rachelcarroll1819 · 1 month
DAY 15
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rachelcarroll1819 · 3 months
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Au fucking revoir Mister Prince
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rachelcarroll1819 · 5 months
So am looking for pics of weath from the 13th warrior if anyone has any can you please send them to me
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rachelcarroll1819 · 5 months
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Portals to Hell by hrmphfft
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rachelcarroll1819 · 8 months
Nickname ( honey
Toshinori Yagi( my hero academia
My chacter is a pro hero her hero name is siren her quirks are she has the ability to control men women and creatures and make them do whatever she wants and she can control water she teaches at the ua and her and Toshinori Yagi like eacthother she younger then him she around Aizawa age she bff with him and mic anyway her and toshinori dance around eacthother alot and act like a married couple but they don't start dateimg till after the league of villans attack usj center and Toshinori finally confess to her and they start rk date he treats her like a queen when he retires she stays being a hero until after the war with the league of villians when Toshinori ask her to marry him and she says yes and she tells him she also pregnant *
Here you go! I hope you like it!! 😁
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
Give You So Much More - All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Fem! Reader
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1923 words
Warnings: none except slight spoilers if you haven't seen MHA. (If there is any, please let me know so I can add.)
+Yagi and Siren have played the cat and mouse game ever since they met. Yagi never made a move because he thought he was too much her senior. They flirt on the constant nothing ever comes until after the USJ incident. The scare motivates him to confess.
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"Who do you think for class roasters?" I asked effectively starting the meeting. Deliberations started up. We were in the days between the Entrance Exam and announcing to the students about admission.
"I want Bakugou and Iida in 1-A, no question." Aizawa said. No one argued with him. We all made notes.
"What about Monoma Neito and Midoriya Izuku?" I asked. I saw Yagi perk up and looked at him. He hadn't shown that much interest in the whole time we've been sorting. I lightly kicked him for his attention. He looked at me and I raised my eyebrow in question. He gave me a smile and waved me off.
"I'll take Monoma. He's got a great quirk but needs some humbling." Vlad said. "I think Midoriya should be in 1-A."
"No." Aizawa denied immediately. Everyone made a complaint. I saw Yagi deflate a little.
"Aizawa, he had the highest rescue score. In all my years working here and when I went here, I don't ever remember someone getting a perfect in rescue." I defended the young man. I shared a look with Yagi. "Sure he didn't do well in combat but that can be taught. That can be learned. His fervor to rescue can't be. He has amazing potential."
"No Aizawa. You need to give that kid a chance. He's got something special." I gave him a firm look. He sighed heavily.
"Fine. Midoriya is in class 1-A."
"Yes!" Mic cheered. There were others who gave sounds of excitement. I looked at Yagi and he looked relieved.
"Okay. Let's take a break." Nezu said. After a few minutes, I found Yagi outside. I walked up to him.
"Now tell me why I vouched for Midoriya so hard." I bumped my hip against his. He chuckled and looked at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked coyly.
"I mean, when he was mentioned you perked up and when Airawa said no, you deflated." I said. I poked his chest. He just smiled but he didn't answer. "Come on. Don't make me sing to make you tell me."
"Fine, fine." He glared playfully. "I just see something in young Midoriya. It kind of reminds me of a younger me."
"Uh huh..." I narrowed my eyes on him. He wasn't telling me everything. "Fine, don't tell me everything but I didn't lie when I vouched for him. I believe in him."
"Thank you." I nodded and turned to go back inside.
"You can thank me by buying me lunch."
"You got it!" He called after me.
*Time Skip*
After a long first day, I was alone in the teachers lounge. I was lazily stirring my tea free handed with my quirk. I was writing notes on the students' beginning progress. It wasn't the best for any of them but what do expect for a Criminal tactics and psychology class. I looked over my shoulder when the door opened.
"Hey there handsome." I said when I saw All Might. He smiled at me before in a poof, he was just Yagi again. "How was your first day?"
"It was decent." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Want some tea?" I ask. He nods. I got up and walked over to the cabinet to grab his favorite tea. "I can make it. You don't have to."
"It's fine." I said waving my hand at him. I waved my hand and water came from the facet into the kettle. I turned on the heat to start it. I went back to the table and grabbed my cup.
"How was your first day? How did they do in class?" He asked, stepping up closer as I leant against the side of the table. I took a drink of my tea.
"Only a handful of all of them had any idea of what my class was about." We chucked.
"Who were those few?"
"Todoroki, Iida. No surprise there." I laughed. "Monoma, Kuroiro... Oh, and surprisingly Kaminari." I said, glancing at my notes.
"Well at least you're not starting from scratch with everyone."
"You said it." I said. The kettle started to whistle. I set my cup down and walked over. I turned off the heat before realizing I didn't get a cup out. I sigh and open the cabinet. All the rest of the cups were on higher shelves. I stood on my tip toes to try and reach one. Before I could resort to climbing on the counter, a hand reached past mine and grabbed a cup.
"I got it." Yagi said softly behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder where he stood right behind me.
"Okay." I reached for his tea and handed it to him. He put it in the cup and I poured some hot water in his cup.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." We stared at each other for a moment. I bit my lip as my heart started to beat faster.
"You know, Rachel. I..."
"Siren!" Mic's voice echoed into the room and I sighed. Yagi coughed a little and stepped back. Mic and Aizawa walked into the teachers lounge. "Oh, hey All Might."
"Hi Mic." Yagi greeted before turning to fix up his tea. "Thanks for the Tea Rachel."
"No problem." I nodded and walked back over to the table. Yagi bid all of us goodbye before leaving the room. It was silent for a Minute.
"Don't even." I interrupted Mic. Aizawa laughed as Mic complained.
*Day of USJ incident*
The rest of the staff and I rushed towards the USJ. Upon hearing the story from Iida, we all jumped into action. After arriving, the main villains unfortunately got away. I had sung the remaining villains into custody and the police vans. I glanced over at the ambulance where All Might and Midoriya were at. I wanted to go check on him so bad but had a job to do.
"Go on." I turned to see Mic. "Go on and check on him. I know you need to."
"Fine. But only if you go with Aizawa." I say. He hesitated.
"Go you two. We got this." Midnight pushed us both in our respective direction. We didn't argue and ran off. Both Yagi and Midoriya were half conscious when I joined them in the ambulance. I accompanied them back to UA and I waited in the corner of the room until they were deemed stable and okay.
"You both are insane." I sat on a chair between them and propped my feet on the edge of Yagi's bed. "Being reckless with your quirk is almost identical in both of you."
"I, I, I. Um..." Midoriya started to stutter.
"Relax, Midoriya. I know about the quirk transfer."
"You do?!' Yagi asked surprised.
"How?!" Midoriya squeaked.
"I figured it out." I said. "I did a little research after the selection meeting. I wanted to know what was so special about you. To my surprise, you were quirkless until right after the Entrance exam. Then I studied your quirk from the footage and since then and noticed the similarities to a certain someone. Not to mention Aizawa being suspicious about you two and coming to me for my opinion."
"Oh..." I looked at Yagi.
"Also, All might here wasn't very sly about his concern and interest for you." I smirked at Yagi. He chuckled and nodded. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me."
"Thank you." They both said.
After a while, Midoriya was allowed to go home and it was just me and Yagi. It was silent as I made a phone call to check on Aizawa. I looked at Yagi to see him sipping of the tea I made him as I talked to Mic
"He's stable and resting." I said after hanging up the phone.
"Good." Yagi nodded. He looked off into space. I went and knelt next to him.
"What's on your mind?" I asked gently.
"That's the closest I have been to death since the accident." He said while placing a hand on his scar. "And all I could think about was making sure those kids were safe and how I never..." He trailed off.
"Never what?" I set my hand on his. He turned and looked me in the eye.
"Never told you how I truly felt about you." He admitted. I looked at him in anticipation, willing him to continue. "I have had feelings for you for a while. I was content with the flirting and dancing we have been doing. I never acted on my feelings because of our age difference and..." I cut him off by leaning up and kissing him. I felt him freeze for a second before returning the kiss.
"About time you said something. I was beginning to think it was just me." I admitted. He chuckles.
"Definitely not." He leant forward and kissed me sweetly. "Now how about after I heal up and rest, I take you on a proper date."
"Sounds amazing."
“I plan to give you so much, Honey.”
*Fast Forward*
I return home only to smell the familiar cologne in the foyer. I glance down to see Toshinori's shoes. I smiled and quickly kicked off my shoes to go find him. I found him on the balcony. He was just standing there with his eyes closed. I lean against the doorway.
"Darling?" I call out to him softly. He looks over at me and smiles.
"You're alright."
"Of course." I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He pulls me into his side. "Everyone is. Maybe a little bruised and some with broken bones but we're all alive."
"Thank god." He buries his face in my hair. He sighed heavily. "It's over."
"Yes. At least for now."
"Yes." He nodded pulling back. "But I know the future is in good hands. Young Midoriya, Young Bakugou, and the rest will keep the world safe."
"I'm confident in them as well." I agreed. "Confident enough that I am thinking of retiring or reducing my time as a hero."
"Really?" He looked at me surprised.
"Yes. I've done my time. I'll continue to teach of course but I want to start a normal life." We stood there in silence before he pulled my chin up to kiss me.
"I have a question for you."
"Marry me?" He said simply. I was stunned for a second before smiling. I kissed him softly. I didn't care that it was a simple proposal. I didn't need an extravagant proposal from the man I love. I just need the man.
"I would love to. Yes." He smiled wide and hugged me tight. I chuckled and hugged him back.
"You've made me the happiest man alive, Honey." I nuzzled his neck.
"There is another reason I'm cutting back on hero work."
"What is it?" He asked, giving me a questioning look. I could see the worry growing in his eyes and on his face. I chuckled.
"Well." I took his hand and placed it on my stomach. He looks between his hand and my eyes.
"Are you ..."
"Pregnant." I nodded. "I found out just before everything. I didn't have time to tell you."
"Oh my..." I saw tears fill his eyes and he set his forehead on my shoulder. He laughed. "I never thought I would have any of this."
"Now you do. And I plan to give you much more." He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.
"I love you Rachel."
"And I love you."
Tag List: @iris-shihabi @cl0verbby @lilparcheesie @keigos-baby-bird @evilunicorns4minions
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rachelcarroll1819 · 8 months
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Snakes on a Plane (2006) dir. David R. Ellis
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People: *Complaining about desktop Buggy*
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rachelcarroll1819 · 1 year
I know this is a strecth but can anyone make phone wallpaper I want one of buggy ( live action one piece)
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rachelcarroll1819 · 1 year
Like or reblog if you love Buggy, I need more mutuals who support the future pirate king ❤️
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rachelcarroll1819 · 1 year
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Thank you for the tag @blackmonitor​​!!! This was a fun Friday night activity… so let’s see if you can guess my type friends…
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