rabid-fangirl · 8 years
See, Felicity already knows that she is in love with Oliver. They played that beat in S3 with Ray. So, what is stopping Felicity from viewing Oliver as a "second best" choice behind this new bf? If the reason for the break up is Felicity keeping secrets from this bf, does that mean she'll be pining for him considering HE will probably breakup with her? Will the bf become her "first choice"? Or will she move on and apply this knowledge to getting back together with Oliver?
Anonymous said:So, I asked you before why Felicity would break up with this bf if he is a “perfect foil” for Oliver like Ray was. You told me: “Why did Felicity break up with Ray, nonnie?” I know it’s because “she’s in love with Oliver”. But we already know that is true now. Why would they repeat the storyline? So, how would Felicity and this bf break up then? Felicity already knows she is in love with Oliver. I’m just afraid that this time around, Felicity will view Oliver as the “2nd best”.
Anonymous said:Hi Lou! I wanted to ask you a quick question if that’s ok? I keep seeing his theory floating around that F breaking up w/ the bf could be due to her having to lie to him about Team Arrow. I’m not fond of this idea simply because it makes it seem like O is the “second best” to the bf now. It puts too much significance on F’s relationship with the bf. Do you think F will think of O and her’s romance as “second best” now? Or do you think F will fail to move on b/c this bf “isn’t Oliver”?
A sampling of my Nonnies and this latest thing that won’t seem to die - people now worrying that Oliver will be second choice suddenly to Felicity. 
Honestly, I’ve been ignoring the question (while still kinda answering it a million different ways in all my other answers), but it’s just not going away. I ignored it because it’s just so out of touch with the entire narrative of Arrow. I can’t even believe that so many people have latched onto it as an idea. I just don’t know how you can watch the show and then think that Arrow is going to do something like this. It’s just plain nonsensical. It’s so nonsensical I’m struggling even to know how to answer it. 
Borrowing from my fave movie - Shaun of the Dead - where one of the characters kept declaring that dogs couldn’t look up, I’m getting that same feeling with this second best notion. It’s like of course dogs look up - why are we even having this discussion? Of course Oliver will never be Felicity’s choice, why are we even having this discussion? 
What show are you watching that makes you think the intent of this bf s/l is to make out Oliver to be a second best choice for Felicity? Why would you even conceive that kind of notion? What’s the end game for the writers to do something like that? 
Felicity will break up with the bf because she’s in no fit condition to be with anyone until she sorts out her PTSD. Why did all of Oliver’s relationships turn to crap when he was deep in the throes of his PTSD? Because people with that mental condition don’t make good choices. They struggle at life because of their trauma. They might put a vestige of being together over the top, but underneath they’re a red hot mess. Felicity is a red hot mess. The relationship with the bf will fail because of that fact. 
But you know who is coming out the other side of being a red hot mess? Oliver. He’s been where Felicity is now. He knows what it does to a person. He knows how it can make you lose sight of your own light. He knows how giving yourself a mission and pretending the pain doesn’t exist doesn’t work. Felicity drew Oliver back to his own light, and Oliver will draw Felicity back to hers. 
The reason they aren’t together isn’t because they don’t love one another. That’s not the sticking point. The sticking point is they don’t know how to be together with Felicity’s abandonment issues and Oliver’s tendency to abandon people from his life to go it alone. Those two issues are mutually exclusive to Olicity being together, as we found out last season. 
The bf is a simply a symptom of Felicity’s disease, one Oliver is going to help her overcome, and in the process, show her that he is reliable, and will include her in his life, even when it gets hard. 
The notion of Felicity falling in love with this guy but not being able to be with him, making Oliver second best, is so breathtakingly NOT the point of what is happening here. It’s not even in the same universe of reality as the narrative has laid down so far. 
When Felicity is healthy, and facing down her abandonment issues, and when Oliver steps up and shows he’s capable of not turning himself back into an island when things get tough, then they will reunite. Everything else that happens to them up until that point is simply to service that end goal. 
I really hope that makes sense. :) 
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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you two look ridiculously good together | 16/?
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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Oliver’s angry “you are so dead” face when Felicity is threatened.
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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everyday i love olicity: DAY 30 ➵ “There was no choice to make”
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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What is a soul mate? Well, it’s like a best friend, but more. It’s the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It’s someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don’t make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone who you carry with you forever. It’s the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you’ll always love her. Nothing can ever change that.
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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#Bless Stephen’s face when Larry King brings him back to their first interview talking about Olicity :D
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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Felicity Smoak knew Oliver was lying to her when they first met.  Oliver knew she knew he was lying.  But despite that, she still wanted to help him because she saw some kind of good in him.
Felicity showed Oliver that sometimes someone can see your damage and see that you’re not totally open, but also see the good in you. At that time, Oliver was trying desperately to put on a mask in front of everyone else in his life.  He was trying to play the fun best friend, the loving brother, the stereotypical trust-fund playboy…  But Felicity saw the crack in that mask and she didn’t flinch. In those few minutes, Felicity gave Oliver hope that someone could know he was damaged but also see some good.
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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oh there you are
requested by @lethalhuntress​
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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Emily on the significance of Oliver & Felicity staying together after the bunker was destroyed. (X)
Footnote: She talks very fast, so I cut out some of the ‘um’ and ‘you know’ type stuff.
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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What does it take to make you angry?
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
At the end of Arrow Season 4, we had a direct reversal of Season 3’s finale. Instead of Oliver and Felicity leaving Star City behind, they were the only ones that stayed behind while the rest of Team Arrow took off.
“And you know, Oliver is her heart. That’s a part of it,” Rickards continued. “You don’t always get to be with the one that has your heart but they get to work together. They have a friendship, they have a relationship – that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a romantic relationship but in a relationship with people you enjoy being around, that’s – those people keep you around all the time.”
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
Back To Arrow
I’ve been out of the Arrow loop for a while (stopped watching mid-S4, due to life and other reasons), and the time I have spent on Tumblr has mostly been devoted to perusing blogs dedicated to another CW show I am obsessed with, The 100. But as much as I love The 100 (and I truly do), there has been lots of drama in its fandom in recent months, and I need a break from that before it spoils my love for the show itself. Which leads me back to Arrow. Arrow is what brought me to Tumblr in the first place, and Olicity was the first OTP that really, truly captured my heart….and I have to say, after spending the last few days catching up on Olicity fanfiction in my free time, and starting an Arrow series rewatch, it’s like coming home. Seriously lol. I missed all the Arrow/Olicity awesomeness SO MUCH, and all of you who have stayed true and keep cranking out those awesome posts, metas, and fics? THANK YOU. You’re amazing and I heart you all so hard.
(PS for the 100 and Be//arke blogs I stalk – I heart you too, and I look forward to stalking you again when S4 airs next year :))
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
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My life.
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rabid-fangirl · 8 years
In the beginning, there was no hope. We were just another generation born to die in space. Then, they sent us to the ground and we found a strength we never knew we had. A strength in ourselves. Strength in each other. Suddenly, we had hope and we discovered that hope is something worth fighting for. Against all odds, against all enemies. And so we fought. We bled. And sacrificed. We killed. All for the hope that our future will be better than our past. For the hope that someday the violence will end and we can be free. But now, our enemy isn’t something that can be fought. It can’t be reasoned with. It can’t be killed. It can’t be stopped. And so we ask ourselves, when all is lost, can hope survive? Can we survive? And after everything we’ve done, do we deserve to?
Clarke in the season 4 teaser for The 100 (via merdok1993)
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