rachelegalatioto ¡ 3 years
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Marcelo Mastroianni on the set of De Sica’s Amanti, 1968.
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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Non mi piaccio. Non mi sono mai piaciuto, neanche fisicamente. Non mi piaccio quando mi osservo allo specchio: questo nasino corto, questa bocca cicciuta. A me piacciono le bocche senza labbra e i nasi lunghi, aquilini. Io sono carino e un uomo non dev’esser carino. Più ci penso, più mi chiedo come sia possibile che una faccia simile mi dia da mangiare. Che la gente ci veda l’espressione di un’epoca, anzi il simbolo di un uomo ambiguo, confuso, egoista, immaturo? Sono tutto ciò, ed eccoci al peggio: non mi piaccio dentro. Tanto per dirne una, sono ignorante. Non ho mai tentato di studiare, non mi sono mai detto leggiamo-quel-libro, andiamo-in-quel museo, ascoltiamo-quel-concerto, può-essere-un-godimento. La cultura per molti è un godimento. Per me è un’impossibilità fisica e spirituale. Ma lo sai che mi stanco a leggere? Non approfondisco mai un problema. Vorrei, lo giuro, vorrei: perché è così brutto sentirsi a disagio tra la gente informata. Resto sempre alla finestra, a guardare. Mi spiace che tanti soffrano la fame, l’ho sofferta anch’io e so che cosa significa, ma non vado certo in giro a battermi per i poveri. Se mi si piglia di contropiede, rispondo: «Ovvio che sono socialista!». Però non ho mai capito bene in cosa consista questo socialismo e non faccio alcuno sforzo per capirlo. Molti credono ch’io sappia le cose. A volte le so, vero, ma nella maniera in cui un animale fiuta il cibo e la strada che conduce all’abbeveraggio. D’istinto, ecco. Guarda il mio amore per i quadri: non nasce da una cultura pittorica, ma da un istinto. Quando li compro, non sbaglio mai. Dal mio disinteresse per tutto e per tutti mi sveglio esclusivamente per parlar di me stesso.
- Marcello Mastroianni
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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Good talk. Think about it.  I’m here all day, all right?
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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queen maeve in every scene
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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Expectations vs. Reality
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
Watch The Boys! We have:
Billy Joel
Those memes about wanting to die by a woman crushing your head between her thighs
C4 in the asshole
Incomprehensible accents
The only nuanced adaptation of the ‘what if Superman...but evil’ trope I’ve ever seen
Moral ambiguity
Giving drugs to BABIES
An evil caricature of Amazon that is exactly like real world Amazon
Killing marine life in comical ways
Breast milk fetishes
“Would you fuck a clone of yourself?”
That scene from hotel Transylvania 2 where Dracula throws his grandson off a roof to see if he’d fly
Amazon but they were founded by NAZIS
Social media being used as an instrument to spread hateful dogma
Companies trying to profit off of women by just saying ‘girl power!’
Companies trying to profit off of LGBTs by just saying ‘gay power!’
Fat Neil commits a hate crime
A body positivity acid trip featuring Patton Oswald, the voice of Remmy in Ratatouille
The first new mutants trailer
Curb stomping a Nazi
Sign language 2: Electric Boogaloo
and last but not least
A character who’s name literally translates to ‘Black Black’
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
Why am I just now realizing that Volguabom’s mansion from The Boys is Klaus’s cult mansion from The Umbrella Academy season 2
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
shippers be like:
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
Favorite character: *breathes*
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
What we learned about The Boys season 3 from Eric Kripke’s twitter Q&A:
(SPOILERS, I guess!)
There will be no deeper meaning behind why The Church of the Collective is obsessed with Fresca, it’s just an inside joke between the writers
Teddy, Madeline Stillwell’s son will be making an appearance
Homelander will be pushed into a corner, there will be media backlash over him dating a nazi and he won’t be too happy with the whole blackmail situation, so he will snap at some point this season
Soldier Boy will provide us with more of Vought’s backstory through the decades, in-between all the cussing and fucking he’ll apparently be doing (Eric was really adamant about this)
Homelander and Soldier Boy will have tension between them, it’ll stem from them being just about equal in power (Homelander is slightly stronger), also the fact that Soldier Boy was basically Homelander before Homelander and, as you all know, our boy is an insecure, little bitch
Stormfront is not dead and will apparently heal from her injuries, since Eric specifically said that she will be “mutilated for a long time”, not permanently (fingers crossed for a Darth Vader suit)  
The rough estimate is that the show will have 5 seasons, although it’s not set in stone, it just feels like a good number creatively for now
Starlight will find herself to be very popular among people, a sort of “rising star among the Seven”, but “things are gonna go to shit pretty quickly”
Ryan will continue to be in the story, “he represents all that’s good about Butcher”, so Butcher will continue to keep tabs on him, they will interact and it’ll be “kind of sweet” (don’t touch me, I’m soft)
Butcher’s big struggle this season will be balancing his “crazy amounts of rage” over what happened to Becca, his hatred for Homelander and taking care of Ryan
Love Sausage will be making another appearance
Black Noir is alive and well, we’ll be learning more about him and there will be “an opportunity for him to take off his mask” (unnecessarily cryptic, but okay)
Soldier Boy and Homelander won’t have a sex scene, like they did in the comics, but there will be a “herogasm”, that we’ve apparently earned (don’t ask, I don’t know)
Cindy is still out there and we will see her again, although it’s not guaranteed that she’ll return this season, the exact phrasing was “Cindy will return before this show is over”
Kimiko will have much more of a chance to express her personality and interests (he kind of dodged the question about whether we’ll actually hear her speak)
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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Billy Butcher being extra as hell in the Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
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“My wife, Becca, used to hum the Spice Girls. Drove me around the fucking bend, you know. All day long, walking around the house, humming. She was happy. Now fuck know why she was happy with me, but she was happy.”
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
Becca's "I like your friends. Especially Hughie, he's good for you".
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
When Stormfront is going on about white genocide and even Homelander is like
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
Homelander when Stormfront was talking about “white genocide”
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 4 years
me: I watch sons of anarchy for the plot
the plot:
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rachelegalatioto ¡ 5 years
My new favorite video on the internet 😂😂
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