radicallledward · 6 years
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radicallledward · 7 years
even now, I still wonder. NH happens because of guilt trip as The Last showed it. Despite her confession he did remember, despite holding hands, despite the world being at peace, Naruto finally notices her because of a genjutsu telling him that she had been his stalker for years... yeah right. But SS? Why did sasuke marry her when he had never showed a romantic interest in her? I don't get it. Not to mention their relationship in gaiden looks kinda platonic from his side.
Both relationships are forced, that’s why they need a detailed explanation of how they even started to see each other in a romantic light. While all NH needed is few retcons and a dumb move to pull it off, SS is still a struggling in their to build itself for even Kishimoto himself couldn’t explain it. That’s how messed up it is.
Those couples weren’t planned, hence the poor writing. Had Kishimoto meant for them to happen by the end, I’m sure he’d have included a moment or two before the ending to prepare for it so it won’t sound forced when he makes them canon. He just never bothered to because, apparently, he didn’t really care about making couples canon or creating a new generation, that was all SJ/SP.
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radicallledward · 7 years
LuffyxNami interactions part 4
So last time Nami was leaving Luffy and Zoro to fight and going to steal the treasure
31) We see her peeking trough the corner of the wall. She came back afterall. Her oppinion of Luffy changes bit by bit
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32) Too excited, hehehe
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33) Luffy worries that Nami will get chased again. He tells her to hide
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34) Luffy agrees with Nami’s strange logic, lol
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35) I wonder if Nami thinks Luffy looks really cool here. I know I do.
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36) Luffy gives Nami a compliment. That’s the first one, but definitely not the last one. She helps him beat Buggy.
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37) The first post-battle talk. You’ll notice later that Luffy and Nami have quite a lot of these post-battle private talks.
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38) This dialogue… I just found it funny
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39) Luffy talks about the villagers and gets Nami thinking.
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40) Leaving the island. Nami seems to enjoy herself, but doesn’t want to admit it.
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So in this arc the beginning of a beautiful and deep friendship was set up. I think Nami got a bit attached to Luffy here, without noticing.
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radicallledward · 7 years
Hi! First of all...I love your blog! You do such an amazing job getting your points across. I am a SNS and a SS shipper (probably the only one ever). I was just wondering...would there ever be a way for you to ship SS in canon? Like something in this next gen or a novel or whatever? Because personally, as much as I like SS, their canon sucks and I am in it simply for how the fandom portrays them. I'm hoping that something positive will happen in Boruto, but Kishi always lets me down.
Thank you. :) Eh, if Kishimoto would’ve developed their relationship properly from the start, then I’d probably support them. Other than that, I won’t ever ship them in canon. The novel and a series not written by Kishimoto are not enough for me. That’s the reason I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy SS in the first place. After they apparently became an item during the blank period, people justified the lack of positive development over the course of the story by saying that everything romantic between them happened post-war. It’s just lazy and bad writing on Kishimoto’s part. He always tells us the story; however, he has to show. This is an essential rule in writing—show, don’t tell. As for the fanon portrayal, I could eventually enjoy their relationship in a fanfiction. 
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radicallledward · 7 years
LuffyxNami interactions part 3
21) Nami is not sure anymore what she Is. Luffy helps her. She doesn’t really seem all that angry anymore.
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22) Nami’s hate for pirates runs deep enough. Look at that pained expression.
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23) Her anger explodes
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24) But then she sees something suprising.
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25) Her reaction is that of happiness and … Relief? 
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26) She apologizes for shouting at him and seems  really grateful he’s not asking questions.
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27) Finally accepting the offer
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28) Explaining his power to Nami,allmost in a bragging way. Nami seems quite shocked. Understandable.
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29) Nami decides to leave them alone and informs Luffy of this.
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30) Luffy seems to be calm about it. He already trusts Her.
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radicallledward · 7 years
He also says he doesn’t know how to write romance, but it is literally just a deep and unique bond. It doesn’t necessarily require on-stage kissing and confessing. 
Kishimoto is a shounen author, he knows how to write bonds ffs.
See there’s this thing about Kishimoto that I don’t really understand. He kept saying he didn’t know how to write female characters…
…but they’re literally just people??
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radicallledward · 7 years
Could a NaruSaku fan enlighten me?
A lot of you say that Kishimoto threw character development out the window with the ending to Naruto, but because I don’t ship NaruSaku, I don’t see development being thrown away. I mean, they all reached their goals…Naruto became Hokage, Team 7 reunited, Sasuke is rebuilding the Uchiha, Sakura and Hinata got the men of their dreams…
I would like to get a better understanding of why you think Kishimoto threw away development, with examples if possible?
Please and thank you.
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radicallledward · 7 years
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radicallledward · 7 years
In a battle between Hinata and Sakura (un bias) who do you think will win, some say Hinata because she's a Hyuga elite ? I think Hinata will try her hardest but doesn't the manga databook say Sakura hates losing like Naruto and Kushina? I doubt Sakura will loose, I don't like Hinata, but that doesn't mean she'll put a decent fight. Might Guy is powerful yet human non elite ninja, some Hinata/NH fan said Sakura will loose since her and Rock Lee are the weakest lmao. ;( Yet Madara got .. Might GuY
Hinata, a Hyuga elite? Please. Where do people get these ideas from? If she’s a Hyuga elite then why did she never win a fight? And why did she become a housewife instead of taking responsibility of her clan? That’s right. Because she can’t.
Sakura might be a housewife as well, but we’ve seen what she is able to do even past the age of 30+ with limited training:
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But, you asked me to be biased about it, therefore let’s look at the stats:
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Their ninjutsu skills, intelligence, speed and stamina are quite similar. However, Sakura is much stronger, her hand seal techniques are better and her knowledge on genjutsu is better. The only thing which Hinata is slightly better at is taijutsu. I believe they’re at a similar level but Sakura would most definitely win.
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radicallledward · 7 years
Luffy x Nami interactions part 2
Continuing on my quest to find all of the LuNa moments and whatnot. :D
13) Interaction from the cage. Luffy asks Nami for food
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14) And she brings him some. ^^
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15) Luffy noticed her hands are shaking and inspired courage in her
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16) Which resulted in Nami attacking a guy
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17) Even though she went all “tsundere” later
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18) Revealing her reason for hating pirates in Luffy’s presence
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19) And burning her hands to save the same Pirate
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20) Refusing to run away, because she doesn’t really want the said pirate to die
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And so Nami seems to slowly warm up to Luffy without knowing it herself. Maybe it’s a subconscious thing, or maybe Luffy’s secret charm who knows. 
Also, people who are saying Nami is Not brave, you should reread the manga. 
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radicallledward · 7 years
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Similarities between Luffy&Nami and Sabo&Koala
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radicallledward · 7 years
Luffy and Nami interactions
I’m gathering all of the Luffy and Nami interactions trough out the manga to try and see how their relationship changed and…well…. because i Love them both hahaha. This is part 1
1) First meeting. Luffy falls out of the sky and Nami immediately takes a chance to pretend she Knows him.
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2) Nami is impressed by his strenght
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3) Introduction time. Luffy refuses to join her, but she doesn’t want to let him go that easy.
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4) Nami wonders what’s in his hat that’s so precious (looks like she is the girl who only values jewels and money.)
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5) Luffy gets on her nerves, lol
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6) But she still reveals him her goal
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6) After she finds out he’s a pirate…
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7) She gets visibly upset and disappointed
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8) Then Luffy tells her about his hat. Nami seems to understand, but can’t get past the fact that he’s a pirate, for obvious reasons.
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9) She shouts out her preferences to him. lmao. 
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10) Then she decides to use him.
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11) She ties him up and presents him to Buggy. Luffy is not amused.
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12) He decides to Not let her be part of his crew.
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So basically, their relationship did Not start on very good terms. Let’s see where it goes from here. :)
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radicallledward · 7 years
Trust and faith should be earned. It is not normal for people to just put blind faith in a person they barely know. Especially when that person is a failure and a brat (common trope for MCs). There is just no way anyone would simply see greatness in such a guy. Only watching that person for some time and witnessing his better qualities could lead to support and faith. 
I find it atrocious that some people diminish feelings that were earned while praising feelings that simply happened out of the blue. For some reason they think that “immediate faith” indicates some magical connection - no, it is simply cheap and unrealistic. When MC earns other people’s trust and support through hard work, by making them see his true self, it highlights his strength as a person. And it doesn’t diminish those people’s feelings, only makes them realistic.
People praise Hinata for believing in Naruto from the start, but that isn’t even true. Hinata didn’t believe in Naruto from the start. She started watching Naruto because he was a failure like her, she saw her sorry self in him. There is no faith at this point. Only after stalking him for a while and witnessing his effort to overcome his circumstances she started admiring him. It is not hard to associate perseverance with future success. And it is a great temptation to transfer your own struggle upon another person: “he is just like me, so if he succeeds, it is just as if I’ve succeeded myself”. 
Now look at Sakura. Unlike Hinata, she didn’t see herself in Naruto, her circumstances were different, so she didn’t pay attention to him at first. She only knew him as an annoying brat - and boy was he an annoying brat in Part 1! But just as Hinata once she started watching him and witnessed his better qualities, she gave him full support - it happened all the way back in Part 1. And once she witnessed his strength, she became inspired and aimed to be like him, grow for his, Sasuke’s and her own sake.
Thus the only difference between Sakura and Hinata is that Sakura noticed Naruto later due to not transferring her insecurities upon him. (And also gave him ACTUAL support once she did notice him. And made a bigger effort at growing stronger.)
Should Hinata be glorified for noticing Naruto early? (Sasuke arguably did it even earlier than her). I personally think that “seeing yourself in someone” is a cheap tool to connect two people to each other. Kishimoto has overused the “similarity” trope to the point of it becoming absurd (it was a common basis for ”talk-no-jutsu”). Naruto could see himself in every person and every person in need for redemption could see himself in Naruto. How is Hinata oh so special? How is “seeing yourself in someone” special? In reality people don’t have to have similar backgrounds to form deep and meaningful bonds. And in NH case Hinata’s lack of accomplishments and personal growth made her association to Naruto look like a transfer of personal insecurities, “living through another person”. 
One of the reasons why I prefer Sakura for Naruto is that they didn’t need a similar background to connect. Or at least it wasn’t too “in your face”.  
How do you feel about the "she/he never doubted him/her" trope in shonen? personally I used to like it until certain shippers started saying that's the all it takes for a pairing to be good not to say unwavering faith isn't a plus but still not everyone has that(at the start at least) and it's not the end of their relationship that's one of my biggest peeves when it comes to nh tbh but how do you feel about it in general lol?
This trope is popular because a lot of men apparently feel aggrieved that the people around them don’t believe in them, people don’t have faith in them being capable of great things. That’s why we often have wankfest where both love interest and nakama taking turn to declare their faith in and loyalty to the MC. 
I hate this trope myself. It feels to me it’s another example of people putting the burden of their own issues onto their romantic partner. They’re like “I have self doubt, it’s my romantic partner’s job to say they believe in me whenever I need to hear it”. I think it’s unhealthy, don’t pine for someone to fix your issues and validate you, get your own shits together yourself.
A lot of people think the meaning of a romantic relationship is getting the emotional support and fulfilment they need but denied in their other relationships such as family and friends, it’s a toxic mentality, you’d just end up being very needy, dependent and selfish.
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radicallledward · 7 years
“Genjutsu made Naruto realize his love for Hinata”
So, you are in love with a girl but don’t realize it. 
How it works in real life: you don’t notice it, but you are drawn to that person, think about her often, search her company. Whenever something interesting happens to you, you immediately feel the need to tell her about it or invite her to experience it with you. You feel so good when she is around that you invent reasons to interact with her more while persuading yourself that it is nothing special. You are deeply interested in her life and want to know more about her - even little things. You can’t help but mention her when talking to other people. Your friends tease you about your bias towards her. Even if you don’t realize it, her words and opinion about you matter a great deal to you.
_____________________________________ At some point smth makes you realize how much time you spend with her and how much you long for her and how happy she makes you feel. “Wow, I’m in love.” - you think. _____________________________________
How it works according to NH: for years you are perfectly fine with just being acquainted with this girl, you don’t seek to become close friends. You are fine with knowing just basic things about her and her worldview, you aren’t interested in her daily life and struggles. You lead your separate life and feel lonely sometimes, but she never comes to mind. When you plan to go out, you call your other girl-friends. When opportunity arises to spend more time with her (like walk her home), you wonder why would you and decline. Your friends have to push you into noticing her and interacting with her. One time she said she loves you, but you don’t overthink it, actually you don’t care enough to even talk to her about it, you basically forgot about it until your friend brought it up. You easily dismiss her feelings as insignificant.
At some point smth makes you see how much this girl longed for you and watched you from behind trees and wanted to be by your side. “Wow, I’m in love.” - you think. ______________________________________ Solid.
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radicallledward · 7 years
“Genjutsu made Naruto realize his love for Hinata”
So, you are in love with a girl but don’t realize it. 
How it works in real life: you don’t notice it, but you are drawn to that person, think about her often, search her company. Whenever something interesting happens to you, you immediately feel the need to tell her about it or invite her to experience it with you. You feel so good when she is around that you invent reasons to interact with her more while persuading yourself that it is nothing special. You are deeply interested in her life and want to know more about her - even little things. You can’t help but mention her when talking to other people. Your friends tease you about your bias towards her. Even if you don’t realize it, her words and opinion about you matter a great deal to you.
_____________________________________ At some point smth makes you realize how much time you spend with her and how much you long for her and how happy she makes you feel. “Wow, I’m in love.” - you think. _____________________________________
How it works according to NH: for years you are perfectly fine with just being acquainted with this girl, you don’t seek to become close friends. You are fine with knowing just basic things about her and her worldview, you aren’t interested in her daily life and struggles. You lead your separate life and feel lonely sometimes, but she never comes to mind. When you plan to go out, you call your other girl-friends. When opportunity arises to spend more time with her (like walk her home), you wonder why would you and decline. Your friends have to push you into noticing her and interacting with her. One time she said she loves you, but you don’t overthink it, actually you don’t care enough to even talk to her about it, you basically forgot about it until your friend brought it up. You easily dismiss her feelings as insignificant.
At some point smth makes you see how much this girl longed for you and watched you from behind trees and wanted to be by your side. “Wow, I’m in love.” - you think. ______________________________________ Solid.
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radicallledward · 7 years
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radicallledward · 7 years
SS people are trying so hard to read between canon lines that they create a whole new AU with different characters and events. I guess if you stick your head far enough up your own ass, you will eventually reach Narnia.
As long as Sasuke’s HAPPY
Listen up, you little shits,
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does not, in any way, prove that Sakura makes Sasuke happy or that he’s happy whatsoever, after where the original manga left off.
This is a line that Karin says, in Gaiden and I constantly see SS shippers use. 
Please show me where the fuck Sasuke seems happy to be married to Sakura. The fact that he called her his wife does not count, that’s not a term of endearment and he’s never even there to be a husband.
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Won’t kiss her, hug her, say he loves her, or bless her with that oh-so-romantic forehead poke. He looks dead inside, when he’s with her. I’m not seeing the fondness of even close friends, nothing. 
His reaction to her being sucked into another dimension by the enemy is weak and yet, he still freaks out over Naruto getting hurt.
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He doesn’t look happy during what are supposed to be loving moments.
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He literally looked happier on his fucking deathbed.
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Sasuke’s “relationship” with Sakura does not make him happy. Please, pull your head out of your ass and see what’s so blatantly obvious. 
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