raccooninaraincoat · 26 days
we believe in Leon supremacy in this fandom xd
Story of my life
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raccooninaraincoat · 2 months
Here comes the promised rant, on why William Birkin (and the rest of the Umbrella employees in the NEST in the re2 remake) are even worse disgusting filthy scumbags than you had thought:
So, you know how the virus actively running rampant in raccoon city is the T-Virus, yes? And in the NEST, they also experimented on the G-Virus.
According to the file "Report: About G" (Not sure where specifically it is anymore but somewhere in NEST) the intelligence of a subject declines rapidly upon infection, and, which is where it gets interesting: they are driven only by the need to survive and reproduce.
It will instinctively search out Humans with the closest match to it's DNA and implant an embryo in them. Which is already disgusting in it's own right, since it means that the g-virus is badically a breeding machine with super strength (and absolutely no care of perception of consent or anything of the sorts).
AND IT GETS WORSE. Because, and I quote: "[...] the only ones who might be a close enough match would be any biological children of the subject, tough..." (-Report: About G)
If you play the Claire Route, and eventually end up in the Orphanage, then you'll find diaries of a few of the kids that previously lived there. One of them is quite important for my little rant here, and that is Tom's Diary.
On the first entry, Feb. 5, he expresses disappointment that his friend Oliver hadn't written him any letters since he got adopted 2 months back, which seems to happen whenever a kid is adopted. Still it upsets him in this very case because he thought he and Oliver would be friends for life.
On the next page, the entry of Feb. 8, he mentions that today Ann came to the orphanage and told them that the kids that get "adopted" are actually turned into food for the "boogie men". He dismisses it as just a story, but it's quite clear what is implied here: They send literal children into the NEST and infect them with the T-Virus for research purposes.
This is further enforced in Tom's Diary, Page 6/6, Feb. 19:
"Oliver came back in the middle of the night, all messed up, screaming help me and stuff. I didn't even recognize him at first; his face was all peeling and melted off. [...]"
which by itself would only imply that Oliver got infected with the T-virus. However in NEST, in the file "Research diary", Page 4/4 "T-Virus resistance experimentation" we get this nice little text:
"We administered G-Virus to subject 628, who had shown resistance to the T-Virus. The Virus was then introduced to subject 639, with whom 628 had had a close friendship. 628 showed some signs of resistance, but had been implanted with an embryo after 24 minutes. T-Virus resistance does nothing to stop the mental detoriation caused by the G-Virus."
Now, it's quite easy to identify that these subjects are most certainly Oliver (628) and Tom (639) because of what is mentioned in Tims Diary entry Feb. 5.
The difference in their subject numbers makes sense too. between Olivers "adoption", and Toms first diary entry, roguhly two months go by, and by the time that Tom gets "adopted" too, which he writes about in the entry of Feb. 14 ("I'm getting adopted. Me. Most people go for younger kids, so I figured I was too old. [...] I say goodbye to this place on the 20th. [...]") So, if Oliver got "adopted" in early december, and Tom in mid/late february, then it makes sense for there to have gone other kids inbetween.
Funfact, the reason Tom is adopted is most likely because in Feb. 13, he's getting suspicious of the orphanage because of how isolated they are, and how they seem to get a lot of shots (probably T-Virus desensitisation for further experiments, or immunisation in case of contamination like when Oliver escapes NEST and seeks help in the orphanage)
The conclusion of all the stuff I just quoted is severely less fun. Because the picture that all these bits of canon info paint is a quite disturbing one.
William and Annette Birkin (Who, as I'd like to remind you, let their daughter stay up there in that orphanage) and the rest of the NEST scientists experiment on Kids. With the G-Virus, amongst other things.
And that is so SO fucking disgusting. The entirety of thsoe experiments is inhumane and absolutely vile, but dragging literal children into it, especially to implant them with Virus embryos (which I needn't elaborate on further), makes it so so much worse.
and unfortunately, it's not even surprising, because the "Chimeras" from the first Resident Evil, were created by picking homeless women of the street and forcefully impregnating them with modified embryos made from grafting t-virus strains with animal DNA.
Conclusion: Umbrella is beyond disgusting and even worse than most people even realise, and I have nothing but absolute hatred for their scientists.
I wonder how many people play re2r and just do not realise what abhorrent vile things went down in that lab-
It's pretty easy to miss, but if you're like me (autistic and severely hyperfixated on resident evil) you go out of your way to find collected archives of all in game file (there's an app that has all the files, items, characters and mobs from the respective games, it's called Resident Evil Comoanion and I love it dearly) then you realise the full weight if what you read/skim trough while playing the game.
And I mean- obviously things down there are gonna be morally wrong and absolutely terrible, but the extent of that- dear god. William Birkin and everyone else that worked in that lab are absolutely disgusting. But like, especially him Annette. Like, they have a DAUGHTER. They have A CHILD OF THEIR OWN. A CHILD THAT LIVES UP IN THE DAMN ORPHANAGE, WITH THOSE VERY CHILDREN.
(I will probably add a more elaborate post going into more detail for just what I'm talking abt at some point but I had to get this out of my system for now cause literally noone I know is into Resident evil and I cannot stop thinking about how disgusting the G-Virus experiments are.)
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raccooninaraincoat · 3 months
I was in line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers in front of me had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said “let me call my husband real quick” and it was only 18 dollars, so I just paid for it, and she was very sweet and then as she walked off, the lady behind me said `”You know that was probably a scam, right?” and like, even if it was, like what a sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at the Aldi. If you’re “scamming” me for some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just take my fucking money. 
“A scam” people are fucking wild.  
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raccooninaraincoat · 3 months
Gender Nonconforming Jesus: A look at art history. CW: religion, transphobia, artistic nudity, depictions of open wounds (Long post)
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raccooninaraincoat · 3 months
Every time I advocate for voting people are like "no you shouldn't vote! Read this literature, it'll totally change the way you view voting!" And every single time it's the same fucking "you shouldn't vote because both parties are exactly the same so it won't make a difference who wins" bullshit wrapped up in some fancy language
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raccooninaraincoat · 3 months
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raccooninaraincoat · 4 months
I wonder how many people play re2r and just do not realise what abhorrent vile things went down in that lab-
It's pretty easy to miss, but if you're like me (autistic and severely hyperfixated on resident evil) you go out of your way to find collected archives of all in game file (there's an app that has all the files, items, characters and mobs from the respective games, it's called Resident Evil Comoanion and I love it dearly) then you realise the full weight if what you read/skim trough while playing the game.
And I mean- obviously things down there are gonna be morally wrong and absolutely terrible, but the extent of that- dear god. William Birkin and everyone else that worked in that lab are absolutely disgusting. But like, especially him Annette. Like, they have a DAUGHTER. They have A CHILD OF THEIR OWN. A CHILD THAT LIVES UP IN THE DAMN ORPHANAGE, WITH THOSE VERY CHILDREN.
(I will probably add a more elaborate post going into more detail for just what I'm talking abt at some point but I had to get this out of my system for now cause literally noone I know is into Resident evil and I cannot stop thinking about how disgusting the G-Virus experiments are.)
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raccooninaraincoat · 5 months
I feel like Ashlyn and her parents WERENT dragged into a rift on the night of her birth, actually. Based on the way rifts work with the sbg kids and their injuries not transferring over from one dimension to the other, I guess I could see how Ash got her hearing altered as a tiny baby if she was fully born in the phantom dimension, because there wasn’t any body of hers to shift back to when the rift closed so the hearing damage copied over from the ‘original’. But there’s a discrepancy with the idea that I haven’t seen anyone point out yet: Mike.
He did not have his iconic facial scar before the encounter!
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If this attack happened in the phantom dimension, then logically, the wound would have disappeared when they shifted back into the human reality.
So either there was something different about the nature of this rift than the one in the weed sorrel house, or, in my opinion: the Banners didn’t shift at all that night.
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This is the first panel where a phantom shows up, and based on the red lighting, you could infer that they went into the phantom realm. BUT, the lighting at the abandoned building doesn’t have a solid blue to solid red chromatic abberation, like shifts are indicated earlier. Instead, there’s a much more gentle gradient.
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Combined with the lack of the 3-D effect on the family, and Mike’s permanent facial scar as well as Ashlyn’s hyperacutitus being present always, not just when reality thins out, I don’t think they went into the phantom dimension at all! Instead:
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This thing came out
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raccooninaraincoat · 5 months
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raccooninaraincoat · 5 months
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raccooninaraincoat · 5 months
can i bite you
only if it's gay and you promise to be weird about it
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raccooninaraincoat · 5 months
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abstract and modern art haters are sooo snobby like klein literally Created an entirely new pigment and then painted a canvas in a way where the brush strokes wouldn't be visible. the insinuation that people with no skill could reproduce that is so annoying because unless you are skilled at color mixing and painting you definitely couldn’t lmao
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raccooninaraincoat · 6 months
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Last Week Tonight, March 16, 2022
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raccooninaraincoat · 7 months
I just realized what mass panic probably errupted in Umbrella headquarters when some dude found out that Claire Redfield (raccoon city survivor and sister of Chris Redfield, former S.T.A.R.S. member and now rather important person in the B.S.A.A.) just joined TerraSave. the pure panic of "OH SHIT SHE PROBABLY KNOWS- WHAT IF SHE SMH HAS PROOF????"
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raccooninaraincoat · 7 months
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raccooninaraincoat · 7 months
breadcutting machines are cool, but only if you're smart-
(istg the one time I'm alone with this stupid thing, I cut my thumb- this is why i can't live alone ever lmao)
(also it's not that bad, I'm still in one piece, band-aid suited injuries only)
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raccooninaraincoat · 7 months
...it took me a solid five minutes to pick a favorite color :'>
1. purple
2. chemistry
3. my best friend since ever
4. Romance is boring (but the very calm wilbur soot cover that isn't on spotify anymore)
5. vanilla milk (i don't rlly do breakfast)
since I don't have any friends on tumblr that I could tag, I just encourage anyone who can think of answers to add theirs
doing one of these things because I need to be productive
1 note - I'll drink a litre of water
5 notes - I'll go make myself some food
25 notes - I'll care for my plants (also I need name suggestions for a fern)
50 notes - I'll do 30 minutes of studying
100 notes - I'll tidy my room (you can't see the floor.)
300 notes - I'll cook a really pretty and lovely meal for my family
500 notes - I'll do something someone says I should do idk
1k notes - I will complete my to do list (it's endless. This involves making a sculpture, making a canvas painting, completing hours of schoolwork)
no rules
expires march 15th!!
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