The Comfort of Sedation Dentistry while Having Dental Treatment
Sometimes people are afraid of dentists more than anything else. This is true across ages. Kids and adults alike have fears and anxieties when it comes to dental treatment. This prevents them from getting the necessary treatment their oral health needs. At an early age, we already experienced that terrifying feeling while having tooth extraction, and ever since, we hated the sight of a person wearing white coat calling himself/herself a dentist. However, the good news is, the sedation dentistry can help us get rid of this fear and let us achieve an optimum oral health.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expressions Dental Associates will help you feel relaxed and comfortable while under any dental treatment.
What Can Sedation Dentistry Do?
In Sedation Dentistry, the use of pharmacological agents are needed to calm and relax a patient before and while under dental treatment. It is used for patients with dental phobia. It is a way to overcome their fears of dentists and dental treatment. We have a number of dental sedation techniques and one of them is oral conscious sedation.
Oral Conscious Sedation
This technique won’t put patients into a deep sleep rather it simply relaxes your body that you will not feel even a slightest pain nor discomfort. You won’t feel anything while under the procedure thus, reducing the anxiety and discomfort you feel while allowing you a more pleasant treatment experience.
Your level of sedation will be first determined and then proper dosage of medication will be administered. It is proven to be very effective and safe.
For adult patients who have the following, can undergo oral conscious sedation to relieve these issues during treatment;
Extremely sensitive teeth;
Bad gag reflexes;
Difficulty getting numb;
Fear of needles;
Past traumatic dental     experience; and
Dental anxiety
With sedation industry and Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi’s expertise and spa-like facilities you can achieve optimum oral health without worries.
Radiant Expressions Dental also offers the following dental treatments;
General dentistry
Root canal therapy
Teeth extraction and oral     surgery
Facial fillers and botox
Dental implants
Full mouth reconstruction
Sedation industry
Periodontal/ gum disease
Full and partial dentures
Emergency dental care
Whatever dental procedure you need, rest assured that you will get the desired result despite your phobia.
 For more information on sedation dentistry, please call our office in Pembroke Pines today at 954-266-0345 or schedule an appointment. Get your picture perfect smile now!
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Replacing Your Lost Teeth with Dentures
There are several causes for tooth loss among adults. First is the poor oral hygiene. The buildup of bacteria due to the lack of hygiene such as brushing or flossing leads to periodontal disease. This oral condition is the primary cause of tooth loss. Second cause is not having dental checkup. The signs of impending tooth loss may go unnoticed which may keep the tooth from being saved. Lastly, because of aging, older people tend to lose more teeth than younger ones.
If you are missing several teeth, the best option is to get dentures. Dentures can restore your smile and keep your life easier. Losing teeth may leave you uncomfortable especially when talking and eating. Eating your favorite food may not be a good decision because of your oral condition. You do not have to bear with it forever since dentistry has a lot of offer that you can use. Radiant Expression Dental in Pembroke Pines, Florida offer full and partial dentures.
Two Types of Dentures
There are two types of dentures. First is the partial denture. This is used when there are still few natural teeth remain. For this matter, it serves other purpose aside from giving back your complete smile. The other teeth remaining may keep shifting from their positions due to the empty spaces left by tooth extraction. Partial denture can help prevent the shifting of these teeth. You have a choice whether to keep it removable or fixed.
The second type is the full denture. When nothing is left, even one tooth, full denture will replace all of your lost teeth. This can also be removed to allow any adjustments that may occur over time. In earlier days, dentures seem too big or too small for the patient’s mouth. Today, Radiant Expressions Dental can make it more fitting. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi will make sure your dentures are properly fit to your mouth. You won’t have to worry about dentures falling out. You can talk confidently and chew unstoppably.
Your denture will appear natural and will match the size and shape and shading of your natural teeth while fitting securely in your mouth.
 Radiant Expressions Dental also offers the following dental treatments;
General dentistry
Root canal therapy
Teeth extraction and oral     surgery
Facial fillers and botox
Dental implants
Full mouth reconstruction
Sedation industry
Periodontal/ gum disease
Full and partial dentures
Emergency     dental care
 To schedule your dental appointment, call us at 954-266-0345.
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Treating Discolored and Stained Teeth
Smiling is one of the contagious gestures. Your smile can make the others smile as well. However, if you have a stained or discolored teeth, a reversal may happen. A happy smile may turn into an awkward smile. Do not let it happen to you. Get rid of those stains and get a whiter teeth with teeth whitening treatment at Radiant Expressions Dental.
At whatever occasion, having a beautiful set of white teeth can bring you convenience. It is more comfortable and self-fulfilling. Discolored or stained teeth will make you feel less confident and more self-conscious. Getting a teeth whitening treatment is an excellent choice.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi has a state-of-the-art teeth whitening treatment which can perfectly treat discolored, stained, and even aging teeth. Having a brilliant smile is not only for celebrities but also for everyone. Whiter teeth is now available for almost anyone.
Teeth whitening treatment in our office in Pembroke Pines would take merely an hour to finish. You can get immediate result with just an hour of treatment. On the other hand, if you do not like to do it in our office, you have the option to do it at home. We have at-home treatments which is as effective as the treatment done by a dentist.
Unlike other teeth whitening home remedies, out at-home treatment is a reliable and effective teeth whitening solution. It has a higher concentration of carbamide peroxide. You will notice visible results unlike using over the counter whitening kits you can buy anywhere. It is approved by dentists thus it is proven to be safe and effective.
This at-home treatment is called an Opalescence. It is available in different strengths. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi will determine which strength is best suited for you.
First, we will evaluate your mouth and custom fabricate a tray that will deliver professional teeth whitening gel to your teeth. The tray will be yours to keep and use for touch ups when needed.
Teeth whitening treatment is one of the procedures included in cosmetic dentistry along with the following treatment;
porcelain crowns
teeth reshaping
teeth straightening
cavity filling
These treatments are your options for a beautiful, white smile. You do not need to hide your smile anymore. No need for a tight lips smile. With all these treatment, you have various options to choose from for whatever your teeth need.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our office today at 954-266-0345. An hour of teeth whitening process or an effective Opalescence tray delivering teeth whitening kit can restore and enhance your smile’s youthful glow
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Major Disease Prevention through General Dentistry
Our health should be our first priority. By health, it involves your entire physical health including oral health. It is recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year. Radiant Expressions Dental offers general dentistry. With general dentistry, our goal is to prevent dental or oral problems and optimizing overall dental health. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi’s practice exemplifies the very best of what a skilled dental practitioner can produce. He is trained and experienced. His up-to-date dental procedures and technology helps him perform a perfect way of a completing a dental or oral health treatment. With his excellent treatment, he earned the trust and the respect of his patients.
He specializes in the art of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide and expanding number of oral conditions. He has a full understanding of how mouth can be a window to overall health of a patient and other disease. General dentistry is a whole health, detailed approach to oral and overall health.
Detecting Other Health Condition Through Oral Examination
One condition that can be detected through oral examination is the GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Frequent acid reflux is one of the reasons behind the erosion of enamel on our teeth. This can lead to tooth decay or worse tooth loss.
A dentist will know if a person is suffering from a serious disease just by looking at the condition of his or her mouth. For example, a gum disease may not just be a simple inflammation. It can increase the severity of oral cancer, precancerous condition, and worsen heart diseases. This is dangerous especially if you are not aware of your own condition.
A dental appointment is also a great opportunity to conduct diabetes screening among undiagnosed patients. This is good news for people who prefers going to the dentist rather than doctors.
By preventing oral problems, you are also preventing other major illness such as pneumonia. A study in Yale proves that brushing and flossing can reduce the risk of acquiring pneumonia.
Many have taken for granted the importance of dental checkups and examination. Semi-annual visits to the dentist is a big hassle for them. However, it is as important as any other physical checkup. Visit your dentist now or call us at  Call us at 954-266-0345 for your dental appointment in Pembroke Pines, Davie, Miramar, and Cooper City.
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All-on-4 Dental Implant in Pembroke Pines
Losing our teeth is also as unstoppable as aging. No matter how you take care of our teeth, due to aging, we will lose some of our teeth. This is the period when you experience the difficulty of completing trivial tasks such as eating, chewing, and talking. Eating our favourite food might be a difficult thing to do because of a lost teeth. However, you do not have to endure it all, restorative dentistry have an answer to your problem.
When people lost a teeth, a dental implant is the best option that they can have. However, what will happen if a person loses most or all of his or her teeth? Does he or she have to get one implant for each lost teeth? The answer is definitely NO. With the advances in technology, with only four dental implants, all lost teeth can now be replaced. This procedure is better known as an all-on-four dental implant restoration. With Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi and together with his professional and talented team can provide you with a careful planning and precise procedure to achieve your desired result.
What is a Dental Implant?
Dental implants are made to replace the missing tooth roots. It acts as the foundation to firmly hold the tooth to replace the missing one. It looks like a small, screw-shaped post made up of titanium or titanium alloy. It is biocompatible with oral cavity which means that is it 100% safe for people to use.
The Benefits of an All-On-4® Dental Implant
Even though you lost most of your teeth, there is no need to replace each one of them to have a complete set of teeth. With All-on-4®, you only need 4 implants for each of your jaw. These 4 implants will be the foundation or the root to hold your full arched of fixed, non-removable replacement teeth. You will get one full arch of teeth with just 4 implants.
The healing time may take some time and implants needs sufficient time in order to fuse with the jawbone. Thus, extreme caution is needed. Any movement, even a tiny one, can cause the surgery to fail. The team of Radiant Expressions Dental will help you in taking care of your implant to make it a success. When it has been completely healed, we will place your whole new set of teeth for your perfect smile.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi is an experienced restorative dentist dedicated to bring a perfect radiant smile to everyone. Call us at 954-266-0345 for your dental needs.
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Teeth Extraction and Oral Surgery for Tooth Pain and Infection
Tooth decay, trauma, or infection are the major conditions why we need a tooth extraction. In order to relieve pain or to prevent further damage to our teeth, sometimes removal of one or more teeth should be done. Radiant Expressions Dental is a trusted dental clinic that will provide you with honest diagnosis and will discuss all your tooth replacement options.
We answer all your questions to make you aware and feel relaxed for the whole procedure. We also help our patients maintain their healthy and happy smile by giving them tips on how to properly take care of your teeth.
Some questions to ask yourself;
 ·         Do you have tooth pain or infection?
·         Do you have wisdom tooth that need to be removed?
·         Do you have facial swelling?
·         Do you need an expertly done implant or supported denture?
·         Are you fearful and want gentle care with sedation?
·         Do you need jaw surgery?
·         Do you have facial trauma?
If you answered yes to any of the questions, then Radiant Expressions Dental is your best solution. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi have the state-of-the-art equipment to give you a safe and quality dental treatment.
 Oral surgery is definitely needed to improve the appearance of your smile. If you are suffering from pain due to dental infection, in need of a jaw surgery, or having a facial trauma, then oral surgery is what you need the most.
 In order to protect your other teeth during a tooth decay, the affected tooth must be removed and should be replaced by implants. Implants are necessary to keep your other teeth from shifting and maintaining their normal positions. To keep your gums and your whole mouth from damage caused by infection, oral surgery is also needed.  
 Most adults find a dental clinic a scary place and that having dental treatment is a traumatic experience. However, in our relaxing office, our sedation dentistry will put you in comfort  while under the procedure. Your experience with our staff will never be a nightmare that you should forget. We make sure that all of our patients are comfortable and relaxed.
 Call us today at 954-266-0345 to schedule an appointment. We are currently serving  Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Cooper City, Davie, and surrounding areas.
 We also offer the following dental services;
Full mouth reconstruction
Tooth     extraction and oral surgery
Facial     fillers and botox
Wisdom     tooth removal
Periodontal     gum disease treatment
General     dentistry
Cosmetic     dentistry such as teeth whitening, veneers, and root canal therapy
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Dental Implants For Missing Tooth
It is normal for children to lose their teeth until their permanent teeth appear. However, it is a different case with adults as well as with the older people. It is kind of embarrassing to other people you are communicating with when you have a missing tooth or two. It will affect your self-esteem and the way you interact with your acquaintances. More importantly, trivial tasks such as eating and chewing may be difficult to do. You do not have to suffer for long. The experience of cosmetic/restorative dentist Dr. Hassan Al Maghazhi will help you restore your missing tooth with his state-of-the-art dental implants service.
Having a missing tooth will leave you feel conscious during your entire day. Every time you make a conversation, your missing tooth will be bothering you and that can affect the quality of your conversation and your self-esteem. You will also look older than your actual age. People may thought that you are at least 5 years older. Missing tooth is associated with age. The more you aged, the more teeth will become weak and will fall off.
Lost teeth can be restored as easy as abc. Most people with lost teeth are candidates for dental implants. This requires bonding between the implant and bone.
Radiant Expressions Dental will start with the your screening to carefully plan the procedure for you. Successful dental implants require careful planning for each individual.
Dental implants is usually made of titanium or titanium alloy material which is bio-compatible with the oral cavity. Dental implants are actually done to replace tooth roots. These are also necessary when a strong foundation is needed for permanent or removable teeth like dental bridges to match your natural teeth.   
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expressions Dental has the comfortable, state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified team for your successful dental implant. No more tight-lip smile, no more struggles in eating, chewing, biting, and talking. You will have a strong and durable teeth and a whole new radiant smile.
We are available across cities such as Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Cooper City, Davie, and surrounding areas. From general dentistry, cleanings and fillings, to cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, and root canal therapy, we will give a quality and successful surgery. We also offer the following;
Full mouth     reconstruction
Tooth     extraction and oral surgery
Facial     fillers and botox
Wisdom     tooth removal
Periodontal     gum disease treatment
Call Radiant Expressions Dental at 954-266-0345 now!
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Teeth Whitening Treatment in Pembroke Pines
Your smile is the first thing people notice. Smiling is also one of the gestures which is contagious. Your brilliant smile can make others smile as well. However, a stained or discoloured teeth might make people frown with disgust instead of making them smile. Smiling is also the best way to convince yourself to be happy. Psychology says that when you are sad, try to maintain your smile then later on, you will feel a little more lighter and the sadness will gone.
However, it is much self-fulfilling when you smile with a nice set of white teeth. Discoloured or stained teeth might make you feel less confident and more self-conscious. When this happens, you should start thinking of getting teeth whitening treatments.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expression Dental Associates is an expert dentist who can treat discoloured, stained, and aging teeth with his state-of-the-art teeth whitening treatment. Now, a dazzling smile can be achieved by everyone. Celebrities are not the only one who can afford a brilliant white smile but you, too, can have it.
What is good about teeth whitening treatment is its immediate result. It would only take an hour to finish right in our office in Pembroke Pines. On the other hand, if you do not want to do it in our office, you have a choice for at-home treatments.
Unlike teeth whitening home remedies, we have an effective at-home treatments with higher concentration of carbamide peroxide. It is much effective than over-the-counter whitening kits you can buy anywhere.
Prescription strength Opalescence is available in different strength dosages. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi will determine which strength is best suited for you.
First, we will evaluate your mouth and custom fabricate a tray that will deliver professional teeth whitening gel to your teeth. The tray will be yours to keep and use for touch ups when needed.
Teeth whitening treatment is one of the procedures included in cosmetic dentistry along with the following treatment;
porcelain crowns
teeth reshaping
teeth straightening
cavity filling
These treatments are your options for a beautiful, white smile. You do not need to hide your smile anymore. No need for a tight lips smile to hide your teeth. With all these treatment, you have various options to choose from for whatever your teeth need.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our office today at 954-266-0345. An hour of teeth whitening process or an effective Opalescence tray delivering teeth whitening kit can restore and enhance your smile’s youthful glow.
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Porcelain Veneers for Cosmetic Enhancement in Pembroke Pines
For those seeking multiple treatments with their discoloured, gapped, and misshaped teeth, dental veneers is a multifunctional dental option suited for you. Over the years, porcelain veneers have meant a lot those seeking cosmetic dentistry not only teeth whitening but also other cosmetic enhancements and orthodontic adjustments.  Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expression Dental Associates can expertly perform cosmetic enhancement such as porcelain veneers.  
 Porcelain veneers have been around since 1920’s and most widely used by movie stars. These veneers, along with technologies had undergone technological enhancements and improved bonding procedures. The recent changes made porcelain veneers more affordable and with various colors available for a durable and natural looking teeth.
 Hiding teeth imperfection is the specialty of porcelain veneers. Dental veneers can;
  Whitens discoloured teeth
Hide permanent stains
Bond chipped or cracked     tooth
Fill in unsightly gaps
Maintain teeth alignment
Reshape misshapen tooth
 You do not need braces, teeth whitening treatments, or tooth extraction to achieve the numerous results mentioned above. All you need is one cosmetic dentistry treatment referred to as porcelain veneers.
Even after the treatment, you will be assured that your teeth will be stain-free with the use of modern porcelain products. This could also reflect light like what natural teeth do. It would look as natural as your real and natural teeth.
If you are uncomfortable with the ambiance in dental clinics, Dr. Maghazchi has a spa-like facilities in which you will feel more comfortable until the entire veneer application is complete. He will examine first your teeth then, right in his lab, he will make a specific porcelain veneers designed just for you. You can match your desired shade of porcelain to match your natural teeth. A simple and winning way for a perfect smile you always wanted.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Pembroke Pines today at 954-266-0345. Get your picture perfect smile now!
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Sedation Dentistry for a Comfortable Dental Treatment in Pembroke Pines
Millions of people in America including kids and adults have fears and anxieties about visiting a dentist. As a child, we have to lose teeth regardless of how we take care of them and some of these teeth will not go off naturally when it started to become loose. To get rid of them, we have to visit our dentist and have it removed. At an early age, we experienced the pain caused by tooth extraction and we still remember the pain even when we grow into adults. This causes our fear and anxiety in visiting dentist.
In some extreme cases, people develop dental phobias which keep them from getting any necessary dental treatment. Good news! With Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expressions Dental Associates, you will feel comfortable and relaxed while under any treatment with his Sedation Dentistry.
What Can Sedation Dentistry Do?
Sedation Dentistry is one way to overcome the patient’s fear of the dentist and the dental treatment. We have a number of sedation dentistry techniques to put you in a relaxed state such as oral conscious sedation. This method would allow you to undergo treatment without feeling anything.
This sedation technique do not put patients into deep sleep. It simply relaxes your body so much that you will no pain nor discomfort while under the procedure, ultimately helping to reduce your anxiety and have a more pleasant treatment experience.
For adult patients who have the following, can undergo oral conscious sedation to relieve these issues during treatment.
extremely sensitive teeth;
bad gag reflexes;
Difficulty getting numb;
Fear of needles;
Past traumatic dental experience; and
Dental anxiety
With Sedation Dentistry, our dental team will alleviate your anxieties and provide you with the dental care you most needed. Plus, Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi has a spa-like facilities so you will less likely to feel that you are in a dental clinic.
For more information on sedation dentistry, please call our office in Pembroke Pines today at 954-266-0345 or schedule an appointment. Get your picture perfect smile now!
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General dentistry is a detailed approach to overall oral health. It caters and provide treatment for patients of all ages. The main goal of general dentistry is the prevention of dental or oral problems and optimizing whole health. The scope of services, procedures and treatments didn't require specialization of dental health provider. The duty of a general dentist is to identify and evaluate the dental issue and organize the services to correlate the overall health progress. It is experienced to function and run fundamental oral treatment. Equipped to perform basic or general dental diagnosis of dental diseases and procedure to correct it. There are more dentist who practice general dentistry so setting an appointment is convenient and not much waiting time. Less cost for treatments and better coverage of services thru health insurance.
Radiant Expressions Dental is a general dentistry dental provider in Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Miramar, Davie and surrounding areas. Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi, a dentist in Radiant Expressions Dental, is a skilled dental practitioner who can perform general dentistry.
Feel free to drop by at the office and our caring team will assistance you to resolve your dental problems. Just call 954-266-0345 to help you anytime and any day! Visit http://www.radiantexpdental.com/ for further information about other dental services available.
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Full & Partial Dentures Services in Pembroke Pines
Dentures can restore the appearance and functionality of your smile.It is a custom-built as replacements for a missing teeth, removable and can be put back into the mouth.  At last, they can now finally flaunt a bright and radiant smile. At first, may feel uncomfortable while using this for several weeks and will take some time in order to get used of it. Gone are the days of seeing people with dentures that seemed too big or too small for their mouth. Gone are the days that dentures have to look unnatural. At present with the help of new technology and practices, dentures are natural looking and more comfortable than ever! Replacing a missing teeth will help improve the smile appearance, confidence in terms of eating and speaking more comfortably again. A person with missing teeth will look older because the facial muscles will sag if there is no denture that will support.
At Radiant Expressions Dental, Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi will make sure dentures properly fit to the mouth. The denture will be loosen over a period of time and needs to be remade in order to fit in the mouth. An annual checkup with the dentist is recommended.
We have you covered! Radiant Expressions Dental specializes in all dental needs. For those residing in Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Miramar, Davie and surrounding areas feel free to drop by at the office to seek assistance about dental problems. Just call 954-266-0345 to help you anytime and any day! Visit http://www.radiantexpdental.com/ for further information about other dental services available.
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Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedure in Pembroke Pines
Problems in teeth or gums can lead to bad breath. It would be difficult to communicate with other people. We will implement it all in consideration of your own needs so you can confidently smile and communicate with other people as much as you want.
Full mouth reconstruction is needed for various reasons. It is needed in times of injury or fracturing your teeth as well as injury to the joints and muscles of your jaw. You definitely need to have your mouth reconstructed. If you want a complete transformation of your smile and restore optimal functionality, full mouth reconstruction dentistry can also be used to establish better proportionality, color or shape for teeth which deviate from the appearance of your other teeth.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi of Radiant Expressions Dental is a restorative dentist with ten years in practice. Do not let your damaged teeth affect your entire life. Call Radiant Expressions Dental now at 954-266-0345 for inquiries or to schedule your dental appointment. We are located at 2301 N University Dr #206, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024.
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Cosmetic Dentistry in Pembroke Pines
Smiling can make you feel happy and can make people around you happy as well. However, it is embarrassing for some people to smile because of their teeth. Some may have a broken teeth, a missing tooth, cavities, or discolored teeth. With these problems, it could be difficult to deal with people, with your clients, with your boss, or with anyone. You became so conscious that you had to suppress your smile, being aloof to the people around you and making a bad impression to people.
In cosmetic dentistry, there is a wide variety of procedure involved which can contribute to a trophy smile. For a broken teeth, we have porcelain crowns to cover the broken one. Reshaping teeth is done to match the shape of your other teeth. Filling cavities with materials that match your teeth, and repairing chips in teeth are also available. If you have no broken or missing teeth, but still afraid to smile because of a discolored teeth, we also have other dental cosmetic solutions like bleaching to whiten them. Our state of the art materials have numerous color choices to accomplish the perfect match for your teeth. Moreover, we have teeth straightening procedures, such as Invisalign which are more user friendly than those braces used in orthodontia. It is clear, more comfortable, and removable; much better than metal braces.
Dr. Hassan Al Maghazchi, our dentist with extensive ten years of experience, is an expert in cosmetic dentistry. Do not let your day ruined by your damaged teeth. Call Radiant Expressions Dental now at 954-266-0345 for your dental appointment. We are located at 2301 N University Dr #206, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024.
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How to Handle an Unexpected Dental Problem?
An unexpected dental problem or also called dental emergency involving teeth, gums or other oral tissues which badly needs medical attention and treatment by a dentist.
Any dental emergency can be potentially serious and should not be ignored because it may increase the risk of permanent damage as well as the need for more extensive and expensive treatment later on.
We have you covered! Radiant Expressions Dental specializes emergency calls and walk in care. If you are residing in Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Miramar and Davie or in surrounding areas. For 24/7 emergency dental care call our office 954-589-0292 as soon as possible. To help you, anytime, any day, when your dental health is at risk. Dental emergencies are rare but we will do everything we can to make sure that you’re treated right away. Access http://www.radiantexpdental.com/ for further information about dental services to assist you.
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