter of us having the mental energy to do shit again, so bear with me... but I really want to come back. I honestly miss it here.
IDK how many people are left around here, but I thought I'd post an update. <3)
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
ABCs of getting to know my muse(s)
Send in a letter and I’ll respond with: 
A) Their full name. B) Age. C) Height. D) Pronouns.  E) Species (if not human). F) Favourite beverage and/or meal. G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes. H) Something they’re exceptionally good at. I) 2 things they really enjoy. J) 2 things they’re not really fond of. K) 1 of their pet peeves. L) Their favourite kind of weather. M) A few interesting facts about them. N) Favourite movie or music genre. O) What’s their dream profession?  P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?   Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life? R) Is there something they wish they could do/achieve but can’t?  S)  Is there something in their life they regret?  T)  Do they have any siblings? Family? Loved ones?    U)  Are they a morning or night person? V) Do they have a pet? What kind? If not, what kind of pet would they want? W) How would they describe themselves in 5 or less words?  X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it?  Y) Is there anything in their life that’s stopping them from succeeding? Z) Do they have an item that means a lot to them?
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
Send “Light tug”  to gently pull  / touch my muses hair.   
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
(Hi still alive
Who wants to do spooky season stuff with Matt this is his favorite time of yeaaaar)
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
(haha recovering from being sick sorry for disappearing again I swear it's not gonna be for as long)
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
first time meetings & icebreakers
starter sentences for breaking the ice and first time meetings! feel free to change pronouns/tenses/etc. as needed!
❝ you must be new! i didn’t catch your name! ❞
❝ hey there! i’m [name]. looks like we’re working together! ❞
❝ i’m supposed to meet [name] here. any chance that’s you? ❞
❝ i don’t think we’ve met. let’s fix that, shall we? i’m [name]! ❞
❝ i’m sorry to bother you! i’m new here, and… lost. can you help me? ❞
❝ you look lost, do you need help? ❞
❝ um, can you break this bill? i need coins for the vending machine. ❞
❝ hey i’ve got extra time on the dryer; you’re welcome to it. ❞
❝ excuse me, could you hand me that– ❞
❝ i’m sorry; do you mind if i sit here? ❞
❝ it’s your first time too, huh? ❞
❝ i know a new face when i see one. ❞
❝ you stick out like a sore thumb here. ❞
❝ usually this isn’t a place to meet new people, but here we are! ❞
❝ hey you! being a wallflower won’t gain you friends, come say hi! ❞
❝ kind of a loner too, huh? maybe we can stick together? ❞
❝ let’s stick together, yeah? i’m [name], how about you? ❞
❝ oh no! let me help you with that! ❞
❝ help! please?! ❞
❝ uh! a little help here?! ❞
❝ thanks! for a moment there i thought i was a goner! ❞
❝ well that’s one way to make an introduction! ❞
❝ oh no! i’m sorry! this is a horrible first impression! ❞
❝ i think we got off on the wrong foot. can we start over? ❞
❝ wait can we start over, i prefer to leave a good impression. ❞
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
[ ppl should promo me im hotsexy kinzie kensington ]
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
"believe it or not, i am grateful."
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"Woah, woah, woah, wait-- hold on." Blue eyes narrowed as Matt stared at the other in skepticism and disbelief.
"Pardon me, but could you... Repeat that? I'm sorry... You.... Grateful??? I wasn't even aware that was something you could feel."
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
prompts for those with a reputation.
“ i heard you were back in town. ”
“ you’re not nearly as quiet as you believe yourself to be. ”
“ discretion was never as strong a suit for you as your… other, talents. ”
“ when they first said you were back, i thought they were delusional. now i worry that i’m the insane one. ”
“ they tell me you’re the one to go to for… well. my particular problem. ”
“ you were great. are great. but… you could’ve been legendary. ”
“ people are rather interested in making your acquaintance. ”
“ you know the police are still after you, right? ”
“ look at you. smirk and all, like we should be kissing your feet for existing. ”
“ you’ve gained quite the reputation, you know. ”
“ i’ve seen you. in the news… ”
“ is it true? what they say about you? ”
“ i don’t believe any of it. how can one person manage to pull that off? ”
“ i… i thought you’d be taller, for some reason. ”
“ you might tell me how you did it, some day. perhaps over drinks? ”
“ people would give their right arm just to have a chance at talking to you. ”
“ the entire world knows your name. and still, we whisper it. ”
“ you’re both renowned and a complete and utter mystery. ”
“ goodness. all the rumors about you, and you look… nothing like what i was anticipating. ”
“ everyone who’s anyone knows the story about you. but do we know the truth? ”
“ you really should hear some of the rumors about you. comedic gold… ”
“ well, the stories are obviously all fake. right? ”
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
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New post! Awful weather = ^
Credit me if you repost please! @lunadarkbloom
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
continuing from my original random dialogue series  ( 1.0 | 1.5 ),  i thought to create a brand new one for even more (random) situations! the following prompts are from a variety of public sources, as well as my own. as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!
thank you for agreeing to help.
sorry, it’s just that i get very nervous when someone else is driving.
i sense tension…
there’s a reason i keep this door closed.
i can’t believe you would do this to me!
there’s nothing reassuring about what you just said.
i thought we’d be safe here.
thanks for looking out for me.
i’m right here.
thinking about it makes me sick.
i’m not asking.
c’mon, i’ll drive you home.
there’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you.
hey, you owe me this favour.
i want to be there when you get what’s coming to you.
you’re too good for this world.
i’ll be okay, i’m always okay.
sorry about last night.
do you remember we used to do that in school?
i need your help.
you have no idea how much this means to me.
how long have you been standing there?
we have to stop meeting like this.
there’s someone in the house!
you’re beautiful.
very few people understand me, but you do.
i’m sorry.
get out of my way.
i saw it as clearly as i see you standing there now.
if you leave now, you lose everything.
please stop talking.
i make my goddamn choices myself, based on what i know.
don’t upset your father, not now.
you’re gonna get us killed someday.
i don’t feel good.
do you ever think we should just stop doing this?
i think you should stay the night.
who’s side are you on?
believe it or not, i am grateful.
i’m not supposed to talk to strangers.
you have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.
i don’t think this is a good idea.
you’re not dead yet.
i wish you told me sooner.
are you kidding me?
you must be mad, coming here like this.
i don’t know how i can repay you.
you embarrassed me this evening.
don’t act so surprised.
there’s something i need to get off my chest.
tell me what’s bothering you.
everything is always about you!
midnight, on the bridge. come alone.
you stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?
i knew you wouldn’t be able to see it through.
i need more time to think.
you need me.
i’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel young.
you’re okay, you’re okay.
i don’t remember my childhood.
if we both stick to the story, they can’t prove anything.
i’ve been checking you out.
you look tired.
this must be hard for you.
never underestimate me again.
you got a package for me?
i think you’re right.
my hands are clean in all of this.
we really need a better excuse to see each other.
i’m ready to try again.
where i go and what i do is none of your business!
i never thought i’d see you again.
my work is my life.
we never should’ve kissed—that was our first mistake.
i feel very alone.
you are loved, don’t ever forget that.
i’m not gonna make it.
i don’t think i could live alone again.
when i was younger, i saw something i shouldn’t have.
i don’t want to have a baby.
stay the night, you deserve the rest.
you look ridiculous in that thing.
quick, hide behind the sofa!
hurry! they’re pulling up in the driveway!
i haven’t had a good breakdown in months, perhaps i’m due.
you’re impossible to ignore.
if you get me his phone, i might reconsider.
i’m afraid you’d look at me differently, now that you know.
i can’t trust you anymore.
hope is a silent killer, one day you’ll find that out for yourself.
i miss moments like this more than anything.
you can’t keep treating me this way!
sorry, i haven’t checked my phone all day.
my head is killing me.
just do as i say, and no one gets hurt.
you woke me up.
i didn’t mean to make you upset.
i can’t believe you’re just gonna give up like that!
just breathe.
i’m in the mood for pizza, what do you think?
if this is going to work, you’re going to have to trust me.
i’m not a big fan of the dark.
i could kill you!
you should’ve listened to me.
there’s always going to be someone who wants to knock you down.
it’s not fair!
so you had a bad day, there’s always tomorrow.
be nice to me, it’s my birthday.
you didn’t have to walk me home.
i would appreciate it if we didn’t discuss personal matters right now.
there’s no need to be callous and cruel.
this is for your own good.
i could kiss you.
i’m in the middle of something, this better be urgent!
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
my mouse is. dying
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
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“You know, sometimes you’ve gotta drop off the face of the bloody earth for a bit. Try it sometime, turns out its quite refreshing.~”
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r4gn0r0k · 2 years
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                                   Just pretend they’re NPCs…
☠  Independent and nonselective Idia Shroud of Disney’s Twisted Wonderland
☠  Friendly mun with experience playing awkward tech boys
☠  Fifteen+ years of general RP experience
☠ Will be slow in replying for the time being due to life
☠   Incredibly crossover and OC friendly, if you wanna talk to me, chances are I’ll talk back!! I do not bite.  
☠  I do, however, reserve the right not to rp any time I feel uncomfortable
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