radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
gender: “pretty boy”
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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zostawcie pod tym postem serce, a napiszę dla Was jakiś starter. jeśli macie już jakieś propozycje na fabułę, albo niewykorzystane pomysły zakopane pod poduszką - jestem chętna piszcie i krzyczcie do mnie. jeśli napiszecie jakiś komentarz - postaram się do Was odezwać na chacie w celu jakiś pogaduch. i od razu ostrzegam zdarza mi się podobnie jak mojemu bratu, łamać język koreański i mówić w nadzwyczaj niezrozumiałym języku.. więc się zastanówcie dwa razy.
to na razie tyle. pozdrawiam Was serdecznie. pijcie dużo wody i pamiętajcie o zdrowych śniadaniach!
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
1ST RULE: tag 9 muses you would like to know better. @babblebake @kjin94 @hxrai96 @lxsav @jiminxsd @minsvk @scorpivx @dvlyu @svnjun 2ND RULE:   BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.   TAGGED BY: @jilsu (dziękuję)
i am 5'6" or taller
i wear glasses
i have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had braces
i love meeting new people
people tell me that I’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well
i can play an instrument
i can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or er in the past year
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have a crush on someone I know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i have had feelings for a friend
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states
there is snow right now where I live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 CD’s
i share my room with someone
i have breakdanced
i know a person named Jamie
i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages
i have made a new friend in the past year
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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1M notes · View notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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wyszło trochę niezręcznie, ale nie zwracajcie na to uwagi. proszę. miało być demo, ale postanowiłem nagrać cover piosenki Drake - Know Yourself który chodził za mną już dość długo.
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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The most amazing northern lights blast I’ve ever seen from March last year. You could look in any direction and see them dancing over your head. 
Just outside Reykjavik so you can see the orange glow from the city lights in the background
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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30.06.2017 ♡ 59 adípapi chyba moje ulubione zdjęcie z #reykjavik dzisiaj niespodziewanie urodziłem piosenkę. teraz będę słuchał jej na okrągło i zastanawiał się czy jest dobrze i powinienem się podzielić nią ze światem. mimo, że to demo, powinno być idealne, a mam co do tego wątpliwości.
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
29.06.2017 REJKIAWIK ✈ SEUL
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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28.06.2017 ♡ 63 adípapi ostatni dzień z @062álfatrúa ostatni dzień z Rejkiawikiem. mam nadzieję, że nie będę musiał długo tęsknić i za niedługo znowu przyjdzie mi Was wszystkich odwiedzić. Korea jest dla mnie dobra, ale nic nie smakuje tak dobrze jak dom, prawda? #couple#reykjavik
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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froy gutierrez via instagram story.
221 notes · View notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
565 notes · View notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
See what your followers think of you.
BLACK = I would date you.
GREEN = I think you’re cute.
BLUE = You are my tumblr crush.
GREY = I wish you would notice me.
PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
TEAL = We have a lot in common.
YELLOW = I don’t know you at all.
ORANGE = I don’t like your blog.
BROWN = I don’t like you.
PINK = I think you are unattractive.
RED = I hate you with a burning passion.
WHITE = You scare me.
SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something.
MAROON = You taught me something new.
CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh
MAUVE = You are really talented
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
CYAN = We have very little in common
THISTLE = I only just started following you
INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time
FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold
COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it)
VERMILION = You make me feel passionate
HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname
LAVENDER = You inspire me
CORAL = You’re a meme
UMBER = I want to know more about you
FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody
RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you
WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class
SAFFRON = I love your ideas
TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
PLUM = I’d like to chat with you
TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic
SAGE = You make me cry
CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something!
VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog
CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie
BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
287K notes · View notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
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14K notes · View notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
babblebake skomentował(a) Twój post: mogę przetestować twój sprzęt do golfa?
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
co lubisz najbardziej pić?
anon hour : accepting : anon
‘ wszystko z bąbelkami. ‘
0 notes
radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
mogę przetestować twój sprzęt do golfa?
‘ wolałbym, żebyś zostawił moje piłeczki i pałki w spokoju ‘
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radiatinlight-blog · 7 years
masz swój ulubiony obraz?
anon hour : accepting : anon
‘ tak. właśnie go realizuje. jest obraz mnie w moim rodzinnymi mieście z najbliższą mi osobą obok. wspólnie cieszymy się mijającymi chwilami i szczerze doceniamy to co mamy. ‘
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