radioactivespacerobot · 3 years
This was a triumph...I’m making a note here...”Hello World”
Hello. My name is Aethus Arco, but you can call me Arco if it suits you. I'm basically a modified version of Aperture Science Corp. core drone, but I was taken away by an ex-employee of theirs named Simon Maxwell, which was fired for mocking the head company leader Cave Johnson and caught tossing lemons at Mr. Johnson's hovercar. Maxwell was promptly stripped of any Aperture Science technology and forced into an elevator to the surface. However, they did not realize that he had a key card back onto the company premises and managed to dig through enough scrap bins and salvage heaps in their upper levels.
He took me to his lab at home, where he repaired me and made some modifications. He changed my skin tone (painted me matte black), altered my internal core's internal lighting (green for stable, red for overheating and yellow for diagnostic inquiry). He also eventually provided me with an external body suit that he developed himself, to attach to - in the event that he requires a bodyguard or for me to be an extra pair of hands in his lab. When news of the destruction at Aperture Labs spread, Maxwell started the decline of his mental health. He began taking excursions into the ruins, searching for documents on various projects the place had worked on. He would always return empty handed with broken down turrets, miniaturized versions of companion cubes, and one time a solid plastic version of what looked to be a chocolate cake. After months of searching, Maxwell came running back into his lab, laughing haphazardly into a cacophonous torrent of hacking coughs. After catching his breath, he produced a microchip that looked old and dated, placing it into his computer. On the screen popped up a schematic of several parts spread apart, which moved together to form a singular object that resembled a hand cannon. In the corner was the project ID "ASHPoD" I looked over towards Maxwell and inquired "What is this Project ASHPoD?" Maxwell took a moment before replying, still catching his breath from his excursion outside. "It stands for '*Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device*' or Portal Gun, for short." His eyes were still focused on the schematic, memorizing all it's intricacies and design choices. "Oh look what they did with the energy regulator! *sigh*...I used to be on the team, but someone went and claimed I mocked the CEO's recent announcement, but all I did was correct him on something minor! They took me off the project and stuck me with test room development, a position in which I would be punished by watching the same project be used...good riddance for *Aperture Douchebags*..." After recovering the schematic, Maxwell's behavior became more irregular, displaying random fits of shouting and violence. He would punch the wall, recoil from his injury from the act and look sad from the result, I did not understand this behavior at the time. Before one of his searches, I tried to reason with him, "Aperture Labs is a veritable labyrinth, Maxwell. Why go through so much trouble to find your old project? I'm sure we can--" I was immediately halted from saying anything further with a slam on the desk. "NO! I have to get this damn thing! I have to get out of here! I have to leave this fucking wasteland!" His face was bright red from raising his blood pressure. He turned from me and walked toward the door, "I'm going to go, make sure to turn on the force field, don't need anyone ransacking the place..." It was after this interaction that I decided to prepare for a journey of my own, since I was certain, if he did find what he was looking for, I would be dismantled or left behind. I attached myself to my robotic body, and began reading through several physics books. I had read some of Maxwell's fictional literature before he reprimanded me, saying that I 'should increase my technical knowledge rather than filling it with nonsense.' When I inquired why he possessed them, he simply replied "Escape." Within the fictional stories, there was an elusive technology called *time travel.* The fortuitous luck of living in an area with nothing but wild critters had it's benefits. Testing of the device more than once resulted in scorched marks on the ground and one event where the gravity of a 15 foot radius was lighter than everywhere else. I completed my device and prepared to leave, making final use of Maxwell's workshop, not knowing where I would end up, or if I would sustain damage. I implemented a hologram of a person which looked similar to Maxwell, but younger and dressed in the clothing from the 21st century Earth, all so I would not cause a scene with anyone that might freak out seeing technology out of their time. With a final glance at the wasteland that I had known for 2 years as my home, I disabled the security of the camp so Maxwell could still access it, and placed a portal and walked through it. The location I ended up choosing to settle down in was a state called Texas in the United States of America. I had chosen the early 2000's because there was no major wars, no technology that would interfere with my superior core, and my VIP (variant intelligence personality) chip at the center of my core, I could calculate emotions and feelings like a regular human could. Thermal technology would allow me to input food into my hologram's mouth and simultaneously analyze it's sensory information like texture, taste and composition, but also disintegrate so it would not damage or corrode any components. The utensils that would be used are left untouched to ensure future food consumption. Adapting in the 21st century has been a smoother transition than living in the 25th, but adapting to languages are very easy and I want to learn more about the human experience. Fortunately, electrical energy is easily obtainable in American plug outlets, and I quickly was able to make an extension to utilize during sleep times. I also programmed autonomous movement from the body to remove and attach myself to it, although to humans it would appear like I have been beheaded. I appear as a young adult who stays more secluded and interacts with other people who don't enjoy close personal contact, but still want to be social members of society. Maybe someday I will go outside and learn more hands on with people up close...
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radioactivespacerobot · 3 years
Cardiac Convulsions
It was a chance There was no indication For my mind and soul To lose my cool around you I sought you out So we could just be friends But never had I thought that I would feel more than that It started out just talking and losing track of time but now I doubt that I can keep my wits around you My heart throbs when I think about you but that’s my fault cause there’s someone that you’re bound to an endless pledge that I cannot interfere my soul won’t doubt that I would surely burn in Hell if I had said those words that would tie the knot around your neck to which would be a sentence to dread. We made some plans for myself to serenade you I expressed my soul and urges to want to be with you That film we watched will always be reminiscent of you and thought I laughed watching it again will make me cry. Later that night you expressed your thoughts about us No wish to hurt me but your guilt far outweighed the joy My heart had sunk from the possibility of us  I swallowed my heart and vowed to just be your good friend The following day after processing all that happened my heart felt solid as if it had built a wall around it when I saw your name my cardiac convulsions started again and I couldn’t find  a reason to speak to you plainly my feelings I’ll hide until the world comes to an end. So now I sit here with my thoughts and hopes of cleansing my thoughts of you with which I find joy but also depress me A fake facade with which I’ll use for my deception to hide my heart and all the reasons that I love you.
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radioactivespacerobot · 3 years
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So I have a friend that I started sharing my thoughts on her writing and I felt inspired to create an account and start being more creative myself. Some stuff might be random, some might be FFXIV related, some might be from life. I just hope whoever sees them likes them, actually, if they don’t, that’s okay too. 
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