racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HrEje5Clt3DVXrlZ9q3Lv?si=AZrd66rLRh-3x1U55erU1A it’s the final Piece of the FAHC playlist! The Crew as a Collective!
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
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a playlist for when you’re a crewmate in among us <3
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
subway employees when i tell them i want a sub:
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
folk punk music just be like “im too poor to afford a therapist so im going to sing about my trauma over the sound of the jauntiest fucking guitar playing youve ever heard in your goddamn life”
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
folk punk music just be like “im too poor to afford a therapist so im going to sing about my trauma over the sound of the jauntiest fucking guitar playing youve ever heard in your goddamn life”
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
a gifset wouldn’t do this justice
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racetraxk-higgins · 4 years
being back + writing sprace
im mars, im the owner of this account, and im back, baby!
over the past few months, i’ve been in a bad place mentally which has caused me to get back into my old habits, one of those being anything related to newsies. 
i’ve started to get inspired again, so i’ve decided to log back onto this account and start running it again. meaning you can expect an update to bruises, my sprace fic, as well as just other fics/one shots/hc’s to be posted. 
im so excited to be back, and i hope you’ll enjoy my content!
- mars 
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racetraxk-higgins · 5 years
John Boyega being done with Reylo stan’s is my favourite moment of 2019
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and also his header being Finpoe, a precious boi
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racetraxk-higgins · 5 years
i think my favorite thing in fics is when the author blatantly side-eyes the fuck out of the original content, like a fix it where a canonically dead character is like "thank GOD i'm still around" or anyone's like "can you imagine if [canonical event] happened that would've sucked" and you can all but feel the characters looking into the camera like they're on the office, that's the good shit
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racetraxk-higgins · 5 years
K but like,, hear me out
Davey and Crutchie have an actual feral reaction whenever they hear Old Town Road because Jack plays it all the fucking time. Like, all the time.
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racetraxk-higgins · 5 years
I REALLY fucking hate the stereotype that Canadians are so nice and passive and apologetic about everything. The stereotype is more than just irksome to me; it’s damaging. It disregards the ugly realities of racism throughout the country, particularly towards Aboriginal people. 
I have witnessed way too much racism in this country to find the “nice Canadian” stereotype cute. The number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls in my city alone is horrifying. The abuse and flat-out hatred is grotesque. 
Here in Canada, people are really good at not giving a shit about the well-being of another human being if that person happens to be Aboriginal. Here in Canada, people are so well-armed with their assumptions and stereotypes that they can’t even bother to see Aboriginal people as HUMAN. 
So no. Canada is not a magical land where everyone loves each other and says sorry constantly. That stereotype is insulting to every Aboriginal woman who is assaulted, goes missing, and/or is murdered. It’s insulting to the families of those missing and murdered women who seek justice and answers that they will never receive, simply because non-Aboriginal Canadians don’t give a damn.
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racetraxk-higgins · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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racetraxk-higgins · 6 years
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racetraxk-higgins · 6 years
me: oh no, i’m dying… i feel so sick and weak
(eats food and drinks water)
oh, i’m fine… and i have powers now
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racetraxk-higgins · 6 years
yall out here saying “big tummies and squishy thighs are good!!!!” but how many of yall would actually date a fat person… how many tumblr dot com users make fun of overweight people irl… don’t reblog fat positivity posts if all you care about is seeming nice online
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racetraxk-higgins · 6 years
Ideal number of teeth?
as many as i can get my hands on
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