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i solemnly swear i am up to no good
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As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are - what others say is irrelevant.
Nic Sheff (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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if korrasami isnt canon then how do u explain this
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So Strong
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ARIES you’re brave and insightful and rash no one can take that away from you they don’t have the right and they never will TAURUS you’ll exist until the bitter end stubborn and a survivor there is nothing in this world that can bring you down but yourself GEMINI you are a storm disguised as a cloudy evening the comedic and tragic masks of theater in a universe where the inhabitants are boring you are a bright light CANCER i’m sorry for the rupture in your peaceful, loving home i’m sorry for the shattering of a safe world i’m proud that you are the only one strong enough to put it back together now LEO your exuberance is legendary be aware be alive they cannot steal your radiance VIRGO a keen mind lovely lips forming words of holy prayers to peace you were robbed but they cannot take your grace, my love LIBRA you tried your best you are not bad for doing what it right to recover you deserve it you need help as much as everyone else does SCORPIO silent as a statue you bear it all with stoic, strong shoulders it is okay to cry recovery is not weakness SAGITTARIUS i trust your poetry and drive i trust your strength and capability one day there will be a time for you to trust that too just wait CAPRICORN after a lifetime of shouldering other people’s problems know that that is a good thing but self-care is a good thing too and there is a peace in balance AQUARIUS let your sympathy go they don’t deserve it after what they did to you you can make yourself the priority know i give you permission PISCES it is not your fault you were not weak or stupid you have a big heart and I’m proud of you for it
abuse in the zodiacs; l.m. (via apoeticmythos)
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Do people just magically start liking coffee or do they go through some 6 months long purification ritual to finally like it
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Some animated running by Yoh Yoshinari (吉成曜)
Great tutorial by the director of Little Witch Academia, and key animator in: Gurren Lagann, FLCL, KILL la KILL, Evangelion, Panty & Stocking (X)
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Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
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Fall Out Boy + singles
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Firstable…im self conches and lack toast and tolerant
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