raaga-dubai · 1 year
Delivering World Class Paediatric Occupational Therapy
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There are specific milestones that a child needs to accomplish throughout the different stages of infancy. These include crawling, walking, running, hopping, jumping, and riding a bicycle, also called gross motor skills—the movement of large muscle groups. When developmental milestones are delayed, it should be a major concern. This is because the delays could be the result of inherent learning difficulties or other conditions that are collectively termed developmental difficulties.
Developmental delays can manifest as sensory and cognitive challenges. Paediatric occupational therapy refers to the process of using various techniques to engage children in meaningful activities to overcome and manage such sensory and cognitive challenges. This therapy equips the child to be independent in daily life. It also helps amplify cognitive functions. Activities include daily chores, self-care skills, educational games, etc. An occupational therapist evaluates a child’s abilities and devises a therapy regimen that could help in the effective development of those abilities. Our experts, who are specialised in speech therapy services for children, can give an accurate evaluation. A therapist closely observes a child to look for areas that need to be addressed.
Who might need Occupational Therapy?
OT can help kids and teens who have:
Birth injuries or birth defects
Sensory processing disorders
Traumatic injuries to the brain or spinal cord
Learning problems
Mental health or Behavioural problems
Developmental delays
Post-surgical conditions
Multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and other chronic illnesses
When it comes to learning difficulties, early detection and intervention are necessary. Our Paediatric occupation therapy specialists in Dubai can help with effective management of the symptoms by easily recognizing their warning signs like.
Avoiding eye contact consistently
Appearing to ignore or acknowledge the presence of people nearby
Displaying unusual gestures like finger flicking, rocking, pacing, etc.
Not engaging in spoken language at all.
Delayed or unusual speech pattern.
Hypersensitive or insensitive to pain, light, or noise.
Unwilling to engage in social interaction, play, etc.
Thus, occupational therapy offers many benefits to children with special needs and developmental delays. At first, a child’s strengths and challenges are thoroughly assessed to develop a highly personalised training programme. The training encourages active participation from the parents or the primary caretaker as well. Apart from school, children spent most of the time either with their parents or primary carers. So their active involvement becomes necessary.
The benefits of OT include:
Develop fine motor skills so they can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting or computer skills.
Improve eye–hand coordination so they can play and do needed school skills such as bat a ball and copy from a blackboard.
Master basic life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing teeth, and self-feeding.
Learn positive behaviours and social skills by practicing how they manage frustration and anger.
Get special equipment to help build their independence
Our trained professionals in paediatric occupational therapy Dubai can assist kids in developing their fine and gross motor skills, muscle strength, postural stability, oral-motor skills, feeding, handwriting, visual motor skills, sensory skills, and motor skills.
As one of the best special education schools in Dubai we ensure that your child is well prepared and various fun activities and techniques like use of play dough, art, crafts, and fun games, as well as indoor and outdoor activities are used to accomplish these benefits.
So if you think your child needs Occupational Therapy you can get in touch with our Speech language therapist in Dubai. We also provide assessment and personalised training to children of all ages. Please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.
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raaga-dubai · 1 year
Speech and Language Therapy – Unlocking a World of Communication
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Hearing loss is a common condition that affects children, with estimates suggesting that up to three in every 1000 newborns have a hearing impairment. For parents of children with hearing loss, it can be challenging to know how to support their child’s communication and language development. Speech and language therapy is the best option offered in special education schools in Dubai which can help children with hearing loss develop the skills they need to communicate effectively.
Understanding Hearing Loss
It is a condition in which an individual’s ability to hear sounds is impaired. It can be caused by a range of factors, including genetics, infections, exposure to loud noise, and head trauma. Hearing loss can range from mild to profound, and it can affect one or both ears. For children, hearing loss can be particularly challenging as it impacts their language development and communication.
Benefits of Speech Therapy for Kids
Speech therapy for hearing-impaired children not only focuses on improving their ability to speak but also covers various facets of communication, including listening, understanding, and even non-verbal cues. By targeting these areas, speech therapy enables children to communicate effectively with others, fostering socialization, and boosting self-esteem. It also helps them become more independent in their daily lives and supports their academic achievements.
Role of a Speech Language Therapist in Treatment
Speech pathologists, also known as speech therapists, are professionals trained to support individuals with communication and language difficulties. They work with children who have a range of conditions, including hearing loss, to help them develop the skills they need to communicate effectively. For children with hearing loss, speech pathologists can help in several ways. They can assess a child’s communication skills and identify any areas of difficulty. They can also provide interventions to help a child develop their speech and language skills, such as teaching them how to use visual cues to support their communication by using sign language.
Choosing the Right special education schools in Dubai for your Child
When choosing the Best Speech therapy for kids in Dubai, it is vital to consider their unique needs and circumstances. Talk to our expert to better understand your child’s specific requirements. Ultimately, the well-being and progress of your child should be the primary focus when making such an important decision.
In Dubai, finding best speech therapy services for children has become easier than ever. Raaga Speech Therapy Centre is a well maintained among special education schools in Dubai to offer comprehensive programs staffed by experienced and qualified speech therapists. These experts are trained to work with hearing-impaired children, using evidence-based techniques and strategies to help them develop essential communication skills.
In conclusion, hearing loss can have a significant impact on a child’s language development and communication skills. At Raaga, we have the best speech language therapist in Dubai for developing skills for children with hearing loss which they need to communicate effectively.
Is your children showing signs they may have hearing loss? Book your appointment with RAAGA Special Education Schools in Dubai Today!
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raaga-dubai · 1 year
How effective is Paediatric behavioural therapy for autism?
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Paediatric behavioural therapy is an effective method for managing behaviour issues in children with special needs. Children may also experience difficulties following instructions or expressing themselves, which makes it hard for them to socialize. Paediatric behavioural therapy can build and strengthen effective coping mechanisms. The therapy focuses on replacing undesirable behavioural patterns with healthy ways. This is very helpful for autism spectrum disorders.
If you feel that your child could benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy, you can consult our behavioural therapy specialists in Dubai. Our behavioural therapist will interact with your child and trains your child to engage in daily chores and equips the child with vital life skills. Another important factor is that our behaviour therapist help parents understand the different challenges faced by the child and prevent them from having unrealistic perceptions about the condition or overburdening the child.
Understanding What Behavioural Therapy Is
Through cognitive-behavioural therapy, children and parents gain a better understanding of the difficulties experienced by the child. This type of therapy teaches an array of coping skills to help children manage emotional distress. This can also help the child to manage the physical symptoms, negative thoughts, and problematic behaviours that often accompany this type of distress.
Typically, behavioural and speech-language therapies are the foundation of the intervention. However, there is no single therapy that works across the board for all children. However Behavioural therapy is still the most proven approach for children with autism.
What are the behaviours of Autism?
The following are some of the behaviours seen in children with autism:
Unusual or inappropriate body language
Lack of eye contact
Not liking being touched
Delayed speech
Repeating words or phrases without communicative intent
Repetitive movements like rocking back and forth
Limited topic of interest
Tendency to strictly stick to routines
Being upset always
Hyper- or hypo-reactivity
Odd ways of moving
How does Paediatric Behavioural Therapy work?
The best way to determine the approach is to make a logical plan. We have specialized Paediatric speech therapy services in Dubai which includes a specific behavioural therapy plan that is flexible in terms of monitoring process and adjusted when needed. Here are a few cognitive behavioural therapy activities that will help your child get the skills they need:
Cognitive restructuring: Our therapists will ask the child about their thought processes in different situations to identify negative patterns. Then these patterns will be reframed into more positive and productive thoughts.
Exposure therapy: Our therapist will guide the child to deal with the fear or anxiety by slowly exposing the child to the things that evoke those feelings. This will make the child less vulnerable and more confident in their coping skills.
Activity scheduling: Sometimes children with autism avoid certain activities due to fear or anxiety. In this case, we make a good routine, making them more likely to follow each tasks at regular intervals.
Relaxation techniques: We provide children with relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, imagery, muscle relaxation, etc. which will help lower their stress anxieties and phobias.
Role-playing: This is another great technique for children to boost their communication skills and face challenging situations. Playing out scenarios in advance can help reduce the fear. By this, they can also improve their problem solving skills and help the child gain confidence in dealing with certain situations.
Benefits of Paediatric behaviour therapy
Consistent and long-term therapy could yield very positive results in children. These are:-
Language development
Intellectual functioning
Social functioning
Daily life skills
Relevant research and experiments suggest behavioural therapy could give good results for children with Autism. But the process takes time and patience, along with lots of love and support for your little ones.
Every child is different and unique. So it is important to consult with behavioural therapy specialists in Dubai to expand behavioural needs.  At RAAGA Speech therapy Centre Dubai, our therapists will work with you and help you identify your child’s indifferent thinking styles and help them gain insight to overcome their unusual routines.  We support your children in every stages and aid in their overall development and wellbeing.
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