radcalm · 3 years
it’s not like this is new, but being in your mid-20s means a lot of up-and-coming female celebrities are younger than you, and the horrors of what they’re probably going through become more and more obvious to you. and it’s just so unsettling watching them regurgitate the same thing over and over about how they “own their sexuality” and are “empowered” when you know damn well that’s what you were saying when you were at your lowest, and you weren’t even immersed in such a horrifyingly misogynist industry
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radcalm · 3 years
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she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into wild beasts // Circe by Wright Barker (1889)
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radcalm · 3 years
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Drone used to scare people.
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radcalm · 3 years
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A real life tiger shark.
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radcalm · 3 years
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radcalm · 3 years
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radcalm · 3 years
The sex positivity movement has morphed into this weird bullshit where every single kink cannot be questioned, and being “kinky” is now a fucking identity and I really wish that we could go back to a time when people had a little shame and didn’t openly admit to having an fucking incest dragon fetish or some shit
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radcalm · 3 years
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“National Geographic called me and asked me to write the feminist facts about how The Lion King gets lion pride dynamics all wrong. I happily complied. Lions are matrilineal!! 
When I contacted Craig Packer, one of the world’s leading lion researchers, to talk  about this story he was IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. He Skyped me almost instantly from a camp in Kenya and said he’s been waiting for someone to ask him this question since the original film came out.
Anyway, if The Lion King were real, Nala would be the star, Sarabi would be holding her up saying everything the light touches is our kingdom, Simba would have left and never come back, and when Nala got old enough Sarabi would have carved out a territory for her to rule.”
- Erin Biba‏ 
In real life, Simba’s mom would be running the pride
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radcalm · 3 years
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Jude Law in The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) dir. Anthony Minghella
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radcalm · 3 years
« A striking number of political prisoners who wrote memoirs attribute their survival to their ability to tell stories […]. In the world of the camps and the prisons, where books were scarce and films were rare, a good storyteller was highly prized.
Leonid Finkelstein says that he will be forever grateful to a thief who, “on my first prison day, recognized this potential in me, and said, ‘You’ve probably read a lot of books. Tell them to people, and you will be living very well.’ And indeed I was living better than the rest. […] I ran into people who said, ‘You are Leonchik-the-storyteller, I heard about you’ […].”
Alexander Wat retold Stendhal’s The Red and the Black to a group of bandits while in prison. Alexander Dolgun recounted the plot of Les Miserables. Janusz Bardach told the story of The Three Musketeers: “I felt my status rise with every twist of the plot.” 
Others found the same. On her hot, stuffy train to Vladivostok, Evgeniya Ginzburg learned that “there were material advantages in reciting poetry … For instance, after each act of Griboyedov’s The Misfortune of Being Clever, I was given a drink of water out of someone else’s mug as a reward for ‘services to the community.’ »
— Anne Applebaum, Gulag: A History
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radcalm · 3 years
Guess who got her account back??👏👏🍷🍷🥰🥳🥳 gonna leave this as a sideblog
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radcalm · 3 years
wokies: you are not immune to propaganda
also wokies: porn is ACTING, women love to be violently fucked on camera by men they met 30 minutes prior, nothing bad ever happens in the porn industry and if bad things do happen it’s an isolated incident. they even say at the end of the video that they consented! i am very smart
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radcalm · 3 years
TIL about female urinary incontinence in China
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I was so shocked the number (30%) was so high for women. Then I looked at the UK statistics and saw it went up to 40% of women.
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Men will never understand how important bathrooms are for women. They literally piss in public and piss in bottles the moment they feel like it. Women will regularly go for HOURS until they get Utis or wet themselves, and we STILL have to fight to keep the few bathrooms we have left away from men.
I went to a club a couple weeks ago that had 'gender neutral' toilets. One bathroom was full of urinals and cubicles, the other had a couple of cubicle loos. Men used the one with urinals, and without malicious intent or any realisation, also crammed into the toilet that had 2 cubicles...the only bathroom that women were comfortable and able to use. It's like this everywhere all the time and it is literally making us sick.
Female toilets matter so much. Without them we will remain in poverty. How can you not wake the fuck up and peak ?
Gender neutral can't exist in a world where male is the default. Invisible women
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radcalm · 3 years
“He is taking a course on Marxist ideology. He says, “The only real solution is to smash the system and start again.” His thumb is caressing the most bourgeois copy of the communist manifesto that I have ever seen, He bought it at Barnes and Noble for twenty-nine U.S. American dollars and ninety-nine cents, Its hard cover shows a dark man with a scarved face Waving a gigantic red flag against a fictional smoky background. The matte finish is fucking gorgeous. He wants to be congratulated for paying Harvard sixty thousand dollars To teach him that the system is unfair. He pulls his iPhone from his imported Marino wool jacket, and leaves. What people can’t possibly tell from the footage on TV Is that the water cannon feels like getting whipped with a burning switch. Where I come from, they fill it with sewer water and hope that they get you in the face with your mouth open So that the hepatitis will keep you in bed for the next protest. What you can’t tell from Harvard square, Is that when the tear gas bursts from nowhere to everywhere all at once, It scrapes your insides like barbed wire, sawing at your lungs. Tear gas is such a benign term for it, If you have never breathed it in you would think it was a nostalgic experience. What you can’t learn at Barnes and Noble, Is that when they rush you, survival is to run, I am never as fast as when the police are chasing me. I know what happens to women in the holding cells down there and yet… We still do it. I inherited my communist manifesto, It has no cover— Because my mother ripped it off when she hid it in the dust jacket of “Don Quixote” The day before the soldiers destroyed her apartment, Looking for subversive propaganda. She burned the cover, could not bring herself to burn the pages, Hoped to God the soldiers couldn’t read, They never found it. So she was not killed for it, but her body bore the scars of the torture chamber, For wanting her children to have a better life than she did, Don’t talk to me about revolution. I know what the price of smashing the system really is, my people already tried that. The price of uprise is paid in blood, And not Harvard blood. The blood that ran through the streets of Santiago, The blood thrown alive from Argentine helicopters into the Atlantic. It is easy to say “revolution” from the comfort of a New England library. It is easy to offer flesh to the cause, When it is not yours to give.”
Catalina Ferro, “Manifesto” (via dialecticsof)
I feel like people do need to remember that there is a very real, very painful, very human element to the word “revolution”.
(via nuanced-subversion)
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radcalm · 3 years
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radcalm · 3 years
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gone girl - gillian flynn
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radcalm · 3 years
A man threatened to kill his wife and his child and made a show out of trying to k** himself in front of the kid, and also went beserk when they were about to leave him/left him, blackmailing with his life
I can think of oness who said he'll kill himself and then showed me his scars from self harm after being refused, one when i was in school and the other when i became an adult. I wondered if it was innate or something inside me that was wrong and generationally attracted the gutter kind. I have doubts about women trying to heal male victims, i'd rather teach little girls and women to keep their distance and mind their own business and safety first. When the same men get attached towards those women as their anchor but feel betrayed, heavens know who will be the first target of them lashing out. It is not your duty. If you didnt break him, you dont have to "fix" him. People fix themselves alone
i know it’s easy to look at male suicide statistics and go “wow, toxic masculinity really is killing men” and i have nothing but my own experience to share because as far as i can tell no one collects data on the conditions of people who die by suicide, just the fact that they die by suicide. but i would like to throw out there that the suicide widow facebook group i’m in, that has thousands of members, has so many women whose husbands killed themselves after having abused them for years/decades or being caught with child pornography/having abused a child in their family that i literally do not feel comfortable posting in it because it feels like i’m throwing it in their face that i didn’t have to deal with that. 
when i first joined there was a poll up asking “if your spouse came back to life would you get back together” and the overwhelming majority said no and talked about how abusive their husband or boyfriend or fiance was in the comments. many of the spouses killed themselves in front of these women and their children, or left notes saying “this is your fault” because they tried to leave. the idea that every man who kills himself is a poor mentally ill soul who feels too ashamed to get on anti depressants or go to therapy because everyone is so mean to men is not true.
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