radcial-saturday · 1 year
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one of the other dialogue bits id been wanting to draw, this ones kinda messy bc it was one of my cooldown doodles but i still had fun
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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gosh what a handsome fella i sure hope nothing happens to him
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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also in a server the subject of “peppino in kingdom hearts” came up and i. sorry
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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finally got around to drawing this weird frog <33 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
aaaa hello ive been feeling a bit better, i think i just needed some more time to readjust from irl stuff and was being very impatient w myself and it snowballed very badly emotionally aha, but the fog is lifting!! and slowly but surely im gonna get back into the groove of posting again, ive mostly been drawing pizza game stuff in the background the past couple days but i have more spam related things planned :] thank you all for kind words and patience i really appreciate it <33 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
oops guess who never updated here because he sucks lol 
ive been back from my trip and trying to get back into the groove of drawing but to be real w you guys,, my routines are all off and with irl stresses on top of it my mental health has been really terrible. plus i kinda despise my art again and am bored by it and trying to figure out how to push it further and just take my work to the next step because i feel like im in a rut 
anyway, all this to say that im not dead just struggling to get some momentum back, thank you for your patience ;v;
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
hello from mobile!! for this week into the next ill be on a vacation with family so art will be kinda slow,, but who knows!! either way ill be around just chillin haha
also hello to the new followers that have been trickling in :] honestly i am Floored by the response to that little sketch comic thing, id definitely love to make more of that sorta thing because it was very fun, i felt very in my element drawing it
anyway sorry for rambling lol im a beast with no character limit
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
i know i literally just show up post my spams and leave on here so i just wanted to say i appreciate all the nice comments i see people leaving on reblogs and in the tags n whatnot, literally they always brighten my day i go back and read them a lot lol, it just kinda reminds me why i started drawing again :] im glad im making people happy /gen
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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this was originally gonna be a rough animation but i got lazy and impatient,, ive just been really wanting to draw his dialogue. i also have a lot of feelings about spamton being kris’s weird uncle 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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whoops i somehow didnt do anything for his birthday but i did draw his hot girl era 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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hello!! i know im not as active here but i figured id slap these up regardless!! feel free to message me here or over on my twitter if interested!! 
terms of service + will draw/wont draw here 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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yall remember that one part of extremely goofy movie 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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hello spamton nation i hath another offering in the form of an old meme (og here: https://twitter.com/gasgas_DR/status/1451180409950068738)
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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been itching to draw this fella again, trying to get his design pinned down 
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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this is entirely self indulgent i apologize. it will happen again
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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radcial-saturday · 1 year
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silly guy hours who up
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